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fin soûl

  • 1 fin

    fin1, fine1 [fɛ̃, fin]
    1. adjective
       a. ( = mince) thin ; [cheveux, sable, poudre, pointe, pinceau] fine ; [taille, doigt, jambe] slender
       b. ( = raffiné) [lingerie, porcelaine, silhouette, membres] delicate ; [traits, visage, or] fine ; [produits, aliments] top-quality ; [mets] exquisite
       c. ( = très sensible) [vue, ouïe] sharp ; [goût, odorat] discriminating
       d. ( = subtil) [personne] astute ; [esprit, observation] sharp ; [allusion, nuance] subtle
    comme c'est fin ! very clever!
    tu as l'air fin ! you look a right idiot! (inf)
       e. (avant le nom = habile) expert
       g. (Canadian = gentil, aimable) nice
    2. adverb
    [moudre, tailler] finely
    fin2 [fɛ̃]
    1. feminine noun
       a. end
    « Fin » [de film, roman] "The End"
    vers or sur la fin towards the end
    tu m'ennuies, à la fin ! (inf) you're beginning to get on my nerves!
    sans fin [discussion, guerre] endless ; [errer, tourner] endlessly
    prendre fin [réunion] to come to an end ; [contrat] to expire (le on)
    toucher à or tirer à sa fin to be coming to an end
    en fin de compte ( = tout bien considéré) at the end of the day ; ( = en conclusion) finally
       b. ( = mort) end
       c. ( = but) aim
    * * *

    fine fɛ̃, fin adjectif
    1) [sable, pluie] fine; [fil, écriture, pinceau, pointe] fine; [tranche, couche, verre] thin
    2) [petit pois, haricots verts] quality (épith)
    3) ( délicat) [cheville, taille] slender; [traits] fine; [bijou, dentelle] delicate, fine; [vins, aliments] fine; [plat] delicate
    4) ( subtil) [personne] perceptive; [esprit] shrewd; [allusion, interprétation, humour] subtle; [goût] delicate, subtle

    vraiment c'est fin!iron that's really clever! iron

    avoir l'air fin — (colloq) to look a fool

    tu as l'air fin (colloq) avec ce chapeau! — you look a sight (colloq) in that hat!

    5) ( sensible)
    6) ( remarquable) excellent

    la fine fleur des économistesthe top ou best economists

    7) ( ultime)

    au fin fond dein the remotest part of [pays, région]; at the very bottom of [tiroir, armoire]


    fin soûl — (colloq) completely drunk

    2) ( finement) [écrire, moudre] finely; [couper] thinly

    nom masculin
    Phrasal Verbs:

    II fɛ̃
    1) ( terme) end; (de réunion, période) close, end; ( façon dont se termine quelque chose) ending

    toucher or tirer à sa fin — to be coming ou drawing to an end

    sans fin[discussions] endless; [discuter] endlessly

    tu vas te taire à la fin! — (colloq) for God's sake, be quiet!

    tu m'ennuies à la fin! — (colloq) you're really getting on my nerves!

    chômeur en fin de droitsunemployed person no longer eligible for benefit

    fin de sièclepej decadent, fin-de-siècle

    2) ( mort) end, death
    3) ( but) end, aim, purpose
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *

    I fɛ̃
    1. nf
    1) (= terme) end

    Elle n'a pas regardé la fin du film. — She didn't watch the end of the film.

    "Fin" — "The End"

    à la fin — in the end, eventually

    À la fin, il a réussi à se décider. — In the end he managed to make up his mind.

    Il sera en vacances fin juin. — He'll be on holiday at the end of June.

    sans fin adj — endless, advendlessly

    2) (= but)
    2. fins nfpl
    (= but) ends

    II fin, -e
    1. adj
    1) (peu épais) (papier, couche, fil) thin, (cheveux, poudre, pointe, visage) fine, (taille) neat, slim
    3) (= subtil) (remarques) (avant le nom) subtle

    c'est fin! ironiquehow clever!

    4) (= sensible) (ouïe, odorat) keen
    5) (placé avant le nom: qui excelle dans une activité)
    2. adv
    1) (= finement) [moudre, couper] finely
    2) (= tout à fait)
    3. nm
    * * *
    A adj
    1 ( constitué d'éléments très petits) [sable, poudre, pluie] fine;
    2 ( très mince) [gouttelette, fil, trait de crayon, écriture] fine; [tranche, plaque, couche, feuille, verre] thin;
    3 ( effilé) [pinceau, aiguille, plume, pointe] fine;
    4 Comm, Culin [petits pois, haricots verts] quality ( épith); très fins top-quality ( épith);
    5 ( délicat) [cheville, poignet, cou, taille] slender; [traits] fine; il est très fin de visage he's got very fine features;
    6 ( ouvragé) [orfèvrerie, broderie, bijou, dentelle] delicate, fine;
    7 ( de grande qualité) [vins, aliments, lingerie] fine; [plat, mets, morceau] delicate;
    8 ( subtil) [personne] perceptive; [esprit] shrewd; [allusion, interprétation] subtle; [plaisanterie, humour] subtle; [goût] delicate, subtle; vraiment c'est fin! iron that's really clever! iron; jouer au plus fin avec qn to try to outsmart sb; avoir l'air fin to look a fool; tu as l'air fin avec ce chapeau! you look a sight in that hat!;
    9 ( sensible) avoir l'ouïe or l'oreille fine to have a keen sense of hearing; avoir l'odorat or le nez fin to have a keen sense of smell;
    10 ( remarquable) (before n) excellent; c'est une fine cuisinière she's an excellent cook; fin gourmet gourmet; fin connaisseur connoisseur; fin tireur crack shot; la fine fleur des économistes/joueurs d'échecs the top ou best economists/chess players; ⇒ bouche;
    11 ( ultime) (before n) au fin fond de in the remotest part of [pays, région]; at the very bottom of [tiroir, armoire]; ils habitent au fin fond du Massif central they live in the remotest part of the Massif Central; le fin mot de l'histoire the truth of the matter.
    B adv
    1 ( complètement) être fin prêt to be all set; fin soûl completely drunk, sloshed;
    2 ( finement) [écrire, moudre] finely; [couper] thinly.
    C nm le fin du fin the ultimate (de in).
    D fine nf ( boisson) brandy.
    fin limier super-sleuth; fin renard sly customer; fine gueule gourmet; fine lame expert swordsman; fine mouche = fin renard; fines herbes mixed herbs, fines herbes.
    fin nf
    1 ( terme) end; (de séance, réunion, période) close, end; ( façon dont se termine quelque chose) ending; à la fin de at the end of; fin août/septembre at the end of August/September; en fin de journée/semaine/mois at the end of the day/week/month; à la fin des années 70 in the late '70s; en fin de matinée/d'après-midi late in the morning/afternoon; vers or sur la fin toward(s) the end; en fin de séance ( à la Bourse) at the close; jusqu'à la fin to the (very) end; jusqu'à la fin des temps until the end of time; toucher or tirer à sa fin to be coming ou drawing to an end; tout a une fin everything comes to an end; prendre fin to come to an end; mettre fin à to put an end to; mettre fin à ses jours to take one's own life, to put an end to one's life; ‘fin’ (dans un film, roman) ‘the end’; la fin du monde lit, fig the end of the world; c'est la fin de leurs espoirs it's the end of their hopes; avoir des fins de mois difficiles to find it hard to make ends meet at the end of the month; la quatrième en partant de la fin the fourth from the bottom ou end; la table des matières est à la fin du livre the table of contents is at the back of the book; payable fin janvier/courant/prochain payable at the end of January/of this month/of next month; c'est la fin de tout it's the last straw; mener qch à bonne fin to carry sth off, to bring sth to a successful conclusion; c'est un bon film mais je n'ai pas aimé la fin it's a good film but I didn't like the ending; sans fin [combats, discussions, guerre] endless, never-ending; [discuter, épiloguer, se disputer] endlessly; à la fin in the end; tu vas te taire à la fin! for God's sake, be quiet!, be quiet already US!; tu m'ennuies à la fin! you're really getting on my nerves!; chômeur en fin de droits unemployed person who is no longer entitled to unemployment benefit; fin de siècle pej decadent, fin-de-siècle;
    2 ( mort) end, death; une fin tragique/prématurée a tragic/premature end ou death; il ne vous entend plus, c'est la fin he can no longer hear you, he's dying;
    3 ( but) end, aim, purpose; à cette fin to this end; à toutes fins utiles for whatever purpose it may serve; arriver or parvenir à ses fins to achieve one's aims; à seule fin de for the sole purpose of; ce n'est pas une fin en soi it's not an end in itself.
    fin de l'exercice end of the financial year; fin de semaine weekend; fin de série Comm oddment.
    ( féminin fine) [fɛ̃, fin] adjectif
    1. [mince - sable, pinceau] fine ; [ - cheveu, fil] fine, thin ; [ - écriture] fine, small ; [ - doigt, jambe, taille, main] slim, slender
    [peu épais - papier, tranche] thin ; [ - collant, bas] sheer
    2. [délicat - visage, traits] delicate
    3. [aiguisé - pointe] sharp
    4. [de qualité - aliments, produit] high-quality, top-quality ; [ - mets, repas] delicate, exquisite, refined ; [ - dentelle, lingerie] delicate, fine ; [ - or, pierre, vin] fine
    5. [subtil - observation, description] subtle, clever ; [ - personne] perceptive, subtle ; [ - esprit] sharp, keen, shrewd ; [ - plaisanterie] witty
    c'est fin! (familier & ironique) very clever!
    6. [sensible - ouïe, vue] sharp, keen, acute ; [ - odorat] discriminating, sensitive
    7. (avant le nom) [extrême]
    dans le ou au fin fond du placard at the very back of the closet
    le fin mot de l'histoire c'est... the best of it is...
    8. (avant le nom) [excellent]
    fin adverbe
    1. [finement - moulu] finely ; [ - taillé] sharply
    2. [tout à fait]
    fine bouche nom féminin
    1. [gourmet]
    fine gueule nom féminin
    [fɛ̃] nom féminin
    1. [terme - d'une période, d'un mandat] end ; [ - d'une journée, d'un match] end, close ; [ - d'une course] end, finish ; [ - d'un film, d'un roman] end, ending (substantif comptable)
    fin mai/1997 (at the) end of May/1997
    se battre/rester jusqu'à la fin to fight/to stay to the very end
    mener quelque chose à bonne fin to pull ou to carry something off (successfully)
    mettre fin à ses jours to put an end to one's life, to take one's own life
    tirer ou toucher à sa fin to come to an end, to draw to a close
    faire une fin to settle down, to get married
    ça y est, j'en vois la fin! at last, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
    avoir ou connaître des fins de mois difficiles to find it hard to make ends meet (at the end of the month)
    2. [disparition] end
    la fin de la civilisation inca the end ou death of Inca civilization
    ce n'est quand même pas la fin du monde! it's not the end of the world, is it!
    c'est la fin de tout ou des haricots! (familier & humoristique) our goose is cooked!
    3. [mort] death, end
    avoir une fin tragique/lente to die a tragic/slow death
    4. [objectif] end, purpose
    à cette fin to this end, for this purpose, with that aim in mind
    à seule fin de with the sole aim of, (simply) for the sake of, purely in order to
    arriver ou parvenir à ses fins to achieve one's aim
    à des fins politiques/religieuses to political/religious ends
    à la fin locution adverbiale
    1. [finalement] in the end, eventually
    2. (familier) [ton irrité]
    mais à la fin, où est-il? where on earth is it?
    à la fin de locution prépositionnelle
    at the end ou close of
    à toutes fins utiles locution adverbiale
    1. [pour information]
    je vous signale à toutes fins utiles que... for your information, let me point out that...
    2. [le cas échéant] just in case
    dans la boîte à gants j'avais mis à toutes fins utiles une carte de France I had put a map of France in the glove compartment just in case
    en fin de locution prépositionnelle
    en fin de soirée/match towards the end of the evening/match
    être en fin de liste to be ou to come at the end of the list
    en fin de compte locution adverbiale
    fin de race locution adjectivale
    fin de siècle locution adjectivale
    sans fin locution adjectivale
    1. [interminable] endless, interminable, never-ending
    sans fin locution adverbiale

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > fin

  • 2 fin

    I 1. f 2. adj m; adj f - fine II m III adv

    Dictionnaire français-russe des idiomes > fin

  • 3 fin

    1. (terme) коне́ц; оконча́ние;

    la fin de l'année — коне́ц го́да;

    vers la fin de cette période — к концу́ э́того пери́ода; fin décembre — в конце́ декабря́; jusqu'à la fin — до конца́; la fin du monde — коне́ц све́та, светопреставле́ние; c'est la fin — э́то коне́ц; à la fin de l'année — в конце́ го́да; ● il a des fins de mois difficiles — он е́ле дотя́гивает до полу́чки; faire une fin

    1) (se marier) остепени́ться pf.; жени́ться pf.
    2) (trouver une situation) найти́ pf. себе́ ме́сто;

    mener à bonne fin une entreprise — успе́шно заверши́ть pf. на́чатое [де́ло];

    mettre finà ses jours — поко́нчить pf. с собо́й; mettre fin à qch. — класть/положи́ть коне́ц чему́-л.; поко́нчить с чемл.; prendre fin — конча́ться/ко́нчиться; прекраща́ться/прекрати́ться (cesser); tirer à sa fin — подходи́ть/подойти́ к концу́; cessent des fins de série — э́то распрода́жа оста́тков па́ртии [каки́х-л. веще́й]; le mot de la fin — после́днее сло́во; c'est la fin de tout! — де́ло труба́!, да́льше е́хать не́куда!

    à la fin в конце́; наконе́ц; напосле́док;

    à la fin il est parti — наконе́ц он уе́хал;

    j'en ai assez, à la fin! ∑ — ну, с меня́ дово́льно <хва́тит>!; à la fin des fins — в конце́ концо́в

    en fin de:

    enfin de semaine — в конце́ неде́ли;

    en fin de course — в конце́ го́нки; en fin de compte — в коне́чном счёте, в конце́ концо́в, в ито́ге

    sans fin бесконе́чный, бескра́йний;

    parler sans fin — говори́ть ipf. без остано́вки


    une vis sans fin — бесконе́чный винт;

    chaîne sans fin — бесконе́чная цепь

    2. (mort) смерть ◄G pl. -ей► f, кончи́на élevé.;

    avoir une fin prématurée — преждевре́менно сконча́ться pf.;

    une belle fin — краси́вая смерть

    3. (but) наме́рение, цель f ; предназначе́ние (destination);

    parvenir (en venir) à ses fins — достига́ть/дости́чь це́ли; добива́ться/доби́ться своего́;

    à cette fin — с э́той це́лью; à seule fin de... — с еди́ной <с одно́й> це́лью; à toutes fins utiles — на вся́кий слу́чай; ce n'est pas une fin en soi — э́то не самоце́ль; ● la fin justifie les moyens, qui veut la fin veut les moyens — цель опра́вдывает сре́дства; la fin de l'homme — предназначе́ние челове́ка ║ opposer une fin de non-recevoir à qn. — категори́чески отка́зывать/отказа́ть кому́-л. в по́мощи; répondre à une demande par une fin de non-recevoir — отклоня́ть/отклони́ть про́сьбу; отвеча́ть/отве́тить на про́сьбу отка́зом

    FIN %=2, -E adj.
    1. (mince) то́нкий*;

    des cheveux fins — то́нкие во́лосы;

    des doigts fins — то́нкие па́льцы; aux mains fines — с то́нкими рука́ми; aux jambes fines — тонконо́гий, с то́нкими нога́ми; une taille fine — то́нкая та́лия ║ un tissu fin — то́нкая ткань; du linge fin — то́нкое бельё; du papier fin — то́нкая < шёлковая> бума́га ║ un pinceau fin — то́нкая кисть; une plume (une pointe) fine — то́нкое перо́ (остриё)

    2. (menu) ме́лкий*;

    du sel fin — ме́лкая соль;

    des petits pois fin s — ме́лкий зелёный горо́шек ║ une écriture fine — ме́лкий <би́серный> по́черк ║ un peigne fin — ча́стый гре́бень; ● passer au peigne fin — прочёсывать/прочеса́ть (+ A) ║ une pluie fine — ме́лкий <морося́щий> дождь

    3. (idée de raffinement) чи́стый*; настоя́щий; высо́кого ка́чества G;

    de l'or fin — чи́стое зо́лото;

    des pierres fines — драгоце́нные ка́мни ║ de fins morceaux — ла́комые кусо́чки; des fines herbes — пря́ная зе́лень coll.; un repas fin — изы́сканная еда́; un vin fin — то́нкое вино́ ║ de la fine fleur de farine — му́ка вы́сшего сорта́ <ка́чества>; крупча́тка; la fine fleur de la société — сли́вки о́бщества ║ une partie fine — вечери́нка с да́мами; о́ргия

    4.(délicat) то́нкий;

    des traits fins — то́нкие че́рты [лица́];

    un visage fin — то́нкое лицо́


    un◄— е► fin◄— е► bec (bouche) — ла́комка m, f fam.; гурма́н;

    faire la fine bouche — жема́ниться ipf., жема́нничать ipf.

    5. (subtil) то́нкий; проница́тельный (pénétrant); лука́вый, хи́трый* (rusé);

    c'est un esprit fin ∑ — у него́ то́нкий <проница́тельный> ум, он проница́телен;

    un sourire fin — то́нкая <лука́вая> улы́бка; une fine remarque — то́нкое замеча́ние; c'est fin ce que tu as fait là! — ну и ло́вко ты всё устро́ил!; l'odorat (l'oreille) fin(e) — то́нк|ое обоня́ние (-ий слух); j'ai eu le nez fin en achetant ce livre — я [↑нюхом] чу́вствовал, что сле́довало купи́ть э́ту кни́гу; un fin connaisseur — то́нкий знато́к; ● un fin limier — проница́тельный сы́щик; une fine mouche — то́нкая шту́чка; хи́трая бе́стия; une fine lame

    1) иску́сный фехтова́льщик
    2) fig. тёртый кала́ч 6. (extrême) кра́йний; коне́чный;

    il habite le fin fond clé... — он живёт в са́мой глуши́ (+ G)

    ║ le fin mot de l'affaire — разга́дка, отга́дка; суть f (+ G)

    FIN %=3 adv.
    1. (complètement) совсе́м, соверше́нно; по́лностью;

    il est fin prêt — он совсе́м гото́в;

    il est fin soûl — он совсе́м <соверше́нно> пьян

    2. (menu) то́нко; ме́лко;

    moudre fin du café — ме́лко моло́ть/с= ко́фе;

    n'écrivez pas trop fin — не пиши́те сли́шком ме́лко

    jouer fin sur une bille — слегка́ дотра́гиваться до ша́ра


    jouer au plus fin — стара́ться/по= перехитри́ть (+ A)


    le fin du fin — са́мое -гла́вное, са́мое тру́дное, са́мое иску́сное <то́нкое>

    Dictionnaire français-russe de type actif > fin

  • 4 soûl comme une bourrique

    (soûl [или rond, plein] comme une bourrique [или comme un âne, comme un bourrin, comme la bourrique à Robespierre, comme un cochon, comme trente-six cochons, comme une grive, канад. comme un pape, comme un Polonais, comme des tiques, comme une vache] [тж. soûl jusqu'à la troisième capucine, fin soûl])
    пьян в стельку; мертвецки, вдрызг пьян; пьян в доску, в дым

    Coupeau, soûl comme une grive, recommençait à piauler et disait que c'était le chagrin. (É. Zola, L'Assommoir.) — Купо, уже пьяный вдрызг, снова начал реветь, говоря, что он пьет с горя.

    Ils étaient déjà soûls comme des tiques. (É. Zola, L'Assommoir.) — Все они уже были пьяны в стельку.

    Dans la méchante auberge de l'endroit, on chantait fort, et en passant j'aperçus le fameux Guilhem de la Mathiœ, saoul comme la bourrique à Robespierre, ainsi qu'on dit, je ne sais pourquoi. (E. Le Roy, Jacquou le Croquant.) — Из грязного местного кабака неслись громкие песни, проходя мимо я увидел сам пресловутого Гильема де ла Матье, пьяного как осел Робеспьера, - так говорят, я не знаю, почему.

    - Reste simplement pour dormir, alors, insista Bee. Il accepta parce qu'il était incapable, saoul comme une vache, de marcher sans heurter un meuble, sans se cogner contre un mur. (D. Decoin, John l'Enfer.) — - Тогда оставайся просто спать, - настаивала Би. Аттон согласился, так как был пьян вдрызг и был не в состоянии передвигаться, не задевая за мебель и не натыкаясь на стенку.

    Ludo, en faisant une marche arrière, est entré dans un mur. Il était saoul comme un Polonais. (M. Vianey, L'évidence du printemps.) — Людо, дав задний ход, врезался в стенку. Он был пьян вдрызг.

    Celui-là est comme les autres. Mais il est toujours saoul comme la Pologne, et il a une jambe raide. (M. Pagnol, Le château de ma mère.) — Этот такой же, как и все, но он всегда пьян в доску, и одна нога у него не сгибается.

    À son tour, il se pencha sur Mauguio et l'examina. L'autre, peu à peu, revenait à lui. Les apprentis toubibs lui faisaient peut-être peur. - Il est soûl comme trente-six cochons, dit le carabin. (L. Malet, Micmac moche au Boul'Mich'.) — В свою очередь студент-медик склонился над Могио, чтобы осмотреть его. Магио мало-помалу приходил в себя. Похоже, что он боялся студентов-медиков. - Он пьян в стельку, - сказал будущий врач.

    Dictionnaire français-russe des idiomes > soûl comme une bourrique

  • 5 sin fin

    without an end, boundless, endless, infinite.
    ad infinitum.
    * * *
    * * *
    (adj.) = never-finishing, never-ending, bottomless, interminably, unending
    Ex. And becoming aware (a never-finishing process of intelligent life) is in itself action.
    Ex. His, he concludes, is the never-ending search for what is new in the world out yonder.
    Ex. The novel is a bottomless quagmire of melodramatic weirdness.
    Ex. Also unfortunately common is the lonely soul who visits interminably with whomever is on the desk -- and occasionally with other readers.
    Ex. In the mean time, the piles outside the library are multiplying and shapeshifting and, for every 100 books the library SWAT team rescues, 100 are added by the unending delivery trucks.
    * * *
    (adj.) = never-finishing, never-ending, bottomless, interminably, unending

    Ex: And becoming aware (a never-finishing process of intelligent life) is in itself action.

    Ex: His, he concludes, is the never-ending search for what is new in the world out yonder.
    Ex: The novel is a bottomless quagmire of melodramatic weirdness.
    Ex: Also unfortunately common is the lonely soul who visits interminably with whomever is on the desk -- and occasionally with other readers.
    Ex: In the mean time, the piles outside the library are multiplying and shapeshifting and, for every 100 books the library SWAT team rescues, 100 are added by the unending delivery trucks.

    Spanish-English dictionary > sin fin

  • 6 ivre

    adj., soûl, saoul, pris de vin, enivré: SU / SÛ (Albanais.001b, Annecy.003, Saxel.002, Thônes.004) / chu / chû (001a, Balme-Si.020) / cheû (Albertville.021) / sou (Aix, Arvillard.228, Chambéry, St-Alban-Hu., Viviers-Lac), -LA, -E || sòy, soulo, -ê (St-Martin-Porte.203) ; chiko (002,003,004) / tyouko (001b, Arvillard.228) / tch(y)ouko (001a), -a, -e, R. => Chique ; kwé, -ta < cuit> (001,021, Cordon) / kwétshe (Morzine.081), -e ; (fin) nyako, -a, -e < trop cuit> (001,021) ; ryon, -da, -e < rond> (001) ; plyin, -na, -e < plein> (001) ; borâ < bourré> pp. (001) / bourâ (Villards- Thônes), -â, -é ; beurâ, -â, -é < beurré> (001) ; pafo, -a, -e (001), R. => Eau-de-vie ; pètâ, -â, -é < peté> pp. (001) ; nai, -ra, -e < noir> (001) ; pyon inv. (021,228), pyôn mpl. (203) ; ponpèta < pompette> (001) ; brindzingo, -a, -e (003,004) ; su // plyin // ryon ivre m'on bodin <soûl // plein // rond ivre comme un boudin> (001) ; su man la têra < soûl comme la terre> (002) ; fyolo, -a, -e (Épagny), R.3. - E.: Drap, Fou, Rassasié.
    A1) légèrement ivre // éméché: gri, -za, -e < gris> (001,003) ; émètyà, -à, -è pp. (001).
    A2) ivre en ayant le vin gai et qui rit toujours: fyoulo, -a, -e (021), R.3. - E.: Distrait.
    B1) v., être ivre, avoir bu un coup de trop: avai ivre sa kwéta < avoir ivre sa cuite> (001,003,004) // sa chika < sa chique> (002,003,004) // son kontyo < son compte> (001) // sa tyola < sa tuile> (001,003) // sa ninâ (003, Genève.022), étre dyin lé byole < être dans les bouleaux> (003) ; avai on kou ivre dzhan / dyê ivre l'nâ (081 / 001) ; ramenâ na maala starzyà de travé < ramener une malle chargée de travers> (Giettaz), avai shardyà d'travé < avoir chargé de travers> (001) ; avai son vyazho < avoir son chargement> (St-Pierre-Alb.) ; étre ivre graton // kwé (Épagny.294) ; avai l'tozon (294). - E.: Toqué.
    B2) être ivre mort, être complètement ivre: étre fin ivre su / chu // nyako < fin soûl> (001), avai na ivre bona / bouna ivre chika < avoir une bonne chique> (003,004 / 002), avai na bona ivre tyola < avoir une bonne ivre tuile (reçue sur la tête)> (001,003) // maala < malle> (020) // ninâ (003,022).
    B3) enivrer, soûler, saouler: soulâ vt. (001,002, COD.), sulâ (001,003,004, PPA.), nyakâ (001). - E.: Lasser.
    B4) s'enivrer, se soûler / se saouler, se biturer / se bitturer, se cuiter, s'ivrogner: se soûlâ vp. (002,005), se sûlâ (001,003,004), se cheûlâ (021) ; se tyoukâ (228) ; prêdre on-na ivre kwéta // tyola <prendre une ivre cuite // tuile> vi. (001,021 // 001), se chikâ vp. (002).
    B5) désenivrer: défyolâ vt. (Épagny), R.3.

    Dictionnaire Français-Savoyard > ivre

  • 7 пьяный

    1) прил. ivre, soûl [su]

    пья́ному мо́ре по коле́но — прибл. quand on est ivre on se sent tout puissant

    пья́ный разгово́р — conversation d'ivrognes

    он си́льно пьян — il est soûl comme une grive

    2) сущ. м. ivrogne m

    с пья́ных глаз разг. — fin soûl [su]

    под пья́ную ру́ку — en état d'ivresse

    * * *
    1) gener. ivre, plein de vin, pris de vin, foncedé, aviné, bille, tordu, saoul, soûl, soûlographe
    2) colloq. bourré, imbibé, défoncé, fait, noir, plein, pris, rond, rétamé, pochard, paf
    3) simpl. bu, assommé, jupe, asphyxié, beurré, blindé, brindezingue, cane, cuit, déglingué, givré, mûr, nase, pété, raide, poivre, schlass
    4) argo. hourdé, ourdé, cassé, enjuponné, fade, gelé, pion

    Dictionnaire russe-français universel > пьяный

  • 8 пьяный

    1) прил. ivre, soûl
    пьяному море по коленоприбл. quand on est ivre on se sent tout puissant
    он сильно пьян — il est soûl comme une grive
    2) сущ. м. ivrogne m

    БФРС > пьяный

  • 9 animus

    ănĭmus, i, m. [a Graeco-Italic form of anemos = wind (as ego, lego, of ego, lego); cf. Sanscr. an = to breathe, anas = breath, anilas = wind; Goth. uz-ana = exspiro; Erse, anal = breath; Germ. Unst = a storm (so, sometimes); but Curt. does not extend the connection to AФ, aêmi = to blow; a modification of animus—by making which the Romans took a step in advance of the Greeks, who used hê psuchê for both these ideas—is anima, which has the physical meaning of anemos, so that Cic. was theoretically right, but historically wrong, when he said, ipse animus ab anima dictus est, Tusc. 1, 9, 19; after the same analogy we have from psuchô = to breathe, blow, psuchê = breath, life, soul; from pneô = to breathe, pneuma = air, breath, life, in class. Greek, and = spirit, a spiritual being, in Hellenistic Greek; from spiro = to breathe, blow, spiritus = breath, breeze, energy, high spirit, and poet. and post-Aug. = soul, mind; the Engl. ghost = Germ. Geist may be comp. with Germ. giessen and cheô, to pour, and for this interchange of the ideas of gases and liquids, cf. Sol. 22: insula adspiratur freto Gallico, is flowed upon, washed, by the Gallic Strait; the Sanscr. atman = breath, soul, with which comp. aytmê = breath; Germ. Odem = breath, and Athem = breath, soul, with which group Curt. connects auô, aêmi; the Heb. = breath, life, soul; and = breath, wind, life, spirit, soul or mind].
    In a general sense, the rational soul in man (in opp. to the body, corpus, and to the physical life, anima), hê psuchê:

    humanus animus decerptus ex mente divina,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 13, 38:

    Corpus animum praegravat, Atque affixit humo divinae particulam aurae,

    Hor. S. 2, 2, 77:

    credo deos immortales sparsisse animos in corpora humana, ut essent qui terras tuerentur etc.,

    Cic. Sen. 21, 77:

    eas res tueor animi non corporis viribus,

    id. ib. 11, 38; so id. Off. 1, 23, 79:

    quae (res) vel infirmis corporibus animo tamen administratur,

    id. Sen. 6, 15; id. Off. 1, 29, 102:

    omnes animi cruciatus et corporis,

    id. Cat. 4, 5, 10:

    levantes Corpus et animum,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 141:

    formam et figuram animi magis quam corporis complecti,

    Tac. Agr. 46; id. H. 1, 22:

    animi validus et corpore ingens,

    id. A. 15, 53:

    Aristides primus animum pinxit et sensus hominis expressit, quae vocantur Graece ethe, item perturbationes,

    first painted the soul, put a soul into his figures, Plin. 35, 10, 36, § 98 (cf.:

    animosa signa,

    life-like statues, Prop. 4, 8, 9): si nihil esset in eo (animo), nisi id, ut per eum viveremus, i. e. were it mere anima, Cic. Tusc. 1, 24, 56:

    Singularis est quaedam natura atque vis animi, sejuncta ab his usitatis notisque naturis, i. e. the four material elements,

    id. ib. 1, 27, 66: Neque nos corpora sumus. Cum igitur nosce te dicit, hoc dicit, nosce animum tuum, id. ib. 1, 22, 52:

    In quo igitur loco est (animus)? Credo equidem in capite,

    id. ib. 1, 29, 70:

    corpora nostra, terreno principiorum genere confecta, ardore animi concalescunt,

    derive their heat from the fiery nature of the soul, id. ib. 1, 18, 42:

    Non valet tantum animus, ut se ipsum ipse videat: at, ut oculus, sic animus, se non videns alia cernit,

    id. ib. 1, 27, 67: foramina illa ( the senses), quae patent ad animum a corpore, callidissimo artificio natura fabricata est, id. ib. 1, 20, 47: dum peregre est animus sine corpore velox, independently of the body, i. e. the mind roaming in thought, Hor. Ep. 1, 12, 13:

    discessus animi a corpore,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 9, 18; 1, 30, 72:

    cum nihil erit praeter animum,

    when there shall be nothing but the soul, when the soul shall be disembodied, id. ib. 1, 20, 47; so,

    animus vacans corpore,

    id. ib. 1, 22, 50; and:

    animus sine corpore,

    id. ib. 1, 22, 51:

    sine mente animoque nequit residere per artus pars ulla animai,

    Lucr. 3, 398 (for the pleonasm here, v. infra, II. A. 1.):

    Reliquorum sententiae spem adferunt posse animos, cum e corporibus excesserint in caelum pervenire,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 11, 24:

    permanere animos arbitramur consensu nationum omnium,

    id. ib. 1, 16, 36:

    Pherecydes primus dixit animos esse hominum sempiternos,

    id. ib. 1, 16, 38:

    Quod ni ita se haberet, ut animi immortales essent, haud etc.,

    id. Sen. 23, 82: immortalitas animorum, id. ib. 21, 78; id. Tusc. 1, 11, 24; 1, 14, 30:

    aeternitas animorum,

    id. ib. 1, 17, 39; 1, 22, 50 (for the plur. animorum, in this phrase, cf. Cic. Sen. 23, 84); for the atheistic notions about the soul, v. Lucr. bk. iii.—
    In a more restricted sense, the mind as thinking, feeling, willing, the intellect, the sensibility, and the will, acc. to the almost universally received division of the mental powers since the time of Kant (Diog. Laert. 8, 30, says that Pythagoras divided hê psuchê into ho nous, hai phrenes, and ho thumos; and that man had ho nous and ho thumos in common with other animals, but he alone had hai phrenes. Here ho nous and ho thumos must denote the understanding and the sensibility, and hai phrenes, the reason. Plutarch de Placit. 4, 21, says that the Stoics called the supreme faculty of the mind (to hêgemonikon tês psuchês) ho logismos, reason. Cic. sometimes speaks of a twofold division; as, Est animus in partes tributus duas, quarum altera rationis est particeps, altera expers (i. e. to logistikon and to alogon of Plato; cf. Tert. Anim. 16), i. e. the reason or intellect and the sensibility, Tusc. 2, 21, 47; so id. Off. 1, 28, 101; 1, 36, 132; id. Tusc 4, 5, 10; and again of a threefold; as, Plato triplicem finxit animum, cujus principatum, id est rationem in capite sicut in arce posuit, et duas partes ( the two other parts) ei parere voluit, iram et cupiditatem, quas locis disclusit; iram in pectore, cupiditatem subter praecordia locavit, i. e. the reason or intellect, and the sensibility here resolved into desire and aversion, id. ib. 1, 10, 20; so id. Ac. 2, 39, 124. The will, hê boulêsis, voluntas, arbitrium, seems to have been sometimes merged in the sensibility, ho thumos, animus, animi, sensus, and sometimes identified with the intellect or reason, ho nous, ho logismos, mens, ratio).
    1.. The general power of perception and thought, the reason, intellect, mind (syn.: mens, ratio, ingenium), ho nous:

    cogito cum meo animo,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 13; so Ter. Ad. 3, 4, 55:

    cum animis vestris cogitare,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 24:

    recordari cum animo,

    id. Clu. 25, 70;

    and without cum: animo meditari,

    Nep. Ages. 4, 1; cf. id. Ham. 4, 2:

    cogitare volvereque animo,

    Suet. Vesp. 5:

    animo cogitare,

    Vulg. Eccli. 37, 9:

    statuere apud animum,

    Liv. 34, 2:

    proposui in animo meo,

    Vulg. Eccli. 1, 12:

    nisi me animus fallit, hi sunt, etc.,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 9, 23:

    in dubio est animus,

    Ter. And. 1, 5, 31; id. ib. prol. 1; cf. id. ib. 1, 1, 29:

    animum ad se ipsum advocamus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 31, 75:

    lumen animi, ingenii consiliique tui,

    id. Rep. 6, 12 al. —

    For the sake of rhet. fulness, animus often has a synonym joined with it: Mens et animus et consilium et sententia civitatis posita est in legibus,

    Cic. Clu. 146:

    magnam cui mentem animumque Delius inspirat vates,

    Verg. A. 6, 11:

    complecti animo et cogitatione,

    Cic. Off. 1, 32, 117; id. de Or. 1, 2, 6:

    animis et cogitatione comprehendere,

    id. Fl. 27, 66:

    cum omnia ratione animoque lustraris,

    id. Off. 1, 17, 56:

    animorum ingeniorumque naturale quoddam quasi pabulum consideratio naturae,

    id. Ac. 2, 41, 127.—Hence the expressions: agitatio animi, attentio, contentio; animi adversio; applicatio animi; judicium, opinio animorum, etc. (v. these vv.); and animum advertere, adjungere, adplicare, adpellere, inducere, etc. (v. these vv.).—
    Of particular faculties of mind, the memory:

    etiam nunc mihi Scripta illa dicta sunt in animo Chrysidis,

    Ter. And. 1, 5, 46:

    An imprimi, quasi ceram, animum putamus etc. (an idea of Aristotle's),

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 25, 61:

    ex animo effluere,

    id. de Or. 2, 74, 300: omnia fert aetas, animum quoque;

    ... Nunc oblita mihi tot carmina,

    Verg. E. 9, 51.—
    Consciousness (physically considered) or the vital power, on which consciousness depends ( = conscientia, q. v. II. A., or anima, q. v. II. E.):

    vae miserae mihi. Animo malest: aquam velim,

    I'm fainting, my wits are going, Plaut. Am. 5, 1, 6; id. Curc. 2, 3, 33:

    reliquit animus Sextium gravibus acceptis vulneribus,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 38:

    Una eademque via sanguis animusque sequuntur,

    Verg. A. 10, 487:

    animusque reliquit euntem,

    Ov. M. 10, 459:

    nisi si timor abstulit omnem Sensum animumque,

    id. ib. 14, 177:

    linqui deinde animo et submitti genu coepit,

    Curt. 4, 6, 20: repente animo linqui solebat, Suet. Caes. 45:

    ad recreandos defectos animo puleio,

    Plin. 20, 14, 54, § 152.—
    The conscience, in mal. part. (v. conscientia, II. B. 2. b.):

    cum conscius ipse animus se remordet,

    Lucr. 4, 1135:

    quos conscius animus exagitabat,

    Sall. C. 14, 3:

    suae malae cogitationes conscientiaeque animi terrent,

    Cic. Sex. Rosc. 67.—
    In Plaut. very freq., and once also in Cic., meton. for judicium, sententia, opinion, judgment; mostly meo quidem animo or meo animo, according to my mind, in my opinion, Plaut. Men. 1, 3, 17:

    e meo quidem animo aliquanto facias rectius, si, etc.,

    id. Aul. 3, 6, 3:

    meo quidem animo, hic tibi hodie evenit bonus,

    id. Bacch. 1, 1, 69; so id. Aul. 3, 5, 4; id. Curc. 4, 2, 28; id. Bacch. 3, 2, 10; id. Ep. 1, 2, 8; id. Poen. 1, 2, 23; id. Rud. 4, 4, 94; Cic. Sest. 22:

    edepol lenones meo animo novisti,

    Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 19:

    nisi, ut meus est animus, fieri non posse arbitror,

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 5 (cf.:


    Inscr. Orell. 3665:

    ex animi tui sententia,

    Cic. Off. 3, 29, 108).—
    The imagination, the fancy (for which Cic. often uses cogitatio, as Ac. 2, 15, 48):

    cerno animo sepultam patriam, miseros atque insepultos acervos civium,

    Cic. Cat. 4, 6, 11:

    fingere animo jubebat aliquem etc.,

    id. Sen. 12, 41: Fingite animis;

    litterae enim sunt cogitationes nostrae, et quae volunt, sic intuentur, ut ea cernimus, quae videmus,

    id. Mil. 29, 79:

    Nihil animo videre poterant,

    id. Tusc. 1, 16, 38.—
    The power of feeling, the sensibility, the heart, the feelings, affections, inclinations, disposition, passions (either honorable or base; syn.: sensus, adfectus, pectus, cor), ho thumos.
    a.. In gen., heart, soul, spirit, feeling, inclination, affection, passion: Medea, animo aegra, amore saevo saucia, Enn. ap. Auct. ad Her. 2, 22 (cf. Plaut. Truc. 2, 7, 36:

    animo hercle homo suo est miser): tu si animum vicisti potius quam animus te, est quod gaudeas, etc.,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 27 -29:

    harum scelera et lacrumae confictae dolis Redducunt animum aegrotum ad misericordiam,

    Ter. And. 3, 3, 27:

    Quo gemitu conversi animi (sunt),

    Verg. A. 2, 73:

    Hoc fletu concussi animi,

    id. ib. 9, 498;

    4, 310: animum offendere,

    Cic. Lig. 4; id. Deiot. 33; so Vulg. Gen. 26, 35.—Mens and animus are often conjoined and contrasted, mind and heart (cf. the Homeric kata phrena kai kata thumon, in mind and heart): mentem atque animum delectat suum, entertains his mind and delights his heart, Enn. ap. Gell. 19, 10:

    Satin tu sanus mentis aut animi tui?

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 53:

    mala mens, malus animus,

    bad mind, bad heart, Ter. And. 1, 1, 137:

    animum et mentem meam ipsa cogitatione hominum excellentium conformabam,

    Cic. Arch. 6, 14:

    Nec vero corpori soli subveniendum est, sed menti atque animo multo magis,

    id. Sen. 11, 36:

    ut omnium mentes animosque perturbaret,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 39; 1, 21:

    Istuc mens animusque fert,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 14, 8:

    Stare Socrates dicitur tamquam quodam recessu mentis atque animi facto a corpore,

    Gell. 2, 1; 15, 2, 7.—

    And very rarely with this order inverted: Jam vero animum ipsum mentemque hominis, etc.,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 59, 147:

    mente animoque nobiscum agunt,

    Tac. G. 29:

    quem nobis animum, quas mentes imprecentur,

    id. H. 1, 84;

    and sometimes pleon. without such distinction: in primis regina quietum Accipit in Teucros animum mentemque benignam,

    a quiet mind and kindly heart, Verg. A. 1, 304; so,

    pravitas animi atque ingenii,

    Vell. 2, 112, 7 (for mens et animus, etc., in the sense of thought, used as a pleonasm, v. supra, II. A. 1.):

    Verum animus ubi semel se cupiditate devinxit mala, etc.,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 2, 34:

    animus perturbatus et incitatus nec cohibere se potest, nec quo loco vult insistere,

    Cic. Tusc. 4, 18, 41:

    animum comprimit,

    id. ib. 2, 22, 53:

    animus alius ad alia vitia propensior,

    id. ib. 4, 37, 81; id. ad Q. Fr. 1, 1:

    sed quid ego hic animo lamentor,

    Enn. Ann. 6, 40:

    tremere animo,

    Cic. ad Q. Fr. 1, 1, 4:

    ingentes animo concipit iras,

    Ov. M. 1, 166:

    exsultare animo,

    id. ib. 6, 514.—So often ex animo, from the heart, from the bottom of one's heart, deeply, truly, sincerely:

    Paulum interesse censes ex animo omnia facias an de industria?

    from your heart or with some design, Ter. And. 4, 4, 55; id. Ad. 1, 1, 47:

    nisi quod tibi bene ex animo volo,

    id. Heaut. 5, 2, 6: verbum [p. 124] ex animo dicere, id. Eun. 1, 2, 95:

    sive ex animo id fit sive simulate,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 67, 168:

    majore studio magisve ex animo petere non possum,

    id. Fam. 11, 22:

    ex animo vereque diligi,

    id. ib. 9, 6, 2:

    ex animo dolere,

    Hor. A. P. 432:

    quae (gentes) dederunt terram meam sibi cum gaudio et toto corde et ex animo,

    Vulg. Ezech. 36, 5; ib. Eph. 6, 6; ib. 1 Pet. 5, 3.—And with gen.
    With verbs:

    Quid illam miseram animi excrucias?

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 76; 4, 6, 65:

    Antipho me excruciat animi,

    Ter. Phorm. 1, 4, 10:

    discrucior animi,

    id. Ad. 4, 4, 1:

    in spe pendebit animi,

    id. Heaut. 4, 4, 5: juvenemque animi miserata repressit, pitying him in her heart, thumôi phileousa te kêdomenê te (Hom. Il. 1, 196), Verg. A. 10, 686.—
    With adjj.:

    aeger animi,

    Liv. 1, 58; 2, 36; 6, 10; Curt. 4, 3, 11; Tac. H. 3, 58:

    infelix animi,

    Verg. A. 4, 529:

    felix animi,

    Juv. 14, 159:

    victus animi,

    Verg. G. 4, 491:

    ferox animi,

    Tac. A. 1, 32:

    promptus animi,

    id. H. 2, 23:

    praestans animi,

    Verg. A. 12, 19:

    ingens animi,

    Tac. A. 1, 69 (for this gen. v. Ramsh. Gr. p. 323; Key, § 935; Wagner ad Plaut. Aul. v. 105; Draeger, Hist. Synt. I. p. 443).—
    Meton., disposition, character (so, often ingenium): nimis paene animo es Molli, Pac. ap. Cic. Tusc. 2, 21, 49:

    animo audaci proripit sese,

    Pac. Trag. Rel. p. 109 Rib.:

    petulans protervo, iracundo animo,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 3, 1; id. Truc. 4, 3, 1:

    ubi te vidi animo esse omisso (omisso = neglegenti, Don.),

    Ter. Heaut. 5, 2, 9; Cic. Fam. 2. 17 fin.:

    promptus animus vester,

    Vulg. 2 Cor. 9, 2: animis estis simplicibus et mansuetis nimium creditis unicuique, Auct. ad Her. 4, 37:

    eorum animi molles et aetate fluxi dolis haud difficulter capiebantur,

    Sall. C. 14, 5:

    Hecabe, Non oblita animorum, annorum oblita suorum,

    Ov. M. 13, 550:

    Nihil est tam angusti animi tamque parvi, quam amare divitias,

    Cic. Off. 1, 20, 68:

    sordidus atque animi parvi,

    Hor. S. 1, 2, 10; Vell. 2, 25, 3:

    Drusus animi fluxioris erat,

    Suet. Tib. 52.—
    In particular, some one specific emotion, inclination, or passion (honorable or base; in this signif., in the poets and prose writers, very freq. in the plur.). —
    Courage, spirit:

    ibi nostris animus additus est,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 94; cf. Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 31; id. And. 2, 1, 33:

    deficiens animo maesto cum corde jacebat,

    Lucr. 6, 1232:

    virtute atque animo resistere,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 2, 8:

    fac animo magno fortique sis,

    id. ib. 6, 14 fin.:

    Cassio animus accessit, et Parthis timor injectus est,

    id. Att. 5, 20, 3:

    nostris animus augetur,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 70:

    mihi in dies magis animus accenditur,

    Sall. C. 20, 6; Cic. Att. 5, 18; Liv. 8, 19; 44, 29:

    Nunc demum redit animus,

    Tac. Agr. 3:

    bellica Pallas adest, Datque animos,

    Ov. M. 5, 47:

    pares annis animisque,

    id. ib. 7, 558:

    cecidere illis animique manusque,

    id. ib. 7, 347 (cf.:

    tela viris animusque cadunt,

    id. F. 3, 225) et saep.—Hence, bono animo esse or uti, to be of good courage, Varr. R. R. 2, 5, 5: Am. Bono animo es. So. Scin quam bono animo sim? Plaut. Am. 22, 39:

    In re mala animo si bono utare, adjuvat,

    id. Capt. 2, 1, 9:

    bono animo fac sis,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 5, 1:

    quin tu animo bono es,

    id. ib. 4, 2, 4:

    quare bono animo es,

    Cic. Att. 5, 18; so Vulg. 2 Macc. 11, 26; ib. Act. 18, 25;

    so also, satis animi,

    sufficient courage, Ov. M. 3, 559.—Also for hope:

    magnus mihi animus est, hodiernum diem initium libertatis fore,

    Tac. Agr, 30.— Trop., of the violent, stormy motion of the winds of AEolus:

    Aeolus mollitque animos et temperat iras,

    Verg. A. 1, 57.—Of a top:

    dant animos plagae,

    give it new force, quicker motion, Verg. A. 7, 383.—

    Of spirit in discourse: in Asinio Pollione et consilii et animi satis,

    Quint. 10, 1, 113. —
    Haughtiness, arrogance, pride: quae civitas est in Asia, quae unius tribuni militum animos ac spiritus capere possit? can bear the arrogance and pride, etc., Cic. Imp. Pomp. 22, 66:

    jam insolentiam noratis hominis: noratis animos ejus ac spiritus tribunicios,

    id. Clu. 39, 109; so id. Caecin. 11 al.; Ov. Tr. 5, 8, 3 (cf.:

    quia paululum vobis accessit pecuniae, Sublati animi sunt,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 5, 56).—
    Violent passion, vehemence, wrath:

    animum vincere, iracundiam cohibere, etc.,

    Cic. Marcell. 3:

    animum rege, qui nisi paret Imperat,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 62:

    qui dominatur animo suo,

    Vulg. Prov. 16, 32.—So often in plur.; cf hoi thumoi: ego meos animos violentos meamque iram ex pectore jam promam, Plaut. Truc. 2, 7, 43:

    vince animos iramque tuam,

    Ov. H. 3, 85; id. M. 8, 583; Prop. 1, 5, 12:

    Parce tuis animis, vita, nocere tibi,

    id. 2, 5, 18:

    Sic longius aevum Destruit ingentes animos,

    Luc. 8, 28:

    coeunt sine more, sine arte, Tantum animis iraque,

    Stat. Th. 11, 525 al. —
    Moderation, patience, calmness, contentedness, in the phrase aequus animus, an even mind:

    si est animus aequos tibi,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 10; id. Rud. 2, 3, 71; Cic. Rosc. Am. 50, 145; and often in the abl., aequo animo, with even mind, patiently, etc.:

    aequo animo ferre,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 23; Cic. Tusc. 1, 39, 93; id. Sen. 23, 84; Nep. Dion. 6, 4; Liv. 5, 39:

    aequo animo esse,

    Vulg. 3 Reg. 21, 7; ib. Judith, 7, 23: Aequo animo est? of merry heart (Gr. euthumei), ib. Jac. 5, 13:

    animis aequis remittere,

    Cic. Clu. 2, 6:

    aequiore animo successorem opperiri,

    Suet. Tib. 25:

    haud aequioribus animis audire,

    Liv. 23, 22: sapientissimus quisque aequissimo animo moritur; stultissimus iniquissimo. Cic. Sen. 23, 83; so id. Tusc. 1, 45, 109; Sall. C. 3, 2; Suet. Aug. 56:

    iniquo animo,

    Att. Trag. Rel. p. 150 Rib.; Cic. Tusc. 2, 2, 5; Quint. 11, 1, 66.—
    Agreeable feeling, pleasure, delight:

    cubat amans animo obsequens,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 134:

    indulgent animis, et nulla quid utile cura est,

    Ov. M. 7, 566; so, esp. freq.: animi causa (in Plaut. once animi gratia), for the sake of amusement, diversion (cf.:

    haec (animalia) alunt animi voluptatisque causa,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 12):

    Post animi causa mihi navem faciam,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 2, 27; so id. Trin. 2, 2, 53; id. Ep. 1, 1, 43:

    liberare fidicinam animi gratia,

    id. ib. 2, 2, 90:

    qui illud animi causa fecerit, hunc praedae causa quid facturum putabis?

    Cic. Phil. 7, 6:

    habet animi causa rus amoenum et suburbanum,

    id. Rosc. Am. 46 Matth.; cf. id. ib. § 134, and Madv. ad Cic. Fin. 2, 17, 56; Cic. Fam. 7, 2:

    Romanos in illis munitionibus animine causa cotidie exerceri putatis?

    Caes. B. G. 7, 77; Plin. praef. 17 Sill.—
    Disposition toward any one:

    hoc animo in nos esse debebis, ut etc.,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 1 fin.:

    meus animus erit in te semper, quem tu esse vis,

    id. ib. 5, 18 fin.:

    qui, quo animo inter nos simus, ignorant,

    id. ib. 3, 6; so id. ib. 4, 15;

    5, 2: In quo in primis quo quisque animo, studio, benevolentia fecerit, ponderandum est,

    id. Off. 1, 15, 49:

    quod (Allobroges) nondum bono animo in populum Romanum viderentur,

    to be well disposed, Caes. B. G. 1, 6 fin. —In the pregn. signif. of kind, friendly feeling, affection, kindness, liberality:

    animum fidemque praetorianorum erga se expertus est,

    Suet. Oth. 8:

    Nec non aurumque animusque Latino est,

    Verg. A. 12, 23.—Hence, meton., of a person who is loved, my heart, my soul:

    salve, anime mi,

    Plaut. Curc. 1, 2, 3:

    da, meus ocellus, mea rosa, mi anime, da, mea voluptas,

    id. As. 3, 3, 74; so id. ib. 5, 2, 90; id. Curc. 1, 3, 9; id. Bacch. 1, 1, 48; id. Most. 1, 4, 23; id. Men. 1, 3, 1; id. Mil. 4, 8, 20; id. Rud. 4, 8, 1; Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 15 et saep. —
    The power of willing, the will, inclination, desire, purpose, design, intention (syn.: voluntas, arbitrium, mens, consilium, propositum), hê boulêsis:

    qui rem publicam animo certo adjuverit,

    Att. Trag Rel. p. 182 Rib.:

    pro inperio tuo meum animum tibi servitutem servire aequom censui,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 23:

    Ex animique voluntate id procedere primum,

    goes forth at first from the inclination of the soul, Lucr. 2, 270; so,

    pro animi mei voluntate,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 20, 8 (v. Manut. ad h.l.):

    teneo, quid animi vostri super hac re siet,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 58; 1, 1, 187:

    Nam si semel tuom animum ille intellexerit, Prius proditurum te etc.,

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 69:

    Prius quam tuom ut sese habeat animum ad nuptias perspexerit,

    id. And. 2, 3, 4:

    Sin aliter animus voster est, ego etc.,

    id. Ad. 3, 4, 46:

    Quid mi istaec narras? an quia non audisti, de hac re animus meus ut sit?

    id. Hec. 5, 2, 19:

    qui ab auro gazaque regia manus, oculos, animum cohibere possit,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 66:

    istum exheredare in animo habebat,

    id. Rosc. Am. 18, 52: nobis crat in animo Ciceronem ad Caesarem mittere, we had it in mind to send, etc., id. Fam. 14, 11; Serv. ad Cic. ib. 4, 12:

    hostes in foro constiterunt, hoc animo, ut, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 28:

    insurrexerunt uno animo in Paulum,

    with one mind, Vulg. Act. 18, 12; 19, 29: persequi Jugurtham animus ardebat, Sall. J. 39, 5 Gerlach (others, animo, as Dietsch); so id. de Rep. Ord. 1, 8: in nova fert an mus mutatas dicere formas, my mind inclines to tell of, etc., Ov. M. 1, 1.—Hence, est animus alicui, with inf., to have a mind for something, to aim at, etc.:

    omnibus unum Opprimere est animus,

    Ov. M. 5, 150:

    Sacra Jovi Stygio perficere est animus,

    Verg. A. 4, 639:

    Fuerat animus conjuratis corpus occisi in Tiberim trahere,

    Suet. Caes. 82 fin.; id. Oth. 6; cf. id. Calig. 56.—So, aliquid alicui in animo est, with inf., Tac. G. 3.—So, inducere in animum or animum, to resolve upon doing something; v. induco.—
    Trop., of the principle of life and activity in irrational objects, as in Engl. the word mind is used.
    Of brutes:

    in bestiis, quarum animi sunt rationis expertes,

    whose minds, Cic. Tusc. 1, 33, 80:

    Sunt bestiae, in quibus etiam animorum aliqua ex parte motus quosdam videmus,

    id. Fin. 5, 14, 38:

    ut non inscite illud dictum videatur in sue, animum illi pecudi datum pro sale, ne putisceret,

    id. ib. 5, 13, 38, ubi v. Madv.:

    (apes Ingentes animos angusto in pectore versant,

    Verg. G. 4, 83:

    Illiusque animos, qui multos perdidit unus, Sumite serpentis,

    Ov. M. 3, 544:

    cum pecudes pro regionis caelique statu et habitum corporis et ingenium animi et pili colorem gerant,

    Col. 6, 1, 1:

    Umbria (boves progenerat) vastos nec minus probabiles animis quam corporibus,

    id. 6, 1, 2 si equum ipsum nudum et solum corpus ejus et animum contemplamur, App. de Deo Socr. 23 (so sometimes mens:

    iniquae mentis asellus,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 20).—
    Of plants:

    haec quoque Exuerint silvestrem animum, i. e. naturam, ingenium,

    their wild nature, Verg. G. 2, 51.—
    Transf. Of God or the gods, as we say, the Divine Mind, the Mind of God:

    certe et deum ipsum et divinum animum corpore liberatum cogitatione complecti possumus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 22, 51 (so mens, of God, id. ib. 1, 22, 66; id. Ac. 2, 41, 126):

    Tantaene animis caelestibus irae?

    Verg. A. 1, 11.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > animus

  • 10 todo

    1 all, the whole of, all of.
    Toda la mañana All morning. Perdió todo su dinero=He lost all his money.
    2 every, each.
    Todo carro que.. All car that....
    3 entire.
    everything, absolutely everything, all, all the lot.
    whole, unity, entirety.
    * * *
    3 (cada) every
    4 (igual) like, exactly like, the image of
    1 (sin excluir nada) all, everything
    2 (cualquiera) anybody
    1 (totalidad) whole
    2 (en charadas) all, whole
    1 completely, totally, all
    así y todo in spite of everything
    a todo esto (por cierto) by the way 2 (mientras) in the meantime
    con todo in spite of everything
    de todas formas / después de todo anyway, after all
    del todo completely, entirely
    eso es todo that's all, that's it
    estar en todo to be really with it, know what's going on
    fue todo uno familiar it all happened at once
    hay de todo there are all sorts
    por todo,-a all over
    ser todo uno familiar to be all the same thing
    todo el mundo everybody
    todo lo contrario quite the opposite, quite the contrary
    todo lo más at the most
    todo quisque / todo Dios familiar every Tom, Dick and Harry
    todos y cada uno each and everyone
    1 (totalidad) whole
    2 (en charadas) all, whole
    1 completely, totally, all
    * * *
    1. noun m. 2. (f. - toda)
    all, everything
    - todas 3. adv.
    wholly, entirely
    4. (f. - toda)
    1) every, each
    2) all, whole, entire
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [en singular] (=en su totalidad) all

    todo lo que usted necesiteeverything o whatever you need

    con todo lo listo que es, no es capaz de resolver esto — clever as he is o for all his intelligence, he can't solve this problem

    todo lo demásall the rest

    a o con toda prisa — in all haste, with all speed

    a toda velocidadat full speed

    a todo esto, la orquesta siguió tocando — meanwhile, the band kept on playing

    a todo esto, ¿os apetece ir al cine? — by the way, would you like to go to the cinema?

    a todo esto, no nos olvidemos de llamarla — while we're on the subject, we mustn't forget to phone her

    cuanto, mundo
    2) [en plural]
    a) [en un conjunto] all
    b) (=cada) every
    forma 2)
    3) [con valor enfático]

    es todo un hombre — he's every inch a man, he's a real man

    más 1., 2), d)
    4) (=del todo)
    2. PRON
    1) [en singular]

    lo han vendido todo — they've sold the lot, they've sold it all

    todo el que quiera... — everyone o anyone who wants to...

    todo a cien pound store, dollar store (EEUU), shop selling everyday items at low prices

    2) [en plural] (=cosas) all (of them); (=personas) everybody, everyone

    todos estaban de acuerdoeverybody o everyone agreed

    todos los que quieran venir — all those who want to come, anyone who wants to come

    3) [locuciones con preposición]

    ir a todo — to be prepared to do or die

    ante todo — first of all, in the first place

    con todo, con todo y — in spite of

    el coche, con todo y ser nuevo... — the car, in spite of being new..., despite the fact that the car was new...

    con todo (y con eso) — still, nevertheless

    con todo y con eso llegamos una hora tarde — we still arrived an hour late, nevertheless we arrived an hour late

    de todo, lo llamaron de todo — they called him every name under the sun

    nos pasó de todo — everything possible happened to us, you name it, it happened to us

    del todo — wholly, entirely

    después de todo — after all

    de todas todas —

    ¡te digo que sí de todas todas! — I tell you it jolly well is!

    botica 1), pesar 4., 3), sobre II, 9)

    como o en un todo — as a whole

    jugar 3. TODO ► Para traducir el adjetivo todo con el sentido de en su totalidad se usa all, seguido del sustantivo en singular y sin determinante: Se pasó toda la tarde viendo la tele He spent all afternoon watching TV ► Con el mismo sentido anterior, también se puede traducir por whole o entire, este último es más enfático. En este caso, el indefinido tiene que ir acompañado de un sustantivo contable en singular y precedido por un determinante: Se pasó toda la tarde viendo la tele He spent the whole o the entire afternoon watching TV ► Todos se traduce por every cuando se hace hincapié en todos y cada uno de los individuos de un grupo de personas o cosas y también cuando se habla de acciones repetidas: Todos los niños deben llevar el uniforme del colegio Every child must wear school uniform Salimos a cenar todos los viernes We go out for dinner every Friday El sustantivo que sigue a every va en singular y nunca lleva determinante. El verbo va también en singular. ► Cuando todos se emplea para generalizar, se traduce por all. En este caso el sustantivo que sigue a all no lleva determinante: Todos los alemanes saben hablar inglés All Germans can speak English ► Todos también se traduce por all para referirse al conjunto de individuos de un grupo pero, a diferencia de every, sin dar importancia a los elementos. En este caso el sustantivo lleva determinante y va en plural, como el verbo: Todos los libros de la biblioteca eran antiguos All the books in the library were old
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) ( la totalidad de) all

    nos comimos todo el pan/todos los bombones — we ate all the bread/chocolates

    toda la mañana — all morning, the whole morning

    2) (cualquier, cada)

    todo artículo importado — all imported items, any imported item

    todos los días/los años — every day/year

    a todo esto — ( mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime; ( a propósito) incidentally, by the way


    el/un todo — the/a whole

    jugarse el todo por el todoto risk o gamble everything on one throw

    - da pronombre
    a) ( sin excluir nada) everything

    ¿eso es todo? — is that all?


    todos/todas — ( referido a - cosas) all; (- a personas) all, everybody

    vinieron todos — they all came, everybody came

    ¿están todos? — is everyone o everybody here?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    con todo (y eso) — (fam) ( aun así) all the same, even so

    con todo, sigo pensando que... — all the same o even so I still think that...

    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything; venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things; hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything; del todo totally; no es del todo cierto it's not entirely o totally true; y todo: enfermo y todo, vino a trabajar sick as he was, he still came to work; tuvo que venir la policía y todo (fam) the police had to come and everything (colloq); de todas, todas (fam): ¿es verdad? - de todas, todas is it true? - you bet it is! (colloq); ganó de todas, todas he won by a mile (colloq); me las pagará todas juntas one of these days I'll get even with him for all of this; no tenerlas todas consigo — to be a little worried o uneasy

    3) (como adv)
    a) ( completamente) all

    está toda entusiasmada con el viajeshe's all o terribly excited about the trip

    * * *
    = all, complete, every, everything, whole affair, the, wholeness, the full monty, the whole lot, at large, the works!, the whole thing, the entire length of.
    Ex. All returned documents must be checked for the presence of a hold on the title.
    Ex. The main entry is the complete catalogue record of the document.
    Ex. The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.
    Ex. The CLEAR key erases everything on the screen.
    Ex. The whole affair, assembled and compressed, could be lugged off in a moving van.
    Ex. The part chosen should have a unity of its own, a wholeness that offers a complete experience without at the same time giving away everything.
    Ex. The article ' The digital full monty?' forecasts that the world of information is likely to be dominated by global giants on the one hand and selective niche providers on the other.
    Ex. Alternatively the printer might not have ordered enough paper for the whole book, either because he miscalculated or because he could not afford to buy the whole lot at once = Por otro lado, el impresor podría no haber encargado suficiente papel para imprimir el libro entero, bien porque lo calculó mal o porque no podía permitirse el lujo de comprarlo todo de una vez.
    Ex. The committee will be expected to produce an annual report to the members at large.
    Ex. Whole cities laid to waste, heroes falling in battle, death of gods, the works!.
    Ex. The truth is that I'm pretty upset about the whole thing and don't have very warm feelings towards the makers of these products.
    Ex. It tells the story of one man's absurd quest to become the first person to walk the entire length of the Amazon River.
    * ¡a por todas! = go for it!.
    * abandonar toda esperanza = give up + hope.
    * abarcarlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * absolutamente todo = anything and everything, the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * absolver a Alguien de todos los cargos = acquit + Nombre + on all counts.
    * acaparar toda la atención = steal + the limelight.
    * accesible por todos = widely accessible.
    * acceso para todos = access for all.
    * aceptado por todos = widely accepted.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * afectar a todo el país = sweep + the country.
    * ahorros de toda la vida = life-time savings, life savings.
    * ahorros de toda una vida = life savings.
    * al alcance de todos = within everybody's reach, within everyone's reach, accessible to everyone, accessible to everybody.
    * al igual que con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * antes de todo = before anything else, first off.
    * ante todo = first and foremost, before anything else, more than anything else, first of all, above all, above all things.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * aprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong education.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, come what may, at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * autoaprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong learning.
    * avanzar a toda máquina = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda mecha = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda pastilla = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo gas = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo meter = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo vapor = go + full steam ahead.
    * bastante para todos = enough to go round.
    * bien de todos, el = common good, the.
    * buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.
    * buscar por todo el mundo = search + the world (over).
    * capaz de todo = capable of anything.
    * casi de todo = just about everything.
    * casi todo = everything but the kitchen sink, just about everything.
    * casi todos = almost any.
    * castigar con todo el peso de la ley = punish + to the full extent of the law.
    * celebrar por todo lo alto = make + a song and dance about.
    * comérselo todo = eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * como con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * como un todo = as a whole.
    * comportarse como toda una señora = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * comportarse como todo un caballero = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * conjuntarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * conocido de todos = well-known.
    * conocido por todos = widely recognised, well-known.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.
    * contar todo sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * con toda claridad = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda confianza = feel + free to.
    * con toda desfachatez = shamelessly.
    * con toda franqueza = to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con toda honestidad = in all honesty.
    * con toda insolencia = shamelessly.
    * con toda la razón = quite rightly.
    * con toda la vestimenta = in full gear.
    * con toda nitidez = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda probabilidad = in all probability, probability.
    * con toda seguridad = safely.
    * con toda sinceridad = quite honestly, to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con todas las de la ley = full-bodied, full-fledged, full-scale.
    * con todas las prestaciones = full-featured.
    * con todas sus prestaciones = fully featured.
    * con toda su fuerza = in full force.
    * con toda tranquilidad = casually.
    * con todo descaro = shamelessly.
    * con todo el peso de la ley = to the full extent of the law.
    * con todo incluido = with the works!.
    * con todo mi debido respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todo mi respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todos los extras = with the works!.
    * con todos los lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * con todos mis respetos hacia (la opinión de) = pace.
    * con todos sus defectos = warts and all.
    * con todo tipo de comodidades = with all mods and cons.
    * con todo tipo de lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * contra toda persona = all comers.
    * contra (todo) pronóstico = against (all/the) odds.
    * contra todo (tipo) de riesgo = against all risks.
    * controlarlo todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * coordinarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * correr a toda velocidad = sprint.
    * cubrir toda la gama = run + the gamut.
    * cubrir todo el espectro = run + the gamut.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * decir con toda confianza = say in + full confidence.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * dedicar toda una vida = spend + lifetime.
    * dedicar todo el esfuerzo del mundo a = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * del todo = all the way.
    * demostrarlo todo = be proof enough.
    * dentro de todo = all in all.
    * desde todos los puntos de vista = in every sense.
    * desear a Algo o Alguien toda la suerte del mundo = wish + Nombre + every success.
    * despedirse de Alguien deseándole que todo vaya bien = wish + well.
    * después de todo = after all.
    * de toda la empresa = systemwide.
    * de toda la institución = institution-wide, systemwide.
    * de toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * de toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * de toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * de todas formas = anyway(s), at any rate, anyhow.
    * de todas las formas posibles = in any and all ways.
    * de todas las partes del mundo = from all over the world, from all over the globe, from every part of the world.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de todas partes = from far and wide.
    * de todo = throughout.
    * de todo corazón = heart-to-heart, with all + Posesivo + heart.
    * de todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * de todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * de todo el mundo = world over, the, from (all) around the world, throughout the world, around the world, across the globe, around the globe, from (all) around the globe, all over the globe, from across the world, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * de todo el país = across the land, all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country.
    * de todo el planeta = across the planet.
    * de todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * de todo + Nombre = all through + Nombre.
    * de todos conocido = well-known.
    * de todos lados = from far and wide.
    * de todos los colores = of all stripes, a rainbow of.
    * de todos los tiempos = all-time, of all time(s).
    * de todos los tipos = of all stripes.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de todo tipo = of all sorts, of every sort, of all stripes, of all shapes and sizes.
    * de todo un poco = about this and that and everything else, about this and that.
    * de una vez por todas = once and for all, once for all.
    * Día de Todos los Santos = All Saints' Day.
    * dirigirse a toda prisa hacia = make + haste towards.
    * disfrutar de todas las ventajas = have + the best of both worlds.
    * durante casi todo el año = for the best part of the year.
    * durante toda la noche = all-night, all night long.
    * durante toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * durante toda una vida = over a lifetime.
    * durante todo = all the way through, throughout.
    * durante todo el día = all day long.
    * durante todo el trimestre = semester-long.
    * durante todo el verano = all summer long.
    * durante todo + Tiempo = all through + Tiempo.
    * durar toda una vida = go on + for a lifetime, last + (for) a lifetime.
    * echarlo todo a perder = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo a rodar = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo por tierra = upset + the applecart.
    * echar toda la carne en el asador = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket, shoot (for) + the moon, go for + broke.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el fin de todos los fines = the end of all ends.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el peor de todos = the worst of the lot.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todos = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * encontrarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * encontrarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * en igualdad de condiciones para todos los sexos = gender-equitable.
    * en toda la empresa = company-wide, systemwide.
    * en toda la institución = systemwide.
    * en toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * en toda ocasión = at every turn.
    * en todas partes = all around, far and wide.
    * en todo = throughout.
    * en todo caso = if anything.
    * en todo el edificio = site-wide.
    * en todo el estado = statewide [state-wide].
    * en todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], world over, the, throughout the world, around the world, all around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over, in the whole world.
    * en todo el país = all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country, across the country.
    * en todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * en todo el proceso = throughout.
    * en todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * en todo momento = at all times, at every instant, every step of the way, throughout, at every turn, day in and day out, at all hours, time after time.
    * en todos estos sentidos = in all these regards.
    * en todos lados = far and wide.
    * en todos los aspectos = all-round.
    * en todos los sentidos = in all respects, in every sense.
    * en todos menos en = in all but.
    * en todos y cada uno de = in all.
    * escolarización para todos = universal schooling.
    * eso es casi todo = that's about it.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar todos en el mismo barco = be all in the same boat.
    * exento de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * extenderse por todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * extenderse por todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * facilitarle la vida a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * famoso en todo el mundo = world-famous [world famous], world-renowned, world-renown.
    * fuente de todos los males, la = root of all evil, the.
    * fuera de toda duda = incontrovertible, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * fuera de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * gente de todo tipo = people from all walks of life.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerlo todo excepto = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacerlo todo menos = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacer (todo) el trabajo pesado = do (all) + the donkey work.
    * hacer todo lo posible = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can, try + hard, try + Posesivo + best, try + Posesivo + heart out, work + hard.
    * hacer todo lo posible (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer todo lo posible para = every effort + be + made to.
    * hacer todo lo posible por = go to + any lengths to, go to + great lengths to, endeavour [endeavor, -USA], take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer todo lo que está en nuestras manos = pull out + all the stops.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda = do + Posesivo + best, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer un todo de = lump + Nombre + into.
    * hasta ahora, todo bien = so far, so good.
    * igualdad de condiciones para todos = levelling of the playing field.
    * igual para todos = one size fits all.
    * incluir a todo el mundo = inclusivity.
    * incluirlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * insuficiente para todos = insufficient to go round.
    * integrar formando un todo = articulate.
    * ir a por todas = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ir a toda velocidad = hurtle.
    * ir todo bien = be fine.
    * ir todo de maravilla = come up + roses.
    * jalárselo todo = scoff + the lot, eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * jugarse el todo por el todo = take + the plunge, risk + life and limb.
    * jugárselo todo = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * jugárselo todo a una sola carta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * justamente todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * justamente todo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * libre de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llevar al hospital con toda urgencia = rush + Nombre + to hospital.
    * llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo primero de todo = first of all, first off.
    * mantener todo controlado = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * más allá de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * más que todo lo demás = beyond all else.
    * más que todos nosotros juntos = more than all of us put together.
    * meter las manos en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * meterse en todos los fregados = have + a finger in every pie.
    * motocicleta todo terreno = dirt bike.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no del todo maduro, verde = underripe.
    * no ser oro todo lo que reluce = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * no somos todos iguales = one size doesn't fit all.
    * No todo lo que reluce es oro = All that glitters is not gold, Not all that is gold glitters.
    * ocurrir todo a la vez = happen + all at once.
    * origen de todos males, el = root of all evil, the.
    * para sorpresa de todos = to everyone's surprise.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * para toda la industria = industry-wide.
    * para toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * para toda la vida = lifelong [life-long], for life.
    * para todo el mercado = industry-wide.
    * para todos los efectos prácticos = for all practical purposes.
    * para todos por igual = across the board [across-the-board].
    * para todo tipo de tiempo = all-weather.
    * para todo uso = all-purpose.
    * pasar a toda velocidad = whiz.
    * póliza de seguro a todo riesgo = all risks cover.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = shoot (for) + the moon, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = go for + broke.
    * poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.
    * poner todo patas arriba = turn + everything upside down.
    * poner todos los huevos en una canasta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * por ahora todo va bien = so far, so good.
    * por encima de toda crítica = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda duda = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * por encima de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * por encima de todo = at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por toda la ciudad = citywide [city-wide].
    * por toda la Internet = Internet-wide.
    * por toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * por toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * por toda la vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todas las instituciones oficiales = government-wide.
    * por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.
    * por toda una vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todo = all over, throughout, all the way through.
    * por todo el campus universitario = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * por todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * por todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * por todo el gobierno = government-wide.
    * por todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * por todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * por todo el servicio = service-wide.
    * por todo lo alto = grandly, on a grand scale.
    * por todo + Nombre de Lugar = across + Nombre de Lugar.
    * por todos conocido = well-known.
    * por todos lados = far and wide.
    * por todos los medios = by all means.
    * por todos sitios = everywhere.
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * que afecta a toda la sociedad = culture-wide.
    * que afecta a todas las culturas = culture-wide.
    * que bate todos los récords = record breaking.
    * que cubre todo el cuerpo = head to toe.
    * que dura todo el año = year-round.
    * que lo abarca todo = all-embracing.
    * que lo incluye todo = all-embracing.
    * reconocido por todos = widely recognised.
    * relación parte = whole/part relationship.
    * replantearse todo desde cero = get back to + basics.
    * reservados todos los derechos = all rights reserved.
    * resistir con todas las fuerzas = resist + with every cell in + Posesivo + body.
    * respetado por todos = widely-respected.
    * revolucionarlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * revolverlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * sacarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * sacarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * salir a toda prisa = make + a hasty exit.
    * seguro a todo riesgo = comprehensive insurance, all-risk insurance.
    * ser conocido por todos = be out in the open.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * ser justo con todos = give the devil his due.
    * serlo todo para todos = be all things to all men, be all things to all people.
    * ser todo corazón = have + a heart of gold.
    * ser todo oídos = be all ears.
    * ser todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * ser todo ventajas = the best of both worlds.
    * ser todo vida = be all life.
    * si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.
    * si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado = all (other) things being equal.
    * sobre todas las cosas = above all things.
    * sobre todo = above all, above everything else, in particular, above all things.
    * tan amado de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan amado por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan querido por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan queridos de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tenerlo todo = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * tener todas las de perder = fight + a losing battle.
    * tener todas las posibilidades de = have + every possibility of.
    * tener todo + Nombre + a + Posesivo + disposición = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo + Nombre + para + Pronombre = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tienda de todo a cien = dollar store.
    * tienda que vende de todo = general store.
    * titular a toda plana = headline banner.
    * toda alma viviente = every living soul.
    * toda clase de = all sorts of.
    * toda la comunidad = the community at large.
    * toda la fuerza = full force.
    * toda la fuerza de = the full force of.
    * toda la fuerza del impacto = full force.
    * toda la noche = all night long.
    * toda la sociedad = society at large.
    * toda la trupe = in full force.
    * toda la verdad sobre = the skinny on.
    * toda la vida = from the cradle to the grave, whole lifelong, whole life.
    * todas las florituras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todas las iniciales del nombre propio = full initials.
    * todas las partes implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las personas implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las razones del mundo = every reason.
    * todas las semanas = weekly.
    * toda una serie de = a whole series of.
    * toda una vida = a lifetime.
    * toda una vida de experiencia = a lifetime of experience.
    * toda una vida de trabajo = a lifetime of work.
    * todo a la vez = all at once.
    * todo al mismo tiempo = all at once.
    * todo bicho viviente = every living soul, everyone and their mother, every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo confuso = in a state of disarray.
    * todo continúa como antes = life goes on as before.
    * todo cuesta algo = nothing comes without a cost.
    * todo de una vez = in one lump.
    * todo de (un) golpe = all at once.
    * todo dios = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo el año = year-round.
    * todo el cotarro = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo el día = all day, all day long, around the clock.
    * todo el fin de semana = all weekend long.
    * todo el mundo = all and sundry, every Tom, Dick and Harry, everybody, each and everyone.
    * todo el mundo debe tener acceso a la información = access for all.
    * todo el peso de la ley = full force of the law, the, full force of the law, the.
    * todo el rato = all the while.
    * todo el santo día = all day long.
    * todo el tiempo = all of the time, left, right and centre, the whole time, all the while.
    * todo el tinglado = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo en su conjunto = whole affair, the.
    * todo en uno = all in one.
    * todo es posible = all bets are off, the sky is the limit.
    * todo está a la vista = what you see is what you get.
    * todo esto = the whole thing.
    * todo excepto = everything except (for).
    * todo florido = in full blossom.
    * todo hijo de vecino = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo incluido = all-inclusive.
    * todo ir bien = all + be + well with the world.
    * todo liado = in a state of disarray.
    * todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse, in marked contrast.
    * todo lo demás = all else.
    * todo lo que toca se convierte en oro = Midas touch, the.
    * todo lo relativo al personaje novelesco Holmes = Holmesiana.
    * todo lujo de detalles = chapter and verse.
    * todo marcha bien = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo menos = everything except (for).
    * todo mindundi = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo + Nombre = the whole + Nombre.
    * todo queda en casa = all in the family.
    * todo quisque = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo quisqui = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo recto = straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos = everybody, everyone, them all, all comers, great and small, all concerned, anyone and everyone.
    * todos a cubierta = all hands on deck!.
    * todos a la faena = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todos al rescate = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todo seguido = continuously, straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos ellos = them all.
    * todo ser humano = every living soul.
    * todos + estar de acuerdo = agree on + all hands.
    * todos excepto = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos excepto + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos lo demás = everyone else.
    * todos los accesorios extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los adornos extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los años = on a yearly basis, year in and year out, year-on-year.
    * todos los demás = everybody else.
    * todos los derechos reservados = all rights reserved.
    * todos los días = daily, on a daily basis, every day, day in and day out.
    * todos los miembros de la agencia = agency-wide.
    * todos los otros = all of the other.
    * todos manos a la obra = all hands to the pump(s), all hands on deck.
    * todos menos = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos menos + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos nosotros = all of us.
    * todos por igual = share and share alike.
    * todos ustedes = you all.
    * todos vosotros = you all.
    * todos y cada uno = all and sundry, in full force, each and everyone.
    * todos y cada uno de = any and every, any and all.
    * todos y cada uno de + Adjetivo + Nombre = Pronombre + every + Nombre.
    * todo tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes = swings and roundabouts, what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * todo tipo de = all sorts of, all manner of.
    * todo tipo de gustos = all shades of opinion.
    * todo va a las mil maravillas = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo vale = no holds barred.
    * trabajo de toda una vida = life's work, lifework.
    * tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.
    * tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * Verbo + sobre todo = Verbo + the most.
    * vida a toda pastilla = life in the fast lane.
    * y lo peor de todo = and worst of all.
    * y sobre todo = and worst of all.
    * y todo este tipo de cosas = and all this sort of thing.
    * zampárselo todo = scoff + the lot.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) ( la totalidad de) all

    nos comimos todo el pan/todos los bombones — we ate all the bread/chocolates

    toda la mañana — all morning, the whole morning

    2) (cualquier, cada)

    todo artículo importado — all imported items, any imported item

    todos los días/los años — every day/year

    a todo esto — ( mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime; ( a propósito) incidentally, by the way


    el/un todo — the/a whole

    jugarse el todo por el todoto risk o gamble everything on one throw

    - da pronombre
    a) ( sin excluir nada) everything

    ¿eso es todo? — is that all?


    todos/todas — ( referido a - cosas) all; (- a personas) all, everybody

    vinieron todos — they all came, everybody came

    ¿están todos? — is everyone o everybody here?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    con todo (y eso) — (fam) ( aun así) all the same, even so

    con todo, sigo pensando que... — all the same o even so I still think that...

    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything; venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things; hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything; del todo totally; no es del todo cierto it's not entirely o totally true; y todo: enfermo y todo, vino a trabajar sick as he was, he still came to work; tuvo que venir la policía y todo (fam) the police had to come and everything (colloq); de todas, todas (fam): ¿es verdad? - de todas, todas is it true? - you bet it is! (colloq); ganó de todas, todas he won by a mile (colloq); me las pagará todas juntas one of these days I'll get even with him for all of this; no tenerlas todas consigo — to be a little worried o uneasy

    3) (como adv)
    a) ( completamente) all

    está toda entusiasmada con el viajeshe's all o terribly excited about the trip

    * * *
    = all, complete, every, everything, whole affair, the, wholeness, the full monty, the whole lot, at large, the works!, the whole thing, the entire length of.

    Ex: All returned documents must be checked for the presence of a hold on the title.

    Ex: The main entry is the complete catalogue record of the document.
    Ex: The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.
    Ex: The CLEAR key erases everything on the screen.
    Ex: The whole affair, assembled and compressed, could be lugged off in a moving van.
    Ex: The part chosen should have a unity of its own, a wholeness that offers a complete experience without at the same time giving away everything.
    Ex: The article ' The digital full monty?' forecasts that the world of information is likely to be dominated by global giants on the one hand and selective niche providers on the other.
    Ex: Alternatively the printer might not have ordered enough paper for the whole book, either because he miscalculated or because he could not afford to buy the whole lot at once = Por otro lado, el impresor podría no haber encargado suficiente papel para imprimir el libro entero, bien porque lo calculó mal o porque no podía permitirse el lujo de comprarlo todo de una vez.
    Ex: The committee will be expected to produce an annual report to the members at large.
    Ex: Whole cities laid to waste, heroes falling in battle, death of gods, the works!.
    Ex: The truth is that I'm pretty upset about the whole thing and don't have very warm feelings towards the makers of these products.
    Ex: It tells the story of one man's absurd quest to become the first person to walk the entire length of the Amazon River.
    * ¡a por todas! = go for it!.
    * abandonar toda esperanza = give up + hope.
    * abarcarlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * absolutamente todo = anything and everything, the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * absolver a Alguien de todos los cargos = acquit + Nombre + on all counts.
    * acaparar toda la atención = steal + the limelight.
    * accesible por todos = widely accessible.
    * acceso para todos = access for all.
    * aceptado por todos = widely accepted.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * afectar a todo el país = sweep + the country.
    * ahorros de toda la vida = life-time savings, life savings.
    * ahorros de toda una vida = life savings.
    * al alcance de todos = within everybody's reach, within everyone's reach, accessible to everyone, accessible to everybody.
    * al igual que con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * antes de todo = before anything else, first off.
    * ante todo = first and foremost, before anything else, more than anything else, first of all, above all, above all things.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * aprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong education.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, come what may, at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * autoaprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong learning.
    * avanzar a toda máquina = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda mecha = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda pastilla = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo gas = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo meter = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo vapor = go + full steam ahead.
    * bastante para todos = enough to go round.
    * bien de todos, el = common good, the.
    * buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.
    * buscar por todo el mundo = search + the world (over).
    * capaz de todo = capable of anything.
    * casi de todo = just about everything.
    * casi todo = everything but the kitchen sink, just about everything.
    * casi todos = almost any.
    * castigar con todo el peso de la ley = punish + to the full extent of the law.
    * celebrar por todo lo alto = make + a song and dance about.
    * comérselo todo = eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * como con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * como un todo = as a whole.
    * comportarse como toda una señora = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * comportarse como todo un caballero = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * conjuntarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * conocido de todos = well-known.
    * conocido por todos = widely recognised, well-known.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.
    * contar todo sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * con toda claridad = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda confianza = feel + free to.
    * con toda desfachatez = shamelessly.
    * con toda franqueza = to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con toda honestidad = in all honesty.
    * con toda insolencia = shamelessly.
    * con toda la razón = quite rightly.
    * con toda la vestimenta = in full gear.
    * con toda nitidez = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda probabilidad = in all probability, probability.
    * con toda seguridad = safely.
    * con toda sinceridad = quite honestly, to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con todas las de la ley = full-bodied, full-fledged, full-scale.
    * con todas las prestaciones = full-featured.
    * con todas sus prestaciones = fully featured.
    * con toda su fuerza = in full force.
    * con toda tranquilidad = casually.
    * con todo descaro = shamelessly.
    * con todo el peso de la ley = to the full extent of the law.
    * con todo incluido = with the works!.
    * con todo mi debido respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todo mi respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todos los extras = with the works!.
    * con todos los lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * con todos mis respetos hacia (la opinión de) = pace.
    * con todos sus defectos = warts and all.
    * con todo tipo de comodidades = with all mods and cons.
    * con todo tipo de lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * contra toda persona = all comers.
    * contra (todo) pronóstico = against (all/the) odds.
    * contra todo (tipo) de riesgo = against all risks.
    * controlarlo todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * coordinarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * correr a toda velocidad = sprint.
    * cubrir toda la gama = run + the gamut.
    * cubrir todo el espectro = run + the gamut.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * decir con toda confianza = say in + full confidence.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * dedicar toda una vida = spend + lifetime.
    * dedicar todo el esfuerzo del mundo a = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * del todo = all the way.
    * demostrarlo todo = be proof enough.
    * dentro de todo = all in all.
    * desde todos los puntos de vista = in every sense.
    * desear a Algo o Alguien toda la suerte del mundo = wish + Nombre + every success.
    * despedirse de Alguien deseándole que todo vaya bien = wish + well.
    * después de todo = after all.
    * de toda la empresa = systemwide.
    * de toda la institución = institution-wide, systemwide.
    * de toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * de toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * de toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * de todas formas = anyway(s), at any rate, anyhow.
    * de todas las formas posibles = in any and all ways.
    * de todas las partes del mundo = from all over the world, from all over the globe, from every part of the world.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de todas partes = from far and wide.
    * de todo = throughout.
    * de todo corazón = heart-to-heart, with all + Posesivo + heart.
    * de todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * de todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * de todo el mundo = world over, the, from (all) around the world, throughout the world, around the world, across the globe, around the globe, from (all) around the globe, all over the globe, from across the world, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * de todo el país = across the land, all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country.
    * de todo el planeta = across the planet.
    * de todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * de todo + Nombre = all through + Nombre.
    * de todos conocido = well-known.
    * de todos lados = from far and wide.
    * de todos los colores = of all stripes, a rainbow of.
    * de todos los tiempos = all-time, of all time(s).
    * de todos los tipos = of all stripes.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de todo tipo = of all sorts, of every sort, of all stripes, of all shapes and sizes.
    * de todo un poco = about this and that and everything else, about this and that.
    * de una vez por todas = once and for all, once for all.
    * Día de Todos los Santos = All Saints' Day.
    * dirigirse a toda prisa hacia = make + haste towards.
    * disfrutar de todas las ventajas = have + the best of both worlds.
    * durante casi todo el año = for the best part of the year.
    * durante toda la noche = all-night, all night long.
    * durante toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * durante toda una vida = over a lifetime.
    * durante todo = all the way through, throughout.
    * durante todo el día = all day long.
    * durante todo el trimestre = semester-long.
    * durante todo el verano = all summer long.
    * durante todo + Tiempo = all through + Tiempo.
    * durar toda una vida = go on + for a lifetime, last + (for) a lifetime.
    * echarlo todo a perder = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo a rodar = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo por tierra = upset + the applecart.
    * echar toda la carne en el asador = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket, shoot (for) + the moon, go for + broke.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el fin de todos los fines = the end of all ends.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el peor de todos = the worst of the lot.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todos = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * encontrarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * encontrarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * en igualdad de condiciones para todos los sexos = gender-equitable.
    * en toda la empresa = company-wide, systemwide.
    * en toda la institución = systemwide.
    * en toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * en toda ocasión = at every turn.
    * en todas partes = all around, far and wide.
    * en todo = throughout.
    * en todo caso = if anything.
    * en todo el edificio = site-wide.
    * en todo el estado = statewide [state-wide].
    * en todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], world over, the, throughout the world, around the world, all around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over, in the whole world.
    * en todo el país = all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country, across the country.
    * en todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * en todo el proceso = throughout.
    * en todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * en todo momento = at all times, at every instant, every step of the way, throughout, at every turn, day in and day out, at all hours, time after time.
    * en todos estos sentidos = in all these regards.
    * en todos lados = far and wide.
    * en todos los aspectos = all-round.
    * en todos los sentidos = in all respects, in every sense.
    * en todos menos en = in all but.
    * en todos y cada uno de = in all.
    * escolarización para todos = universal schooling.
    * eso es casi todo = that's about it.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar todos en el mismo barco = be all in the same boat.
    * exento de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * extenderse por todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * extenderse por todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * facilitarle la vida a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * famoso en todo el mundo = world-famous [world famous], world-renowned, world-renown.
    * fuente de todos los males, la = root of all evil, the.
    * fuera de toda duda = incontrovertible, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * fuera de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * gente de todo tipo = people from all walks of life.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerlo todo excepto = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacerlo todo menos = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacer (todo) el trabajo pesado = do (all) + the donkey work.
    * hacer todo lo posible = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can, try + hard, try + Posesivo + best, try + Posesivo + heart out, work + hard.
    * hacer todo lo posible (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer todo lo posible para = every effort + be + made to.
    * hacer todo lo posible por = go to + any lengths to, go to + great lengths to, endeavour [endeavor, -USA], take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer todo lo que está en nuestras manos = pull out + all the stops.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda = do + Posesivo + best, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer un todo de = lump + Nombre + into.
    * hasta ahora, todo bien = so far, so good.
    * igualdad de condiciones para todos = levelling of the playing field.
    * igual para todos = one size fits all.
    * incluir a todo el mundo = inclusivity.
    * incluirlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * insuficiente para todos = insufficient to go round.
    * integrar formando un todo = articulate.
    * ir a por todas = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ir a toda velocidad = hurtle.
    * ir todo bien = be fine.
    * ir todo de maravilla = come up + roses.
    * jalárselo todo = scoff + the lot, eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * jugarse el todo por el todo = take + the plunge, risk + life and limb.
    * jugárselo todo = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * jugárselo todo a una sola carta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * justamente todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * justamente todo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * libre de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llevar al hospital con toda urgencia = rush + Nombre + to hospital.
    * llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo primero de todo = first of all, first off.
    * mantener todo controlado = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * más allá de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * más que todo lo demás = beyond all else.
    * más que todos nosotros juntos = more than all of us put together.
    * meter las manos en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * meterse en todos los fregados = have + a finger in every pie.
    * motocicleta todo terreno = dirt bike.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no del todo maduro, verde = underripe.
    * no ser oro todo lo que reluce = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * no somos todos iguales = one size doesn't fit all.
    * No todo lo que reluce es oro = All that glitters is not gold, Not all that is gold glitters.
    * ocurrir todo a la vez = happen + all at once.
    * origen de todos males, el = root of all evil, the.
    * para sorpresa de todos = to everyone's surprise.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * para toda la industria = industry-wide.
    * para toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * para toda la vida = lifelong [life-long], for life.
    * para todo el mercado = industry-wide.
    * para todos los efectos prácticos = for all practical purposes.
    * para todos por igual = across the board [across-the-board].
    * para todo tipo de tiempo = all-weather.
    * para todo uso = all-purpose.
    * pasar a toda velocidad = whiz.
    * póliza de seguro a todo riesgo = all risks cover.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = shoot (for) + the moon, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = go for + broke.
    * poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.
    * poner todo patas arriba = turn + everything upside down.
    * poner todos los huevos en una canasta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * por ahora todo va bien = so far, so good.
    * por encima de toda crítica = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda duda = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * por encima de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * por encima de todo = at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por toda la ciudad = citywide [city-wide].
    * por toda la Internet = Internet-wide.
    * por toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * por toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * por toda la vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todas las instituciones oficiales = government-wide.
    * por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.
    * por toda una vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todo = all over, throughout, all the way through.
    * por todo el campus universitario = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * por todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * por todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * por todo el gobierno = government-wide.
    * por todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * por todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * por todo el servicio = service-wide.
    * por todo lo alto = grandly, on a grand scale.
    * por todo + Nombre de Lugar = across + Nombre de Lugar.
    * por todos conocido = well-known.
    * por todos lados = far and wide.
    * por todos los medios = by all means.
    * por todos sitios = everywhere.
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * que afecta a toda la sociedad = culture-wide.
    * que afecta a todas las culturas = culture-wide.
    * que bate todos los récords = record breaking.
    * que cubre todo el cuerpo = head to toe.
    * que dura todo el año = year-round.
    * que lo abarca todo = all-embracing.
    * que lo incluye todo = all-embracing.
    * reconocido por todos = widely recognised.
    * relación parte = whole/part relationship.
    * replantearse todo desde cero = get back to + basics.
    * reservados todos los derechos = all rights reserved.
    * resistir con todas las fuerzas = resist + with every cell in + Posesivo + body.
    * respetado por todos = widely-respected.
    * revolucionarlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * revolverlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * sacarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * sacarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * salir a toda prisa = make + a hasty exit.
    * seguro a todo riesgo = comprehensive insurance, all-risk insurance.
    * ser conocido por todos = be out in the open.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * ser justo con todos = give the devil his due.
    * serlo todo para todos = be all things to all men, be all things to all people.
    * ser todo corazón = have + a heart of gold.
    * ser todo oídos = be all ears.
    * ser todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * ser todo ventajas = the best of both worlds.
    * ser todo vida = be all life.
    * si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.
    * si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado = all (other) things being equal.
    * sobre todas las cosas = above all things.
    * sobre todo = above all, above everything else, in particular, above all things.
    * tan amado de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan amado por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan querido por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan queridos de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tenerlo todo = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * tener todas las de perder = fight + a losing battle.
    * tener todas las posibilidades de = have + every possibility of.
    * tener todo + Nombre + a + Posesivo + disposición = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo + Nombre + para + Pronombre = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tienda de todo a cien = dollar store.
    * tienda que vende de todo = general store.
    * titular a toda plana = headline banner.
    * toda alma viviente = every living soul.
    * toda clase de = all sorts of.
    * toda la comunidad = the community at large.
    * toda la fuerza = full force.
    * toda la fuerza de = the full force of.
    * toda la fuerza del impacto = full force.
    * toda la noche = all night long.
    * toda la sociedad = society at large.
    * toda la trupe = in full force.
    * toda la verdad sobre = the skinny on.
    * toda la vida = from the cradle to the grave, whole lifelong, whole life.
    * todas las florituras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todas las iniciales del nombre propio = full initials.
    * todas las partes implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las personas implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las razones del mundo = every reason.
    * todas las semanas = weekly.
    * toda una serie de = a whole series of.
    * toda una vida = a lifetime.
    * toda una vida de experiencia = a lifetime of experience.
    * toda una vida de trabajo = a lifetime of work.
    * todo a la vez = all at once.
    * todo al mismo tiempo = all at once.
    * todo bicho viviente = every living soul, everyone and their mother, every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo confuso = in a state of disarray.
    * todo continúa como antes = life goes on as before.
    * todo cuesta algo = nothing comes without a cost.
    * todo de una vez = in one lump.
    * todo de (un) golpe = all at once.
    * todo dios = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo el año = year-round.
    * todo el cotarro = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo el día = all day, all day long, around the clock.
    * todo el fin de semana = all weekend long.
    * todo el mundo = all and sundry, every Tom, Dick and Harry, everybody, each and everyone.
    * todo el mundo debe tener acceso a la información = access for all.
    * todo el peso de la ley = full force of the law, the, full force of the law, the.
    * todo el rato = all the while.
    * todo el santo día = all day long.
    * todo el tiempo = all of the time, left, right and centre, the whole time, all the while.
    * todo el tinglado = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo en su conjunto = whole affair, the.
    * todo en uno = all in one.
    * todo es posible = all bets are off, the sky is the limit.
    * todo está a la vista = what you see is what you get.
    * todo esto = the whole thing.
    * todo excepto = everything except (for).
    * todo florido = in full blossom.
    * todo hijo de vecino = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo incluido = all-inclusive.
    * todo ir bien = all + be + well with the world.
    * todo liado = in a state of disarray.
    * todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse, in marked contrast.
    * todo lo demás = all else.
    * todo lo que toca se convierte en oro = Midas touch, the.
    * todo lo relativo al personaje novelesco Holmes = Holmesiana.
    * todo lujo de detalles = chapter and verse.
    * todo marcha bien = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo menos = everything except (for).
    * todo mindundi = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo + Nombre = the whole + Nombre.
    * todo queda en casa = all in the family.
    * todo quisque = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo quisqui = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo recto = straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos = everybody, everyone, them all, all comers, great and small, all concerned, anyone and everyone.
    * todos a cubierta = all hands on deck!.
    * todos a la faena = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todos al rescate = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todo seguido = continuously, straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos ellos = them all.
    * todo ser humano = every living soul.
    * todos + estar de acuerdo = agree on + all hands.
    * todos excepto = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos excepto + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos lo demás = everyone else.
    * todos los accesorios extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los adornos extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los años = on a yearly basis, year in and year out, year-on-year.
    * todos los demás = everybody else.
    * todos los derechos reservados = all rights reserved.
    * todos los días = daily, on a daily basis, every day, day in and day out.
    * todos los miembros de la agencia = agency-wide.
    * todos los otros = all of the other.
    * todos manos a la obra = all hands to the pump(s), all hands on deck.
    * todos menos = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos menos + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos nosotros = all of us.
    * todos por igual = share and share alike.
    * todos ustedes = you all.
    * todos vosotros = you all.
    * todos y cada uno = all and sundry, in full force, each and everyone.
    * todos y cada uno de = any and every, any and all.
    * todos y cada uno de + Adjetivo + Nombre = Pronombre + every + Nombre.
    * todo tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes = swings and roundabouts, what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * todo tipo de = all sorts of, all manner of.
    * todo tipo de gustos = all shades of opinion.
    * todo va a las mil maravillas = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo vale = no holds barred.
    * trabajo de toda una vida = life's work, lifework.
    * tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.
    * tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * Verbo + sobre todo = Verbo + the most.
    * vida a toda pastilla = life in the fast lane.
    * y lo peor de todo = and worst of all.
    * y sobre todo = and worst of all.
    * y todo este tipo de cosas = and all this sort of thing.
    * zampárselo todo = scoff + the lot.

    * * *
    (la totalidad de): invitó a toda la clase she invited the whole class
    ha estado llorando toda or todita la mañana ( fam); he's been crying all morning o the whole morning
    no lo he visto en todo el día/toda la semana I haven't seen him all day/all week
    todo el secreto consiste en usar un buen caldo the secret of the whole thing is to use good stock
    dedicó toda su vida a la investigación he dedicated his entire o whole life to research
    se recorrió todo México she traveled all over Mexico
    España toda lo acompaña the whole of Spain is with him
    deja las cosas tiradas por todos lados he leaves things lying about everywhere o all over the place
    empujó con todas sus fuerzas she pushed with all her might
    todas y cada una de las necesidades de su empresa each and every one of o all of your company's needs
    me gustan todos los deportes I like all sports
    todos ustedes lo sabían all of you knew, you all knew
    (uso enfático): a toda velocidad at top speed
    a todo correr as fast as possible
    le dieron todo tipo or toda clase de facilidades they gave him every facility
    está fuera de toda duda it's beyond all doubt
    a todo esto (mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime; (a propósito) incidentally, by the way
    a todo esto, a Juan se lo habían llevado al hospital while all this was happening o meanwhile o in the meantime they had taken Juan to (the) hospital
    3 todo lo + ADJ/ADV:
    puedes hacerlo todo lo largo que quieras you can make it as long as you like
    (cualquier, cada): toda persona detenida debe ser informada de sus derechos all detainees must be informed of their rights, anyone who is detained must be informed of his or her rights
    todo artículo importado all imported items, any imported item
    todo tipo de información all kinds of information
    todo aquél que se sienta capaz anyone who feels capable
    todos los días/los jueves/los años every day/Thursday/year
    todos los primeros viernes de mes the first Friday of every month
    el/un todo the/a whole
    dos mitades forman un todo two halves make a whole
    jugarse el todo por el todo to risk o gamble everything on one throw
    1 ( en sing) everything
    lo han perdido todo they've lost everything
    a pesar de todo la sigo queriendo despite everything I still love her
    todo le parece poco he's never satisfied
    come todo lo que quieras eat as much as you like
    te puedes quedar todo lo que quieras you can stay as long as you like
    no fue todo lo interesante que pensábamos que iba a ser it wasn't as interesting as we thought it would be
    ¿eso es todo? is that all?
    se cree que lo sabe todo he thinks he knows it all
    con él siempre es o todo o nada with him it's always (a case of) all or nothing
    2 todos/todas (referidoa cosas) all; (— a personas) all, everybody
    se rompieron todos they all broke
    los compró todos she bought all of them
    vinieron todos they all came, everybody came
    son todos compañeros de clase they're all classmates
    ¿están todos? is everyone o everybody here?
    ¿estamos todos? are we all here?
    B ( en locs):
    con todo y con eso or con todo ( fam) (aun así) all the same, even so; (bien mirado) all in all
    con todo, sigo pensando que … all the same o even so I still think that …
    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything
    venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things
    hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything
    del todo totally
    está loca del todo she's completely o totally mad
    fue del todo imposible it was absolutely o totally impossible
    eso no es del todo cierto that's not entirely o totally true
    y todo: estropeado y todo, éste es mucho más valioso damaged though it is, this one is still much more valuable
    enfermo y todo, vino a trabajar sick as he was, he still came to work
    tuvo que venir la policía y todo ( fam); the police had to come and everything ( colloq)
    de todas, todas ( fam): ¿es verdad? — de todas, todas is it true? — you bet it is! ( colloq)
    ganó de todas, todas he won by a mile ( colloq)
    me las pagará/pagarás todas juntas one of these days I'll get even with him/you for all of this
    no tenerlas todas consigo to be a little worried o uneasy
    ser todo uno: verla entrar y ponerse a llorar fue todo uno he saw her come in and immediately o promptly burst into tears
    está todo mojado it's all wet
    iba toda vestida de negro she was dressed all in black
    tiene la cara toda marcada her face is badly scarred
    está toda entusiasmada con la idea del viaje she's all o terribly excited about the trip
    todo alrededor del puño all o right around the cuff
    ya es toda una señorita she's a real young lady now, she's quite a young lady now
    aquello fue todo un espectáculo that was quite a show!, that was some show!
    (indicando cualidad predominante): el pescado era todo espinas the fish was full of bones
    cuéntame, soy toda oídos tell me, I'm all ears
    por toda respuesta lanzó un bufido/me guiñó el ojo his only reply was to snort/wink at me
    * * *


    todo 1
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    1 ( la totalidad de) all;

    toda la mañana all morning, the whole morning;
    invitó a toda la clase she invited the whole class;
    por todos lados all over the place;
    todos ustedes lo sabían you all knew;
    See Also→ mundo 1
    2 (cualquier, cada):

    todo aquel que quiera anyone who wishes to;
    todos los días every day
    3 ( uso enfático):

    con toda inocencia in all innocence;
    le dieron todo tipo de facilidades they gave him all kind of facilities;
    a todo esto ( mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime;

    ( a propósito) incidentally, by the way
    ■ pronombre

    todo le parece poco he's never satisfied;
    come todo lo que quieras eat as much as you like;
    todo o nada all or nothing

    todos/todas ( referido acosas) all;

    (— a personas) all, everybody;

    vinieron todos they all came, everybody came;
    buena suerte a todos good luck to everybody;
    es el más alto de todos he's the tallest of the lot o of them all;
    ¿están todos? is everyone o everybody here?;
    todos y cada uno each and every one
    2 ( en locs)

    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything;
    venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things;
    hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything;
    del todo totally
    3 ( como adv)

    todo 2 sustantivo masculino:
    el/un todo the/a whole;

    jugarse el todo por el todo to risk o gamble everything on one throw
    1 adjetivo
    1 (la totalidad: singular) all, whole: recorrió toda España, she travelled all over Spain
    toda la semana, the whole week o all week
    toda tu vida, your entire life o all your life
    2 (: plural) all: todos sus hermanos, all his brothers
    todos lo sabíamos, we all knew
    se comió todas las fresas, she ate all the strawberries
    3 (todo el mundo) todos están riendo, everybody is laughing
    4 (cada, cualquier) every: viene todos los meses, he comes every month
    todo el que desee..., anyone who wishes to...
    5 fam (intensificador) through and through: es toda una atleta, she is every inch an athlete
    II pron
    1 (sin excepciones, sin exclusiones) everything: lo compró todo, he bought it all
    lo perdió todo, he lost everything
    lo sabe todo, she knows everything
    todo son problemas, there's nothing but trouble
    eso es todo, that's all
    (todo el mundo) todos piensan que eres muy lista, everybody thinks you're very clever
    nos invitó a todos, he invited all of us
    todos y cada uno, each and every one
    III adv (por completo, totalmente) estaba todo convencido, he was entirely convinced
    estás todo mojado, you are all wet
    está todo nervioso, he's terribly o all excited
    IV sustantivo masculino todo (total, suma) whole
    en todo o en parte, in whole or in part
    All y whole tienen significados parecidos, pero se usan en estructuras diferentes. All se coloca delante de un artículo, pronombre posesivo o demostrativo, mientras que whole se coloca después: all the world, pero the whole world; all your family, pero your whole family; all this time, pero this whole time. Recuerda que no puedes usar whole sin artículo o pronombre correspondiente ni con sustantivos que indican masa (incontables). Por tanto, la traducción de todo el vino es all the wine y no the whole wine.
    El plural todos o todo el mundo se traduce por everybody o everyone. Aunque el verbo acompañante aparezca en singular, cualquier pronombre que emplees debe estar en plural: Todos deben traer sus propios bolígrafos. Everybody has to bring their (own) pens.

    ' todo' also found in these entries:
    - acabar
    - alta
    - alto
    - amén
    - anochecer
    - ante
    - arramblar
    - arriba
    - bendita
    - bendito
    - bicho
    - bocado
    - borraja
    - borrosa
    - borroso
    - bregar
    - caballero
    - cachaza
    - camino
    - carente
    - caso
    - cháchara
    - color
    - comandita
    - comerse
    - con
    - conforme
    - contrapelo
    - contraria
    - contrario
    - control
    - corazón
    - Cristo
    - cuanta
    - cuanto
    - danza
    - decir
    - delante
    - derecha
    - derecho
    - descaminada
    - descaminado
    - despojar
    - después
    - dios
    - disponer
    - empeño
    - encerrarse
    - encima
    - above-board
    - abrupt
    - ache
    - aching
    - act up
    - add up
    - agreement
    - ahead
    - aid
    - all
    - all-in
    - altogether
    - always
    - amok
    - anyhow
    - anything
    - appearance
    - as
    - backdrop
    - ball
    - be-all and end-all
    - behind
    - bend
    - best
    - blare out I
    - blast
    - blast out
    - blow
    - blunder
    - boat
    - boil down
    - bottom
    - breast
    - but
    - by
    - call
    - careless
    - character
    - checklist
    - cheese off
    - chiefly
    - clause
    - clean
    - clear up
    - colour
    - come out
    - come to
    - common
    - comprehensive
    * * *
    todo, -a
    1. [el conjunto o total de] all;
    todo el día all day;
    todo el libro the whole book, all (of) the book;
    todo el vino all (of) the wine;
    todas las manzanas all the apples;
    todos los americanos all Americans;
    toda esta planta está dedicada al impresionismo all (of) o the whole of this floor is devoted to impressionism;
    todo un día está dedicado a visitar la ciudad a whole day is devoted to visiting the city;
    todos ellos se marcharon they all left;
    toda su ilusión es conocer Europa her greatest wish is to visit Europe;
    por todas partes everywhere;
    todo el mundo, Méx [m5] todo mundo everybody;
    en todo momento at all times;
    ilustraciones a todo color full-colour illustrations;
    un seguro a todo riesgo a comprehensive insurance policy;
    subimos la calle a toda velocidad we went up the street as fast as we could o at top speed;
    todo Buenos Aires habla de ello the whole of o all of Buenos Aires is talking about it
    2. [cada, cualquier] every;
    todos los días/lunes every day/Monday;
    como todo mexicano sabe… as every Mexican knows…, as all Mexicans know…;
    todo edificio de más de veinte años pasará una revisión all buildings that are more than twenty years old will be inspected;
    todo aquel que o [m5] todo el que viole las normas anybody o anyone who breaks the rules;
    todos aquellos que o [m5] todos los que están en huelga all those (who are) on strike
    3. [para enfatizar]
    es todo un hombre he's every inch a man;
    ya es toda una mujer she's a grown woman now;
    fue todo un éxito it was a great success;
    se produjo todo un cúmulo de casualidades there was a whole series of coincidences
    4. [del todo]
    el jardín estaba todo descuidado the garden was completely o all neglected;
    se puso toda enojada she got all annoyed
    1. [singular] everything;
    lo vendió todo he sold everything, he sold it all;
    todo está listo everything is ready, it's all ready;
    todo es poco tratándose de sus hijos nothing is too much when it comes to her children;
    se enoja por todo he gets angry at the slightest thing;
    eso es todo that's all
    Esp todo a cien [tienda] Br ≈ pound shop, US ≈ nickel-and-dime store
    todos [todas las personas] everybody, everyone;
    [todas las cosas] all of them;
    todos vinieron everybody o everyone came, they all came;
    quiero agradecer a todos su cooperación I would like to thank you all o everybody o everyone for your cooperation;
    ¿estamos todos? are we all here?, is everybody o everyone here?;
    todos están rotos they're all broken, all of them are broken;
    me los ha dado todos she's given me all of them, she's given me them all
    3. [otras frases]
    ante todo [sobre todo] above all;
    [en primer lugar] first of all;
    con todo (y con eso) all the same;
    de todo everything (you can think of);
    tenemos de todo we have everything;
    puede pasar de todo anything could happen;
    después de todo after all;
    del todo completely;
    no estoy del todo contento I'm not entirely happy;
    no lo hace mal del todo she doesn't do it at all badly;
    está en todo he thinks of everything;
    pese a todo, a pesar de todo in spite of o despite everything;
    todo lo más at (the) most;
    y todo: me invitó a cenar y todo she even asked me to dinner;
    se presentó en la fiesta con muletas y todo he turned up at the party, crutches and all;
    de todas todas without a shadow of a doubt;
    fue todo uno: subirse al barco y marearse fue todo uno no sooner had he got on the boat than he felt sick
    jugarse el todo por el todo to stake everything
    el camarero era todo amabilidad the waiter was all friendliness, the waiter was extremely friendly;
    esa chica es todo huesos that girl is all skin and bones;
    soy todo oídos I'm all ears
    a todo esto loc adv
    [mientras tanto] meanwhile; [a propósito] by the way
    * * *
    I adj all;
    todos los domingos every Sunday;
    toda la clase the whole o the entire class
    II adv all;
    estaba todo sucio it was all dirty;
    con todo all the same;
    del todo entirely, absolutely
    III pron all, everything; pl everybody, everyone;
    estaban todos everybody was there;
    esto es todo cuanto sé that’s all I know
    o todo o nada all or nothing;
    de todas todas fam without a shadow of a doubt;
    ir a por todas go all out;
    estar en todo be on top of things
    * * *
    todo, -da adj
    1) : all, whole, entire
    con toda sinceridad: with all sincerity
    toda la comunidad: the whole community
    2) : every, each
    a todo nivel: at every level
    3) : maximum
    a toda velocidad: at top speed
    todo el mundo : everyone, everybody
    todo nm
    : whole
    todo, -da pron
    1) : everything, all, every bit
    lo sabe todo: he knows it all
    es todo un soldado: he's every inch a soldier
    2) todos, -das pl
    : everybody, everyone, all
    * * *
    todo1 adj
    2. (cada) every
    todo el mundo everyone / everybody
    todo2 adv all
    todo3 pron
    2. (todas las cosas) everything
    3. (toda la gente) everyone / everybody

    Spanish-English dictionary > todo

  • 11 spiritus

    spīrĭtus, ūs (scanned spĭrĭtus, Sedul. Hymn. 1 fin.; dat. SPIRITO, Inscr. Orell. 3030; gen., dat., and abl. plur. only eccl. and late Lat., e. g. spirituum, Vulg. Marc. 6, 7:


    Aug. Serm. 216, 11 fin.; Vulg. Luc. 8, 2), m. [spiro], a breathing or gentle blowing of air, a breath, breeze (syn.: aura, flatus).
    In gen.:

    spiritum a vento modus separat: vehementior enim spiritus ventus est, invicem spiritus leviter fluens aër,

    Sen. Q. N. 5, 13, 4; cf. Plin. Ep. 5, 6, 5: spiritus Austri Imbricitor, Enn. ap. Macr. S. 6, 2 (Ann. v. 423 Vahl.), Cic. poët. N. D. 2, 44, 114:


    Verg. A. 12, 365:

    quo spiritus non pervenit,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 57, 2; cf.:

    silentis vel placidi spiritus dies,

    Col. 3, 19 fin.:

    alvus cum multo spiritu redditur,

    Cels. 2, 7 med.
    In partic.
    The air: imber et ignis, spiritus et gravis terra, Enn. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, § 37 Müll. (Ann. v. 511 Vahl.):

    proximum (igni) spiritus, quem Graeci nostrique eodem vocabulo aëra appellant,

    Plin. 2, 5, 4, § 10:

    quid tam est commune quam spiritus vivis?

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 26, 72; cf. Quint. 12, 11, 13:

    potestne tibi haec lux, Catilina, aut hujus caeli spiritus esse jucundus?

    Cic. Cat. 1, 6, 15.—
    An exhalation, smell, odor:

    spiritus unguenti suavis,

    Lucr. 3, 222:

    foedi odoris,

    Cels. 5, 26, 31 fin.:


    Gell. 9, 4, 10:


    Pall. Aug. 9, 1; cf. Hor. C. 3, 11, 19.—
    Breathed air, a breath:

    quojus tu legiones difflavisti spiritu,

    Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 17.— Absol.: (equus) saepe jubam quassit simul altam: Spiritus ex animā calida spumas agit albas, Enn. ap. Macr. S. 6, 3 (Ann. v. 507 Vahl.):

    creber spiritus,

    Lucr. 6, 1186:

    ardentes oculi atque attractus ab alto Spiritus,

    Verg. G. 3, 505:

    petitus imo spiritus,

    Hor. Epod. 11, 10:

    in pulmonibus inest raritas... ad hauriendum spiritum aptissima,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 55, 136:

    diffunditur spiritus per arterias,

    id. ib. 2, 55, 138:

    animantium vita tenetur, cibo, potione, spiritu,

    id. ib. 2, 54, 134:

    si spiritum ducit, vivit,

    id. Inv. 1, 46, 86:

    tranquillum atque otiosum spiritum ducere,

    id. Arch. 12, 30:

    longissima est complexio verborum, quae volvi uno spiritu potest,

    id. de Or. 3, 47, 182:

    versus multos uno spiritu pronuntiare,

    id. ib. 1, 61, 261:

    spiritus nec crebro receptus concidat sententiam, nec eo usque trahatur, donec deficiat,

    Quint. 11, 3, 53:

    lusit vir egregius (Socrates) extremo spiritu,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 40, 96; cf. id. Sest. 37, 79: quorum usque ad extremum spiritum est provecta prudentia, id. Sen. 9, 27:

    quos idem Deus de suis spiritibus figuravit,

    Lact. Epit. 42, 3.—With gen.:

    ut filiorum suorum postremum spiritum ore excipere liceret,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 45, § 118; Cels. 4, 4; 3, 27; Col. 6, 9, 3; Quint. 9, 4, 68; 11, 3, 32; 11, 3, 53 sq.—
    In abstr., a breathing:

    aspera arteria excipiat animam eam, quae ducta sit spiritu,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 54, 136; cf. id. ib. 2, 55, 138:

    aër spiritu ductus alit et sustentat animantes,

    id. ib. 2, 39, 101:

    crevit onus neque habet quas ducat spiritus auras,

    Ov. M. 12, 517.—Esp.: spiritum intercludere (includere), to stop the breath, suffocate, choke, etc.:

    lacrimae spiritum et vocem intercluserunt,

    Liv. 40, 16, 1; 40, 24, 7; so,


    id. 21, 58, 4.—
    The breath of a god, inspiration:

    haec fieri non possent, nisi ea uno divino et continuato spiritu continerentur,

    by a divine inspiration, Cic. N. D. 2, 7, 19; 3, 11, 28; cf.:

    poëtam quasi divino quodam spiritu inflari,

    id. Arch. 8, 18.—
    The breath of life, life:

    eum spiritum, quem naturae debeat, patriae reddere,

    Cic. Phil. 10, 10, 20:

    vos vero qui extremum spiritum in victoriā effudistis,

    id. ib. 14, 12, 32:

    dum spiritus hos regit artus,

    Verg. A. 4, 336; cf. Hor. C. 4, 8, 14:

    ne cum sensu doloris aliquo spiritus auferatur,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 45, § 118:

    aliquem spiritu privare,

    Vell. 2, 87, 2:

    merula spiritum reddidit,

    to expire, die, id. 2, 22, 2:

    spiritus tenues vanescat in auras,

    Ov. H. 12, 85:

    non effundere mihi spiritum videbar, sed tradere,

    Sen. Ep. 78, 4:

    novissimum spiritum per ludibrium effundere,

    Tac. H. 3, 66 fin.; cf. supra, I. B.—
    Poet.,= suspirium, a sigh, Prop. 1, 16, 32; 2, 29 (3, 27), 38.—
    In gram., a breathing or aspiration (asper and lenis), Prisc. p. 572 P.; Aus. Idyll. 12 de Monos. Graec. et Lat. 19. —
    The hiss of a snake, Verg. Cul. 180.—
    (Class.) A haughty spirit, haughtiness, pride, arrogance; also, spirit, high spirit, energy, courage (esp. freq. in the plur.; syn. animi).
    Sing. (in the best prose only in gen. and abl., which are wanting in plur.):

    regio spiritu,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 34, 93:

    quem hominem! quā irā! quo spiritu!

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 2, 2, § 6:

    illos ejus spiritus Siciliensis,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 9, § 22:

    tantum fiduciae ac spiritūs,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 72:

    filia Hieronis, inflata adhuc regiis animis ac muliebri spiritu,

    Liv. 24, 22:

    patricii spiritūs animus,

    id. 4, 42, 5:

    ex magnitudine rerum spiritum ducat,

    Quint. 1, 8, 5:

    corpore majorem rides Turbonis in armis Spiritum et incessum,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 311:

    cecidit spiritus ille tuus,

    Prop. 2, 3, 2:

    spiritu divino tactus,

    Liv. 5, 22, 5:

    non negaverim fuisse alti spiritūs viros,

    Sen. Ep. 90, 14.—

    res gestae, credo, meae me nimis extulerunt ac mihi nescio quos spiritus attulerunt,

    Cic. Sull. 9, 27:

    noratis animos ejus ac spiritus tribunicios, etc.,

    id. Clu. 39, 109; cf.:

    unius tribuni militum animos ac spiritus,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 22, 66:

    tantos sibi spiritus, sumpserat, ut ferendus non videretur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 33 fin. in re militari sumere, id. ib. 2, 4:

    nam Dion regios spiritus repressit,

    Nep. Dion, 5, 5:

    cum spiritus plebes sumpsisset,

    Liv. 4, 54:

    si cui honores subdere spiritus potuerunt,

    id. 7, 40:

    remittant spiritus, comprimant animos suos, sedent arrogantiam, etc.,

    Cic. Fl. 22, 53:

    spiritus feroces,

    Liv. 1, 31:

    quorum se vim ac spiritus fregisse,

    id. 26, 24:

    cohibuit spiritus ejus Thrasea,

    Tac. A. 16, 26:

    Antipater, qui probe nosset spiritus ejus,

    Curt. 6, 1, 19.—
    (Mostly poet. and in post-Aug. prose.) Spirit, soul, mind.

    quoslibet occupat artus Spiritus,

    Ov. M. 15, 167; Tac. A. 16, 34: spiritum Phoebus mihi, Phoebus artem Carminis dedit, poetic spirit or inspiration, Hor. C. 4, 6, 29; cf.:

    mihi Spiritum Graiae tenuem Camenae Parca non mendax dedit,

    id. ib. 2, 16, 38:

    qualis Pindarico spiritus ore tonat,

    Prop. 3, 17 (4, 16), 40:

    imperator generosi spiritŭs,

    Plin. 8, 40, 61, § 149: avidus (i. e. to epithumêtikon, the desiring, coveting soul), Hor. C. 2, 2, 10:

    quidam comoedia necne poëma Esset, quaesivere: quod acer spiritus ac vis Nec verbis nec rebus inest,

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 46:

    majoris operis ac spiritūs,

    Quint. 1, 9, 15:

    alti spiritūs plena,

    id. 10, 1, 44:

    virtus magni spiritus est et recti,

    Sen. Ep. 74, 29:

    qui spiritus illi, Quis vultus vocisque sonus,

    Verg. A. 5, 648.—
    Plur.: Coriolanus hostiles jam tum spiritus gerens, Liv. 2, 35; Curt. 5, 8, 17.—
    * b.
    Transf. (like anima, and the Engl. soul), a beloved object, Vell. 2, 123 fin.
    Spiritus, personified, a spirit (late Lat.); so,

    esp., Spiritus Sanctus or simply Spiritus,

    the Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Cod. Just. 1, 1, 1; Aus. Ephem. 2, 18:

    jurare per Deum et per Christum et per Spiritum Sanctum,

    Veg. 2, 5:

    nocens ille Spiritus,

    an evil spirit, Lact. 4, 27, 12:

    Spiritus nigri,

    evil spirits, Sedul. Carm. 3, 41.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > spiritus

  • 12 Dios

    God, Jehovah, Lord, Creator.
    * * *
    1 god
    ¡a Dios gracias! thank God!
    a Dios rogando y con el mazo dando God helps those who help themselves
    a la buena de Dios at random, any old how
    ¡alabado sea Dios! God be praised!
    armar la de Dios es Cristo familiar to raise hell, make an almighty racket
    costar algo Dios y ayuda to be very difficult, be a real hassle
    ¡Dios dirá! we shall see!
    Dios los cría y ellos se juntan birds of a feather flock together
    ¡Dios le bendiga! God bless you!
    ¡Dios me libre! God forbid!
    Dios mediante God willing
    ¡Dios mío! my God!, good heavens!
    ¡Dios nos coja confesados! God help us!
    hacer algo como Dios manda to do something properly
    ni Dios familiar not a soul
    ¡por Dios! for goodness sake!, for God's sake!
    que Dios me perdone, pero... God forgive me, but...
    todo Dios familiar everybody
    ¡vaya con Dios! farewell!, God be with you!
    ¡vaya por Dios! good heavens!
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (Rel) God

    el Dios de los judíos — the Jewish God, the God of the Jews

    bendición 2), temor
    2) [en exclamaciones]

    ¡Dios! — [con sorpresa] God!; [con fastidio] for God's sake!

    ¡Dios mío!, ¡Dios santo! — my God!, good God!

    ¡alabado sea Dios! — praise be to God!

    ¡Dios te bendiga!, ¡Dios te lo pague! — God bless you!

    ¡que Dios nos coja confesados! — God help us!

    ¡con Dios!, ¡vaya usted con Dios! — (may) God be with you! ††, Godspeed! ††

    ¡plegue a Dios! — please God!

    ¡válgame Dios! — good God!

    ¡vive Dios! — by God!

    ¡Dios me libre! — God forbid!, Heaven forbid!

    ¡líbreme Dios de que...! — God o Heaven forbid that I...!

    ¡líbreme Dios de ese sufrimiento! — Heaven forbid that I should suffer so!

    ¡ por Dios! — for heaven's sake!

    -¿puedo fumar? -¡claro, por Dios! — "may I smoke?" - "of course! o please do!"

    una limosnita ¡por (el amor de) Dios! — a few pennies, for the love of God!

    ¡Dios quiera que no llueva mañana! — let's hope it doesn't rain tomorrow

    ¡no lo quiera Dios! — God forbid!

    -ojalá te cures pronto -¡Dios quiera! — "let's hope you get better soon!" - "I hope so too!"

    ¡ vaya por Dios! — [con compasión] oh dear!; [con fastidio] oh blast! *

    - ¡me cago en Dios!

    costar Dios y ayuda —

    dejado de la mano de Dios —

    - como que hay un Dios

    como que hay Dios que... — you can bet (your bottom dollar) that...

    ¡siéntate como Dios manda! — sit properly!

    Dios mediante nos veremos en mayo otra vez — God willing, we'll see each other again in May

    - como Dios lo echó o trajo al mundo

    pongo a Dios por testigo que no sabía la verdadas God is my witness o I swear by almighty God, I did not know the truth

    hasta mañana si Dios quiere — good night, God bless!

    que sea lo que Dios quiera —

    he decidido hacerlo, y que sea lo que Dios quiera — I've decided to do it, and worry about it later

    - Dios aprieta pero no ahoga o ahorca
    clamar 2., madrugar 1., 1)
    * * *
    diosa masculino, femenino
    1) (Mit) (m) god; (f) goddess
    2) Dios masculino (Relig) God

    el Dios de los cristianos/musulmanes — the Christian/Muslim God

    Dios Todopoderoso — Almighty God, God Almighty

    gracias a Dios or a Dios gracias — thank God o heaven

    Dios te oiga!I hope so! o I pray to God you're right!

    por (el) amor de Dios!for God's sake o for heaven's sake!

    que Dios lo tenga en su gloriaGod o the Lord rest his soul

    Dios me libre!God o heaven forbid!

    alabado or bendito sea Dios! — (Relig) praise God o the Lord!

    bendito sea Dios, mira cómo te has puesto! — (fam) good God o good heavens! look at the state you're in! (colloq)

    válgame Dios! — oh my God!, good God!

    por Dios!for God's o heaven's sake!

    Dios mío! or Dios santo! — ( expresando angustia) my God!, oh God!; ( expresando sorpresa) (good) God!

    como Dios manda: cómprate un coche como Dios manda buy yourself a real o a proper car; pórtate como Dios manda behave properly; como Dios me/lo trajo al mundo in my/his birthday suit; como que hay (un) Dios (CS) you can bet your bottom dollar (colloq); costar Dios y (su) ayuda (fam) to take a lot of work; hacer algo a la buena de Dios to do something any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how; menos pregunta Dios y perdona (AmL) don't ask so many questions; ni Dios (fam) nobody; esto no lo entiende ni Dios or no hay Dios que lo entienda this is completely incomprehensible; todo Dios (fam) absolutely everybody; Dios aprieta pero no ahoga or (RPl) ahorca these things are sent to try us; Dios los cría y ellos se juntan birds of a feather flock together; a Dios rogando y con el mazo dando God helps those who help themselves; Dios da pan a quien no tiene dientes it's an unfair world; al que madruga, Dios lo ayuda the early bird catches the worm; tener a Dios agarrado por las chivas — (Ven fam) to have the upper hand

    * * *
    = God, deity.
    Ex. The article ' God is alive and well at the reference desk' describes an increase in the number of religious references enquiries in public libraries.
    Ex. Exhibits consisted of bronzes of Tibetan deities and famous Lamas, and ritual objects such as mirrors, flasks, fly whisks, and seals.
    * ¡por dios! = by jingo!.
    * ¡vaya por Dios! = oh dear!.
    * actuar como si + ser + Dios = play + God.
    * adorar un dios = worship + deity.
    * a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.
    * a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda = the early bird catches the worm.
    * armar la de Dios = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * armarse la de Dios = bedlam + break loose, all hell + break loose.
    * ¡Ay Dios! = Heavens!.
    * contra los dioses = against (all/the) odds.
    * creerse Dios = play + God.
    * dejado de la mano de Dios = God-forsaken.
    * dejar a la buena de Dios = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * diosa = goddess [goddesses, -pl.].
    * ¡Dios lo bendiga! = God bless him!, God bless him!.
    * Dios los cría y ellos se juntan = birds of a feather flock together.
    * Dios mediante = God willing.
    * ¡Dios mío! = good grief!.
    * ¡Dios mío! = goodness gracious, oh dear!.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = heaven forbid, heaven forbid.
    * ¡Dios nos libre! = heaven forbid, God forbid.
    * el hombre propone y Dios dispone = Man proposes, God disposes.
    * gracias a Dios = thank goodness.
    * inspirados por Dios, los = divinely ordained, the.
    * olvidado de Dios = God-forsaken.
    * palabra de Dios = word of God.
    * ¡por dios! = in heaven's name, for God's sake, gosh.
    * ¡por dios! = for crying out loud!, goodness gracious, golly.
    * ¡por el amor de Dios! = for crying out loud!.
    * quiera Dios que = God willing.
    * regalo de dios = godsend.
    * ¡Santo Dios! = goodness gracious.
    * si Dios quiere = God willing.
    * temeroso de Dios = God-fearing.
    * todo dios = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * ¡válgame Dios! = goodness gracious, oh dear!.
    * y Dios sabe qué más = and Heaven knows what else.
    * * *
    diosa masculino, femenino
    1) (Mit) (m) god; (f) goddess
    2) Dios masculino (Relig) God

    el Dios de los cristianos/musulmanes — the Christian/Muslim God

    Dios Todopoderoso — Almighty God, God Almighty

    gracias a Dios or a Dios gracias — thank God o heaven

    Dios te oiga!I hope so! o I pray to God you're right!

    por (el) amor de Dios!for God's sake o for heaven's sake!

    que Dios lo tenga en su gloriaGod o the Lord rest his soul

    Dios me libre!God o heaven forbid!

    alabado or bendito sea Dios! — (Relig) praise God o the Lord!

    bendito sea Dios, mira cómo te has puesto! — (fam) good God o good heavens! look at the state you're in! (colloq)

    válgame Dios! — oh my God!, good God!

    por Dios!for God's o heaven's sake!

    Dios mío! or Dios santo! — ( expresando angustia) my God!, oh God!; ( expresando sorpresa) (good) God!

    como Dios manda: cómprate un coche como Dios manda buy yourself a real o a proper car; pórtate como Dios manda behave properly; como Dios me/lo trajo al mundo in my/his birthday suit; como que hay (un) Dios (CS) you can bet your bottom dollar (colloq); costar Dios y (su) ayuda (fam) to take a lot of work; hacer algo a la buena de Dios to do something any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how; menos pregunta Dios y perdona (AmL) don't ask so many questions; ni Dios (fam) nobody; esto no lo entiende ni Dios or no hay Dios que lo entienda this is completely incomprehensible; todo Dios (fam) absolutely everybody; Dios aprieta pero no ahoga or (RPl) ahorca these things are sent to try us; Dios los cría y ellos se juntan birds of a feather flock together; a Dios rogando y con el mazo dando God helps those who help themselves; Dios da pan a quien no tiene dientes it's an unfair world; al que madruga, Dios lo ayuda the early bird catches the worm; tener a Dios agarrado por las chivas — (Ven fam) to have the upper hand

    * * *
    = God, deity.

    Ex: The article ' God is alive and well at the reference desk' describes an increase in the number of religious references enquiries in public libraries.

    Ex: Exhibits consisted of bronzes of Tibetan deities and famous Lamas, and ritual objects such as mirrors, flasks, fly whisks, and seals.
    * ¡por dios! = by jingo!.
    * ¡vaya por Dios! = oh dear!.
    * actuar como si + ser + Dios = play + God.
    * adorar un dios = worship + deity.
    * a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.
    * a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda = the early bird catches the worm.
    * armar la de Dios = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * armarse la de Dios = bedlam + break loose, all hell + break loose.
    * ¡Ay Dios! = Heavens!.
    * contra los dioses = against (all/the) odds.
    * creerse Dios = play + God.
    * dejado de la mano de Dios = God-forsaken.
    * dejar a la buena de Dios = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * diosa = goddess [goddesses, -pl.].
    * ¡Dios lo bendiga! = God bless him!, God bless him!.
    * Dios los cría y ellos se juntan = birds of a feather flock together.
    * Dios mediante = God willing.
    * ¡Dios mío! = good grief!.
    * ¡Dios mío! = goodness gracious, oh dear!.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = heaven forbid, heaven forbid.
    * ¡Dios nos libre! = heaven forbid, God forbid.
    * el hombre propone y Dios dispone = Man proposes, God disposes.
    * gracias a Dios = thank goodness.
    * inspirados por Dios, los = divinely ordained, the.
    * olvidado de Dios = God-forsaken.
    * palabra de Dios = word of God.
    * ¡por dios! = in heaven's name, for God's sake, gosh.
    * ¡por dios! = for crying out loud!, goodness gracious, golly.
    * ¡por el amor de Dios! = for crying out loud!.
    * quiera Dios que = God willing.
    * regalo de dios = godsend.
    * ¡Santo Dios! = goodness gracious.
    * si Dios quiere = God willing.
    * temeroso de Dios = God-fearing.
    * todo dios = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * ¡válgame Dios! = goodness gracious, oh dear!.
    * y Dios sabe qué más = and Heaven knows what else.

    * * *
    masculine, feminine
    A ( Mit) ( masculine) god; ( feminine) goddess
    los dioses del Olimpo the gods of Mount Olympus
    canta como los dioses she sings like an angel, she sings divinely
    el Dios de los cristianos/musulmanes the Christian/Muslim God
    Dios Todopoderoso Almighty God, God Almighty
    Dios Padre God the Father
    gracias a Dios or a Dios gracias thank God o heaven
    gracias a Dios no pasó nada nothing happened, thank God o heaven
    si Dios quiere God willing
    Dios mediante God willing
    quiera Dios que no sea grave let's hope (to God) it isn't serious
    sólo Dios sabe lo que me costó you've no idea how difficult it was
    ¿lo conseguirá? — no sé, Dios dirá will he make it? — I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see
    estoy seguro que todo saldrá bien — ¡Dios te oiga! I'm sure everything will turn out fine — oh, I hope so! o I pray to God you're right!
    te lo juro por Dios I swear to God
    por (el) amor de Dios: ¡termínalo de una vez, por (el) amor de Dios! get it finished, for God's sake o for heaven's sake!
    ¡una limosnita, por el amor de Dios! can you spare some change, for pity's sake?
    Dios proveerá God o the Lord will provide
    que Dios se lo pague God bless you
    ve con Dios God be with you
    que Dios te bendiga God bless you
    que Dios lo tenga en su gloria God o the Lord rest his soul
    ¡Dios me libre! God o heaven forbid!
    ¡Dios nos libre de esa desgracia! heaven preserve us from such a misfortune!
    si se entera tu padre ¡Dios te libre! God o heaven o the Lord help you if your father finds out!
    ¡sabe Dios lo que habrá estado haciendo! God (alone) knows what she's been up to!
    ¡alabado or bendito sea Dios! ( Relig) praise God o the Lord!
    ¡bendito sea Dios, mira cómo te has puesto! ( fam); good God o good heavens! look at the state you're in! ( colloq)
    ¡alabado sea Dios! otra vez será it wasn't God's will o it wasn't meant to be, maybe next time
    ¡vaya por Dios! oh dear!
    ¡válgame Dios! oh my God!, good God!
    ¡ay, Dios! oh dear!
    ¡por Dios! for God's o heaven's sake!
    ¡Dios mío! or ¡Dios santo! (expresando angustia) my God!, oh God!; (expresando sorpresa) God!, good God!
    ¡Dios! ¡cómo me gustaría estar allí! God! how I'd love to be there!
    a la buena de Dios: hizo el trabajo a la buena de Dios he did the job any which way ( AmE) o ( BrE) any old how
    salieron de viaje a la buena de Dios they set off without making any plans
    abandonó a sus hijos a la buena de Dios she just abandoned her children
    armar la de Dios es Cristo ( fam): armó la de Dios (es Cristo) con lo que dijo she caused a tremendous fuss o an almighty row with what she said ( colloq)
    como Dios manda: una secretaria como Dios manda a real secretary
    cómprate un coche como Dios manda buy yourself a real o a proper car
    pórtate como Dios manda behave properly
    como Dios me/lo echó or trajo al mundo in my/his birthday suit, stark naked ( colloq)
    como que hay (un) Dios (CS); as sure as eggs is eggs ( colloq), you can bet your bottom dollar ( colloq)
    costar Dios y su ayuda ( fam); to take a lot of work
    estar de Dios to be God's will
    estaba de Dios que pasara it was meant to happen o meant to be, it was God's will (that it should happen)
    estar de Dios y de la ley ( Méx fam); to be tremendous o magnificent
    menos pregunta Dios y perdona ( AmL); don't ask so many questions
    necesitar Dios y su ayuda ( fam); to need a lot of help
    ni Dios ( fam); nobody
    esto no lo entiende ni Dios or no hay Dios que lo entienda this is completely incomprehensible
    que Dios nos coja confesados ( Esp); God o the Lord help us!
    ¡que venga Dios y lo vea! I'll eat my hat!
    si eso es verdad que venga Dios y lo vea if that's true, I'll eat my hat!
    todo Dios ( fam); absolutely everybody
    Dios aprieta pero no ahoga or ( RPl) ahorca these things are sent to try us
    Dios los cría y ellos se juntan birds of a feather flock together
    al que madruga, Dios lo ayuda the early bird catches the worm
    tener a Dios agarrado por las chivas ( Ven fam); to have the upper hand
    * * *


    diosa sustantivo masculino, femenino

    1 (Mit) (m) god;
    (f) goddess
    Dios sustantivo masculino (Relig) God;

    el Ddios de los musulmanes the Muslim God;
    gracias a Ddios thank God o heaven;
    si Ddios quiere God willing;
    te lo juro por Ddios I swear to God;
    ¡por (el) amor de Ddios! for God's sake o for heaven's sake!;
    que Ddios te bendiga God bless you;
    ¡Ddios me libre! God o heaven forbid!;
    ¡sabe Ddios! God knows!;
    ¡vaya por Ddios! oh dear!;
    ¡por Ddios! for God's o heaven's sake!;
    ¡Ddios mío! or ¡Ddios santo! ( expresando angustia) my God!, oh God!;

    ( expresando sorpresa) (good) God!;
    como Ddios manda: un coche como Ddios manda a real o a proper car;

    pórtate como Ddios manda behave properly;
    hacer algo a la buena de Ddios to do sth any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how
    dios sustantivo masculino
    1 god
    2 Excl ¡Dios!, good God! ¡Dios mío!, Oh my God!
    si Dios quiere, God willing
    ♦ Locuciones: hacer algo como Dios manda, to do sthg properly
    familiar ni dios, not a soul
    familiar todo dios, everybody
    ' dios' also found in these entries:
    - bendición
    - berenjenal
    - coger
    - dejada
    - dejado
    - estar
    - gracias
    - hablar
    - proveer
    - temor
    - alma
    - amor
    - amparar
    - bendecir
    - bendito
    - dotar
    - gracia
    - hijo
    - sobre
    - believe in
    - bird
    - father
    - god
    - godforsaken
    - good
    - goodness
    - gosh
    - grace
    - gracious
    - heaven
    - hell
    - lord
    - serve
    - thank
    - willing
    - word
    - bless
    - Christ
    - proper
    - sake
    - thankfully
    - would
    * * *
    dios, -osa
    god, f goddess;
    Baco es el dios del vino Bacchus is the god of wine;
    la diosa del amor the goddess of love;
    los dioses del Olimpo the gods of (Mount) Olympus
    dios griego Greek god;
    dios romano Roman god
    Dios [ser sobrenatural] God;
    el Dios de los cristianos the Christian God;
    a la buena de Dios any old how;
    hace las cosas a la buena de Dios he does things any old how;
    no sabía cocinar, e hizo el guiso a la buena de Dios he didn't know how to cook, so he trusted to luck when making the stew;
    se armó la de Dios es Cristo all hell broke loose;
    como Dios: lo pasamos como Dios we had a high old time;
    en esta oficina vivimos como Dios we've got it made in this office;
    tu vecina está como Dios your neighbour's gorgeous;
    la paella estaba como Dios the paella was sublime;
    como Dios manda [apropiado] proper;
    [apropiadamente] properly;
    hacer algo como Dios manda to do sth properly;
    como Dios me/te/etc. [m5] trajo al mundo in my/your/ etc birthday suit, without a stitch on;
    costar Dios y ayuda: nos costó Dios y ayuda subir el piano hasta el quinto piso we had a heck o hell of a job getting the piano up to the fifth floor;
    jurar algo por Dios: ¡te lo juro por Dios! I swear to God!;
    me juró por Dios que no había sido él he swore to God that he hadn't done it;
    ni Dios: no vino ni Dios not a soul came;
    esto no lo arregla ni Dios no way will anyone ever fix this;
    tu letra es muy mala, no hay (ni) Dios que la entienda your handwriting's terrible, you can't expect anyone to be able to read it;
    poner a Dios por testigo: ¡pongo a Dios por testigo que yo no lo hice! may God be my witness, I didn't do it!;
    sin encomendarse (ni) a Dios ni al diablo throwing caution to the winds;
    todo Dios all the world and his wife;
    vino todo Dios the world and his wife were there;
    a todo Dios le encantó la comida absolutely everybody loved the food;
    a Dios rogando y con el mazo dando God helps those who help themselves;
    Dios aprieta pero no ahoga God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb;
    Dios los cría y ellos se juntan birds of a feather flock together
    2. [en exclamaciones, invocaciones]
    ¡a Dios gracias! thank heavens!;
    ¡a Dios gracias no pasó nada! nothing happened, thank heavens!;
    ¡alabado sea Dios! [al rezar] praise be (to God)!;
    [indica fastidio, sorpresa, alivio] thank God!;
    ¡alabado sea Dios!, ¡otra factura! heavens above, another bill!;
    ¡alabado sea Dios!, ¡por fin ha llegado el pedido! thank heavens, the order has finally arrived!;
    ¡anda con Dios! God be with you!;
    ¡bendito sea Dios! [al rezar] praise be (to God)!;
    ¡bendito sea Dios!, ¡otra carrera en la media! heavens above, another ladder in my tights!;
    ¡bendito sea Dios!, ¡no les ha pasado nada! thank heavens, they're all right!;
    ¡me cago en Dios! for fuck's sake!;
    Dios dirá it's in the lap of the gods;
    ¡gracias a Dios! thank heavens!;
    ¡gracias a Dios que has venido! thank heavens you've come!;
    ¡Dios lo quiera! let's hope so!;
    Dios mediante God willing;
    ¡Dios mío! good God!, (oh) my God!;
    ¡Dios no lo quiera! heaven forbid!;
    Dios sabe God (alone) knows;
    sabe Dios God (alone) knows;
    ¡Dios santo! (oh) my God!;
    ¡Dios santo!, ¿qué vamos a hacer ahora? oh my God! what are we going to do now?;
    ¡santo Dios! (oh) my God!;
    si Dios quiere God willing;
    ¡por Dios! for God's sake!;
    ¡(que) Dios me/nos/ etc[m5]. ampare! heaven help me/us/ etc!;
    (que) Dios le/te bendiga God bless you;
    ¡(que) Dios nos coja confesados! heaven help us!;
    ¡(que) Dios le/te oiga! let's hope so!;
    (que) Dios se/te lo pague God bless you;
    (que) Dios me perdone: (que) Dios me perdone, pero es una mala persona forgive me for saying this, but he's not a very nice person;
    (que) Dios me perdone, pero es un cabrón pardon my French, but he's a bastard;
    que sea lo que Dios quiera what will be will be;
    ¡válgame Dios! good heavens!;
    ¡vaya con Dios! may God be with you;
    ¡vaya por Dios! for heaven's sake!, honestly!;
    ¡ve con Dios! God be with you!
    Fam God!;
    ¡Dios!, ¡qué aburrimiento! God, how boring!;
    ¡Dios!, ¡qué hambre tengo! God, I'm hungry!
    * * *
    m God;
    ¡Dios mío! my God!;
    ¡por Dios! for God’s sake!;
    Dios mediante God willing;
    si Dios quiere God willing;
    ¡Dios nos libre! God forbid!;
    ¡válgame Dios! good God!;
    ¡vaya por Dios! oh dear!;
    sabe Dios lo que dijo God knows what he said;
    hazlo como Dios manda do it properly;
    a la buena de Dios any old how;
    costar Dios y ayuda be very difficult;
    vivir como Dios fam live like a king;
    armar la de Dios fam raise hell fam
    * * *
    Dios nm
    : God
    * * *
    dios n god

    Spanish-English dictionary > Dios

  • 13 bonae

    bŏnus (old form dŭonus, Carm. Sall. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, § 26 Mull.; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 67 Mull.), a, um, adj. [for duonus, cf. bellum, bis, and cf. root dvi-; hence deidô, deos], good; comp. melior, us [cf. Gr. mala, mallon], better; sup. optimus ( optumus, ante-class. and often class.) [root opof ops, opes; cf. copia, apiscor], best.
    As adjunct of nouns denoting persons.
    Vir bonus.
    A man morally good (kalos kagathos):

    quoniam boni me viri pauperant, improbi alunt,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 4, 60:

    omnibus virtutibus instructos et ornatos tum sapientes, tum viros bonos dicimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 10, 28:

    ille vir bonus qui... intolerabili dolore lacerari potius quam aut officium prodat aut fidem,

    id. Ac. 2, 8, 23:

    sive vir bonus est is qui prodest quibus potest, nocet nemini, certe istum virum bonum non facile reperimus,

    id. Off. 3, 15, 64:

    qui se ita gerunt ut eorum probitas, fides, integritas, etc.... hos viros bonos... appellandos putemus,

    id. Lael. 5, 19:

    non intellegunt se de callido homine loqui, non de bono viro,

    id. Att. 7, 2, 4:

    ut quisque est vir optimus, ita difficillime esse alios improbos suspicatur,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 4, § 12:

    nec enim melior vir fuit Africano quisquam, nec clarior,

    id. Lael. 2, 6; id. Leg. 1, 14, 41; 1, 18, 48; id. Planc. 4, 9; id. Par. 3, 1, 21; id. Marcell. 6, 20; id. Fam. 7, 21; id. Off. 2, 16, 57.—
    An honest man:

    justitia, ex qua viri boni nominantur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 7, 21; 1, 44, 155; 2, 11, 39; 2, 12, 42; 2, 20, 71;

    3, 12, 50: cum is sponsionem fecisset ni vir bonus esset,

    id. ib. 3, 19, 77:

    quoniam Demosthenes nec vir bonus esset, nec bene meritus de civitate,

    id. Opt. Gen. 7, 20; cf. id. Rosc. Am. 40, 116.—
    A man of good standing in the community:

    id viri boni arbitratu deducetur,

    Cato, R. R. 143; so id. ib. 149:

    tuam partem viri bono arbitratu... dari oportet,

    Dig. 17, 1, [p. 244] 35;

    37, 6, 2, § 2: quem voles virum bonum nominato,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 25, § 55:

    vir bonus est... quo res sponsore, et quo causae teste tenentur,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 40.—Hence, ironically of wealthy men:

    praetores jus dicunt, aediles ludos parant, viri boni usuras perscribunt,

    Cic. Att. 9, 12, 3.—
    Ironically of bad men:

    sed eccum lenonem Lycum, bonum virum,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 5, 52; Ter. Eun. 5, 3, 9; 4, 3, 18; id. Ad. 3, 4, 30:

    expectabam quinam isti viri boni testes hujus manifesto deprehensi veneni dicerentur,

    Cic. Cael. 26, 63:

    nam socer ejus, vir multum bonus est,

    id. Agr. 3, 3, 13;

    so especially in addresses (mostly comic.): age tu, illuc procede, bone vir!

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 2, 1; id. Curc. 5, 2, 12; id. Ps. 4, 7, 48; id. Pers. 5, 2, 11; Ter. And. 3, 5, 10; 5, 2, 5; id. Ad. 4, 2, 17; id. Eun. 5, 2, 11:

    quid tu, vir optime? Ecquid habes quod dicas?

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 36, 104.—
    Sometimes boni viri = boni, in the sense of optimates (v. I. A. 3.):

    bonis viris quid juris reliquit tribunatus C. Gracchi?

    Cic. Leg. 3, 9, 20.—
    As a conventional courtesy:

    homines optimi non intellegunt, etc.,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 7, 25:

    bone accusator,

    id. Rosc. Am. 21, 58:

    sic illum amicum vocasti, quomodo omnes candidatos bonos viros dicimus,

    gentlemen, Sen. Ep. 3, 1.—For bonus vir, a good husband, v. 3.; and for vir optimus, as a laudatory epithet, v. 5.—
    Boni homines (rare) = boni, better classes of society, v. II. A. 3:

    in foro infimo boni homines atque dites ambulant,

    Plaut. Curc. 4, 1, 14.—
    With nouns denoting persons in regard to their functions, offices, occupations, and qualities, denoting excellence:

    bonus consul,

    Liv. 4, 40, 6; 22, 39, 2 (different: consules duos, bonos quidem, sed dumtaxat bonos, amisimus, consuls of good sentiments, almost = bad consuls, Cic. ad Brut. 1, 3, 4):

    boni tribuni plebis,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 10, 25:

    bonus senator,

    id. Prov. Cons. 15, 37:

    senator bonus,

    id. Dom. 4, 8:

    bonus judex,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 15, § 34:

    bonus augur (ironically),

    id. Phil. 2, 32, 80:

    bonus vates,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 3, 27:

    bonus imperator,

    Sall. C. 60, 4:

    bonus dux,

    Quint. 12, 1, 43 (cf. trop.:

    naturam, optimam ducem,

    the best guide, Cic. Sen. 2, 5):

    bonus miles,

    Sall. C. 60, 4; Sen. Vit. Beat. 15, 5:

    bonus orator,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 10:

    optimus orator,

    id. Opt. Gen. 1, 3:

    poeta bonus,

    id. de Or. 1, 3, 11; 2, 46, 194; id. Fin. 1, 3, 10:

    scriptor bonus,

    Quint. 10, 1, 104:

    bonus advocatus,

    id. 5, 13, 10:

    bonus defensor,

    id. 5, 13, 3:

    bonus altercator,

    a good debater, id. 6, 4, 10:

    bonus praeceptor,

    id. 5, 13, 44; 10, 5, 22:

    bonus gubernator,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 31, 100:

    optimus opifex,

    Hor. S. 1, 3, 133:

    sutor bonus,

    id. ib. 1, 3, 125:

    actor optimus,

    Cic. Sest. 57, 122:

    cantor optimus est modulator,

    Hor. S. 1, 3, 130:

    melior gladiator,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 6, 33: agricola (colonus, dominus) bonus, Cato, R. R. prooem.; Cic. Sen. 16, 56:

    bonus paterfamilias,

    a thrifty head of the house, Nep. Att. 13, 1:

    bonus servus,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 3, 58; id. Am. 2, 1, 46; id. Men. 5, 6, 1; Cic. Mil. 22, 58:

    dominus bonus,

    Cato, R. R. 14:

    bonus custos,

    Plaut. Truc. 4, 3, 38.—Ironically, Ter. Phorm. 2, 1, 57:

    filius bonus,

    Plaut. Am. 3, 4, 9:


    Quint. 11, 3, 178:


    id. 6, prooem. 4: bonus (melior, optimus), viz. a good husband, Cic. Inv. 1, 31, 51 sq.; Liv. 1, 9, 15:

    uxor melior,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 31, 52:


    id. Fam. 2, 15, 3:

    amicus optimus,

    Plaut. Cas. 3, 3, 18:

    optimus testis,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 27, 2:

    auctor, in two senses,

    good authority, id. Att. 5, 12, 3;

    and = bonus scriptor (post-class.),

    Quint. 10, 1, 74.—Esp.:

    bonus civis (rarely civis bonus): in re publica ea velle quae tranquilla et honesta sint: talem enim solemus et sentire bonum civem et dicere, Cic.-Off. 1, 34, 124: eaque est summa ratio et sapientia boni civis, commoda civium non divellere, atque omnes aequitate eadem continere,

    id. ib. 2, 23, 83:

    eum esse civem et fidelem et bonum,

    Plaut. Pers. 1, 2, 15; Cic. Fam. 2, 8, 2; 1, 9, 10; 3, 12, 1; 6, 6, 11; id. Off. 1, 44, 155; Liv. 22, 39, 3; Sall. H. Fragm. 1, 10 Dietsch:

    optimus et fortissimus civis,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 2, 3; id. Sest. 17, 39.—
    Bonus and optimus as epithets of the gods.
    In gen.:

    sed te bonus Mercurius perdat,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 3, 23:

    fata... bonique divi,

    Hor. C. 4, 2, 38:

    divis orte bonis,

    id. ib. 4, 5, 1:

    O bone deus!

    Scrib. Comp. 84 fin.: BONORVM DEORVM, Inscr. ap. Cic. N. D. 3, 34, 84: totidem, pater optime, dixi, Tu mihi da cives, referring to Jupiter, Ov. M. 7, 627.—
    Optimus Maximus, a standing epithet of Jupiter:

    (Juppiter) a majoribus nostris Optimus Maximus (nominatur), et quidem ante optimus, id est beneficentissimus, quam Maximus,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 25, 64:

    Jovem optimum et maximum ob eas res appellant, non quod, etc.,

    id. ib. 3, 36, 87:

    in templo Jovis Optimi Maximi,

    id. Sest. 56, 129; id. Prov. Cons. 9, 22:

    nutu Jovis Optimi Maximi,

    id. Cat. 3, 9, 21; Liv. 1, 12, 7; id. 6, 16, 2.—
    Di boni, O di boni, expressing indignation, sorrow, or surprise:

    di boni, hunc visitavi antidhac!

    Plaut. Ep. 4, 1, 16:

    di boni, boni quid porto!

    Ter. And. 2, 2, 1:

    di boni, quid hoc morbi est,

    id. Eun. 2, 1, 19; id. Heaut. 2, 3, 13; id. Ad. 3, 3, 86:

    alter, O di boni, quam taeter incedebat!

    Cic. Sest. 8, 19; id. Brut. 84, 288; id. Phil. 2, 8, 20; 2, 32, 80; id. Att. 1, 16, 5; 14, 21, 2; Val. Max. 3, 5, 1; Sen. Vit. Beat. 2, 3.—
    Bona Dea, etc., v. 6.—
    Optimus as a laudatory epithet.
    Vir optimus:

    per vos nobis, per optimos viros optimis civibus periculum inferre conantur,

    Cic. Sest. 1, 2:

    virum optimum et constantissimum M. Cispium,

    id. ib. 35, 76:

    fratrem meum, virum optimum, fortissimum,

    id. ib.:

    consolabor hos praesentes, viros optimos,

    id. Balb. 19, 44; id. Planc. 21, 51; 23, 55; id. Mil. 14, 38; id. Marcell. 4, 10; id. Att. 5, 1, 5; Hor. S. 1, 6, 53.—
    Femina bona, optima:

    tua conjunx bona femina,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 6, 16:

    hujus sanctissimae feminae atque optimae pater,

    id. ib. —
    Senex, pater, frater, etc.:

    optimus: parentes ejus, prudentissimi atque optimi senis,

    Cic. Planc. 41, 97:

    insuevit pater optimus hoc me,

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 105; 2, 1, 12:

    C. Marcelli, fratris optimi,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 7, 6; id. Q. Fr. 2, 6 (8), 2; 2, 4, 2.—
    With proper names ( poet.):

    optimus Vergilius,

    Hor. S. 1, 6, 54:

    Maecenas optimus,

    id. ib. 1, 5, 27:

    optime Quinti,

    id. Ep. 1, 16, 1.—
    Esp. as an epithet of the Roman emperors:

    quid tam civile, tam senatorium quam illud, additum a nobis Optimi cognomen?

    Plin. Pan. 2, 7:

    gratias, inquit, ago, optime Princeps!

    Sen. Tranq. 14. 4:

    ex epistula optimi imperatoris Antonini,

    Gai. Inst. 1, 102; cf.:

    bene te patriae pater optime Caesar,

    Ov. F. 2, 637:

    optime Romulae Custos gentis,

    Hor. C. 4, 5, 1.—
    Bonus and Bona, names of deities.
    Bona Dea, the goddess of Chastity, whose temple could not be entered by males (cf. Macr. S. 1, 12; Lact. 1, 22):

    Bonae Deae pulvinaribus,

    Cic. Pis. 39, 95; id. Mil. 31, 86; id. Fam. 1, 9, 15; cf.

    in mal. part.,

    Juv. 2, 86 sq.; 6, 314 sq.; 6, 335 sq.—
    Bonus Eventus, Varr. R. R. 1, 1 med.; Amm. 29, 6, 19; Inscr. Orell. 907; 1780 sq.—
    Bona Fortuna:

    si bona Fortuna veniat, ne intromiseris,

    Plaut. Aul. 1, 3, 22:

    Bonae Fortunae (signum),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 3, § 7:


    Inscr. Orell. 1743 sq. —
    Bona Spes:

    Spes Bona, obsecro, subventa mihi,

    Plaut. Rud. 1, 4, 12:


    Aug. Inscr. Grut. 1075, 1.—
    BONA MENS, Inscr. Orell. 1818 sqq.:

    Mens Bona, si qua dea es, tua me in sacraria dono,

    Prop. 3, 24, 19.
    With nouns denoting things.
    Things concrete, denoting excellence:

    navis bona dicitur non quae pretiosis coloribus picta est... sed stabilis et firma,

    Sen. Ep. 76, 13:

    gladium bonum dices, non cui auratus est balteus, etc., sed cui et ad secandum subtilis acies est, et, etc.,

    id. ib. 76, 14:

    id vinum erit lene et bono colore,

    Cato, R. R. 109; Lucr. 2, 418; Ov. Am. 2, 7, 9:

    tabulas... collocare in bono lumine,

    Cic. Brut. 75, 261: ex quavis olea oleum... bonum fieri potest. Cato, R. R. 3:

    per aestatem boves aquam bonam et liquidam bibant semper curato,

    id. ib. 73; cf.:

    bonae aquae, ironically compared to wine,

    Prop. 2, 33 (3, 31), 28:

    praedium bonum caelum habeat,

    good temperature, Cato, R. R. 1:

    bona tempestate,

    in good weather, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 2, 4:

    (praedium) solo bono valeat,

    by good soil, Cato, R. R. 1:

    bonae (aedes) cum curantur male,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 2, 24:

    villam bonam,

    Cic. Off. 3, 13, 55:

    bonus pons,

    Cat. 17, 5:

    scyphi optimi (= optime facti),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 14, § 32:

    perbona toreumata,

    id. ib. 2, 4, 18, §

    38: bona domicilia,

    comfortable residences, id. N. D. 2, 37, 95:

    agrum Meliorem nemo habet,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 12:

    fundum meliorem,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 31, 52: fundos optimos et fructuosissimos, id. Agr. 3, 4, 14:

    equus melior,

    id. Inv. 1, 31, 52:

    bona cena,

    Cat. 13, 3:

    boni nummi,

    good, not counterfeit, Plaut. As. 3, 3, 144; Cic. Off. 3, 23, 91:

    super omnia vultus accessere boni,

    good looks, Ov. M. 8, 678:

    mulier bona forma,

    of a fine form, Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 13:

    equus formae melioris,

    Hor. S. 2, 7, 52:

    tam bona cervix, simul ac jussero, demetur,

    fine, beautiful, Suet. Calig. 33:

    fruges bonae,

    Cat. 34, 19:

    ova suci melioris,

    of better flavor, Hor. S. 2, 4, 13.— Trop.:

    animus aequus optimum est aerumnae condimentum,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 3, 71: bona dextra, a lucky hand (cf.:

    bonum omen, 2. e.),

    Quint. 6, 3, 69:

    scio te bona esse voce, ne clama nimis,

    good, sound, loud voice, Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 43; so,

    bona firmaque vox,

    Quint. 11, 3, 13.—
    Things abstract.
    Of physical well-being:

    ut si qui neget sine bona valetudine posse bene vivi,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 51, 93; Sen. Vit. Beat. 22, 2; Lucr. 3, 102; Val. Max. 2, 5, 6; Quint. 10, 3, 26; 11, 2, 35 et saep.:

    non bonus somnus de prandio est,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 8:

    bona aetas,

    prime of life, Cic. Sen. 14, 48:

    optima aetate,

    id. Fam. 10, 3, 3.—Ironically:

    bona, inquis, aetate, etc.,

    Sen. Ep. 76, 1.—
    Of the mind and soul:

    meliore esse sensu,

    Cic. Sest. 21, 47:

    optima indoles,

    id. Fin. 5, 22, 61:

    bona conscientia,

    Quint. 6, 1, 33; 9, 2, 93; Sen. Vit. Beat. 20, 5:

    bono ingenio me esse ornatam quam auro multo mavolo,

    with a good heart, Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 91; id. Stich. 1, 21, 59; Sall. C. 10, 5:

    mens melior,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 78; Cic. Phil. 3, 5, 13; Liv. 39, 16, 5; Sen. Ben. 1, 11, 4; id. Ep. 10, 4; Pers. 2, 8; Petr. 61.—Personified, Prop. 3 (4), 24, 19; Ov. Am. 1, 2, 31:

    duos optimae indolis filios,

    Val. Max. 5, 7, 2; Sen. Ben. 6, 16, 6; Quint. 1, 2, 5:

    bonum consilium,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 6; id. Rud. 4, 3, 18; Cic. Off. 1, 33, 121:

    bona voluntas,

    a good purpose, Quint. 12, 11, 31:

    memoria bona,

    Cic. Att. 8, 4, 2:

    bona ratio cum perdita... confligit,

    id. Cat. 2, 11, 25:

    bonae rationes,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 50:

    pronuntiatio bona,

    Auct. Her. 3, 15, 27.—
    Of moral relations:

    ego si bonam famam mihi servasso, sat ero dives,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 71; Cic. Sest. 66, 139; Liv. 6, 11, 7; Hor. S. 1, 2, 61 (cf. Cic. Att. 7, 26, 1;

    v. e. infra): si ego in causa tam bona cessi tribuni plebis furori,

    Cic. Sest. 16, 36; id. Planc. 36, 87; Ov. M. 5, 220:

    fac, sis, bonae frugi sies,

    of good, regular habits, Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 35; id. Cas. 2, 4, 5; 2, 5, 19; id. Ps. 1, 5, 53; id. Truc. 1, 1, 13; id. Capt. 5, 2, 3 sq. (v. frux, II. B. 1. b.): vilicus disciplina bona utatur. Cato, R. R. 5:

    bona studia,

    moral pursuits, Auct. Her. 4, 17, 25:

    quidquid vita meliore parasti,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 15: ad spem mortis melioris, an honorable death; so as an epithet of religious exercises:

    Juppiter, te bonas preces precor,

    Cato, R. R. 134; 139.—
    Of external, artistic, and literary value and usefulness:

    bono usui estis nulli,

    Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 15:

    Optumo optume optumam operam das,

    id. Am. 1, 1, 122:

    bonam dedistis mihi operam,

    a valuable service to me, id. Poen. 2, 3, 70; 3, 6, 11; id. Pers. 4, 7, 11; id. Rud. 3, 6, 11 (in a different sense: me bona opera aut mala Tibi inventurum esse auxilium argentarium, by fair or unfair means, id. Ps. 1, 1, 102;

    v. e. infra): optima hereditas a patribus traditur liberis... gloria virtutis rerumque gestarum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 33, 121:

    bonum otium,

    valuable leisure, Sall. C. 4, 1:

    bonis versibus,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 23, 74:

    versus meliores,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 81:

    meliora poemata,

    Hor. A. P. 303:

    in illa pro Ctesiphonte oratione longe optima,

    Cic. Or. 8, 26:

    optimas fabulas,

    id. Off. 1, 31, 114:

    melius munus,

    id. Ac. 1, 2, 7.—
    Favorable, prosperous, lucky, fortunate:

    de Procilio rumores non boni,

    unfavorable rumors, Cic. Att. 4, 16, 5:

    bona de Domitio, praeclara de Afranio fama est,

    about their success in the war, id. ib. 7, 26, 1:

    si fuisset in discipulo comparando meliore fortuna,

    id. Pis. 29, 71; cf.

    fortuna optima esse,

    to be in the best pecuniary circumstances, id. ad Brut. 1, 1, 2:

    occasio tam bona,

    Plaut. Most. 2, 2, 9:

    senex est eo meliore condicione quam adulesoens cum, etc.,

    Cic. Sen. 19, 68; id. Fam. 4, 32:

    bona navigatio,

    id. N. D. 3, 34, 83;

    esp. in phrase bona spes.—Object.: ergo in iis adulescentibus bonam spem esse dicemus et magnam indolem quos, etc.,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 35, 117.—Subject.:

    ego sum spe bona,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 28, 3; id. Cat. 2, 11, 25; [p. 245] id. Att. 14, 1 a, 3; id. Q. Fr. 1, 2, 5, § 16:

    optima spe,

    id. Fam. 12, 11, 2.—Pregn., = spes bonarum rerum, Sall. C. 21, 1;

    v. C. 1. c. infra: meliora responsa,

    more favorable, Liv. 7, 21, 6:

    melior interpretatio,

    Tac. H. 3, 65:

    cum laude et bonis recordationibus,

    id. A. 4, 38:

    amnis Doctus iter melius,

    i. e. less injurious, Hor. A. P. 68:

    omen bonum,

    a good, lucky omen, Cic. Pis. 13, 31; cf.

    Liv. praef. § 13: melius omen,

    Ov. F. 1, 221;


    Cic. Fam. 3, 12, 2:

    bona scaeva,

    Plaut. Stich. 5, 2, 24:

    auspicio optumo,

    id. ib. 3, 2, 6; cf.:

    memini bene, sed meliore Tempore dicam = opportuniore tempore,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 68.—
    Of public affairs, si mihi bona re publica frui non licuerit, Cic. Mil. 34, 93:

    optima res publica,

    id. Or. 1, 1, 1; id. Phil. 1, 8, 19:

    minus bonis temporibus,

    id. Dom. 4, 8; so,

    optimis temporibus,

    id. Sest. 3, 6:

    nostrae res meliore loco videbantur,

    id. ad Brut. 1, 3, 1:

    lex optima,

    id. Pis. 16, 37; id. Sest. 64, 137; id. Phil, 1, 8, 19.—
    Good = large, considerable:

    bono atque amplo lucro,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 6:

    bona librorum copia,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 109; cf.:

    bona copia cornu,

    Ov. M. 9, 88; v. bona pars, C. 8. g.—
    Noble; with genus, good family, noble extraction, honorable birth: quali me arbitraris genere prognatum? Eu. Bono, Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 35; so id. Ep. 1, 2, 4; 2, 1, 3; id. Pers. 4, 4, 94:

    si bono genere natus sit,

    Auct. Her. 3, 7, 13.—
    Referring to good-will, kindness, faithfulness, in certain phrases.
    Bona venia or cum bona venia, with the kind permission of a person addressed, especially bona venia orare, expetere, etc.:

    primum abs te hoc bona venia expeto,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 3, 31:

    bona tua venia dixerim,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 15, 34:

    oravit bona venia Quirites, ne, etc.,

    Liv. 7, 41, 3:

    obsecro vos.. bona venia vestra liceat, etc.,

    id. 6, 40, 10:

    cum bona venia quaeso audiatis, etc.,

    id. 29, 17, 6; Arn. c. Gent. 1, p. 5; cf.

    . sed des veniam bonus oro = venia bona oro,

    Hor. S. 2, 4, 5.—
    Bona pax, without quarrelling:

    bona pax sit potius,

    let us have no quarrel about that, Plaut. Pers. 2, 2, 7;

    so especially cum bona pace, or bona pace: Hannibal ad Alpis cum bona pace incolentium... pervenit,

    without a difficulty with the inhabitants, Liv. 21, 32, 6; 21, 24, 5; 1, 24, 3; 28, 37, 4; 8, 15, 1; cf.: si bonam (pacem) dederitis, = a fair peace, under acceptable conditions, id. 8, 21, 4.—
    Amicitia bona = bona fide servata, faithful, undisturbed friendship:

    igitur amicitia Masinissae bona atque honesta nobis permansit,

    Sall. J. 5, 5.—
    Bona societas, alliance:

    Segestes, memoria bonae societatis, impavidus,

    Tac. A. 1, 58.
    In particular phrases.
    Bonae res.
    = Vitae commoda, comforts of life, abstract or concrete:

    concedatur bonis rebus homines morte privari,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 36, 87:

    optimis rebus usus est,

    he had every most desirable thing, Nep. Att. 18, 1.—
    = Res secundae, opp. res adversae, prosperity:

    bonis rebus tuis, meas irrides malas,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 45:

    in bonis rebus,

    Hor. C. 2, 3, 2. —
    Res bona = res familiaris bona, wealth ( poet.): in re bona esse, Laber. ap. Gell. 10, 17, 4.—Also an object of value:

    homines quibus mala abunde omnia erant, sed neque res neque spes bona ulla,

    who had no property, nor the hope of any, Sall. C. 21, 1. —
    Costly things, articles of luxury:

    capere urbem in Arabia plenam bonarum rerum,

    Plaut. Pers. 4, 3, 46; 4, 4, 82:

    nimium rei bonae,

    id. Stich. 2, 3, 55:

    ignorantia bonarum rerum,

    Nep. Ages. 8, 5 ' bonis rebus gaudere, Hor. S. 2, 6, 110:

    re bona copiosum esse,

    Gell. 16, 19, 7.—
    Moral, morally good:

    illi cum res non bonas tractent,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 33, 72:

    ut de virtutibus et vitiis, omninoque de bonis rebus et malis quaererent,

    id. ib. 1, 4, 15:

    quid habemus in rebus bonis et malis explorati?

    id. ib. 2, 42, 129; so id. Or. 1, 10, 42; id. Leg. 1, 22, 58:

    quae tamen omnia dulciora fuint et moribus bonis et artibus,

    id. Sen. 18, 65.—
    In literary composition, important or interesting matter, subjects, or questions:

    res bonas verbis electis dictas quis non legat?

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 8:

    studiis generorum, praesertim in re bona,

    Plaut. Am. 8, 26.—
    Bonae artes.
    A good, laudable way of dealing:

    qui praeclari facinoris aut artis bonae famam quaerit,

    Sall. C. 2, 9:

    huic bonae artes desunt, dolis atque fallaciis contendit,

    id. ib. 11, 2:

    quod is bonarum artium cupiens erat,

    Tac. A. 6, 46.—
    Liberal arts and sciences:

    litteris aut ulli bonae arti,

    Quint. 12, 1, 7:

    conservate civem bonarum artium, bonarum partium, bonorum virorum,

    Cic. Sest. 32, 77. —Esp.:

    optimae artes: optimarum artium scientia,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 4; id. Ac. 2, 1, 1; id. Cael. 10, 24; id. Marcell. 1, 4.—
    Bona fides, or fides bona.
    Good faith, i. e. conscious honesty in acts or words: qui nummos fide bona solvit, who pays (the price of labor) in good faith, i. e. as it is honestly earned, Cato, R. R. 14:

    dic, bona fide, tu id aurum non subripuisti?

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 46; 4, 10, 47; id. Capt. 4, 2, 111; id. Most. 3, 1, 137; id. Poen. 1, 3, 30; id. Pers. 4, 3, 16; id. Ps. 4, 6, 33:

    si tibi optima fide omnia concessit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 49, 144; Quint. 10, 3, 23.—Hence, bonae fidei vir, a conscientious man, Quint. 10, 7, 1.—
    Jurid. t. t.
    Good faith in contracts and legal acts in general, opposed to dolus malus, honesty and fairness in dealing with another:

    ad fidem bonam statuit pertinere, notum esse emptori vitium quod nosset venditor,

    Cic. Off. 3, 16, 67.—Hence, alienam rem bona fide emere, to buy, believing the seller to be the rightful owner, Dig. 41, 3, 10; 41, 3, 13, § 1. bonae fidei possessor (also possessio), believing that he is the rightful owner, ib. 5, 3, 25, § 11; 5, 3, 22; 41, 3, 15, § 2;

    41, 3, 24: conventio contra bonam fidem et mores bonos,

    ib. 16, 31, § 7: bonam fidem praestare, to be responsible for one ' s good faith, ib. 17, 1, 10 prooem.—Hence,
    Bonae fidei actiones or judicia, actions in equity, i. e. certain classes of actions in which the strict civil law was set aside by the praetorian edict in favor of equity:

    actiones quaedam bonae fidei sunt, quaedam stricti juris. Bonae fidei sunt haec: exempto vendito, locato conducto, etc.,

    Just. Inst. 4, 6, 28, § 19.—In the republican time the praetor added in such actions to his formula for the judex the words ex fide bona, or, in full:

    quidquid dare facere oportet ex fide bona,

    Cic. Off. 3, 16, 66:

    iste dolus malus et legibus erat vindicatus, et sine lege, judiciis in quibus additur ex fide bona,

    id. ib. 3, 15, 61; cf. id. ib. 3, 17, 70.—
    Bona verba.
    Kind words:

    Bona verba quaeso,

    Ter. And. 1, 2, 33.—
    Words of good omen (v. omen):

    dicamus bona verba,

    Tib. 2, 2, 1:

    dicite suffuso ter bona verba mero,

    Ov. F. 2, 638.—
    Elegant or well-chosen expressions:

    quid est tam furiosum quam verborum vel optimorum atque ornatissimorum sonitus inanis,

    Cic. Or. 1, 12, 51:

    verborum bonorum cursu,

    id. Brut. 66, 233:

    omnia verba sunt alicubi optima,

    Quint. 10, 1, 9.—
    Moral sayings:

    non est quod contemnas bona verba et bonis cogitationibus plena praecordia,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 20, 1. —
    Bona dicta.
    Polite, courteous language:

    hoc petere me precario a vobis jussit leniter dictis bonis,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 25.—
    Witticisms ( bon-mots): flammam a sapiente facilius ore in ardente opprimi, quam bona dicta teneat, Enn. ap. Cic. Or. 2, 54, 222:

    dico unum ridiculum dictum de dictis melioribus quibus solebam menstruales epulas ante adipiscier,

    Plaut. Capt. 3, 1, 22:

    ibo intro ad libros ut discam de dictis melioribus,

    id. Stich. 2, 3, 75.—
    Bona facta.
    = bene facta (v. bene, I. B. 2. b.), laudable deeds:

    nobilitas ambobus et majorum bona facta (sc. erant),

    Tac. A. 3, 40.—
    Bonum factum est, colloq., = bene est, bene factum est (v. bene, I. B. 2. b.):

    bonum factum est, ut edicta servetis mea,

    Plaut. Poen. prol. 16:

    haec imperata quae sunt pro imperio histrico, bonum hercle factum (est) pro se quisque ut meminerit,

    id. ib. 45.— Hence,
    Elliptically, introducing commands which cannot be enforced, = if you will do so, it will be well:

    peregrinis in senatum allectis, libellus propositus est: bonum factum, ne quis senatori novo curiam monstrare velit,

    Suet. Caes. 80:

    et Chaldaeos edicere: bonum factum, ne Vitellius... usquam esset,

    id. Vit. 14:

    hac die Carthaginem vici: bonum factum, in Capitolium eamus, et deos supplicemus,

    Aur. Vict. 49; cf.:

    o edictum, cui adscribi non poterit bonum factum,

    Tert. Pud. 1.—
    Bona gratia.
    A friendly understanding:

    cur non videmus inter nos haec potius cum bona Ut componantur gratia quam cum mala?

    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 17; so,

    per gratiam bonam abire,

    to part with good feelings, Plaut. Mil. 4, 3, 33.—In jest: sine bona gratia abire, of things cast away, Plaut Truc. 2, 7, 15.—
    Pleon., in the phrase bonam gratiam habere, = gratiam habere, to thank (v. B. 2. k.), Plaut. Rud. 2, 5, 32; id. Bacch. 4, 8, 99.—
    Bona pars.
    The well-disposed part of a body of persons:

    ut plerumque fit, major pars (i. e. of the senate) meliorem vicit,

    Liv. 21, 4, 1:

    pars melior senatus ad meliora responsa trahere,

    id. 7, 21, 6.—
    The good party, i. e. the optimates (gen. in plur.):

    civem bonarum partium,

    Cic. Sest. 32, 77:

    (fuit) meliorum partium aliquando,

    id. Cael. 6, 13:

    qui sibi gratiam melioris partis velit quaesitam,

    Liv. 2, 44, 3.—Paronom.: (Roscius) semper partium in re publica tam quam in scaena optimarum, i. e. party and part in a drama, Cic. Sest. 56, 120.—
    Of things or persons, a considerable part (cf. a good deal):

    bonam partem ad te adtulit,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 43:

    bonam partem sermonis in hunc diem esse dilatam,

    Cic. Or. 2, 3, 14:

    bonam magnamque partem exercitus,

    Val. Max. 5, 2, ext. 4:

    bona pars noctium,

    Quint. 12, 11, 19:

    bona pars hominum,

    Hor. S. 1, 1, 61:

    meae vocis... bona pars,

    id. C. 4, 2, 46; so id. A. P. 297; Ov. P. 1, 8, 74:

    melior pars diei,

    Verg. A. 9, 156.—
    Rarely, and mostly eccl. Lat.: optima pars, the best part or lot:

    nostri melior pars animus est,

    Sen. Q. N. 1, prooem. § 14; cf.:

    quae pars optima est in homine,

    best, most valuable, Cic. Tusc. 5, 23, 67:

    major pars aetatis, certe melior reipublicae data sit,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 18, 1:

    Maria optimam partem elegit, quae non auferetur ab ea,

    Vulg. Luc. 10, 42.—

    bonam partem = ex magna parte,

    Lucr. 6, 1249.—
    Aliquem in optimam partem cognoscere, to know somebody from his most favorable side, Cic. Off. 2, 13, 46: aliquid in optimam partem accipere, to take something in good part, interpret it most favorably:

    Caesar mihi ignoscit quod non venerim, seseque in optimam partem id accipere dicit,

    id. Att. 10, 3 a, 2; id. ad Brut. 1, 2, 3:

    quaeso ut hoc in bonam partem accipias,

    id. Rosc. Am. 16, 45.—
    Dies bonus or bona.
    A day of good omen, a fortunate day (= dies laetus, faustus):

    tum tu igitur die bono, Aphrodisiis, addice, etc.,

    Plaut. Poen. 2, 49:

    nunc dicenda bona sunt bona verba die,

    Ov. F. 1, 72.—
    A beautiful, serene day, Sen. Vit. Beat. 22, 3.—
    Bonus mos.
    Boni mores, referring to individuals, good, decent, moral habits:

    nihil est amabilius quam morum similitudo bonorum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 17, 56:

    nam hic nimium morbus mores invasit bonos,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 6:

    domi militiaeque boni mores colebantur,

    Sall. C. 9, 1:

    propter ejus suavissimos et optimos mores,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 5, 13:

    cum per tot annos matronae optimis moribus vixerint,

    Liv. 34, 6, 9:

    mores meliores,

    Plaut. Aul. 3, 5, 18.—
    Bonus mos or boni mores, in the abstract, morality, the laws, rules of morality: ei vos morigerari mos bonu'st, it is a rule of morality that you should, etc., Plaut. Capt. 2, 1, 4:

    ex optimo more et sanctissima disciplina,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 28, 69:

    neglegentia boni moris,

    Sen. Ep. 97, 1.—Jurid. t. t.:

    conventio, mandatum contra bonos mores,

    in conflict with morality, Quint. 3, 1, 57; Dig. 16, 3, 1, § 7; Gai. Inst. 3, 157 et saep. —
    Adverbial phrases.
    Bono animo esse, or bonum animum habere.
    To be of good cheer or courage:

    bono animo es! Liberabit ille te homo,

    Plaut. Merc 3, 1, 33; so id. Aul. 4, 10, 61; id. Mil. 4, 8, 32; id. Rud. 3, 3, 17; Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 4; id. Heaut. 4, 6, 18; id. Ad. 2, 4, 20; 3, 5, 1; 4, 2, 4; 4, 5, 62; id. Phorm. 5, 8, 72:

    animo bono es,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 3, 103; id. Am. 2, 2, 48; 5, 2, 1:

    bono animo es, inquit Scrofa, et fiscinam expedi,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 26:

    bono animo sint et tui et mei familiares,

    Cic. Fam. 6, 18, 1; 6, 10, 29:

    bono animo esse jubere eam consul,

    Liv. 39, 13, 7:

    habe modo bonum animum,

    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 58; so id. Am. 1, 3, 47; id. Truc. 2, 6, 44; id. Aul. 2, 2, 15:

    habe animum bonum,

    id. Cas. 2, 6, 35; id. Ep. 2, 2, 1; 4, 2, 31:

    bonum animum habe,

    Liv. 45, 8, 5:

    clamor ortus ut bonum animum haberet,

    id. 8, 32, 1; so Sen. Ep. 87, 38.—
    Bono animo esse, or facere aliquid, to be of a good or friendly disposition, or to do with good, honest intentions:

    audire jubet vos imperator histricus, bonoque ut animo sedeant in subselliis qui, etc.,

    Plaut. Poen. prol. 5: sunt enim (consules) [p. 246] optimo animo, summo consilio, of the best disposition, Cic. Phil. 3, 1, 2:

    bono te animo tum populus Romanus... dicere existimavit ea quae sentiebatis, sed, etc.,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 19, 56:

    quod nondum bono animo in populum Romanum viderentur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6; Quint. 7, 4, 15.—
    Bonus animus, good temper, patience:

    bonus animus in mala re dimidium mali est,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 37:

    vos etiam hoc animo meliore feratis,

    Ov. M. 9, 433.—
    Bono modo.
    = placide, with composure, moderation:

    si quis quid deliquerit, pro noxa bono modo vindicet,

    Cato, R. R. 5:

    haec tibi tam sunt defendenda quam moenia, mihi autem bono modo, tantum quantum videbitur,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 44, 137.—
    In a decent manner:

    neu quisquam prohibeto filium quin amet... quod bono fiat modo,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 4, 62. —
    Jure optimo or optimo jure, with good, perfect right:

    te ipse jure optumo incuses licet,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 23; id. Rud. 2, 6, 53:

    ut jure optimo me deserere posses,

    Cic. Fam. 3, 8, 6; Sen. Ot. Sap. 2 (29), 2.—With pass. or intr. verb, deservedly:

    ne jure optimo irrideamur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 31, 111; cf. id. ib. 1, 42, 151; id. Marcell. 1, 4;

    similarly, optimo judicio,

    Val. Max. 2, 9, 2.
    As subst.
    bŏnus, boni, m.; of persons.
    In sing. or plur. orig. = bonus vir, boni viri; v. I. A. 1. a. b, supra, a morally good man.

    bonis quod bene fit haud perit,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 3, 2; id. Capt. 2, 2, 108; id. Trin. 2, 1, 55; id. Pers. 4, 5, 2:

    melius apud bonos quam apud fortunatos beneficium collocari puto,

    Cic. Off. 2, 20, 71:

    verum esse ut bonos boni diligant, quamobrem... bonis inter bonos quasi necessariam (esse) benevolentiam,

    id. Lael. 14, 50:

    diverso itinere malos a bonis loca taetra... habere,

    Sall. C. 52, 13; 7, 2; 52, 22:

    oderunt peccare boni virtutis amore,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 52:

    tam bonis quam malis conduntur urbes,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 28, 4; so id. Vit. Beat. 15, 6; Quint. 9, 2, 76.—Rarely bŏnae, arum, f., good women:

    quia omnes bonos bonasque adcurare addecet, etc.,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 41.—

    malus bonum malum esse volt ut sit sui similis,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 8:

    nec enim cuique bono mali quidquam evenire potest,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 41, 99; cf.:

    qui meliorem audax vocet in jus,

    Hor. S. 2, 5, 29.—
    Bonus, a man of honor.
    A brave man:

    pro qua (patria) quis bonus dubitet mortem oppetere si ei sit profuturus?

    Cic. Off. 1, 17, 57:

    libertatem quam nemo bonus nisi cum anima simul amittat,

    Sall. C. 33, 5:

    fortes creantur fortibus et bonis,

    Hor. C. 4, 4, 29 (opp. ignavi):

    fama impari boni atque ignavi erant,

    Sall. J. 57, 6; 53, 8; id. C. 11, 2. —
    A gentleman:

    quis enim umquam, qui paululum modo bonorum consuetudinem nosset, litteras ad se ab amico missas... in medium protulit?

    Cic. Phil. 2, 4, 7.—
    Boni, the better (i. e. higher) classes of society.
    In gen. (of political sentiments, = optimates, opp. populares, seditiosi, perditi cives, etc.;

    so usu. in Cic.): meam causam omnes boni proprie enixeque susceperant,

    Cic. Sest. 16, 38:

    audaces homines et perditi nutu impelluntur... boni, nescio quomodo, tardiores sunt, etc.,

    id. ib. 47, 100:

    ego Kal. Jan. senatum et bonos omnes legis agrariae... metu liberavi,

    id. Pis. 2, 4:

    etenim omnes boni, quantum in ipsis fuit, Caesarem occiderunt,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 29; id. Fam. 5, 2, 8; 5, 21, 2; id. Sest. 2, 5; 16, 36; 48, 103; id. Planc. 35, 86; id. Mil. 2, 5; id. Off. 2. 12, 43:

    maledictis increpat omnes bonos,

    Sall. C. 21, 4; 19, 2; 33, 3; Hirt. B. G. 8, 22; so,


    Cic. Leg. 3, 17, 37; and, ironically, boni identified with the rich:

    bonorum, id est lautorum et locupletum,

    id. Att. 8, 1, 3.—
    Without reference to political views;

    opp. vulgus (rare): nihil ego istos moror fatuos mores quibus boni dedecorant se,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 22:

    semper in civitate quibus opes nullae sunt bonis invident,

    Sall. C. 37, 3:

    elatus est sine ulla pompa funeris, comitantibus omnibus bonis, maxima vulgi frequentia,

    Nep. Att. 22, 2.—So, mĕlĭōres, um, m., one ' s betters:

    ut quaestui habeant male loqui melioribus,

    Plaut. Poen. 3, 3, 13:

    da locum melioribus,

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 2, 37.—
    Boni, bone, in addresses, as an expression of courtesy, Hor. S. 2, 2, 1; 2, 6, 51; 2, 6, 95; id. Ep. 2, 2, 37; ironice, id. S. 2, 3, 31.—
    Optimus quisque = quivis bonus, omnes boni.
    Referring to morality:

    esse aliquid natura pulcrum quod optimus quisque sequeretur,

    every good man, Cic. Sen. 13, 43:

    qui ita se gerebant ut sua consilia optimo cuique probarent, optimates habebantur,

    id. Sest. 45, 96; id. Off. 1, 43, 154; id. Fin. 1, 7, 24; id. Sest. 54, 115; and = even the best:

    quare deus optimum quemque mala valetudine adficit?

    Sen. Prov. 4, 8.—
    Of the educated classes:

    adhibenda est quaedam reverentia adversus homines, et optimi cujusque et reliquorum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 28, 99; cf. id. ib. 1, 25, 85:

    Catilina plerisque consularibus, praeterea optumo cuique, litteras mittit,

    Sall. C. 34, 2:

    optimo cuique infesta libertas,

    Sen. Ot. Sap. 8, 2 (32 fin.).—
    Honorable, brave:

    optumus quisque cadere et sauciari, ceteris metus augeri,

    Sall. J. 92, 8.—
    In gen., excellent:

    optimus quisque facere quam dicere... malebat,

    Sall. C. 8, 5.—

    ita imperium semper ad optumum quemque a minus bono transfertur,

    to the best man in each instance, Sall. C. 2, 6.—
    Referring to another superlative ( = quo quisque melior eo magis, etc.):

    hic aditus laudis qui semper optimo cuique maxime patuit,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 1, 1; so id. Lael. 4, 14; id. Inv. 2, 11, 36; Sen. Vit. Beat. 18, 1.—
    Attributively, with a noun:

    optimam quamque causam,

    Cic. Sest. 43, 93:

    optima quaeque dies,

    Verg. G. 3, 66.
    bŏnum, i, n., plur. bona; mĕlĭus, ōris, n.; optĭmum, i, n. (v. infra); of things in gen.
    Bonum, or plur. bona, a good, or goods in a moral and metaphysical sense, a moral good, a blessing: sunt autem hae de finibus defensae sententiae: nihil bonum nisi honestum, ut Stoici; nihil bonum nisi voluptatem, ut Epicurus;

    nihil bonum nisi vacuitatem doloris, ut Hieronymus... tria genera bonorum, maxima animi, secunda corporis, externa tertia, ut Peripatetici, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 30, 84 sq.:

    quid est igitur bonum? Si quid recte fit et honeste et cum virtute, id bene fieri vere dicitur, et quod rectum et honestum et cum virtute est, id solum opinor bonum,

    id. Par. 1, 1, 9:

    ut quis intellegat, quid sit illud simplex et verum bonum quod non possit ab honestate sejungi,

    id. Ac. 1, 2, 7:

    non-est igitur voluptas bonum,

    id. Fin. 1, 11, 39: finis bonorum et malorum (telos agathôn) = summa bona et mala:

    sunt nonnullae disciplinae quae, propositis bonorum et malorum finibus, officium omne pervertant. Nam qui summum bonum sic instituit ut, etc.,

    id. Off. 1, 2, 5; cf. id. Par. 1, 3, 14; id. Ac. 2, 9, 29; 2, 36, 114; 2, 42, 129; id. Fin. 1, 9, 29; 1, 12, 42; id. Tusc. 4, 31, 66; Sen. Vit. Beat. 24, 5; id. Ep. 117, 1 et saep.—
    Bonum, what is valuable, beneficial, estimable, favorable, pleasant, physically or mentally:

    quoi boni Tantum adfero quantum ipsus a diis optat,

    Plaut. Capt. 4, 1, 9:

    multa bona vobis volt facere,

    will do you much good, id. Poen. 5, 4, 60; id. Am. prol. 43, 49; id. Pers. 4, 8, 4; 2, 3, 14; id. Cas. 2, 8, 32:

    tum demum nostra intellegemus bona quom ea amisimus,

    id. Capt. 1, 2, 33:

    multa tibi di dent bona,

    id. Poen. 1, 1, 80; cf. id. ib. 3, 3, 54; 3, 3, 74; id. Mil. 3, 1, 120; id. Men. 3, 3, 34; id. Pers. 4, 3, 23; id. Truc. 1, 2, 23; id. Merc. 1, 2, 40; id. Most. 1, 1, 47:

    omnia Bona dicere,

    to speak in the highest terms of one, Ter. And. 1, 1, 70:

    sed ne vivus quidem bono caret, si eo non indiget,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 36, 88:

    cum quaecumque bona Peripateticis, eadem Stoicis commoda viderentur,

    id. ib. 5, 41, 120:

    nihil enim boni nosti,

    nothing that is good for any thing, id. Phil. 2, 7, 16:

    mala pro bonis legere dementia est,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 6, 1; Val. Max. 5, 3, ext. 3 fin.; Hor. S. 1, 2, 73:

    quia bonum sit valere,

    a good thing, Cic. Fin. 4, 23, 62 (cf. III. A. 5. infra):

    melius: quo quidem haud scio an... quidquam melius sit homini a dis immortalibus datum,

    id. Lael. 6, 20:

    meliora... Aristotelem de istis rebus scripsisse,

    id. Or. 1, 10, 43:

    optimum: difficillimum est formam exponere optimi,

    id. ib. 11, 36.— Here belongs the phrase boni consulere;

    v. consulo.—So after prepositions: in bonum vertere, v. under verto: in melius ire,

    to change for the better, Tac. A. 12, 68.—In the same sense: in melius aliquid referre, or reflectere ( poet.), Verg. A. 1, 281; 11, 426; 10, 632:

    ad melius transcurrere,

    to pass over to something better, Hor. S. 2, 2, 82.—
    Bonum or bona, prosperity:

    fortiter malum qui patitur, idem post patitur bonum,

    Plaut. As. 2, 2, 58:

    nulli est homini perpetuum bonum,

    id. Curc. 1, 3, 33:

    unā tecum bona, mala tolerabimus,

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 3, 23:

    quibus in bonis fuerint et nunc quibus in malis sint, ostenditur ( = in secundis, in adversis rebus),

    Cic. Inv. 1, 55, 107.—
    Good qualities, gifts:

    omnia adsunt bona, quem penes'st virtus,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 30:

    magnis illi et divinis bonis hanc licentiam adsequebantur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 41, 148:

    nisi qui se suā gravitate et castimoniā... tum etiam naturali quodam bono defenderet, etc.,

    id. Cael. 5, 11:

    hunc meā sententiā divinis quibusdam bonis instructum atque ornatum puto,

    id. ib. 17, 39:

    non intellego quod bonum cuiquam sit apud tales viros profuturum,

    id. Balb. 28, 63:

    gaude isto tuo tam excellenti bono,

    id. Marcell. 6, 19; so id. Imp. Pomp. 16, 49.—
    Advantage, benefit:

    si plus adipiscare, re explicatā, boni, quam addubitatā mali,

    Cic. Off. 1, 24, 83:

    saepe cogitavi bonine an mali plus adtulerit... eloquentiae studium,

    id. Inv. 1, 1, 1; 2, 35, 106; id. Off. 2, 2, 5; id. Sest. 10, 24:

    maximum bonum in celeritate ponebat,

    Sall. C. 43, 4; so, bono publico (abl.), for the public good:

    hoc ita si fit, publico fiat bono,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 183; Liv. 2, 44, 3; Dig. 41, 3, 1.—
    With aequum, what is fair and good, the fair ( thing), fairness, equity:

    si bonum aequomque oras,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 149; so id. Pers. 3, 1, 71; id. Rud. 1, 2, 94; id. Men. 4, 2, 11:

    si tu aliquam partem aequi bonique dixeris,

    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 32; id. Heaut. 4, 1, 29; id. Ad. 1, 1, 39:

    a quo vivo nec praesens nec absens quidquam aequi bonique impetravit,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 37, 94.—Hence, aequo et bono, or ex aequo et bono, in ( with) fairness, in equity, Ter. Ad. 5, 9, 30; Auct. Her. 2, 10, 14; 2, 12, 18; 2, 13, 20; Gai. Inst. 3, 137: aequi bonique, as gen. of value, with facere:

    istuc, Chreme, Aequi bonique facio,

    I place a fair and proper value on it, Ter. Heaut. 4, 5, 40.—
    Bona, one ' s property, fortunes, almost always denoting the whole of one's possessions.
    In gen.:

    paterna oportet reddi filio bona,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 2, 120:

    bona sua med habiturum omnia,

    id. Truc. 2, 4, 49; cf. id. ib. 2, 7, 6; 4, 2, 29; id. Rud. 2, 6, 22; id. Most. 1, 3, 77; id. Trin. 4, 4, 3; Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 4:

    bona mea diripiebantur atque ad consulem deferebantur,

    Cic. Sest. 24, 54:

    cum de capite, civis et de bonis proscriptio ferretur,

    id. ib. 30, 65:

    bona, fortunas, possessiones omnium,

    id. Caecin. 13, 38:

    at mulctantur bonis exsules,

    id. Tusc. 5, 37, 106; id. Off. 2, 23, 81; id. Par. 1, 1, 7; id. Sest. 19, 42; 43, 94; 52, 111; id. Phil. 2, 26, 64; Caes. B. G. 7, 3; Liv. 2, 3, 5; 2, 5, 5; 4, 15, 8; Tac. A. 2, 48; Quint. 6, 1, 19 et saep.—
    Bonorum possessio, the possession of one ' s property by another.
    Bonorum possessio in consequence of bonorum cessio, i. e. an assignment of one ' s property for the benefit of creditors, Dig. 42, tit. 3.—
    Bonorum possessio granted by the prætor against a contumacious or insolvent debtor (in bona mittere, in bona ire jubere, bona possidere jubere, etc.); cf. Dig. 42, tit. 4:

    postulat a Burrieno Naevius ut ex edicto bona possidere liceat,

    Cic. Quint. 6, 25, and the whole of c. 8:

    edixit... neu quis militis... bona possideret aut venderet,

    Liv. 2, 24, 6:

    bona proscribere,

    to offer the property thus transferred for sale, Cic. Quint. 6, 25.—
    Chiefly referring to the property of a defunct person (hereditas), where the prætor, till the heir had proved his right, granted a bonorum possessio secundum tabulas or contra tabulas, Dig. 37, tit. 4; 37, tit. 11.—
    In bonis esse;

    with reference to the older civil law, which distinguished between civil property (habere rem ex jure Quiritium) and natural property (rem in bonis habere, res in bonis est),

    Gai. Inst. 2, 40, 41; Dig. 40, 12, 38, § 2; 37, 6, 2, § 1; 37, 6, 3, § 2; ib. Fragm. 1, 16; Gai. Inst. 1, 22; 1, 35; 1, 222; 1, 167; Dig. 1, 8, 1; 27, 10, 10:

    neque bonorum possessorum, neque... res pleno jure fiunt, sed in bonis efficiuntur,

    ib. Fragm. 3, 80.—Hence, nullam omnino arbitrabamur de eā hereditate controversiam eum habiturum, et est hodie in bonis, i. e. [p. 247] the bonorum possessio has been granted to him, which did not give full ownership, but effected only that the hereditas was in bonis. Cic. Fam. 13, 30, 1.
    Predicative use.
    With nouns or pronouns as subjects.
    Bonum esse, to be morally good, honest:

    nunc mihi bonae necessum est esse ingratiis, Quamquam esse nolo,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 3, 82:

    bonam ego quam beatam me esse nimio dici mavolo,

    id. Poen. 1, 2, 93; so id. Capt. 2, 1, 44; id. Men. 4, 2, 6; id. Rud. prol. 29:

    itaque viros fortes magnanimos eosdem, bonos et simplices... esse volumus,

    Cic. Off. 1, 19, 63; cf. id. ib. 3, 21, 84; id. Att. 15, 6, 1:

    Cato esse quam videri bonus malebat,

    Sall. C. 54, 5:

    ut politiora, non ut meliora fiant ingenia,

    Val. Max. 5, 4, ext. 5 fin.
    To be beneficial, prosperous, advantageous, valuable, favorable, serviceable, correct, with reference to both persons and things as subjects, and in regard to physical and mental relations:

    jam istuc non bonumst,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 2, 29; Cato, R. R. 157:

    oleum viridius et melius fiet,

    id. ib. 3:

    vinum ut alvum bonam faciat,

    to correct the bowels, id. ib. 156:

    quid est homini salute melius?

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 127:

    non optuma haec sunt, verum meliora quam deterruma,

    id. Trin. 2, 3, 1:

    quid est quod huc possit quod melius sit accedere?

    Cic. Fin. 1, 12, 41; 1, 18, 57; id. Tusc. 1, 41, 99:

    in quo (vestitu), sicut in plerisque rebus, mediocritas optima est,

    id. Off. 1, 36, 130; 2, 17, 59; id. Inv. 1, 31, 51; id. Or. 2, 6; 11, 36:

    meliorem tamen militem... in futura proelia id certamen fecit,

    Liv. 2, 51, 3:

    parvus ut est cygni melior canor, ille gruum quam Clamor,

    Lucr. 4, 181; 4, 191:

    si meliora dies, ut vina, poemata reddit,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 34.—So in the optative formula:

    quod bonum, faustum, felixque sit,

    Liv. 1, 28, 7; 1, 17, 10; 39, 15, 1; 3, 54;

    3, 34.—Also, quod bonum atque fortunatum mihi sit,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 6, 50;

    and with a noun as subject: ut nobis haec habitatio Bona, fausta, felix, fortunataque evenat,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 3.—
    To be kind:

    bonus cum probis'st (erus), malus cum malis,

    Plaut. Most. 4, 1, 22:

    hic si vellet bonus ac benignus Esse,

    Hor. S. 1, 2, 52.—
    With reference to the gods:

    ecastor ambae (Fortuna et Salus sunt bonae,

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 129:

    Palladis aut oculos ausa negare bonos (esse),

    Prop. 3, 24, 12 (2, 28, 12).—
    Bonum est (very rare for the class. bene est; v. bene).
    Without a subject:

    bonum sit!

    may it be fortunate, favorable! Verg. E. 8, 106.—
    With subject inf.:

    nam et stulte facere, et stulte fabularier in aetate haud bonum est,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 61:

    bonum est pauxillum amare, insane non bonum est,

    id. Curc. 1, 3,20.—
    Melius est.
    With subject inf.:

    melius sanam est mentem sumere,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 2, 51:

    nihil sentire est melius quam tam prava sentire,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 40, 125; cf. id. Fin. 1, 19, 62; id. Off. 1, 43, 156; so,

    melius fuit, fuisset, or fuerat,

    it would have been better, id. N. D. 3, 33; id. Sen. 23, 82; id. Off. 3, 25, 94:

    proinde quiesse erit melius,

    Liv. 3, 48, 3; 3, 41, 3; Verg. A. 11, 303.—
    With subject inf.-clause:

    meliu'st te quae sunt mandata tibi praevortier,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 125; id. Men. 5, 9, 32.—
    With ut-clause:

    quid melius quam ut hinc intro abeam et me suspendam clanculum,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 145; so id. Ps. 4, 7, 18.—
    With subjectclause in the subjunctive:

    nunc quid mihi meliu'st quam ilico hic opperiar erum,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 2, 22.—
    Optimum est.
    With subject inf.:

    optimum visum est, captivos quam primum deportare,

    Liv. 23, 34, 8:

    si quis dicit optimum esse navigare,

    Sen. Ot. Sap. 8, 4 (32 fin.); so, optimum fuit, it would have been better, and optimum erat, it would be better, Quint. 6, prooem. 3; 11, 2, 33; Hor. S. 2, 1, 7.—
    With inf.-clause:

    constituerunt optimum esse, domum suam quemque reverti,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 10: optimum visum est, in fluctuantem aciem tradi equos, etc., Liv 6, 24, 10; 22, 27, 6.—
    With ut and subj:

    hoc vero optimum, ut is qui, etc., id ultimum bonorum, id ipsum quid et quale sit nesciat,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 3, 6.—
    With quod:

    illa vero optima (sunt) quod cum Haluntium venisset Archagathum vocari jussit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 23, § 51:

    optimum vero (est) quod dictaturae nomen in perpetuum de re publica sustulisti,

    id. Phil. 2, 36, 91.—
    With second sup., in the phrase optumum factu est (where factu is redundant):

    sed hoc mihi optumum factu arbitror,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 16:

    optimum factu esse duxerant frumento... nostros prohibere,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 30:

    optumum factu credens exercitum augere,

    Sall. C. 32, 1 (Kritz, factum); 57, 5 (Kritz, factum).
    Ellipt. use: di meliora, i. e. dent or velint, i. e. let the gods grant better things than what you say, etc.; God forbid! in full:

    di melius duint,

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 9, 16:

    di meliora velint!

    Ov. M. 7, 37.—Ellipt.:

    di meliora! inquit,

    Cic. Sen. 14, 47:

    id ubi mulier audivit, perturbata, dii meliora inquit, etc.,

    Liv. 39, 10, 2; 9, 9, 6; Verg. G. 3, 513;

    similarly, di melius, i. e. fecerunt,

    Val. Max. 6, 1, ext. 3.
    With object expressed,
    By dat.
    = good, useful, beneficial for:

    ambula, id lieni optumum est,

    Plaut. Curc. 2, 1, 25:

    quia vobis eadem quae mihi bona malaque esse intellexi,

    Sall. C. 20, 3:

    bona bello Cornus, jaculis, etc.,

    Verg. G. 2, 447.—
    = benignus or propitius, kind to:

    vicinis bonus esto,

    Cato, R. R. 4:

    bene merenti mala es, male merenti bona es,

    Plaut. As. 1, 2, 3:

    vos o mihi Manes, Este boni,

    Verg. A. 12, 647.—
    = idoneus, fit for, adapted to:

    qui locus vino optimus dicetur esse,

    Cato, R. R. 6:

    tum erit ei rei optumum tempus,

    id. ib. 26:

    terra cui putre solum, Optima frumentis,

    Verg. G. 2, 205; 2, 319; 1, 286.—
    With sum and dat., in the phrase alicui bono est, it is of service to one, profits him:

    accusant in quibus occidi patrem Sex. Roscii bono fuit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 5, 13:

    bono fuisse Romanis adventum eorum constabat,

    Liv. 7, 12, 4.—Hence, with rel. dat.: cui bono (est), for whose advantage it is:

    quod si quis usurpet illud Cassianum cui bono fuerit, etc.,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 14, 35:

    cui bono fuisset,

    id. Rosc. Am. 30, 84; id. Mil. 12, 32 Ascon. ad loc.; cf.

    ellipt. form cui bono?

    Prisc. p. 1208 P.—
    With dat. gerund:

    ager oleto conserundo qui in Favonium spectavit, aliis bonus nullus erit,

    Cato, R. R. 6; Varr. R. R. 1, 24:

    (mons) quia pecori bonus alendo erat,

    Liv. 29, 31; 9, 10.—
    By ad and acc.:

    refert et ad quam rem bona aut non bona sit,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 91:

    occasio quaeritur idoneane fuerit ad rem adoriendam, an alia melior,

    Auct. Her. 2, 4, 7:

    non campos modo militi Romano ad proelium bonos, etc.,

    Tac. A. 2, 14.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > bonae

  • 14 bonus

    bŏnus (old form dŭonus, Carm. Sall. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, § 26 Mull.; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 67 Mull.), a, um, adj. [for duonus, cf. bellum, bis, and cf. root dvi-; hence deidô, deos], good; comp. melior, us [cf. Gr. mala, mallon], better; sup. optimus ( optumus, ante-class. and often class.) [root opof ops, opes; cf. copia, apiscor], best.
    As adjunct of nouns denoting persons.
    Vir bonus.
    A man morally good (kalos kagathos):

    quoniam boni me viri pauperant, improbi alunt,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 4, 60:

    omnibus virtutibus instructos et ornatos tum sapientes, tum viros bonos dicimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 10, 28:

    ille vir bonus qui... intolerabili dolore lacerari potius quam aut officium prodat aut fidem,

    id. Ac. 2, 8, 23:

    sive vir bonus est is qui prodest quibus potest, nocet nemini, certe istum virum bonum non facile reperimus,

    id. Off. 3, 15, 64:

    qui se ita gerunt ut eorum probitas, fides, integritas, etc.... hos viros bonos... appellandos putemus,

    id. Lael. 5, 19:

    non intellegunt se de callido homine loqui, non de bono viro,

    id. Att. 7, 2, 4:

    ut quisque est vir optimus, ita difficillime esse alios improbos suspicatur,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 4, § 12:

    nec enim melior vir fuit Africano quisquam, nec clarior,

    id. Lael. 2, 6; id. Leg. 1, 14, 41; 1, 18, 48; id. Planc. 4, 9; id. Par. 3, 1, 21; id. Marcell. 6, 20; id. Fam. 7, 21; id. Off. 2, 16, 57.—
    An honest man:

    justitia, ex qua viri boni nominantur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 7, 21; 1, 44, 155; 2, 11, 39; 2, 12, 42; 2, 20, 71;

    3, 12, 50: cum is sponsionem fecisset ni vir bonus esset,

    id. ib. 3, 19, 77:

    quoniam Demosthenes nec vir bonus esset, nec bene meritus de civitate,

    id. Opt. Gen. 7, 20; cf. id. Rosc. Am. 40, 116.—
    A man of good standing in the community:

    id viri boni arbitratu deducetur,

    Cato, R. R. 143; so id. ib. 149:

    tuam partem viri bono arbitratu... dari oportet,

    Dig. 17, 1, [p. 244] 35;

    37, 6, 2, § 2: quem voles virum bonum nominato,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 25, § 55:

    vir bonus est... quo res sponsore, et quo causae teste tenentur,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 40.—Hence, ironically of wealthy men:

    praetores jus dicunt, aediles ludos parant, viri boni usuras perscribunt,

    Cic. Att. 9, 12, 3.—
    Ironically of bad men:

    sed eccum lenonem Lycum, bonum virum,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 5, 52; Ter. Eun. 5, 3, 9; 4, 3, 18; id. Ad. 3, 4, 30:

    expectabam quinam isti viri boni testes hujus manifesto deprehensi veneni dicerentur,

    Cic. Cael. 26, 63:

    nam socer ejus, vir multum bonus est,

    id. Agr. 3, 3, 13;

    so especially in addresses (mostly comic.): age tu, illuc procede, bone vir!

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 2, 1; id. Curc. 5, 2, 12; id. Ps. 4, 7, 48; id. Pers. 5, 2, 11; Ter. And. 3, 5, 10; 5, 2, 5; id. Ad. 4, 2, 17; id. Eun. 5, 2, 11:

    quid tu, vir optime? Ecquid habes quod dicas?

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 36, 104.—
    Sometimes boni viri = boni, in the sense of optimates (v. I. A. 3.):

    bonis viris quid juris reliquit tribunatus C. Gracchi?

    Cic. Leg. 3, 9, 20.—
    As a conventional courtesy:

    homines optimi non intellegunt, etc.,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 7, 25:

    bone accusator,

    id. Rosc. Am. 21, 58:

    sic illum amicum vocasti, quomodo omnes candidatos bonos viros dicimus,

    gentlemen, Sen. Ep. 3, 1.—For bonus vir, a good husband, v. 3.; and for vir optimus, as a laudatory epithet, v. 5.—
    Boni homines (rare) = boni, better classes of society, v. II. A. 3:

    in foro infimo boni homines atque dites ambulant,

    Plaut. Curc. 4, 1, 14.—
    With nouns denoting persons in regard to their functions, offices, occupations, and qualities, denoting excellence:

    bonus consul,

    Liv. 4, 40, 6; 22, 39, 2 (different: consules duos, bonos quidem, sed dumtaxat bonos, amisimus, consuls of good sentiments, almost = bad consuls, Cic. ad Brut. 1, 3, 4):

    boni tribuni plebis,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 10, 25:

    bonus senator,

    id. Prov. Cons. 15, 37:

    senator bonus,

    id. Dom. 4, 8:

    bonus judex,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 15, § 34:

    bonus augur (ironically),

    id. Phil. 2, 32, 80:

    bonus vates,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 3, 27:

    bonus imperator,

    Sall. C. 60, 4:

    bonus dux,

    Quint. 12, 1, 43 (cf. trop.:

    naturam, optimam ducem,

    the best guide, Cic. Sen. 2, 5):

    bonus miles,

    Sall. C. 60, 4; Sen. Vit. Beat. 15, 5:

    bonus orator,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 10:

    optimus orator,

    id. Opt. Gen. 1, 3:

    poeta bonus,

    id. de Or. 1, 3, 11; 2, 46, 194; id. Fin. 1, 3, 10:

    scriptor bonus,

    Quint. 10, 1, 104:

    bonus advocatus,

    id. 5, 13, 10:

    bonus defensor,

    id. 5, 13, 3:

    bonus altercator,

    a good debater, id. 6, 4, 10:

    bonus praeceptor,

    id. 5, 13, 44; 10, 5, 22:

    bonus gubernator,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 31, 100:

    optimus opifex,

    Hor. S. 1, 3, 133:

    sutor bonus,

    id. ib. 1, 3, 125:

    actor optimus,

    Cic. Sest. 57, 122:

    cantor optimus est modulator,

    Hor. S. 1, 3, 130:

    melior gladiator,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 6, 33: agricola (colonus, dominus) bonus, Cato, R. R. prooem.; Cic. Sen. 16, 56:

    bonus paterfamilias,

    a thrifty head of the house, Nep. Att. 13, 1:

    bonus servus,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 3, 58; id. Am. 2, 1, 46; id. Men. 5, 6, 1; Cic. Mil. 22, 58:

    dominus bonus,

    Cato, R. R. 14:

    bonus custos,

    Plaut. Truc. 4, 3, 38.—Ironically, Ter. Phorm. 2, 1, 57:

    filius bonus,

    Plaut. Am. 3, 4, 9:


    Quint. 11, 3, 178:


    id. 6, prooem. 4: bonus (melior, optimus), viz. a good husband, Cic. Inv. 1, 31, 51 sq.; Liv. 1, 9, 15:

    uxor melior,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 31, 52:


    id. Fam. 2, 15, 3:

    amicus optimus,

    Plaut. Cas. 3, 3, 18:

    optimus testis,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 27, 2:

    auctor, in two senses,

    good authority, id. Att. 5, 12, 3;

    and = bonus scriptor (post-class.),

    Quint. 10, 1, 74.—Esp.:

    bonus civis (rarely civis bonus): in re publica ea velle quae tranquilla et honesta sint: talem enim solemus et sentire bonum civem et dicere, Cic.-Off. 1, 34, 124: eaque est summa ratio et sapientia boni civis, commoda civium non divellere, atque omnes aequitate eadem continere,

    id. ib. 2, 23, 83:

    eum esse civem et fidelem et bonum,

    Plaut. Pers. 1, 2, 15; Cic. Fam. 2, 8, 2; 1, 9, 10; 3, 12, 1; 6, 6, 11; id. Off. 1, 44, 155; Liv. 22, 39, 3; Sall. H. Fragm. 1, 10 Dietsch:

    optimus et fortissimus civis,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 2, 3; id. Sest. 17, 39.—
    Bonus and optimus as epithets of the gods.
    In gen.:

    sed te bonus Mercurius perdat,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 3, 23:

    fata... bonique divi,

    Hor. C. 4, 2, 38:

    divis orte bonis,

    id. ib. 4, 5, 1:

    O bone deus!

    Scrib. Comp. 84 fin.: BONORVM DEORVM, Inscr. ap. Cic. N. D. 3, 34, 84: totidem, pater optime, dixi, Tu mihi da cives, referring to Jupiter, Ov. M. 7, 627.—
    Optimus Maximus, a standing epithet of Jupiter:

    (Juppiter) a majoribus nostris Optimus Maximus (nominatur), et quidem ante optimus, id est beneficentissimus, quam Maximus,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 25, 64:

    Jovem optimum et maximum ob eas res appellant, non quod, etc.,

    id. ib. 3, 36, 87:

    in templo Jovis Optimi Maximi,

    id. Sest. 56, 129; id. Prov. Cons. 9, 22:

    nutu Jovis Optimi Maximi,

    id. Cat. 3, 9, 21; Liv. 1, 12, 7; id. 6, 16, 2.—
    Di boni, O di boni, expressing indignation, sorrow, or surprise:

    di boni, hunc visitavi antidhac!

    Plaut. Ep. 4, 1, 16:

    di boni, boni quid porto!

    Ter. And. 2, 2, 1:

    di boni, quid hoc morbi est,

    id. Eun. 2, 1, 19; id. Heaut. 2, 3, 13; id. Ad. 3, 3, 86:

    alter, O di boni, quam taeter incedebat!

    Cic. Sest. 8, 19; id. Brut. 84, 288; id. Phil. 2, 8, 20; 2, 32, 80; id. Att. 1, 16, 5; 14, 21, 2; Val. Max. 3, 5, 1; Sen. Vit. Beat. 2, 3.—
    Bona Dea, etc., v. 6.—
    Optimus as a laudatory epithet.
    Vir optimus:

    per vos nobis, per optimos viros optimis civibus periculum inferre conantur,

    Cic. Sest. 1, 2:

    virum optimum et constantissimum M. Cispium,

    id. ib. 35, 76:

    fratrem meum, virum optimum, fortissimum,

    id. ib.:

    consolabor hos praesentes, viros optimos,

    id. Balb. 19, 44; id. Planc. 21, 51; 23, 55; id. Mil. 14, 38; id. Marcell. 4, 10; id. Att. 5, 1, 5; Hor. S. 1, 6, 53.—
    Femina bona, optima:

    tua conjunx bona femina,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 6, 16:

    hujus sanctissimae feminae atque optimae pater,

    id. ib. —
    Senex, pater, frater, etc.:

    optimus: parentes ejus, prudentissimi atque optimi senis,

    Cic. Planc. 41, 97:

    insuevit pater optimus hoc me,

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 105; 2, 1, 12:

    C. Marcelli, fratris optimi,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 7, 6; id. Q. Fr. 2, 6 (8), 2; 2, 4, 2.—
    With proper names ( poet.):

    optimus Vergilius,

    Hor. S. 1, 6, 54:

    Maecenas optimus,

    id. ib. 1, 5, 27:

    optime Quinti,

    id. Ep. 1, 16, 1.—
    Esp. as an epithet of the Roman emperors:

    quid tam civile, tam senatorium quam illud, additum a nobis Optimi cognomen?

    Plin. Pan. 2, 7:

    gratias, inquit, ago, optime Princeps!

    Sen. Tranq. 14. 4:

    ex epistula optimi imperatoris Antonini,

    Gai. Inst. 1, 102; cf.:

    bene te patriae pater optime Caesar,

    Ov. F. 2, 637:

    optime Romulae Custos gentis,

    Hor. C. 4, 5, 1.—
    Bonus and Bona, names of deities.
    Bona Dea, the goddess of Chastity, whose temple could not be entered by males (cf. Macr. S. 1, 12; Lact. 1, 22):

    Bonae Deae pulvinaribus,

    Cic. Pis. 39, 95; id. Mil. 31, 86; id. Fam. 1, 9, 15; cf.

    in mal. part.,

    Juv. 2, 86 sq.; 6, 314 sq.; 6, 335 sq.—
    Bonus Eventus, Varr. R. R. 1, 1 med.; Amm. 29, 6, 19; Inscr. Orell. 907; 1780 sq.—
    Bona Fortuna:

    si bona Fortuna veniat, ne intromiseris,

    Plaut. Aul. 1, 3, 22:

    Bonae Fortunae (signum),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 3, § 7:


    Inscr. Orell. 1743 sq. —
    Bona Spes:

    Spes Bona, obsecro, subventa mihi,

    Plaut. Rud. 1, 4, 12:


    Aug. Inscr. Grut. 1075, 1.—
    BONA MENS, Inscr. Orell. 1818 sqq.:

    Mens Bona, si qua dea es, tua me in sacraria dono,

    Prop. 3, 24, 19.
    With nouns denoting things.
    Things concrete, denoting excellence:

    navis bona dicitur non quae pretiosis coloribus picta est... sed stabilis et firma,

    Sen. Ep. 76, 13:

    gladium bonum dices, non cui auratus est balteus, etc., sed cui et ad secandum subtilis acies est, et, etc.,

    id. ib. 76, 14:

    id vinum erit lene et bono colore,

    Cato, R. R. 109; Lucr. 2, 418; Ov. Am. 2, 7, 9:

    tabulas... collocare in bono lumine,

    Cic. Brut. 75, 261: ex quavis olea oleum... bonum fieri potest. Cato, R. R. 3:

    per aestatem boves aquam bonam et liquidam bibant semper curato,

    id. ib. 73; cf.:

    bonae aquae, ironically compared to wine,

    Prop. 2, 33 (3, 31), 28:

    praedium bonum caelum habeat,

    good temperature, Cato, R. R. 1:

    bona tempestate,

    in good weather, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 2, 4:

    (praedium) solo bono valeat,

    by good soil, Cato, R. R. 1:

    bonae (aedes) cum curantur male,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 2, 24:

    villam bonam,

    Cic. Off. 3, 13, 55:

    bonus pons,

    Cat. 17, 5:

    scyphi optimi (= optime facti),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 14, § 32:

    perbona toreumata,

    id. ib. 2, 4, 18, §

    38: bona domicilia,

    comfortable residences, id. N. D. 2, 37, 95:

    agrum Meliorem nemo habet,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 12:

    fundum meliorem,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 31, 52: fundos optimos et fructuosissimos, id. Agr. 3, 4, 14:

    equus melior,

    id. Inv. 1, 31, 52:

    bona cena,

    Cat. 13, 3:

    boni nummi,

    good, not counterfeit, Plaut. As. 3, 3, 144; Cic. Off. 3, 23, 91:

    super omnia vultus accessere boni,

    good looks, Ov. M. 8, 678:

    mulier bona forma,

    of a fine form, Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 13:

    equus formae melioris,

    Hor. S. 2, 7, 52:

    tam bona cervix, simul ac jussero, demetur,

    fine, beautiful, Suet. Calig. 33:

    fruges bonae,

    Cat. 34, 19:

    ova suci melioris,

    of better flavor, Hor. S. 2, 4, 13.— Trop.:

    animus aequus optimum est aerumnae condimentum,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 3, 71: bona dextra, a lucky hand (cf.:

    bonum omen, 2. e.),

    Quint. 6, 3, 69:

    scio te bona esse voce, ne clama nimis,

    good, sound, loud voice, Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 43; so,

    bona firmaque vox,

    Quint. 11, 3, 13.—
    Things abstract.
    Of physical well-being:

    ut si qui neget sine bona valetudine posse bene vivi,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 51, 93; Sen. Vit. Beat. 22, 2; Lucr. 3, 102; Val. Max. 2, 5, 6; Quint. 10, 3, 26; 11, 2, 35 et saep.:

    non bonus somnus de prandio est,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 8:

    bona aetas,

    prime of life, Cic. Sen. 14, 48:

    optima aetate,

    id. Fam. 10, 3, 3.—Ironically:

    bona, inquis, aetate, etc.,

    Sen. Ep. 76, 1.—
    Of the mind and soul:

    meliore esse sensu,

    Cic. Sest. 21, 47:

    optima indoles,

    id. Fin. 5, 22, 61:

    bona conscientia,

    Quint. 6, 1, 33; 9, 2, 93; Sen. Vit. Beat. 20, 5:

    bono ingenio me esse ornatam quam auro multo mavolo,

    with a good heart, Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 91; id. Stich. 1, 21, 59; Sall. C. 10, 5:

    mens melior,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 78; Cic. Phil. 3, 5, 13; Liv. 39, 16, 5; Sen. Ben. 1, 11, 4; id. Ep. 10, 4; Pers. 2, 8; Petr. 61.—Personified, Prop. 3 (4), 24, 19; Ov. Am. 1, 2, 31:

    duos optimae indolis filios,

    Val. Max. 5, 7, 2; Sen. Ben. 6, 16, 6; Quint. 1, 2, 5:

    bonum consilium,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 6; id. Rud. 4, 3, 18; Cic. Off. 1, 33, 121:

    bona voluntas,

    a good purpose, Quint. 12, 11, 31:

    memoria bona,

    Cic. Att. 8, 4, 2:

    bona ratio cum perdita... confligit,

    id. Cat. 2, 11, 25:

    bonae rationes,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 50:

    pronuntiatio bona,

    Auct. Her. 3, 15, 27.—
    Of moral relations:

    ego si bonam famam mihi servasso, sat ero dives,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 71; Cic. Sest. 66, 139; Liv. 6, 11, 7; Hor. S. 1, 2, 61 (cf. Cic. Att. 7, 26, 1;

    v. e. infra): si ego in causa tam bona cessi tribuni plebis furori,

    Cic. Sest. 16, 36; id. Planc. 36, 87; Ov. M. 5, 220:

    fac, sis, bonae frugi sies,

    of good, regular habits, Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 35; id. Cas. 2, 4, 5; 2, 5, 19; id. Ps. 1, 5, 53; id. Truc. 1, 1, 13; id. Capt. 5, 2, 3 sq. (v. frux, II. B. 1. b.): vilicus disciplina bona utatur. Cato, R. R. 5:

    bona studia,

    moral pursuits, Auct. Her. 4, 17, 25:

    quidquid vita meliore parasti,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 15: ad spem mortis melioris, an honorable death; so as an epithet of religious exercises:

    Juppiter, te bonas preces precor,

    Cato, R. R. 134; 139.—
    Of external, artistic, and literary value and usefulness:

    bono usui estis nulli,

    Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 15:

    Optumo optume optumam operam das,

    id. Am. 1, 1, 122:

    bonam dedistis mihi operam,

    a valuable service to me, id. Poen. 2, 3, 70; 3, 6, 11; id. Pers. 4, 7, 11; id. Rud. 3, 6, 11 (in a different sense: me bona opera aut mala Tibi inventurum esse auxilium argentarium, by fair or unfair means, id. Ps. 1, 1, 102;

    v. e. infra): optima hereditas a patribus traditur liberis... gloria virtutis rerumque gestarum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 33, 121:

    bonum otium,

    valuable leisure, Sall. C. 4, 1:

    bonis versibus,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 23, 74:

    versus meliores,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 81:

    meliora poemata,

    Hor. A. P. 303:

    in illa pro Ctesiphonte oratione longe optima,

    Cic. Or. 8, 26:

    optimas fabulas,

    id. Off. 1, 31, 114:

    melius munus,

    id. Ac. 1, 2, 7.—
    Favorable, prosperous, lucky, fortunate:

    de Procilio rumores non boni,

    unfavorable rumors, Cic. Att. 4, 16, 5:

    bona de Domitio, praeclara de Afranio fama est,

    about their success in the war, id. ib. 7, 26, 1:

    si fuisset in discipulo comparando meliore fortuna,

    id. Pis. 29, 71; cf.

    fortuna optima esse,

    to be in the best pecuniary circumstances, id. ad Brut. 1, 1, 2:

    occasio tam bona,

    Plaut. Most. 2, 2, 9:

    senex est eo meliore condicione quam adulesoens cum, etc.,

    Cic. Sen. 19, 68; id. Fam. 4, 32:

    bona navigatio,

    id. N. D. 3, 34, 83;

    esp. in phrase bona spes.—Object.: ergo in iis adulescentibus bonam spem esse dicemus et magnam indolem quos, etc.,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 35, 117.—Subject.:

    ego sum spe bona,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 28, 3; id. Cat. 2, 11, 25; [p. 245] id. Att. 14, 1 a, 3; id. Q. Fr. 1, 2, 5, § 16:

    optima spe,

    id. Fam. 12, 11, 2.—Pregn., = spes bonarum rerum, Sall. C. 21, 1;

    v. C. 1. c. infra: meliora responsa,

    more favorable, Liv. 7, 21, 6:

    melior interpretatio,

    Tac. H. 3, 65:

    cum laude et bonis recordationibus,

    id. A. 4, 38:

    amnis Doctus iter melius,

    i. e. less injurious, Hor. A. P. 68:

    omen bonum,

    a good, lucky omen, Cic. Pis. 13, 31; cf.

    Liv. praef. § 13: melius omen,

    Ov. F. 1, 221;


    Cic. Fam. 3, 12, 2:

    bona scaeva,

    Plaut. Stich. 5, 2, 24:

    auspicio optumo,

    id. ib. 3, 2, 6; cf.:

    memini bene, sed meliore Tempore dicam = opportuniore tempore,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 68.—
    Of public affairs, si mihi bona re publica frui non licuerit, Cic. Mil. 34, 93:

    optima res publica,

    id. Or. 1, 1, 1; id. Phil. 1, 8, 19:

    minus bonis temporibus,

    id. Dom. 4, 8; so,

    optimis temporibus,

    id. Sest. 3, 6:

    nostrae res meliore loco videbantur,

    id. ad Brut. 1, 3, 1:

    lex optima,

    id. Pis. 16, 37; id. Sest. 64, 137; id. Phil, 1, 8, 19.—
    Good = large, considerable:

    bono atque amplo lucro,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 6:

    bona librorum copia,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 109; cf.:

    bona copia cornu,

    Ov. M. 9, 88; v. bona pars, C. 8. g.—
    Noble; with genus, good family, noble extraction, honorable birth: quali me arbitraris genere prognatum? Eu. Bono, Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 35; so id. Ep. 1, 2, 4; 2, 1, 3; id. Pers. 4, 4, 94:

    si bono genere natus sit,

    Auct. Her. 3, 7, 13.—
    Referring to good-will, kindness, faithfulness, in certain phrases.
    Bona venia or cum bona venia, with the kind permission of a person addressed, especially bona venia orare, expetere, etc.:

    primum abs te hoc bona venia expeto,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 3, 31:

    bona tua venia dixerim,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 15, 34:

    oravit bona venia Quirites, ne, etc.,

    Liv. 7, 41, 3:

    obsecro vos.. bona venia vestra liceat, etc.,

    id. 6, 40, 10:

    cum bona venia quaeso audiatis, etc.,

    id. 29, 17, 6; Arn. c. Gent. 1, p. 5; cf.

    . sed des veniam bonus oro = venia bona oro,

    Hor. S. 2, 4, 5.—
    Bona pax, without quarrelling:

    bona pax sit potius,

    let us have no quarrel about that, Plaut. Pers. 2, 2, 7;

    so especially cum bona pace, or bona pace: Hannibal ad Alpis cum bona pace incolentium... pervenit,

    without a difficulty with the inhabitants, Liv. 21, 32, 6; 21, 24, 5; 1, 24, 3; 28, 37, 4; 8, 15, 1; cf.: si bonam (pacem) dederitis, = a fair peace, under acceptable conditions, id. 8, 21, 4.—
    Amicitia bona = bona fide servata, faithful, undisturbed friendship:

    igitur amicitia Masinissae bona atque honesta nobis permansit,

    Sall. J. 5, 5.—
    Bona societas, alliance:

    Segestes, memoria bonae societatis, impavidus,

    Tac. A. 1, 58.
    In particular phrases.
    Bonae res.
    = Vitae commoda, comforts of life, abstract or concrete:

    concedatur bonis rebus homines morte privari,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 36, 87:

    optimis rebus usus est,

    he had every most desirable thing, Nep. Att. 18, 1.—
    = Res secundae, opp. res adversae, prosperity:

    bonis rebus tuis, meas irrides malas,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 45:

    in bonis rebus,

    Hor. C. 2, 3, 2. —
    Res bona = res familiaris bona, wealth ( poet.): in re bona esse, Laber. ap. Gell. 10, 17, 4.—Also an object of value:

    homines quibus mala abunde omnia erant, sed neque res neque spes bona ulla,

    who had no property, nor the hope of any, Sall. C. 21, 1. —
    Costly things, articles of luxury:

    capere urbem in Arabia plenam bonarum rerum,

    Plaut. Pers. 4, 3, 46; 4, 4, 82:

    nimium rei bonae,

    id. Stich. 2, 3, 55:

    ignorantia bonarum rerum,

    Nep. Ages. 8, 5 ' bonis rebus gaudere, Hor. S. 2, 6, 110:

    re bona copiosum esse,

    Gell. 16, 19, 7.—
    Moral, morally good:

    illi cum res non bonas tractent,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 33, 72:

    ut de virtutibus et vitiis, omninoque de bonis rebus et malis quaererent,

    id. ib. 1, 4, 15:

    quid habemus in rebus bonis et malis explorati?

    id. ib. 2, 42, 129; so id. Or. 1, 10, 42; id. Leg. 1, 22, 58:

    quae tamen omnia dulciora fuint et moribus bonis et artibus,

    id. Sen. 18, 65.—
    In literary composition, important or interesting matter, subjects, or questions:

    res bonas verbis electis dictas quis non legat?

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 8:

    studiis generorum, praesertim in re bona,

    Plaut. Am. 8, 26.—
    Bonae artes.
    A good, laudable way of dealing:

    qui praeclari facinoris aut artis bonae famam quaerit,

    Sall. C. 2, 9:

    huic bonae artes desunt, dolis atque fallaciis contendit,

    id. ib. 11, 2:

    quod is bonarum artium cupiens erat,

    Tac. A. 6, 46.—
    Liberal arts and sciences:

    litteris aut ulli bonae arti,

    Quint. 12, 1, 7:

    conservate civem bonarum artium, bonarum partium, bonorum virorum,

    Cic. Sest. 32, 77. —Esp.:

    optimae artes: optimarum artium scientia,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 4; id. Ac. 2, 1, 1; id. Cael. 10, 24; id. Marcell. 1, 4.—
    Bona fides, or fides bona.
    Good faith, i. e. conscious honesty in acts or words: qui nummos fide bona solvit, who pays (the price of labor) in good faith, i. e. as it is honestly earned, Cato, R. R. 14:

    dic, bona fide, tu id aurum non subripuisti?

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 46; 4, 10, 47; id. Capt. 4, 2, 111; id. Most. 3, 1, 137; id. Poen. 1, 3, 30; id. Pers. 4, 3, 16; id. Ps. 4, 6, 33:

    si tibi optima fide omnia concessit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 49, 144; Quint. 10, 3, 23.—Hence, bonae fidei vir, a conscientious man, Quint. 10, 7, 1.—
    Jurid. t. t.
    Good faith in contracts and legal acts in general, opposed to dolus malus, honesty and fairness in dealing with another:

    ad fidem bonam statuit pertinere, notum esse emptori vitium quod nosset venditor,

    Cic. Off. 3, 16, 67.—Hence, alienam rem bona fide emere, to buy, believing the seller to be the rightful owner, Dig. 41, 3, 10; 41, 3, 13, § 1. bonae fidei possessor (also possessio), believing that he is the rightful owner, ib. 5, 3, 25, § 11; 5, 3, 22; 41, 3, 15, § 2;

    41, 3, 24: conventio contra bonam fidem et mores bonos,

    ib. 16, 31, § 7: bonam fidem praestare, to be responsible for one ' s good faith, ib. 17, 1, 10 prooem.—Hence,
    Bonae fidei actiones or judicia, actions in equity, i. e. certain classes of actions in which the strict civil law was set aside by the praetorian edict in favor of equity:

    actiones quaedam bonae fidei sunt, quaedam stricti juris. Bonae fidei sunt haec: exempto vendito, locato conducto, etc.,

    Just. Inst. 4, 6, 28, § 19.—In the republican time the praetor added in such actions to his formula for the judex the words ex fide bona, or, in full:

    quidquid dare facere oportet ex fide bona,

    Cic. Off. 3, 16, 66:

    iste dolus malus et legibus erat vindicatus, et sine lege, judiciis in quibus additur ex fide bona,

    id. ib. 3, 15, 61; cf. id. ib. 3, 17, 70.—
    Bona verba.
    Kind words:

    Bona verba quaeso,

    Ter. And. 1, 2, 33.—
    Words of good omen (v. omen):

    dicamus bona verba,

    Tib. 2, 2, 1:

    dicite suffuso ter bona verba mero,

    Ov. F. 2, 638.—
    Elegant or well-chosen expressions:

    quid est tam furiosum quam verborum vel optimorum atque ornatissimorum sonitus inanis,

    Cic. Or. 1, 12, 51:

    verborum bonorum cursu,

    id. Brut. 66, 233:

    omnia verba sunt alicubi optima,

    Quint. 10, 1, 9.—
    Moral sayings:

    non est quod contemnas bona verba et bonis cogitationibus plena praecordia,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 20, 1. —
    Bona dicta.
    Polite, courteous language:

    hoc petere me precario a vobis jussit leniter dictis bonis,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 25.—
    Witticisms ( bon-mots): flammam a sapiente facilius ore in ardente opprimi, quam bona dicta teneat, Enn. ap. Cic. Or. 2, 54, 222:

    dico unum ridiculum dictum de dictis melioribus quibus solebam menstruales epulas ante adipiscier,

    Plaut. Capt. 3, 1, 22:

    ibo intro ad libros ut discam de dictis melioribus,

    id. Stich. 2, 3, 75.—
    Bona facta.
    = bene facta (v. bene, I. B. 2. b.), laudable deeds:

    nobilitas ambobus et majorum bona facta (sc. erant),

    Tac. A. 3, 40.—
    Bonum factum est, colloq., = bene est, bene factum est (v. bene, I. B. 2. b.):

    bonum factum est, ut edicta servetis mea,

    Plaut. Poen. prol. 16:

    haec imperata quae sunt pro imperio histrico, bonum hercle factum (est) pro se quisque ut meminerit,

    id. ib. 45.— Hence,
    Elliptically, introducing commands which cannot be enforced, = if you will do so, it will be well:

    peregrinis in senatum allectis, libellus propositus est: bonum factum, ne quis senatori novo curiam monstrare velit,

    Suet. Caes. 80:

    et Chaldaeos edicere: bonum factum, ne Vitellius... usquam esset,

    id. Vit. 14:

    hac die Carthaginem vici: bonum factum, in Capitolium eamus, et deos supplicemus,

    Aur. Vict. 49; cf.:

    o edictum, cui adscribi non poterit bonum factum,

    Tert. Pud. 1.—
    Bona gratia.
    A friendly understanding:

    cur non videmus inter nos haec potius cum bona Ut componantur gratia quam cum mala?

    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 17; so,

    per gratiam bonam abire,

    to part with good feelings, Plaut. Mil. 4, 3, 33.—In jest: sine bona gratia abire, of things cast away, Plaut Truc. 2, 7, 15.—
    Pleon., in the phrase bonam gratiam habere, = gratiam habere, to thank (v. B. 2. k.), Plaut. Rud. 2, 5, 32; id. Bacch. 4, 8, 99.—
    Bona pars.
    The well-disposed part of a body of persons:

    ut plerumque fit, major pars (i. e. of the senate) meliorem vicit,

    Liv. 21, 4, 1:

    pars melior senatus ad meliora responsa trahere,

    id. 7, 21, 6.—
    The good party, i. e. the optimates (gen. in plur.):

    civem bonarum partium,

    Cic. Sest. 32, 77:

    (fuit) meliorum partium aliquando,

    id. Cael. 6, 13:

    qui sibi gratiam melioris partis velit quaesitam,

    Liv. 2, 44, 3.—Paronom.: (Roscius) semper partium in re publica tam quam in scaena optimarum, i. e. party and part in a drama, Cic. Sest. 56, 120.—
    Of things or persons, a considerable part (cf. a good deal):

    bonam partem ad te adtulit,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 43:

    bonam partem sermonis in hunc diem esse dilatam,

    Cic. Or. 2, 3, 14:

    bonam magnamque partem exercitus,

    Val. Max. 5, 2, ext. 4:

    bona pars noctium,

    Quint. 12, 11, 19:

    bona pars hominum,

    Hor. S. 1, 1, 61:

    meae vocis... bona pars,

    id. C. 4, 2, 46; so id. A. P. 297; Ov. P. 1, 8, 74:

    melior pars diei,

    Verg. A. 9, 156.—
    Rarely, and mostly eccl. Lat.: optima pars, the best part or lot:

    nostri melior pars animus est,

    Sen. Q. N. 1, prooem. § 14; cf.:

    quae pars optima est in homine,

    best, most valuable, Cic. Tusc. 5, 23, 67:

    major pars aetatis, certe melior reipublicae data sit,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 18, 1:

    Maria optimam partem elegit, quae non auferetur ab ea,

    Vulg. Luc. 10, 42.—

    bonam partem = ex magna parte,

    Lucr. 6, 1249.—
    Aliquem in optimam partem cognoscere, to know somebody from his most favorable side, Cic. Off. 2, 13, 46: aliquid in optimam partem accipere, to take something in good part, interpret it most favorably:

    Caesar mihi ignoscit quod non venerim, seseque in optimam partem id accipere dicit,

    id. Att. 10, 3 a, 2; id. ad Brut. 1, 2, 3:

    quaeso ut hoc in bonam partem accipias,

    id. Rosc. Am. 16, 45.—
    Dies bonus or bona.
    A day of good omen, a fortunate day (= dies laetus, faustus):

    tum tu igitur die bono, Aphrodisiis, addice, etc.,

    Plaut. Poen. 2, 49:

    nunc dicenda bona sunt bona verba die,

    Ov. F. 1, 72.—
    A beautiful, serene day, Sen. Vit. Beat. 22, 3.—
    Bonus mos.
    Boni mores, referring to individuals, good, decent, moral habits:

    nihil est amabilius quam morum similitudo bonorum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 17, 56:

    nam hic nimium morbus mores invasit bonos,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 6:

    domi militiaeque boni mores colebantur,

    Sall. C. 9, 1:

    propter ejus suavissimos et optimos mores,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 5, 13:

    cum per tot annos matronae optimis moribus vixerint,

    Liv. 34, 6, 9:

    mores meliores,

    Plaut. Aul. 3, 5, 18.—
    Bonus mos or boni mores, in the abstract, morality, the laws, rules of morality: ei vos morigerari mos bonu'st, it is a rule of morality that you should, etc., Plaut. Capt. 2, 1, 4:

    ex optimo more et sanctissima disciplina,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 28, 69:

    neglegentia boni moris,

    Sen. Ep. 97, 1.—Jurid. t. t.:

    conventio, mandatum contra bonos mores,

    in conflict with morality, Quint. 3, 1, 57; Dig. 16, 3, 1, § 7; Gai. Inst. 3, 157 et saep. —
    Adverbial phrases.
    Bono animo esse, or bonum animum habere.
    To be of good cheer or courage:

    bono animo es! Liberabit ille te homo,

    Plaut. Merc 3, 1, 33; so id. Aul. 4, 10, 61; id. Mil. 4, 8, 32; id. Rud. 3, 3, 17; Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 4; id. Heaut. 4, 6, 18; id. Ad. 2, 4, 20; 3, 5, 1; 4, 2, 4; 4, 5, 62; id. Phorm. 5, 8, 72:

    animo bono es,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 3, 103; id. Am. 2, 2, 48; 5, 2, 1:

    bono animo es, inquit Scrofa, et fiscinam expedi,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 26:

    bono animo sint et tui et mei familiares,

    Cic. Fam. 6, 18, 1; 6, 10, 29:

    bono animo esse jubere eam consul,

    Liv. 39, 13, 7:

    habe modo bonum animum,

    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 58; so id. Am. 1, 3, 47; id. Truc. 2, 6, 44; id. Aul. 2, 2, 15:

    habe animum bonum,

    id. Cas. 2, 6, 35; id. Ep. 2, 2, 1; 4, 2, 31:

    bonum animum habe,

    Liv. 45, 8, 5:

    clamor ortus ut bonum animum haberet,

    id. 8, 32, 1; so Sen. Ep. 87, 38.—
    Bono animo esse, or facere aliquid, to be of a good or friendly disposition, or to do with good, honest intentions:

    audire jubet vos imperator histricus, bonoque ut animo sedeant in subselliis qui, etc.,

    Plaut. Poen. prol. 5: sunt enim (consules) [p. 246] optimo animo, summo consilio, of the best disposition, Cic. Phil. 3, 1, 2:

    bono te animo tum populus Romanus... dicere existimavit ea quae sentiebatis, sed, etc.,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 19, 56:

    quod nondum bono animo in populum Romanum viderentur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6; Quint. 7, 4, 15.—
    Bonus animus, good temper, patience:

    bonus animus in mala re dimidium mali est,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 37:

    vos etiam hoc animo meliore feratis,

    Ov. M. 9, 433.—
    Bono modo.
    = placide, with composure, moderation:

    si quis quid deliquerit, pro noxa bono modo vindicet,

    Cato, R. R. 5:

    haec tibi tam sunt defendenda quam moenia, mihi autem bono modo, tantum quantum videbitur,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 44, 137.—
    In a decent manner:

    neu quisquam prohibeto filium quin amet... quod bono fiat modo,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 4, 62. —
    Jure optimo or optimo jure, with good, perfect right:

    te ipse jure optumo incuses licet,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 23; id. Rud. 2, 6, 53:

    ut jure optimo me deserere posses,

    Cic. Fam. 3, 8, 6; Sen. Ot. Sap. 2 (29), 2.—With pass. or intr. verb, deservedly:

    ne jure optimo irrideamur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 31, 111; cf. id. ib. 1, 42, 151; id. Marcell. 1, 4;

    similarly, optimo judicio,

    Val. Max. 2, 9, 2.
    As subst.
    bŏnus, boni, m.; of persons.
    In sing. or plur. orig. = bonus vir, boni viri; v. I. A. 1. a. b, supra, a morally good man.

    bonis quod bene fit haud perit,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 3, 2; id. Capt. 2, 2, 108; id. Trin. 2, 1, 55; id. Pers. 4, 5, 2:

    melius apud bonos quam apud fortunatos beneficium collocari puto,

    Cic. Off. 2, 20, 71:

    verum esse ut bonos boni diligant, quamobrem... bonis inter bonos quasi necessariam (esse) benevolentiam,

    id. Lael. 14, 50:

    diverso itinere malos a bonis loca taetra... habere,

    Sall. C. 52, 13; 7, 2; 52, 22:

    oderunt peccare boni virtutis amore,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 52:

    tam bonis quam malis conduntur urbes,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 28, 4; so id. Vit. Beat. 15, 6; Quint. 9, 2, 76.—Rarely bŏnae, arum, f., good women:

    quia omnes bonos bonasque adcurare addecet, etc.,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 41.—

    malus bonum malum esse volt ut sit sui similis,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 8:

    nec enim cuique bono mali quidquam evenire potest,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 41, 99; cf.:

    qui meliorem audax vocet in jus,

    Hor. S. 2, 5, 29.—
    Bonus, a man of honor.
    A brave man:

    pro qua (patria) quis bonus dubitet mortem oppetere si ei sit profuturus?

    Cic. Off. 1, 17, 57:

    libertatem quam nemo bonus nisi cum anima simul amittat,

    Sall. C. 33, 5:

    fortes creantur fortibus et bonis,

    Hor. C. 4, 4, 29 (opp. ignavi):

    fama impari boni atque ignavi erant,

    Sall. J. 57, 6; 53, 8; id. C. 11, 2. —
    A gentleman:

    quis enim umquam, qui paululum modo bonorum consuetudinem nosset, litteras ad se ab amico missas... in medium protulit?

    Cic. Phil. 2, 4, 7.—
    Boni, the better (i. e. higher) classes of society.
    In gen. (of political sentiments, = optimates, opp. populares, seditiosi, perditi cives, etc.;

    so usu. in Cic.): meam causam omnes boni proprie enixeque susceperant,

    Cic. Sest. 16, 38:

    audaces homines et perditi nutu impelluntur... boni, nescio quomodo, tardiores sunt, etc.,

    id. ib. 47, 100:

    ego Kal. Jan. senatum et bonos omnes legis agrariae... metu liberavi,

    id. Pis. 2, 4:

    etenim omnes boni, quantum in ipsis fuit, Caesarem occiderunt,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 29; id. Fam. 5, 2, 8; 5, 21, 2; id. Sest. 2, 5; 16, 36; 48, 103; id. Planc. 35, 86; id. Mil. 2, 5; id. Off. 2. 12, 43:

    maledictis increpat omnes bonos,

    Sall. C. 21, 4; 19, 2; 33, 3; Hirt. B. G. 8, 22; so,


    Cic. Leg. 3, 17, 37; and, ironically, boni identified with the rich:

    bonorum, id est lautorum et locupletum,

    id. Att. 8, 1, 3.—
    Without reference to political views;

    opp. vulgus (rare): nihil ego istos moror fatuos mores quibus boni dedecorant se,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 22:

    semper in civitate quibus opes nullae sunt bonis invident,

    Sall. C. 37, 3:

    elatus est sine ulla pompa funeris, comitantibus omnibus bonis, maxima vulgi frequentia,

    Nep. Att. 22, 2.—So, mĕlĭōres, um, m., one ' s betters:

    ut quaestui habeant male loqui melioribus,

    Plaut. Poen. 3, 3, 13:

    da locum melioribus,

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 2, 37.—
    Boni, bone, in addresses, as an expression of courtesy, Hor. S. 2, 2, 1; 2, 6, 51; 2, 6, 95; id. Ep. 2, 2, 37; ironice, id. S. 2, 3, 31.—
    Optimus quisque = quivis bonus, omnes boni.
    Referring to morality:

    esse aliquid natura pulcrum quod optimus quisque sequeretur,

    every good man, Cic. Sen. 13, 43:

    qui ita se gerebant ut sua consilia optimo cuique probarent, optimates habebantur,

    id. Sest. 45, 96; id. Off. 1, 43, 154; id. Fin. 1, 7, 24; id. Sest. 54, 115; and = even the best:

    quare deus optimum quemque mala valetudine adficit?

    Sen. Prov. 4, 8.—
    Of the educated classes:

    adhibenda est quaedam reverentia adversus homines, et optimi cujusque et reliquorum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 28, 99; cf. id. ib. 1, 25, 85:

    Catilina plerisque consularibus, praeterea optumo cuique, litteras mittit,

    Sall. C. 34, 2:

    optimo cuique infesta libertas,

    Sen. Ot. Sap. 8, 2 (32 fin.).—
    Honorable, brave:

    optumus quisque cadere et sauciari, ceteris metus augeri,

    Sall. J. 92, 8.—
    In gen., excellent:

    optimus quisque facere quam dicere... malebat,

    Sall. C. 8, 5.—

    ita imperium semper ad optumum quemque a minus bono transfertur,

    to the best man in each instance, Sall. C. 2, 6.—
    Referring to another superlative ( = quo quisque melior eo magis, etc.):

    hic aditus laudis qui semper optimo cuique maxime patuit,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 1, 1; so id. Lael. 4, 14; id. Inv. 2, 11, 36; Sen. Vit. Beat. 18, 1.—
    Attributively, with a noun:

    optimam quamque causam,

    Cic. Sest. 43, 93:

    optima quaeque dies,

    Verg. G. 3, 66.
    bŏnum, i, n., plur. bona; mĕlĭus, ōris, n.; optĭmum, i, n. (v. infra); of things in gen.
    Bonum, or plur. bona, a good, or goods in a moral and metaphysical sense, a moral good, a blessing: sunt autem hae de finibus defensae sententiae: nihil bonum nisi honestum, ut Stoici; nihil bonum nisi voluptatem, ut Epicurus;

    nihil bonum nisi vacuitatem doloris, ut Hieronymus... tria genera bonorum, maxima animi, secunda corporis, externa tertia, ut Peripatetici, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 30, 84 sq.:

    quid est igitur bonum? Si quid recte fit et honeste et cum virtute, id bene fieri vere dicitur, et quod rectum et honestum et cum virtute est, id solum opinor bonum,

    id. Par. 1, 1, 9:

    ut quis intellegat, quid sit illud simplex et verum bonum quod non possit ab honestate sejungi,

    id. Ac. 1, 2, 7:

    non-est igitur voluptas bonum,

    id. Fin. 1, 11, 39: finis bonorum et malorum (telos agathôn) = summa bona et mala:

    sunt nonnullae disciplinae quae, propositis bonorum et malorum finibus, officium omne pervertant. Nam qui summum bonum sic instituit ut, etc.,

    id. Off. 1, 2, 5; cf. id. Par. 1, 3, 14; id. Ac. 2, 9, 29; 2, 36, 114; 2, 42, 129; id. Fin. 1, 9, 29; 1, 12, 42; id. Tusc. 4, 31, 66; Sen. Vit. Beat. 24, 5; id. Ep. 117, 1 et saep.—
    Bonum, what is valuable, beneficial, estimable, favorable, pleasant, physically or mentally:

    quoi boni Tantum adfero quantum ipsus a diis optat,

    Plaut. Capt. 4, 1, 9:

    multa bona vobis volt facere,

    will do you much good, id. Poen. 5, 4, 60; id. Am. prol. 43, 49; id. Pers. 4, 8, 4; 2, 3, 14; id. Cas. 2, 8, 32:

    tum demum nostra intellegemus bona quom ea amisimus,

    id. Capt. 1, 2, 33:

    multa tibi di dent bona,

    id. Poen. 1, 1, 80; cf. id. ib. 3, 3, 54; 3, 3, 74; id. Mil. 3, 1, 120; id. Men. 3, 3, 34; id. Pers. 4, 3, 23; id. Truc. 1, 2, 23; id. Merc. 1, 2, 40; id. Most. 1, 1, 47:

    omnia Bona dicere,

    to speak in the highest terms of one, Ter. And. 1, 1, 70:

    sed ne vivus quidem bono caret, si eo non indiget,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 36, 88:

    cum quaecumque bona Peripateticis, eadem Stoicis commoda viderentur,

    id. ib. 5, 41, 120:

    nihil enim boni nosti,

    nothing that is good for any thing, id. Phil. 2, 7, 16:

    mala pro bonis legere dementia est,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 6, 1; Val. Max. 5, 3, ext. 3 fin.; Hor. S. 1, 2, 73:

    quia bonum sit valere,

    a good thing, Cic. Fin. 4, 23, 62 (cf. III. A. 5. infra):

    melius: quo quidem haud scio an... quidquam melius sit homini a dis immortalibus datum,

    id. Lael. 6, 20:

    meliora... Aristotelem de istis rebus scripsisse,

    id. Or. 1, 10, 43:

    optimum: difficillimum est formam exponere optimi,

    id. ib. 11, 36.— Here belongs the phrase boni consulere;

    v. consulo.—So after prepositions: in bonum vertere, v. under verto: in melius ire,

    to change for the better, Tac. A. 12, 68.—In the same sense: in melius aliquid referre, or reflectere ( poet.), Verg. A. 1, 281; 11, 426; 10, 632:

    ad melius transcurrere,

    to pass over to something better, Hor. S. 2, 2, 82.—
    Bonum or bona, prosperity:

    fortiter malum qui patitur, idem post patitur bonum,

    Plaut. As. 2, 2, 58:

    nulli est homini perpetuum bonum,

    id. Curc. 1, 3, 33:

    unā tecum bona, mala tolerabimus,

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 3, 23:

    quibus in bonis fuerint et nunc quibus in malis sint, ostenditur ( = in secundis, in adversis rebus),

    Cic. Inv. 1, 55, 107.—
    Good qualities, gifts:

    omnia adsunt bona, quem penes'st virtus,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 30:

    magnis illi et divinis bonis hanc licentiam adsequebantur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 41, 148:

    nisi qui se suā gravitate et castimoniā... tum etiam naturali quodam bono defenderet, etc.,

    id. Cael. 5, 11:

    hunc meā sententiā divinis quibusdam bonis instructum atque ornatum puto,

    id. ib. 17, 39:

    non intellego quod bonum cuiquam sit apud tales viros profuturum,

    id. Balb. 28, 63:

    gaude isto tuo tam excellenti bono,

    id. Marcell. 6, 19; so id. Imp. Pomp. 16, 49.—
    Advantage, benefit:

    si plus adipiscare, re explicatā, boni, quam addubitatā mali,

    Cic. Off. 1, 24, 83:

    saepe cogitavi bonine an mali plus adtulerit... eloquentiae studium,

    id. Inv. 1, 1, 1; 2, 35, 106; id. Off. 2, 2, 5; id. Sest. 10, 24:

    maximum bonum in celeritate ponebat,

    Sall. C. 43, 4; so, bono publico (abl.), for the public good:

    hoc ita si fit, publico fiat bono,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 183; Liv. 2, 44, 3; Dig. 41, 3, 1.—
    With aequum, what is fair and good, the fair ( thing), fairness, equity:

    si bonum aequomque oras,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 149; so id. Pers. 3, 1, 71; id. Rud. 1, 2, 94; id. Men. 4, 2, 11:

    si tu aliquam partem aequi bonique dixeris,

    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 32; id. Heaut. 4, 1, 29; id. Ad. 1, 1, 39:

    a quo vivo nec praesens nec absens quidquam aequi bonique impetravit,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 37, 94.—Hence, aequo et bono, or ex aequo et bono, in ( with) fairness, in equity, Ter. Ad. 5, 9, 30; Auct. Her. 2, 10, 14; 2, 12, 18; 2, 13, 20; Gai. Inst. 3, 137: aequi bonique, as gen. of value, with facere:

    istuc, Chreme, Aequi bonique facio,

    I place a fair and proper value on it, Ter. Heaut. 4, 5, 40.—
    Bona, one ' s property, fortunes, almost always denoting the whole of one's possessions.
    In gen.:

    paterna oportet reddi filio bona,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 2, 120:

    bona sua med habiturum omnia,

    id. Truc. 2, 4, 49; cf. id. ib. 2, 7, 6; 4, 2, 29; id. Rud. 2, 6, 22; id. Most. 1, 3, 77; id. Trin. 4, 4, 3; Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 4:

    bona mea diripiebantur atque ad consulem deferebantur,

    Cic. Sest. 24, 54:

    cum de capite, civis et de bonis proscriptio ferretur,

    id. ib. 30, 65:

    bona, fortunas, possessiones omnium,

    id. Caecin. 13, 38:

    at mulctantur bonis exsules,

    id. Tusc. 5, 37, 106; id. Off. 2, 23, 81; id. Par. 1, 1, 7; id. Sest. 19, 42; 43, 94; 52, 111; id. Phil. 2, 26, 64; Caes. B. G. 7, 3; Liv. 2, 3, 5; 2, 5, 5; 4, 15, 8; Tac. A. 2, 48; Quint. 6, 1, 19 et saep.—
    Bonorum possessio, the possession of one ' s property by another.
    Bonorum possessio in consequence of bonorum cessio, i. e. an assignment of one ' s property for the benefit of creditors, Dig. 42, tit. 3.—
    Bonorum possessio granted by the prætor against a contumacious or insolvent debtor (in bona mittere, in bona ire jubere, bona possidere jubere, etc.); cf. Dig. 42, tit. 4:

    postulat a Burrieno Naevius ut ex edicto bona possidere liceat,

    Cic. Quint. 6, 25, and the whole of c. 8:

    edixit... neu quis militis... bona possideret aut venderet,

    Liv. 2, 24, 6:

    bona proscribere,

    to offer the property thus transferred for sale, Cic. Quint. 6, 25.—
    Chiefly referring to the property of a defunct person (hereditas), where the prætor, till the heir had proved his right, granted a bonorum possessio secundum tabulas or contra tabulas, Dig. 37, tit. 4; 37, tit. 11.—
    In bonis esse;

    with reference to the older civil law, which distinguished between civil property (habere rem ex jure Quiritium) and natural property (rem in bonis habere, res in bonis est),

    Gai. Inst. 2, 40, 41; Dig. 40, 12, 38, § 2; 37, 6, 2, § 1; 37, 6, 3, § 2; ib. Fragm. 1, 16; Gai. Inst. 1, 22; 1, 35; 1, 222; 1, 167; Dig. 1, 8, 1; 27, 10, 10:

    neque bonorum possessorum, neque... res pleno jure fiunt, sed in bonis efficiuntur,

    ib. Fragm. 3, 80.—Hence, nullam omnino arbitrabamur de eā hereditate controversiam eum habiturum, et est hodie in bonis, i. e. [p. 247] the bonorum possessio has been granted to him, which did not give full ownership, but effected only that the hereditas was in bonis. Cic. Fam. 13, 30, 1.
    Predicative use.
    With nouns or pronouns as subjects.
    Bonum esse, to be morally good, honest:

    nunc mihi bonae necessum est esse ingratiis, Quamquam esse nolo,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 3, 82:

    bonam ego quam beatam me esse nimio dici mavolo,

    id. Poen. 1, 2, 93; so id. Capt. 2, 1, 44; id. Men. 4, 2, 6; id. Rud. prol. 29:

    itaque viros fortes magnanimos eosdem, bonos et simplices... esse volumus,

    Cic. Off. 1, 19, 63; cf. id. ib. 3, 21, 84; id. Att. 15, 6, 1:

    Cato esse quam videri bonus malebat,

    Sall. C. 54, 5:

    ut politiora, non ut meliora fiant ingenia,

    Val. Max. 5, 4, ext. 5 fin.
    To be beneficial, prosperous, advantageous, valuable, favorable, serviceable, correct, with reference to both persons and things as subjects, and in regard to physical and mental relations:

    jam istuc non bonumst,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 2, 29; Cato, R. R. 157:

    oleum viridius et melius fiet,

    id. ib. 3:

    vinum ut alvum bonam faciat,

    to correct the bowels, id. ib. 156:

    quid est homini salute melius?

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 127:

    non optuma haec sunt, verum meliora quam deterruma,

    id. Trin. 2, 3, 1:

    quid est quod huc possit quod melius sit accedere?

    Cic. Fin. 1, 12, 41; 1, 18, 57; id. Tusc. 1, 41, 99:

    in quo (vestitu), sicut in plerisque rebus, mediocritas optima est,

    id. Off. 1, 36, 130; 2, 17, 59; id. Inv. 1, 31, 51; id. Or. 2, 6; 11, 36:

    meliorem tamen militem... in futura proelia id certamen fecit,

    Liv. 2, 51, 3:

    parvus ut est cygni melior canor, ille gruum quam Clamor,

    Lucr. 4, 181; 4, 191:

    si meliora dies, ut vina, poemata reddit,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 34.—So in the optative formula:

    quod bonum, faustum, felixque sit,

    Liv. 1, 28, 7; 1, 17, 10; 39, 15, 1; 3, 54;

    3, 34.—Also, quod bonum atque fortunatum mihi sit,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 6, 50;

    and with a noun as subject: ut nobis haec habitatio Bona, fausta, felix, fortunataque evenat,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 3.—
    To be kind:

    bonus cum probis'st (erus), malus cum malis,

    Plaut. Most. 4, 1, 22:

    hic si vellet bonus ac benignus Esse,

    Hor. S. 1, 2, 52.—
    With reference to the gods:

    ecastor ambae (Fortuna et Salus sunt bonae,

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 129:

    Palladis aut oculos ausa negare bonos (esse),

    Prop. 3, 24, 12 (2, 28, 12).—
    Bonum est (very rare for the class. bene est; v. bene).
    Without a subject:

    bonum sit!

    may it be fortunate, favorable! Verg. E. 8, 106.—
    With subject inf.:

    nam et stulte facere, et stulte fabularier in aetate haud bonum est,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 61:

    bonum est pauxillum amare, insane non bonum est,

    id. Curc. 1, 3,20.—
    Melius est.
    With subject inf.:

    melius sanam est mentem sumere,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 2, 51:

    nihil sentire est melius quam tam prava sentire,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 40, 125; cf. id. Fin. 1, 19, 62; id. Off. 1, 43, 156; so,

    melius fuit, fuisset, or fuerat,

    it would have been better, id. N. D. 3, 33; id. Sen. 23, 82; id. Off. 3, 25, 94:

    proinde quiesse erit melius,

    Liv. 3, 48, 3; 3, 41, 3; Verg. A. 11, 303.—
    With subject inf.-clause:

    meliu'st te quae sunt mandata tibi praevortier,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 125; id. Men. 5, 9, 32.—
    With ut-clause:

    quid melius quam ut hinc intro abeam et me suspendam clanculum,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 145; so id. Ps. 4, 7, 18.—
    With subjectclause in the subjunctive:

    nunc quid mihi meliu'st quam ilico hic opperiar erum,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 2, 22.—
    Optimum est.
    With subject inf.:

    optimum visum est, captivos quam primum deportare,

    Liv. 23, 34, 8:

    si quis dicit optimum esse navigare,

    Sen. Ot. Sap. 8, 4 (32 fin.); so, optimum fuit, it would have been better, and optimum erat, it would be better, Quint. 6, prooem. 3; 11, 2, 33; Hor. S. 2, 1, 7.—
    With inf.-clause:

    constituerunt optimum esse, domum suam quemque reverti,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 10: optimum visum est, in fluctuantem aciem tradi equos, etc., Liv 6, 24, 10; 22, 27, 6.—
    With ut and subj:

    hoc vero optimum, ut is qui, etc., id ultimum bonorum, id ipsum quid et quale sit nesciat,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 3, 6.—
    With quod:

    illa vero optima (sunt) quod cum Haluntium venisset Archagathum vocari jussit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 23, § 51:

    optimum vero (est) quod dictaturae nomen in perpetuum de re publica sustulisti,

    id. Phil. 2, 36, 91.—
    With second sup., in the phrase optumum factu est (where factu is redundant):

    sed hoc mihi optumum factu arbitror,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 16:

    optimum factu esse duxerant frumento... nostros prohibere,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 30:

    optumum factu credens exercitum augere,

    Sall. C. 32, 1 (Kritz, factum); 57, 5 (Kritz, factum).
    Ellipt. use: di meliora, i. e. dent or velint, i. e. let the gods grant better things than what you say, etc.; God forbid! in full:

    di melius duint,

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 9, 16:

    di meliora velint!

    Ov. M. 7, 37.—Ellipt.:

    di meliora! inquit,

    Cic. Sen. 14, 47:

    id ubi mulier audivit, perturbata, dii meliora inquit, etc.,

    Liv. 39, 10, 2; 9, 9, 6; Verg. G. 3, 513;

    similarly, di melius, i. e. fecerunt,

    Val. Max. 6, 1, ext. 3.
    With object expressed,
    By dat.
    = good, useful, beneficial for:

    ambula, id lieni optumum est,

    Plaut. Curc. 2, 1, 25:

    quia vobis eadem quae mihi bona malaque esse intellexi,

    Sall. C. 20, 3:

    bona bello Cornus, jaculis, etc.,

    Verg. G. 2, 447.—
    = benignus or propitius, kind to:

    vicinis bonus esto,

    Cato, R. R. 4:

    bene merenti mala es, male merenti bona es,

    Plaut. As. 1, 2, 3:

    vos o mihi Manes, Este boni,

    Verg. A. 12, 647.—
    = idoneus, fit for, adapted to:

    qui locus vino optimus dicetur esse,

    Cato, R. R. 6:

    tum erit ei rei optumum tempus,

    id. ib. 26:

    terra cui putre solum, Optima frumentis,

    Verg. G. 2, 205; 2, 319; 1, 286.—
    With sum and dat., in the phrase alicui bono est, it is of service to one, profits him:

    accusant in quibus occidi patrem Sex. Roscii bono fuit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 5, 13:

    bono fuisse Romanis adventum eorum constabat,

    Liv. 7, 12, 4.—Hence, with rel. dat.: cui bono (est), for whose advantage it is:

    quod si quis usurpet illud Cassianum cui bono fuerit, etc.,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 14, 35:

    cui bono fuisset,

    id. Rosc. Am. 30, 84; id. Mil. 12, 32 Ascon. ad loc.; cf.

    ellipt. form cui bono?

    Prisc. p. 1208 P.—
    With dat. gerund:

    ager oleto conserundo qui in Favonium spectavit, aliis bonus nullus erit,

    Cato, R. R. 6; Varr. R. R. 1, 24:

    (mons) quia pecori bonus alendo erat,

    Liv. 29, 31; 9, 10.—
    By ad and acc.:

    refert et ad quam rem bona aut non bona sit,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 91:

    occasio quaeritur idoneane fuerit ad rem adoriendam, an alia melior,

    Auct. Her. 2, 4, 7:

    non campos modo militi Romano ad proelium bonos, etc.,

    Tac. A. 2, 14.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > bonus

  • 15 meliores

    bŏnus (old form dŭonus, Carm. Sall. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, § 26 Mull.; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 67 Mull.), a, um, adj. [for duonus, cf. bellum, bis, and cf. root dvi-; hence deidô, deos], good; comp. melior, us [cf. Gr. mala, mallon], better; sup. optimus ( optumus, ante-class. and often class.) [root opof ops, opes; cf. copia, apiscor], best.
    As adjunct of nouns denoting persons.
    Vir bonus.
    A man morally good (kalos kagathos):

    quoniam boni me viri pauperant, improbi alunt,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 4, 60:

    omnibus virtutibus instructos et ornatos tum sapientes, tum viros bonos dicimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 10, 28:

    ille vir bonus qui... intolerabili dolore lacerari potius quam aut officium prodat aut fidem,

    id. Ac. 2, 8, 23:

    sive vir bonus est is qui prodest quibus potest, nocet nemini, certe istum virum bonum non facile reperimus,

    id. Off. 3, 15, 64:

    qui se ita gerunt ut eorum probitas, fides, integritas, etc.... hos viros bonos... appellandos putemus,

    id. Lael. 5, 19:

    non intellegunt se de callido homine loqui, non de bono viro,

    id. Att. 7, 2, 4:

    ut quisque est vir optimus, ita difficillime esse alios improbos suspicatur,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 4, § 12:

    nec enim melior vir fuit Africano quisquam, nec clarior,

    id. Lael. 2, 6; id. Leg. 1, 14, 41; 1, 18, 48; id. Planc. 4, 9; id. Par. 3, 1, 21; id. Marcell. 6, 20; id. Fam. 7, 21; id. Off. 2, 16, 57.—
    An honest man:

    justitia, ex qua viri boni nominantur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 7, 21; 1, 44, 155; 2, 11, 39; 2, 12, 42; 2, 20, 71;

    3, 12, 50: cum is sponsionem fecisset ni vir bonus esset,

    id. ib. 3, 19, 77:

    quoniam Demosthenes nec vir bonus esset, nec bene meritus de civitate,

    id. Opt. Gen. 7, 20; cf. id. Rosc. Am. 40, 116.—
    A man of good standing in the community:

    id viri boni arbitratu deducetur,

    Cato, R. R. 143; so id. ib. 149:

    tuam partem viri bono arbitratu... dari oportet,

    Dig. 17, 1, [p. 244] 35;

    37, 6, 2, § 2: quem voles virum bonum nominato,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 25, § 55:

    vir bonus est... quo res sponsore, et quo causae teste tenentur,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 40.—Hence, ironically of wealthy men:

    praetores jus dicunt, aediles ludos parant, viri boni usuras perscribunt,

    Cic. Att. 9, 12, 3.—
    Ironically of bad men:

    sed eccum lenonem Lycum, bonum virum,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 5, 52; Ter. Eun. 5, 3, 9; 4, 3, 18; id. Ad. 3, 4, 30:

    expectabam quinam isti viri boni testes hujus manifesto deprehensi veneni dicerentur,

    Cic. Cael. 26, 63:

    nam socer ejus, vir multum bonus est,

    id. Agr. 3, 3, 13;

    so especially in addresses (mostly comic.): age tu, illuc procede, bone vir!

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 2, 1; id. Curc. 5, 2, 12; id. Ps. 4, 7, 48; id. Pers. 5, 2, 11; Ter. And. 3, 5, 10; 5, 2, 5; id. Ad. 4, 2, 17; id. Eun. 5, 2, 11:

    quid tu, vir optime? Ecquid habes quod dicas?

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 36, 104.—
    Sometimes boni viri = boni, in the sense of optimates (v. I. A. 3.):

    bonis viris quid juris reliquit tribunatus C. Gracchi?

    Cic. Leg. 3, 9, 20.—
    As a conventional courtesy:

    homines optimi non intellegunt, etc.,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 7, 25:

    bone accusator,

    id. Rosc. Am. 21, 58:

    sic illum amicum vocasti, quomodo omnes candidatos bonos viros dicimus,

    gentlemen, Sen. Ep. 3, 1.—For bonus vir, a good husband, v. 3.; and for vir optimus, as a laudatory epithet, v. 5.—
    Boni homines (rare) = boni, better classes of society, v. II. A. 3:

    in foro infimo boni homines atque dites ambulant,

    Plaut. Curc. 4, 1, 14.—
    With nouns denoting persons in regard to their functions, offices, occupations, and qualities, denoting excellence:

    bonus consul,

    Liv. 4, 40, 6; 22, 39, 2 (different: consules duos, bonos quidem, sed dumtaxat bonos, amisimus, consuls of good sentiments, almost = bad consuls, Cic. ad Brut. 1, 3, 4):

    boni tribuni plebis,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 10, 25:

    bonus senator,

    id. Prov. Cons. 15, 37:

    senator bonus,

    id. Dom. 4, 8:

    bonus judex,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 15, § 34:

    bonus augur (ironically),

    id. Phil. 2, 32, 80:

    bonus vates,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 3, 27:

    bonus imperator,

    Sall. C. 60, 4:

    bonus dux,

    Quint. 12, 1, 43 (cf. trop.:

    naturam, optimam ducem,

    the best guide, Cic. Sen. 2, 5):

    bonus miles,

    Sall. C. 60, 4; Sen. Vit. Beat. 15, 5:

    bonus orator,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 10:

    optimus orator,

    id. Opt. Gen. 1, 3:

    poeta bonus,

    id. de Or. 1, 3, 11; 2, 46, 194; id. Fin. 1, 3, 10:

    scriptor bonus,

    Quint. 10, 1, 104:

    bonus advocatus,

    id. 5, 13, 10:

    bonus defensor,

    id. 5, 13, 3:

    bonus altercator,

    a good debater, id. 6, 4, 10:

    bonus praeceptor,

    id. 5, 13, 44; 10, 5, 22:

    bonus gubernator,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 31, 100:

    optimus opifex,

    Hor. S. 1, 3, 133:

    sutor bonus,

    id. ib. 1, 3, 125:

    actor optimus,

    Cic. Sest. 57, 122:

    cantor optimus est modulator,

    Hor. S. 1, 3, 130:

    melior gladiator,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 6, 33: agricola (colonus, dominus) bonus, Cato, R. R. prooem.; Cic. Sen. 16, 56:

    bonus paterfamilias,

    a thrifty head of the house, Nep. Att. 13, 1:

    bonus servus,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 3, 58; id. Am. 2, 1, 46; id. Men. 5, 6, 1; Cic. Mil. 22, 58:

    dominus bonus,

    Cato, R. R. 14:

    bonus custos,

    Plaut. Truc. 4, 3, 38.—Ironically, Ter. Phorm. 2, 1, 57:

    filius bonus,

    Plaut. Am. 3, 4, 9:


    Quint. 11, 3, 178:


    id. 6, prooem. 4: bonus (melior, optimus), viz. a good husband, Cic. Inv. 1, 31, 51 sq.; Liv. 1, 9, 15:

    uxor melior,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 31, 52:


    id. Fam. 2, 15, 3:

    amicus optimus,

    Plaut. Cas. 3, 3, 18:

    optimus testis,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 27, 2:

    auctor, in two senses,

    good authority, id. Att. 5, 12, 3;

    and = bonus scriptor (post-class.),

    Quint. 10, 1, 74.—Esp.:

    bonus civis (rarely civis bonus): in re publica ea velle quae tranquilla et honesta sint: talem enim solemus et sentire bonum civem et dicere, Cic.-Off. 1, 34, 124: eaque est summa ratio et sapientia boni civis, commoda civium non divellere, atque omnes aequitate eadem continere,

    id. ib. 2, 23, 83:

    eum esse civem et fidelem et bonum,

    Plaut. Pers. 1, 2, 15; Cic. Fam. 2, 8, 2; 1, 9, 10; 3, 12, 1; 6, 6, 11; id. Off. 1, 44, 155; Liv. 22, 39, 3; Sall. H. Fragm. 1, 10 Dietsch:

    optimus et fortissimus civis,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 2, 3; id. Sest. 17, 39.—
    Bonus and optimus as epithets of the gods.
    In gen.:

    sed te bonus Mercurius perdat,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 3, 23:

    fata... bonique divi,

    Hor. C. 4, 2, 38:

    divis orte bonis,

    id. ib. 4, 5, 1:

    O bone deus!

    Scrib. Comp. 84 fin.: BONORVM DEORVM, Inscr. ap. Cic. N. D. 3, 34, 84: totidem, pater optime, dixi, Tu mihi da cives, referring to Jupiter, Ov. M. 7, 627.—
    Optimus Maximus, a standing epithet of Jupiter:

    (Juppiter) a majoribus nostris Optimus Maximus (nominatur), et quidem ante optimus, id est beneficentissimus, quam Maximus,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 25, 64:

    Jovem optimum et maximum ob eas res appellant, non quod, etc.,

    id. ib. 3, 36, 87:

    in templo Jovis Optimi Maximi,

    id. Sest. 56, 129; id. Prov. Cons. 9, 22:

    nutu Jovis Optimi Maximi,

    id. Cat. 3, 9, 21; Liv. 1, 12, 7; id. 6, 16, 2.—
    Di boni, O di boni, expressing indignation, sorrow, or surprise:

    di boni, hunc visitavi antidhac!

    Plaut. Ep. 4, 1, 16:

    di boni, boni quid porto!

    Ter. And. 2, 2, 1:

    di boni, quid hoc morbi est,

    id. Eun. 2, 1, 19; id. Heaut. 2, 3, 13; id. Ad. 3, 3, 86:

    alter, O di boni, quam taeter incedebat!

    Cic. Sest. 8, 19; id. Brut. 84, 288; id. Phil. 2, 8, 20; 2, 32, 80; id. Att. 1, 16, 5; 14, 21, 2; Val. Max. 3, 5, 1; Sen. Vit. Beat. 2, 3.—
    Bona Dea, etc., v. 6.—
    Optimus as a laudatory epithet.
    Vir optimus:

    per vos nobis, per optimos viros optimis civibus periculum inferre conantur,

    Cic. Sest. 1, 2:

    virum optimum et constantissimum M. Cispium,

    id. ib. 35, 76:

    fratrem meum, virum optimum, fortissimum,

    id. ib.:

    consolabor hos praesentes, viros optimos,

    id. Balb. 19, 44; id. Planc. 21, 51; 23, 55; id. Mil. 14, 38; id. Marcell. 4, 10; id. Att. 5, 1, 5; Hor. S. 1, 6, 53.—
    Femina bona, optima:

    tua conjunx bona femina,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 6, 16:

    hujus sanctissimae feminae atque optimae pater,

    id. ib. —
    Senex, pater, frater, etc.:

    optimus: parentes ejus, prudentissimi atque optimi senis,

    Cic. Planc. 41, 97:

    insuevit pater optimus hoc me,

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 105; 2, 1, 12:

    C. Marcelli, fratris optimi,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 7, 6; id. Q. Fr. 2, 6 (8), 2; 2, 4, 2.—
    With proper names ( poet.):

    optimus Vergilius,

    Hor. S. 1, 6, 54:

    Maecenas optimus,

    id. ib. 1, 5, 27:

    optime Quinti,

    id. Ep. 1, 16, 1.—
    Esp. as an epithet of the Roman emperors:

    quid tam civile, tam senatorium quam illud, additum a nobis Optimi cognomen?

    Plin. Pan. 2, 7:

    gratias, inquit, ago, optime Princeps!

    Sen. Tranq. 14. 4:

    ex epistula optimi imperatoris Antonini,

    Gai. Inst. 1, 102; cf.:

    bene te patriae pater optime Caesar,

    Ov. F. 2, 637:

    optime Romulae Custos gentis,

    Hor. C. 4, 5, 1.—
    Bonus and Bona, names of deities.
    Bona Dea, the goddess of Chastity, whose temple could not be entered by males (cf. Macr. S. 1, 12; Lact. 1, 22):

    Bonae Deae pulvinaribus,

    Cic. Pis. 39, 95; id. Mil. 31, 86; id. Fam. 1, 9, 15; cf.

    in mal. part.,

    Juv. 2, 86 sq.; 6, 314 sq.; 6, 335 sq.—
    Bonus Eventus, Varr. R. R. 1, 1 med.; Amm. 29, 6, 19; Inscr. Orell. 907; 1780 sq.—
    Bona Fortuna:

    si bona Fortuna veniat, ne intromiseris,

    Plaut. Aul. 1, 3, 22:

    Bonae Fortunae (signum),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 3, § 7:


    Inscr. Orell. 1743 sq. —
    Bona Spes:

    Spes Bona, obsecro, subventa mihi,

    Plaut. Rud. 1, 4, 12:


    Aug. Inscr. Grut. 1075, 1.—
    BONA MENS, Inscr. Orell. 1818 sqq.:

    Mens Bona, si qua dea es, tua me in sacraria dono,

    Prop. 3, 24, 19.
    With nouns denoting things.
    Things concrete, denoting excellence:

    navis bona dicitur non quae pretiosis coloribus picta est... sed stabilis et firma,

    Sen. Ep. 76, 13:

    gladium bonum dices, non cui auratus est balteus, etc., sed cui et ad secandum subtilis acies est, et, etc.,

    id. ib. 76, 14:

    id vinum erit lene et bono colore,

    Cato, R. R. 109; Lucr. 2, 418; Ov. Am. 2, 7, 9:

    tabulas... collocare in bono lumine,

    Cic. Brut. 75, 261: ex quavis olea oleum... bonum fieri potest. Cato, R. R. 3:

    per aestatem boves aquam bonam et liquidam bibant semper curato,

    id. ib. 73; cf.:

    bonae aquae, ironically compared to wine,

    Prop. 2, 33 (3, 31), 28:

    praedium bonum caelum habeat,

    good temperature, Cato, R. R. 1:

    bona tempestate,

    in good weather, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 2, 4:

    (praedium) solo bono valeat,

    by good soil, Cato, R. R. 1:

    bonae (aedes) cum curantur male,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 2, 24:

    villam bonam,

    Cic. Off. 3, 13, 55:

    bonus pons,

    Cat. 17, 5:

    scyphi optimi (= optime facti),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 14, § 32:

    perbona toreumata,

    id. ib. 2, 4, 18, §

    38: bona domicilia,

    comfortable residences, id. N. D. 2, 37, 95:

    agrum Meliorem nemo habet,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 12:

    fundum meliorem,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 31, 52: fundos optimos et fructuosissimos, id. Agr. 3, 4, 14:

    equus melior,

    id. Inv. 1, 31, 52:

    bona cena,

    Cat. 13, 3:

    boni nummi,

    good, not counterfeit, Plaut. As. 3, 3, 144; Cic. Off. 3, 23, 91:

    super omnia vultus accessere boni,

    good looks, Ov. M. 8, 678:

    mulier bona forma,

    of a fine form, Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 13:

    equus formae melioris,

    Hor. S. 2, 7, 52:

    tam bona cervix, simul ac jussero, demetur,

    fine, beautiful, Suet. Calig. 33:

    fruges bonae,

    Cat. 34, 19:

    ova suci melioris,

    of better flavor, Hor. S. 2, 4, 13.— Trop.:

    animus aequus optimum est aerumnae condimentum,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 3, 71: bona dextra, a lucky hand (cf.:

    bonum omen, 2. e.),

    Quint. 6, 3, 69:

    scio te bona esse voce, ne clama nimis,

    good, sound, loud voice, Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 43; so,

    bona firmaque vox,

    Quint. 11, 3, 13.—
    Things abstract.
    Of physical well-being:

    ut si qui neget sine bona valetudine posse bene vivi,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 51, 93; Sen. Vit. Beat. 22, 2; Lucr. 3, 102; Val. Max. 2, 5, 6; Quint. 10, 3, 26; 11, 2, 35 et saep.:

    non bonus somnus de prandio est,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 8:

    bona aetas,

    prime of life, Cic. Sen. 14, 48:

    optima aetate,

    id. Fam. 10, 3, 3.—Ironically:

    bona, inquis, aetate, etc.,

    Sen. Ep. 76, 1.—
    Of the mind and soul:

    meliore esse sensu,

    Cic. Sest. 21, 47:

    optima indoles,

    id. Fin. 5, 22, 61:

    bona conscientia,

    Quint. 6, 1, 33; 9, 2, 93; Sen. Vit. Beat. 20, 5:

    bono ingenio me esse ornatam quam auro multo mavolo,

    with a good heart, Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 91; id. Stich. 1, 21, 59; Sall. C. 10, 5:

    mens melior,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 78; Cic. Phil. 3, 5, 13; Liv. 39, 16, 5; Sen. Ben. 1, 11, 4; id. Ep. 10, 4; Pers. 2, 8; Petr. 61.—Personified, Prop. 3 (4), 24, 19; Ov. Am. 1, 2, 31:

    duos optimae indolis filios,

    Val. Max. 5, 7, 2; Sen. Ben. 6, 16, 6; Quint. 1, 2, 5:

    bonum consilium,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 6; id. Rud. 4, 3, 18; Cic. Off. 1, 33, 121:

    bona voluntas,

    a good purpose, Quint. 12, 11, 31:

    memoria bona,

    Cic. Att. 8, 4, 2:

    bona ratio cum perdita... confligit,

    id. Cat. 2, 11, 25:

    bonae rationes,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 50:

    pronuntiatio bona,

    Auct. Her. 3, 15, 27.—
    Of moral relations:

    ego si bonam famam mihi servasso, sat ero dives,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 71; Cic. Sest. 66, 139; Liv. 6, 11, 7; Hor. S. 1, 2, 61 (cf. Cic. Att. 7, 26, 1;

    v. e. infra): si ego in causa tam bona cessi tribuni plebis furori,

    Cic. Sest. 16, 36; id. Planc. 36, 87; Ov. M. 5, 220:

    fac, sis, bonae frugi sies,

    of good, regular habits, Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 35; id. Cas. 2, 4, 5; 2, 5, 19; id. Ps. 1, 5, 53; id. Truc. 1, 1, 13; id. Capt. 5, 2, 3 sq. (v. frux, II. B. 1. b.): vilicus disciplina bona utatur. Cato, R. R. 5:

    bona studia,

    moral pursuits, Auct. Her. 4, 17, 25:

    quidquid vita meliore parasti,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 15: ad spem mortis melioris, an honorable death; so as an epithet of religious exercises:

    Juppiter, te bonas preces precor,

    Cato, R. R. 134; 139.—
    Of external, artistic, and literary value and usefulness:

    bono usui estis nulli,

    Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 15:

    Optumo optume optumam operam das,

    id. Am. 1, 1, 122:

    bonam dedistis mihi operam,

    a valuable service to me, id. Poen. 2, 3, 70; 3, 6, 11; id. Pers. 4, 7, 11; id. Rud. 3, 6, 11 (in a different sense: me bona opera aut mala Tibi inventurum esse auxilium argentarium, by fair or unfair means, id. Ps. 1, 1, 102;

    v. e. infra): optima hereditas a patribus traditur liberis... gloria virtutis rerumque gestarum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 33, 121:

    bonum otium,

    valuable leisure, Sall. C. 4, 1:

    bonis versibus,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 23, 74:

    versus meliores,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 81:

    meliora poemata,

    Hor. A. P. 303:

    in illa pro Ctesiphonte oratione longe optima,

    Cic. Or. 8, 26:

    optimas fabulas,

    id. Off. 1, 31, 114:

    melius munus,

    id. Ac. 1, 2, 7.—
    Favorable, prosperous, lucky, fortunate:

    de Procilio rumores non boni,

    unfavorable rumors, Cic. Att. 4, 16, 5:

    bona de Domitio, praeclara de Afranio fama est,

    about their success in the war, id. ib. 7, 26, 1:

    si fuisset in discipulo comparando meliore fortuna,

    id. Pis. 29, 71; cf.

    fortuna optima esse,

    to be in the best pecuniary circumstances, id. ad Brut. 1, 1, 2:

    occasio tam bona,

    Plaut. Most. 2, 2, 9:

    senex est eo meliore condicione quam adulesoens cum, etc.,

    Cic. Sen. 19, 68; id. Fam. 4, 32:

    bona navigatio,

    id. N. D. 3, 34, 83;

    esp. in phrase bona spes.—Object.: ergo in iis adulescentibus bonam spem esse dicemus et magnam indolem quos, etc.,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 35, 117.—Subject.:

    ego sum spe bona,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 28, 3; id. Cat. 2, 11, 25; [p. 245] id. Att. 14, 1 a, 3; id. Q. Fr. 1, 2, 5, § 16:

    optima spe,

    id. Fam. 12, 11, 2.—Pregn., = spes bonarum rerum, Sall. C. 21, 1;

    v. C. 1. c. infra: meliora responsa,

    more favorable, Liv. 7, 21, 6:

    melior interpretatio,

    Tac. H. 3, 65:

    cum laude et bonis recordationibus,

    id. A. 4, 38:

    amnis Doctus iter melius,

    i. e. less injurious, Hor. A. P. 68:

    omen bonum,

    a good, lucky omen, Cic. Pis. 13, 31; cf.

    Liv. praef. § 13: melius omen,

    Ov. F. 1, 221;


    Cic. Fam. 3, 12, 2:

    bona scaeva,

    Plaut. Stich. 5, 2, 24:

    auspicio optumo,

    id. ib. 3, 2, 6; cf.:

    memini bene, sed meliore Tempore dicam = opportuniore tempore,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 68.—
    Of public affairs, si mihi bona re publica frui non licuerit, Cic. Mil. 34, 93:

    optima res publica,

    id. Or. 1, 1, 1; id. Phil. 1, 8, 19:

    minus bonis temporibus,

    id. Dom. 4, 8; so,

    optimis temporibus,

    id. Sest. 3, 6:

    nostrae res meliore loco videbantur,

    id. ad Brut. 1, 3, 1:

    lex optima,

    id. Pis. 16, 37; id. Sest. 64, 137; id. Phil, 1, 8, 19.—
    Good = large, considerable:

    bono atque amplo lucro,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 6:

    bona librorum copia,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 109; cf.:

    bona copia cornu,

    Ov. M. 9, 88; v. bona pars, C. 8. g.—
    Noble; with genus, good family, noble extraction, honorable birth: quali me arbitraris genere prognatum? Eu. Bono, Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 35; so id. Ep. 1, 2, 4; 2, 1, 3; id. Pers. 4, 4, 94:

    si bono genere natus sit,

    Auct. Her. 3, 7, 13.—
    Referring to good-will, kindness, faithfulness, in certain phrases.
    Bona venia or cum bona venia, with the kind permission of a person addressed, especially bona venia orare, expetere, etc.:

    primum abs te hoc bona venia expeto,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 3, 31:

    bona tua venia dixerim,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 15, 34:

    oravit bona venia Quirites, ne, etc.,

    Liv. 7, 41, 3:

    obsecro vos.. bona venia vestra liceat, etc.,

    id. 6, 40, 10:

    cum bona venia quaeso audiatis, etc.,

    id. 29, 17, 6; Arn. c. Gent. 1, p. 5; cf.

    . sed des veniam bonus oro = venia bona oro,

    Hor. S. 2, 4, 5.—
    Bona pax, without quarrelling:

    bona pax sit potius,

    let us have no quarrel about that, Plaut. Pers. 2, 2, 7;

    so especially cum bona pace, or bona pace: Hannibal ad Alpis cum bona pace incolentium... pervenit,

    without a difficulty with the inhabitants, Liv. 21, 32, 6; 21, 24, 5; 1, 24, 3; 28, 37, 4; 8, 15, 1; cf.: si bonam (pacem) dederitis, = a fair peace, under acceptable conditions, id. 8, 21, 4.—
    Amicitia bona = bona fide servata, faithful, undisturbed friendship:

    igitur amicitia Masinissae bona atque honesta nobis permansit,

    Sall. J. 5, 5.—
    Bona societas, alliance:

    Segestes, memoria bonae societatis, impavidus,

    Tac. A. 1, 58.
    In particular phrases.
    Bonae res.
    = Vitae commoda, comforts of life, abstract or concrete:

    concedatur bonis rebus homines morte privari,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 36, 87:

    optimis rebus usus est,

    he had every most desirable thing, Nep. Att. 18, 1.—
    = Res secundae, opp. res adversae, prosperity:

    bonis rebus tuis, meas irrides malas,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 45:

    in bonis rebus,

    Hor. C. 2, 3, 2. —
    Res bona = res familiaris bona, wealth ( poet.): in re bona esse, Laber. ap. Gell. 10, 17, 4.—Also an object of value:

    homines quibus mala abunde omnia erant, sed neque res neque spes bona ulla,

    who had no property, nor the hope of any, Sall. C. 21, 1. —
    Costly things, articles of luxury:

    capere urbem in Arabia plenam bonarum rerum,

    Plaut. Pers. 4, 3, 46; 4, 4, 82:

    nimium rei bonae,

    id. Stich. 2, 3, 55:

    ignorantia bonarum rerum,

    Nep. Ages. 8, 5 ' bonis rebus gaudere, Hor. S. 2, 6, 110:

    re bona copiosum esse,

    Gell. 16, 19, 7.—
    Moral, morally good:

    illi cum res non bonas tractent,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 33, 72:

    ut de virtutibus et vitiis, omninoque de bonis rebus et malis quaererent,

    id. ib. 1, 4, 15:

    quid habemus in rebus bonis et malis explorati?

    id. ib. 2, 42, 129; so id. Or. 1, 10, 42; id. Leg. 1, 22, 58:

    quae tamen omnia dulciora fuint et moribus bonis et artibus,

    id. Sen. 18, 65.—
    In literary composition, important or interesting matter, subjects, or questions:

    res bonas verbis electis dictas quis non legat?

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 8:

    studiis generorum, praesertim in re bona,

    Plaut. Am. 8, 26.—
    Bonae artes.
    A good, laudable way of dealing:

    qui praeclari facinoris aut artis bonae famam quaerit,

    Sall. C. 2, 9:

    huic bonae artes desunt, dolis atque fallaciis contendit,

    id. ib. 11, 2:

    quod is bonarum artium cupiens erat,

    Tac. A. 6, 46.—
    Liberal arts and sciences:

    litteris aut ulli bonae arti,

    Quint. 12, 1, 7:

    conservate civem bonarum artium, bonarum partium, bonorum virorum,

    Cic. Sest. 32, 77. —Esp.:

    optimae artes: optimarum artium scientia,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 4; id. Ac. 2, 1, 1; id. Cael. 10, 24; id. Marcell. 1, 4.—
    Bona fides, or fides bona.
    Good faith, i. e. conscious honesty in acts or words: qui nummos fide bona solvit, who pays (the price of labor) in good faith, i. e. as it is honestly earned, Cato, R. R. 14:

    dic, bona fide, tu id aurum non subripuisti?

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 46; 4, 10, 47; id. Capt. 4, 2, 111; id. Most. 3, 1, 137; id. Poen. 1, 3, 30; id. Pers. 4, 3, 16; id. Ps. 4, 6, 33:

    si tibi optima fide omnia concessit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 49, 144; Quint. 10, 3, 23.—Hence, bonae fidei vir, a conscientious man, Quint. 10, 7, 1.—
    Jurid. t. t.
    Good faith in contracts and legal acts in general, opposed to dolus malus, honesty and fairness in dealing with another:

    ad fidem bonam statuit pertinere, notum esse emptori vitium quod nosset venditor,

    Cic. Off. 3, 16, 67.—Hence, alienam rem bona fide emere, to buy, believing the seller to be the rightful owner, Dig. 41, 3, 10; 41, 3, 13, § 1. bonae fidei possessor (also possessio), believing that he is the rightful owner, ib. 5, 3, 25, § 11; 5, 3, 22; 41, 3, 15, § 2;

    41, 3, 24: conventio contra bonam fidem et mores bonos,

    ib. 16, 31, § 7: bonam fidem praestare, to be responsible for one ' s good faith, ib. 17, 1, 10 prooem.—Hence,
    Bonae fidei actiones or judicia, actions in equity, i. e. certain classes of actions in which the strict civil law was set aside by the praetorian edict in favor of equity:

    actiones quaedam bonae fidei sunt, quaedam stricti juris. Bonae fidei sunt haec: exempto vendito, locato conducto, etc.,

    Just. Inst. 4, 6, 28, § 19.—In the republican time the praetor added in such actions to his formula for the judex the words ex fide bona, or, in full:

    quidquid dare facere oportet ex fide bona,

    Cic. Off. 3, 16, 66:

    iste dolus malus et legibus erat vindicatus, et sine lege, judiciis in quibus additur ex fide bona,

    id. ib. 3, 15, 61; cf. id. ib. 3, 17, 70.—
    Bona verba.
    Kind words:

    Bona verba quaeso,

    Ter. And. 1, 2, 33.—
    Words of good omen (v. omen):

    dicamus bona verba,

    Tib. 2, 2, 1:

    dicite suffuso ter bona verba mero,

    Ov. F. 2, 638.—
    Elegant or well-chosen expressions:

    quid est tam furiosum quam verborum vel optimorum atque ornatissimorum sonitus inanis,

    Cic. Or. 1, 12, 51:

    verborum bonorum cursu,

    id. Brut. 66, 233:

    omnia verba sunt alicubi optima,

    Quint. 10, 1, 9.—
    Moral sayings:

    non est quod contemnas bona verba et bonis cogitationibus plena praecordia,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 20, 1. —
    Bona dicta.
    Polite, courteous language:

    hoc petere me precario a vobis jussit leniter dictis bonis,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 25.—
    Witticisms ( bon-mots): flammam a sapiente facilius ore in ardente opprimi, quam bona dicta teneat, Enn. ap. Cic. Or. 2, 54, 222:

    dico unum ridiculum dictum de dictis melioribus quibus solebam menstruales epulas ante adipiscier,

    Plaut. Capt. 3, 1, 22:

    ibo intro ad libros ut discam de dictis melioribus,

    id. Stich. 2, 3, 75.—
    Bona facta.
    = bene facta (v. bene, I. B. 2. b.), laudable deeds:

    nobilitas ambobus et majorum bona facta (sc. erant),

    Tac. A. 3, 40.—
    Bonum factum est, colloq., = bene est, bene factum est (v. bene, I. B. 2. b.):

    bonum factum est, ut edicta servetis mea,

    Plaut. Poen. prol. 16:

    haec imperata quae sunt pro imperio histrico, bonum hercle factum (est) pro se quisque ut meminerit,

    id. ib. 45.— Hence,
    Elliptically, introducing commands which cannot be enforced, = if you will do so, it will be well:

    peregrinis in senatum allectis, libellus propositus est: bonum factum, ne quis senatori novo curiam monstrare velit,

    Suet. Caes. 80:

    et Chaldaeos edicere: bonum factum, ne Vitellius... usquam esset,

    id. Vit. 14:

    hac die Carthaginem vici: bonum factum, in Capitolium eamus, et deos supplicemus,

    Aur. Vict. 49; cf.:

    o edictum, cui adscribi non poterit bonum factum,

    Tert. Pud. 1.—
    Bona gratia.
    A friendly understanding:

    cur non videmus inter nos haec potius cum bona Ut componantur gratia quam cum mala?

    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 17; so,

    per gratiam bonam abire,

    to part with good feelings, Plaut. Mil. 4, 3, 33.—In jest: sine bona gratia abire, of things cast away, Plaut Truc. 2, 7, 15.—
    Pleon., in the phrase bonam gratiam habere, = gratiam habere, to thank (v. B. 2. k.), Plaut. Rud. 2, 5, 32; id. Bacch. 4, 8, 99.—
    Bona pars.
    The well-disposed part of a body of persons:

    ut plerumque fit, major pars (i. e. of the senate) meliorem vicit,

    Liv. 21, 4, 1:

    pars melior senatus ad meliora responsa trahere,

    id. 7, 21, 6.—
    The good party, i. e. the optimates (gen. in plur.):

    civem bonarum partium,

    Cic. Sest. 32, 77:

    (fuit) meliorum partium aliquando,

    id. Cael. 6, 13:

    qui sibi gratiam melioris partis velit quaesitam,

    Liv. 2, 44, 3.—Paronom.: (Roscius) semper partium in re publica tam quam in scaena optimarum, i. e. party and part in a drama, Cic. Sest. 56, 120.—
    Of things or persons, a considerable part (cf. a good deal):

    bonam partem ad te adtulit,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 43:

    bonam partem sermonis in hunc diem esse dilatam,

    Cic. Or. 2, 3, 14:

    bonam magnamque partem exercitus,

    Val. Max. 5, 2, ext. 4:

    bona pars noctium,

    Quint. 12, 11, 19:

    bona pars hominum,

    Hor. S. 1, 1, 61:

    meae vocis... bona pars,

    id. C. 4, 2, 46; so id. A. P. 297; Ov. P. 1, 8, 74:

    melior pars diei,

    Verg. A. 9, 156.—
    Rarely, and mostly eccl. Lat.: optima pars, the best part or lot:

    nostri melior pars animus est,

    Sen. Q. N. 1, prooem. § 14; cf.:

    quae pars optima est in homine,

    best, most valuable, Cic. Tusc. 5, 23, 67:

    major pars aetatis, certe melior reipublicae data sit,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 18, 1:

    Maria optimam partem elegit, quae non auferetur ab ea,

    Vulg. Luc. 10, 42.—

    bonam partem = ex magna parte,

    Lucr. 6, 1249.—
    Aliquem in optimam partem cognoscere, to know somebody from his most favorable side, Cic. Off. 2, 13, 46: aliquid in optimam partem accipere, to take something in good part, interpret it most favorably:

    Caesar mihi ignoscit quod non venerim, seseque in optimam partem id accipere dicit,

    id. Att. 10, 3 a, 2; id. ad Brut. 1, 2, 3:

    quaeso ut hoc in bonam partem accipias,

    id. Rosc. Am. 16, 45.—
    Dies bonus or bona.
    A day of good omen, a fortunate day (= dies laetus, faustus):

    tum tu igitur die bono, Aphrodisiis, addice, etc.,

    Plaut. Poen. 2, 49:

    nunc dicenda bona sunt bona verba die,

    Ov. F. 1, 72.—
    A beautiful, serene day, Sen. Vit. Beat. 22, 3.—
    Bonus mos.
    Boni mores, referring to individuals, good, decent, moral habits:

    nihil est amabilius quam morum similitudo bonorum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 17, 56:

    nam hic nimium morbus mores invasit bonos,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 6:

    domi militiaeque boni mores colebantur,

    Sall. C. 9, 1:

    propter ejus suavissimos et optimos mores,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 5, 13:

    cum per tot annos matronae optimis moribus vixerint,

    Liv. 34, 6, 9:

    mores meliores,

    Plaut. Aul. 3, 5, 18.—
    Bonus mos or boni mores, in the abstract, morality, the laws, rules of morality: ei vos morigerari mos bonu'st, it is a rule of morality that you should, etc., Plaut. Capt. 2, 1, 4:

    ex optimo more et sanctissima disciplina,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 28, 69:

    neglegentia boni moris,

    Sen. Ep. 97, 1.—Jurid. t. t.:

    conventio, mandatum contra bonos mores,

    in conflict with morality, Quint. 3, 1, 57; Dig. 16, 3, 1, § 7; Gai. Inst. 3, 157 et saep. —
    Adverbial phrases.
    Bono animo esse, or bonum animum habere.
    To be of good cheer or courage:

    bono animo es! Liberabit ille te homo,

    Plaut. Merc 3, 1, 33; so id. Aul. 4, 10, 61; id. Mil. 4, 8, 32; id. Rud. 3, 3, 17; Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 4; id. Heaut. 4, 6, 18; id. Ad. 2, 4, 20; 3, 5, 1; 4, 2, 4; 4, 5, 62; id. Phorm. 5, 8, 72:

    animo bono es,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 3, 103; id. Am. 2, 2, 48; 5, 2, 1:

    bono animo es, inquit Scrofa, et fiscinam expedi,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 26:

    bono animo sint et tui et mei familiares,

    Cic. Fam. 6, 18, 1; 6, 10, 29:

    bono animo esse jubere eam consul,

    Liv. 39, 13, 7:

    habe modo bonum animum,

    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 58; so id. Am. 1, 3, 47; id. Truc. 2, 6, 44; id. Aul. 2, 2, 15:

    habe animum bonum,

    id. Cas. 2, 6, 35; id. Ep. 2, 2, 1; 4, 2, 31:

    bonum animum habe,

    Liv. 45, 8, 5:

    clamor ortus ut bonum animum haberet,

    id. 8, 32, 1; so Sen. Ep. 87, 38.—
    Bono animo esse, or facere aliquid, to be of a good or friendly disposition, or to do with good, honest intentions:

    audire jubet vos imperator histricus, bonoque ut animo sedeant in subselliis qui, etc.,

    Plaut. Poen. prol. 5: sunt enim (consules) [p. 246] optimo animo, summo consilio, of the best disposition, Cic. Phil. 3, 1, 2:

    bono te animo tum populus Romanus... dicere existimavit ea quae sentiebatis, sed, etc.,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 19, 56:

    quod nondum bono animo in populum Romanum viderentur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6; Quint. 7, 4, 15.—
    Bonus animus, good temper, patience:

    bonus animus in mala re dimidium mali est,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 37:

    vos etiam hoc animo meliore feratis,

    Ov. M. 9, 433.—
    Bono modo.
    = placide, with composure, moderation:

    si quis quid deliquerit, pro noxa bono modo vindicet,

    Cato, R. R. 5:

    haec tibi tam sunt defendenda quam moenia, mihi autem bono modo, tantum quantum videbitur,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 44, 137.—
    In a decent manner:

    neu quisquam prohibeto filium quin amet... quod bono fiat modo,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 4, 62. —
    Jure optimo or optimo jure, with good, perfect right:

    te ipse jure optumo incuses licet,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 23; id. Rud. 2, 6, 53:

    ut jure optimo me deserere posses,

    Cic. Fam. 3, 8, 6; Sen. Ot. Sap. 2 (29), 2.—With pass. or intr. verb, deservedly:

    ne jure optimo irrideamur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 31, 111; cf. id. ib. 1, 42, 151; id. Marcell. 1, 4;

    similarly, optimo judicio,

    Val. Max. 2, 9, 2.
    As subst.
    bŏnus, boni, m.; of persons.
    In sing. or plur. orig. = bonus vir, boni viri; v. I. A. 1. a. b, supra, a morally good man.

    bonis quod bene fit haud perit,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 3, 2; id. Capt. 2, 2, 108; id. Trin. 2, 1, 55; id. Pers. 4, 5, 2:

    melius apud bonos quam apud fortunatos beneficium collocari puto,

    Cic. Off. 2, 20, 71:

    verum esse ut bonos boni diligant, quamobrem... bonis inter bonos quasi necessariam (esse) benevolentiam,

    id. Lael. 14, 50:

    diverso itinere malos a bonis loca taetra... habere,

    Sall. C. 52, 13; 7, 2; 52, 22:

    oderunt peccare boni virtutis amore,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 52:

    tam bonis quam malis conduntur urbes,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 28, 4; so id. Vit. Beat. 15, 6; Quint. 9, 2, 76.—Rarely bŏnae, arum, f., good women:

    quia omnes bonos bonasque adcurare addecet, etc.,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 41.—

    malus bonum malum esse volt ut sit sui similis,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 8:

    nec enim cuique bono mali quidquam evenire potest,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 41, 99; cf.:

    qui meliorem audax vocet in jus,

    Hor. S. 2, 5, 29.—
    Bonus, a man of honor.
    A brave man:

    pro qua (patria) quis bonus dubitet mortem oppetere si ei sit profuturus?

    Cic. Off. 1, 17, 57:

    libertatem quam nemo bonus nisi cum anima simul amittat,

    Sall. C. 33, 5:

    fortes creantur fortibus et bonis,

    Hor. C. 4, 4, 29 (opp. ignavi):

    fama impari boni atque ignavi erant,

    Sall. J. 57, 6; 53, 8; id. C. 11, 2. —
    A gentleman:

    quis enim umquam, qui paululum modo bonorum consuetudinem nosset, litteras ad se ab amico missas... in medium protulit?

    Cic. Phil. 2, 4, 7.—
    Boni, the better (i. e. higher) classes of society.
    In gen. (of political sentiments, = optimates, opp. populares, seditiosi, perditi cives, etc.;

    so usu. in Cic.): meam causam omnes boni proprie enixeque susceperant,

    Cic. Sest. 16, 38:

    audaces homines et perditi nutu impelluntur... boni, nescio quomodo, tardiores sunt, etc.,

    id. ib. 47, 100:

    ego Kal. Jan. senatum et bonos omnes legis agrariae... metu liberavi,

    id. Pis. 2, 4:

    etenim omnes boni, quantum in ipsis fuit, Caesarem occiderunt,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 29; id. Fam. 5, 2, 8; 5, 21, 2; id. Sest. 2, 5; 16, 36; 48, 103; id. Planc. 35, 86; id. Mil. 2, 5; id. Off. 2. 12, 43:

    maledictis increpat omnes bonos,

    Sall. C. 21, 4; 19, 2; 33, 3; Hirt. B. G. 8, 22; so,


    Cic. Leg. 3, 17, 37; and, ironically, boni identified with the rich:

    bonorum, id est lautorum et locupletum,

    id. Att. 8, 1, 3.—
    Without reference to political views;

    opp. vulgus (rare): nihil ego istos moror fatuos mores quibus boni dedecorant se,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 22:

    semper in civitate quibus opes nullae sunt bonis invident,

    Sall. C. 37, 3:

    elatus est sine ulla pompa funeris, comitantibus omnibus bonis, maxima vulgi frequentia,

    Nep. Att. 22, 2.—So, mĕlĭōres, um, m., one ' s betters:

    ut quaestui habeant male loqui melioribus,

    Plaut. Poen. 3, 3, 13:

    da locum melioribus,

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 2, 37.—
    Boni, bone, in addresses, as an expression of courtesy, Hor. S. 2, 2, 1; 2, 6, 51; 2, 6, 95; id. Ep. 2, 2, 37; ironice, id. S. 2, 3, 31.—
    Optimus quisque = quivis bonus, omnes boni.
    Referring to morality:

    esse aliquid natura pulcrum quod optimus quisque sequeretur,

    every good man, Cic. Sen. 13, 43:

    qui ita se gerebant ut sua consilia optimo cuique probarent, optimates habebantur,

    id. Sest. 45, 96; id. Off. 1, 43, 154; id. Fin. 1, 7, 24; id. Sest. 54, 115; and = even the best:

    quare deus optimum quemque mala valetudine adficit?

    Sen. Prov. 4, 8.—
    Of the educated classes:

    adhibenda est quaedam reverentia adversus homines, et optimi cujusque et reliquorum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 28, 99; cf. id. ib. 1, 25, 85:

    Catilina plerisque consularibus, praeterea optumo cuique, litteras mittit,

    Sall. C. 34, 2:

    optimo cuique infesta libertas,

    Sen. Ot. Sap. 8, 2 (32 fin.).—
    Honorable, brave:

    optumus quisque cadere et sauciari, ceteris metus augeri,

    Sall. J. 92, 8.—
    In gen., excellent:

    optimus quisque facere quam dicere... malebat,

    Sall. C. 8, 5.—

    ita imperium semper ad optumum quemque a minus bono transfertur,

    to the best man in each instance, Sall. C. 2, 6.—
    Referring to another superlative ( = quo quisque melior eo magis, etc.):

    hic aditus laudis qui semper optimo cuique maxime patuit,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 1, 1; so id. Lael. 4, 14; id. Inv. 2, 11, 36; Sen. Vit. Beat. 18, 1.—
    Attributively, with a noun:

    optimam quamque causam,

    Cic. Sest. 43, 93:

    optima quaeque dies,

    Verg. G. 3, 66.
    bŏnum, i, n., plur. bona; mĕlĭus, ōris, n.; optĭmum, i, n. (v. infra); of things in gen.
    Bonum, or plur. bona, a good, or goods in a moral and metaphysical sense, a moral good, a blessing: sunt autem hae de finibus defensae sententiae: nihil bonum nisi honestum, ut Stoici; nihil bonum nisi voluptatem, ut Epicurus;

    nihil bonum nisi vacuitatem doloris, ut Hieronymus... tria genera bonorum, maxima animi, secunda corporis, externa tertia, ut Peripatetici, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 30, 84 sq.:

    quid est igitur bonum? Si quid recte fit et honeste et cum virtute, id bene fieri vere dicitur, et quod rectum et honestum et cum virtute est, id solum opinor bonum,

    id. Par. 1, 1, 9:

    ut quis intellegat, quid sit illud simplex et verum bonum quod non possit ab honestate sejungi,

    id. Ac. 1, 2, 7:

    non-est igitur voluptas bonum,

    id. Fin. 1, 11, 39: finis bonorum et malorum (telos agathôn) = summa bona et mala:

    sunt nonnullae disciplinae quae, propositis bonorum et malorum finibus, officium omne pervertant. Nam qui summum bonum sic instituit ut, etc.,

    id. Off. 1, 2, 5; cf. id. Par. 1, 3, 14; id. Ac. 2, 9, 29; 2, 36, 114; 2, 42, 129; id. Fin. 1, 9, 29; 1, 12, 42; id. Tusc. 4, 31, 66; Sen. Vit. Beat. 24, 5; id. Ep. 117, 1 et saep.—
    Bonum, what is valuable, beneficial, estimable, favorable, pleasant, physically or mentally:

    quoi boni Tantum adfero quantum ipsus a diis optat,

    Plaut. Capt. 4, 1, 9:

    multa bona vobis volt facere,

    will do you much good, id. Poen. 5, 4, 60; id. Am. prol. 43, 49; id. Pers. 4, 8, 4; 2, 3, 14; id. Cas. 2, 8, 32:

    tum demum nostra intellegemus bona quom ea amisimus,

    id. Capt. 1, 2, 33:

    multa tibi di dent bona,

    id. Poen. 1, 1, 80; cf. id. ib. 3, 3, 54; 3, 3, 74; id. Mil. 3, 1, 120; id. Men. 3, 3, 34; id. Pers. 4, 3, 23; id. Truc. 1, 2, 23; id. Merc. 1, 2, 40; id. Most. 1, 1, 47:

    omnia Bona dicere,

    to speak in the highest terms of one, Ter. And. 1, 1, 70:

    sed ne vivus quidem bono caret, si eo non indiget,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 36, 88:

    cum quaecumque bona Peripateticis, eadem Stoicis commoda viderentur,

    id. ib. 5, 41, 120:

    nihil enim boni nosti,

    nothing that is good for any thing, id. Phil. 2, 7, 16:

    mala pro bonis legere dementia est,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 6, 1; Val. Max. 5, 3, ext. 3 fin.; Hor. S. 1, 2, 73:

    quia bonum sit valere,

    a good thing, Cic. Fin. 4, 23, 62 (cf. III. A. 5. infra):

    melius: quo quidem haud scio an... quidquam melius sit homini a dis immortalibus datum,

    id. Lael. 6, 20:

    meliora... Aristotelem de istis rebus scripsisse,

    id. Or. 1, 10, 43:

    optimum: difficillimum est formam exponere optimi,

    id. ib. 11, 36.— Here belongs the phrase boni consulere;

    v. consulo.—So after prepositions: in bonum vertere, v. under verto: in melius ire,

    to change for the better, Tac. A. 12, 68.—In the same sense: in melius aliquid referre, or reflectere ( poet.), Verg. A. 1, 281; 11, 426; 10, 632:

    ad melius transcurrere,

    to pass over to something better, Hor. S. 2, 2, 82.—
    Bonum or bona, prosperity:

    fortiter malum qui patitur, idem post patitur bonum,

    Plaut. As. 2, 2, 58:

    nulli est homini perpetuum bonum,

    id. Curc. 1, 3, 33:

    unā tecum bona, mala tolerabimus,

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 3, 23:

    quibus in bonis fuerint et nunc quibus in malis sint, ostenditur ( = in secundis, in adversis rebus),

    Cic. Inv. 1, 55, 107.—
    Good qualities, gifts:

    omnia adsunt bona, quem penes'st virtus,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 30:

    magnis illi et divinis bonis hanc licentiam adsequebantur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 41, 148:

    nisi qui se suā gravitate et castimoniā... tum etiam naturali quodam bono defenderet, etc.,

    id. Cael. 5, 11:

    hunc meā sententiā divinis quibusdam bonis instructum atque ornatum puto,

    id. ib. 17, 39:

    non intellego quod bonum cuiquam sit apud tales viros profuturum,

    id. Balb. 28, 63:

    gaude isto tuo tam excellenti bono,

    id. Marcell. 6, 19; so id. Imp. Pomp. 16, 49.—
    Advantage, benefit:

    si plus adipiscare, re explicatā, boni, quam addubitatā mali,

    Cic. Off. 1, 24, 83:

    saepe cogitavi bonine an mali plus adtulerit... eloquentiae studium,

    id. Inv. 1, 1, 1; 2, 35, 106; id. Off. 2, 2, 5; id. Sest. 10, 24:

    maximum bonum in celeritate ponebat,

    Sall. C. 43, 4; so, bono publico (abl.), for the public good:

    hoc ita si fit, publico fiat bono,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 183; Liv. 2, 44, 3; Dig. 41, 3, 1.—
    With aequum, what is fair and good, the fair ( thing), fairness, equity:

    si bonum aequomque oras,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 149; so id. Pers. 3, 1, 71; id. Rud. 1, 2, 94; id. Men. 4, 2, 11:

    si tu aliquam partem aequi bonique dixeris,

    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 32; id. Heaut. 4, 1, 29; id. Ad. 1, 1, 39:

    a quo vivo nec praesens nec absens quidquam aequi bonique impetravit,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 37, 94.—Hence, aequo et bono, or ex aequo et bono, in ( with) fairness, in equity, Ter. Ad. 5, 9, 30; Auct. Her. 2, 10, 14; 2, 12, 18; 2, 13, 20; Gai. Inst. 3, 137: aequi bonique, as gen. of value, with facere:

    istuc, Chreme, Aequi bonique facio,

    I place a fair and proper value on it, Ter. Heaut. 4, 5, 40.—
    Bona, one ' s property, fortunes, almost always denoting the whole of one's possessions.
    In gen.:

    paterna oportet reddi filio bona,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 2, 120:

    bona sua med habiturum omnia,

    id. Truc. 2, 4, 49; cf. id. ib. 2, 7, 6; 4, 2, 29; id. Rud. 2, 6, 22; id. Most. 1, 3, 77; id. Trin. 4, 4, 3; Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 4:

    bona mea diripiebantur atque ad consulem deferebantur,

    Cic. Sest. 24, 54:

    cum de capite, civis et de bonis proscriptio ferretur,

    id. ib. 30, 65:

    bona, fortunas, possessiones omnium,

    id. Caecin. 13, 38:

    at mulctantur bonis exsules,

    id. Tusc. 5, 37, 106; id. Off. 2, 23, 81; id. Par. 1, 1, 7; id. Sest. 19, 42; 43, 94; 52, 111; id. Phil. 2, 26, 64; Caes. B. G. 7, 3; Liv. 2, 3, 5; 2, 5, 5; 4, 15, 8; Tac. A. 2, 48; Quint. 6, 1, 19 et saep.—
    Bonorum possessio, the possession of one ' s property by another.
    Bonorum possessio in consequence of bonorum cessio, i. e. an assignment of one ' s property for the benefit of creditors, Dig. 42, tit. 3.—
    Bonorum possessio granted by the prætor against a contumacious or insolvent debtor (in bona mittere, in bona ire jubere, bona possidere jubere, etc.); cf. Dig. 42, tit. 4:

    postulat a Burrieno Naevius ut ex edicto bona possidere liceat,

    Cic. Quint. 6, 25, and the whole of c. 8:

    edixit... neu quis militis... bona possideret aut venderet,

    Liv. 2, 24, 6:

    bona proscribere,

    to offer the property thus transferred for sale, Cic. Quint. 6, 25.—
    Chiefly referring to the property of a defunct person (hereditas), where the prætor, till the heir had proved his right, granted a bonorum possessio secundum tabulas or contra tabulas, Dig. 37, tit. 4; 37, tit. 11.—
    In bonis esse;

    with reference to the older civil law, which distinguished between civil property (habere rem ex jure Quiritium) and natural property (rem in bonis habere, res in bonis est),

    Gai. Inst. 2, 40, 41; Dig. 40, 12, 38, § 2; 37, 6, 2, § 1; 37, 6, 3, § 2; ib. Fragm. 1, 16; Gai. Inst. 1, 22; 1, 35; 1, 222; 1, 167; Dig. 1, 8, 1; 27, 10, 10:

    neque bonorum possessorum, neque... res pleno jure fiunt, sed in bonis efficiuntur,

    ib. Fragm. 3, 80.—Hence, nullam omnino arbitrabamur de eā hereditate controversiam eum habiturum, et est hodie in bonis, i. e. [p. 247] the bonorum possessio has been granted to him, which did not give full ownership, but effected only that the hereditas was in bonis. Cic. Fam. 13, 30, 1.
    Predicative use.
    With nouns or pronouns as subjects.
    Bonum esse, to be morally good, honest:

    nunc mihi bonae necessum est esse ingratiis, Quamquam esse nolo,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 3, 82:

    bonam ego quam beatam me esse nimio dici mavolo,

    id. Poen. 1, 2, 93; so id. Capt. 2, 1, 44; id. Men. 4, 2, 6; id. Rud. prol. 29:

    itaque viros fortes magnanimos eosdem, bonos et simplices... esse volumus,

    Cic. Off. 1, 19, 63; cf. id. ib. 3, 21, 84; id. Att. 15, 6, 1:

    Cato esse quam videri bonus malebat,

    Sall. C. 54, 5:

    ut politiora, non ut meliora fiant ingenia,

    Val. Max. 5, 4, ext. 5 fin.
    To be beneficial, prosperous, advantageous, valuable, favorable, serviceable, correct, with reference to both persons and things as subjects, and in regard to physical and mental relations:

    jam istuc non bonumst,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 2, 29; Cato, R. R. 157:

    oleum viridius et melius fiet,

    id. ib. 3:

    vinum ut alvum bonam faciat,

    to correct the bowels, id. ib. 156:

    quid est homini salute melius?

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 127:

    non optuma haec sunt, verum meliora quam deterruma,

    id. Trin. 2, 3, 1:

    quid est quod huc possit quod melius sit accedere?

    Cic. Fin. 1, 12, 41; 1, 18, 57; id. Tusc. 1, 41, 99:

    in quo (vestitu), sicut in plerisque rebus, mediocritas optima est,

    id. Off. 1, 36, 130; 2, 17, 59; id. Inv. 1, 31, 51; id. Or. 2, 6; 11, 36:

    meliorem tamen militem... in futura proelia id certamen fecit,

    Liv. 2, 51, 3:

    parvus ut est cygni melior canor, ille gruum quam Clamor,

    Lucr. 4, 181; 4, 191:

    si meliora dies, ut vina, poemata reddit,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 34.—So in the optative formula:

    quod bonum, faustum, felixque sit,

    Liv. 1, 28, 7; 1, 17, 10; 39, 15, 1; 3, 54;

    3, 34.—Also, quod bonum atque fortunatum mihi sit,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 6, 50;

    and with a noun as subject: ut nobis haec habitatio Bona, fausta, felix, fortunataque evenat,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 3.—
    To be kind:

    bonus cum probis'st (erus), malus cum malis,

    Plaut. Most. 4, 1, 22:

    hic si vellet bonus ac benignus Esse,

    Hor. S. 1, 2, 52.—
    With reference to the gods:

    ecastor ambae (Fortuna et Salus sunt bonae,

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 129:

    Palladis aut oculos ausa negare bonos (esse),

    Prop. 3, 24, 12 (2, 28, 12).—
    Bonum est (very rare for the class. bene est; v. bene).
    Without a subject:

    bonum sit!

    may it be fortunate, favorable! Verg. E. 8, 106.—
    With subject inf.:

    nam et stulte facere, et stulte fabularier in aetate haud bonum est,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 61:

    bonum est pauxillum amare, insane non bonum est,

    id. Curc. 1, 3,20.—
    Melius est.
    With subject inf.:

    melius sanam est mentem sumere,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 2, 51:

    nihil sentire est melius quam tam prava sentire,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 40, 125; cf. id. Fin. 1, 19, 62; id. Off. 1, 43, 156; so,

    melius fuit, fuisset, or fuerat,

    it would have been better, id. N. D. 3, 33; id. Sen. 23, 82; id. Off. 3, 25, 94:

    proinde quiesse erit melius,

    Liv. 3, 48, 3; 3, 41, 3; Verg. A. 11, 303.—
    With subject inf.-clause:

    meliu'st te quae sunt mandata tibi praevortier,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 125; id. Men. 5, 9, 32.—
    With ut-clause:

    quid melius quam ut hinc intro abeam et me suspendam clanculum,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 145; so id. Ps. 4, 7, 18.—
    With subjectclause in the subjunctive:

    nunc quid mihi meliu'st quam ilico hic opperiar erum,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 2, 22.—
    Optimum est.
    With subject inf.:

    optimum visum est, captivos quam primum deportare,

    Liv. 23, 34, 8:

    si quis dicit optimum esse navigare,

    Sen. Ot. Sap. 8, 4 (32 fin.); so, optimum fuit, it would have been better, and optimum erat, it would be better, Quint. 6, prooem. 3; 11, 2, 33; Hor. S. 2, 1, 7.—
    With inf.-clause:

    constituerunt optimum esse, domum suam quemque reverti,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 10: optimum visum est, in fluctuantem aciem tradi equos, etc., Liv 6, 24, 10; 22, 27, 6.—
    With ut and subj:

    hoc vero optimum, ut is qui, etc., id ultimum bonorum, id ipsum quid et quale sit nesciat,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 3, 6.—
    With quod:

    illa vero optima (sunt) quod cum Haluntium venisset Archagathum vocari jussit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 23, § 51:

    optimum vero (est) quod dictaturae nomen in perpetuum de re publica sustulisti,

    id. Phil. 2, 36, 91.—
    With second sup., in the phrase optumum factu est (where factu is redundant):

    sed hoc mihi optumum factu arbitror,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 16:

    optimum factu esse duxerant frumento... nostros prohibere,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 30:

    optumum factu credens exercitum augere,

    Sall. C. 32, 1 (Kritz, factum); 57, 5 (Kritz, factum).
    Ellipt. use: di meliora, i. e. dent or velint, i. e. let the gods grant better things than what you say, etc.; God forbid! in full:

    di melius duint,

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 9, 16:

    di meliora velint!

    Ov. M. 7, 37.—Ellipt.:

    di meliora! inquit,

    Cic. Sen. 14, 47:

    id ubi mulier audivit, perturbata, dii meliora inquit, etc.,

    Liv. 39, 10, 2; 9, 9, 6; Verg. G. 3, 513;

    similarly, di melius, i. e. fecerunt,

    Val. Max. 6, 1, ext. 3.
    With object expressed,
    By dat.
    = good, useful, beneficial for:

    ambula, id lieni optumum est,

    Plaut. Curc. 2, 1, 25:

    quia vobis eadem quae mihi bona malaque esse intellexi,

    Sall. C. 20, 3:

    bona bello Cornus, jaculis, etc.,

    Verg. G. 2, 447.—
    = benignus or propitius, kind to:

    vicinis bonus esto,

    Cato, R. R. 4:

    bene merenti mala es, male merenti bona es,

    Plaut. As. 1, 2, 3:

    vos o mihi Manes, Este boni,

    Verg. A. 12, 647.—
    = idoneus, fit for, adapted to:

    qui locus vino optimus dicetur esse,

    Cato, R. R. 6:

    tum erit ei rei optumum tempus,

    id. ib. 26:

    terra cui putre solum, Optima frumentis,

    Verg. G. 2, 205; 2, 319; 1, 286.—
    With sum and dat., in the phrase alicui bono est, it is of service to one, profits him:

    accusant in quibus occidi patrem Sex. Roscii bono fuit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 5, 13:

    bono fuisse Romanis adventum eorum constabat,

    Liv. 7, 12, 4.—Hence, with rel. dat.: cui bono (est), for whose advantage it is:

    quod si quis usurpet illud Cassianum cui bono fuerit, etc.,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 14, 35:

    cui bono fuisset,

    id. Rosc. Am. 30, 84; id. Mil. 12, 32 Ascon. ad loc.; cf.

    ellipt. form cui bono?

    Prisc. p. 1208 P.—
    With dat. gerund:

    ager oleto conserundo qui in Favonium spectavit, aliis bonus nullus erit,

    Cato, R. R. 6; Varr. R. R. 1, 24:

    (mons) quia pecori bonus alendo erat,

    Liv. 29, 31; 9, 10.—
    By ad and acc.:

    refert et ad quam rem bona aut non bona sit,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 91:

    occasio quaeritur idoneane fuerit ad rem adoriendam, an alia melior,

    Auct. Her. 2, 4, 7:

    non campos modo militi Romano ad proelium bonos, etc.,

    Tac. A. 2, 14.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > meliores

  • 16 optimum

    bŏnus (old form dŭonus, Carm. Sall. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, § 26 Mull.; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 67 Mull.), a, um, adj. [for duonus, cf. bellum, bis, and cf. root dvi-; hence deidô, deos], good; comp. melior, us [cf. Gr. mala, mallon], better; sup. optimus ( optumus, ante-class. and often class.) [root opof ops, opes; cf. copia, apiscor], best.
    As adjunct of nouns denoting persons.
    Vir bonus.
    A man morally good (kalos kagathos):

    quoniam boni me viri pauperant, improbi alunt,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 4, 60:

    omnibus virtutibus instructos et ornatos tum sapientes, tum viros bonos dicimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 10, 28:

    ille vir bonus qui... intolerabili dolore lacerari potius quam aut officium prodat aut fidem,

    id. Ac. 2, 8, 23:

    sive vir bonus est is qui prodest quibus potest, nocet nemini, certe istum virum bonum non facile reperimus,

    id. Off. 3, 15, 64:

    qui se ita gerunt ut eorum probitas, fides, integritas, etc.... hos viros bonos... appellandos putemus,

    id. Lael. 5, 19:

    non intellegunt se de callido homine loqui, non de bono viro,

    id. Att. 7, 2, 4:

    ut quisque est vir optimus, ita difficillime esse alios improbos suspicatur,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 4, § 12:

    nec enim melior vir fuit Africano quisquam, nec clarior,

    id. Lael. 2, 6; id. Leg. 1, 14, 41; 1, 18, 48; id. Planc. 4, 9; id. Par. 3, 1, 21; id. Marcell. 6, 20; id. Fam. 7, 21; id. Off. 2, 16, 57.—
    An honest man:

    justitia, ex qua viri boni nominantur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 7, 21; 1, 44, 155; 2, 11, 39; 2, 12, 42; 2, 20, 71;

    3, 12, 50: cum is sponsionem fecisset ni vir bonus esset,

    id. ib. 3, 19, 77:

    quoniam Demosthenes nec vir bonus esset, nec bene meritus de civitate,

    id. Opt. Gen. 7, 20; cf. id. Rosc. Am. 40, 116.—
    A man of good standing in the community:

    id viri boni arbitratu deducetur,

    Cato, R. R. 143; so id. ib. 149:

    tuam partem viri bono arbitratu... dari oportet,

    Dig. 17, 1, [p. 244] 35;

    37, 6, 2, § 2: quem voles virum bonum nominato,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 25, § 55:

    vir bonus est... quo res sponsore, et quo causae teste tenentur,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 40.—Hence, ironically of wealthy men:

    praetores jus dicunt, aediles ludos parant, viri boni usuras perscribunt,

    Cic. Att. 9, 12, 3.—
    Ironically of bad men:

    sed eccum lenonem Lycum, bonum virum,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 5, 52; Ter. Eun. 5, 3, 9; 4, 3, 18; id. Ad. 3, 4, 30:

    expectabam quinam isti viri boni testes hujus manifesto deprehensi veneni dicerentur,

    Cic. Cael. 26, 63:

    nam socer ejus, vir multum bonus est,

    id. Agr. 3, 3, 13;

    so especially in addresses (mostly comic.): age tu, illuc procede, bone vir!

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 2, 1; id. Curc. 5, 2, 12; id. Ps. 4, 7, 48; id. Pers. 5, 2, 11; Ter. And. 3, 5, 10; 5, 2, 5; id. Ad. 4, 2, 17; id. Eun. 5, 2, 11:

    quid tu, vir optime? Ecquid habes quod dicas?

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 36, 104.—
    Sometimes boni viri = boni, in the sense of optimates (v. I. A. 3.):

    bonis viris quid juris reliquit tribunatus C. Gracchi?

    Cic. Leg. 3, 9, 20.—
    As a conventional courtesy:

    homines optimi non intellegunt, etc.,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 7, 25:

    bone accusator,

    id. Rosc. Am. 21, 58:

    sic illum amicum vocasti, quomodo omnes candidatos bonos viros dicimus,

    gentlemen, Sen. Ep. 3, 1.—For bonus vir, a good husband, v. 3.; and for vir optimus, as a laudatory epithet, v. 5.—
    Boni homines (rare) = boni, better classes of society, v. II. A. 3:

    in foro infimo boni homines atque dites ambulant,

    Plaut. Curc. 4, 1, 14.—
    With nouns denoting persons in regard to their functions, offices, occupations, and qualities, denoting excellence:

    bonus consul,

    Liv. 4, 40, 6; 22, 39, 2 (different: consules duos, bonos quidem, sed dumtaxat bonos, amisimus, consuls of good sentiments, almost = bad consuls, Cic. ad Brut. 1, 3, 4):

    boni tribuni plebis,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 10, 25:

    bonus senator,

    id. Prov. Cons. 15, 37:

    senator bonus,

    id. Dom. 4, 8:

    bonus judex,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 15, § 34:

    bonus augur (ironically),

    id. Phil. 2, 32, 80:

    bonus vates,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 3, 27:

    bonus imperator,

    Sall. C. 60, 4:

    bonus dux,

    Quint. 12, 1, 43 (cf. trop.:

    naturam, optimam ducem,

    the best guide, Cic. Sen. 2, 5):

    bonus miles,

    Sall. C. 60, 4; Sen. Vit. Beat. 15, 5:

    bonus orator,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 10:

    optimus orator,

    id. Opt. Gen. 1, 3:

    poeta bonus,

    id. de Or. 1, 3, 11; 2, 46, 194; id. Fin. 1, 3, 10:

    scriptor bonus,

    Quint. 10, 1, 104:

    bonus advocatus,

    id. 5, 13, 10:

    bonus defensor,

    id. 5, 13, 3:

    bonus altercator,

    a good debater, id. 6, 4, 10:

    bonus praeceptor,

    id. 5, 13, 44; 10, 5, 22:

    bonus gubernator,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 31, 100:

    optimus opifex,

    Hor. S. 1, 3, 133:

    sutor bonus,

    id. ib. 1, 3, 125:

    actor optimus,

    Cic. Sest. 57, 122:

    cantor optimus est modulator,

    Hor. S. 1, 3, 130:

    melior gladiator,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 6, 33: agricola (colonus, dominus) bonus, Cato, R. R. prooem.; Cic. Sen. 16, 56:

    bonus paterfamilias,

    a thrifty head of the house, Nep. Att. 13, 1:

    bonus servus,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 3, 58; id. Am. 2, 1, 46; id. Men. 5, 6, 1; Cic. Mil. 22, 58:

    dominus bonus,

    Cato, R. R. 14:

    bonus custos,

    Plaut. Truc. 4, 3, 38.—Ironically, Ter. Phorm. 2, 1, 57:

    filius bonus,

    Plaut. Am. 3, 4, 9:


    Quint. 11, 3, 178:


    id. 6, prooem. 4: bonus (melior, optimus), viz. a good husband, Cic. Inv. 1, 31, 51 sq.; Liv. 1, 9, 15:

    uxor melior,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 31, 52:


    id. Fam. 2, 15, 3:

    amicus optimus,

    Plaut. Cas. 3, 3, 18:

    optimus testis,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 27, 2:

    auctor, in two senses,

    good authority, id. Att. 5, 12, 3;

    and = bonus scriptor (post-class.),

    Quint. 10, 1, 74.—Esp.:

    bonus civis (rarely civis bonus): in re publica ea velle quae tranquilla et honesta sint: talem enim solemus et sentire bonum civem et dicere, Cic.-Off. 1, 34, 124: eaque est summa ratio et sapientia boni civis, commoda civium non divellere, atque omnes aequitate eadem continere,

    id. ib. 2, 23, 83:

    eum esse civem et fidelem et bonum,

    Plaut. Pers. 1, 2, 15; Cic. Fam. 2, 8, 2; 1, 9, 10; 3, 12, 1; 6, 6, 11; id. Off. 1, 44, 155; Liv. 22, 39, 3; Sall. H. Fragm. 1, 10 Dietsch:

    optimus et fortissimus civis,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 2, 3; id. Sest. 17, 39.—
    Bonus and optimus as epithets of the gods.
    In gen.:

    sed te bonus Mercurius perdat,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 3, 23:

    fata... bonique divi,

    Hor. C. 4, 2, 38:

    divis orte bonis,

    id. ib. 4, 5, 1:

    O bone deus!

    Scrib. Comp. 84 fin.: BONORVM DEORVM, Inscr. ap. Cic. N. D. 3, 34, 84: totidem, pater optime, dixi, Tu mihi da cives, referring to Jupiter, Ov. M. 7, 627.—
    Optimus Maximus, a standing epithet of Jupiter:

    (Juppiter) a majoribus nostris Optimus Maximus (nominatur), et quidem ante optimus, id est beneficentissimus, quam Maximus,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 25, 64:

    Jovem optimum et maximum ob eas res appellant, non quod, etc.,

    id. ib. 3, 36, 87:

    in templo Jovis Optimi Maximi,

    id. Sest. 56, 129; id. Prov. Cons. 9, 22:

    nutu Jovis Optimi Maximi,

    id. Cat. 3, 9, 21; Liv. 1, 12, 7; id. 6, 16, 2.—
    Di boni, O di boni, expressing indignation, sorrow, or surprise:

    di boni, hunc visitavi antidhac!

    Plaut. Ep. 4, 1, 16:

    di boni, boni quid porto!

    Ter. And. 2, 2, 1:

    di boni, quid hoc morbi est,

    id. Eun. 2, 1, 19; id. Heaut. 2, 3, 13; id. Ad. 3, 3, 86:

    alter, O di boni, quam taeter incedebat!

    Cic. Sest. 8, 19; id. Brut. 84, 288; id. Phil. 2, 8, 20; 2, 32, 80; id. Att. 1, 16, 5; 14, 21, 2; Val. Max. 3, 5, 1; Sen. Vit. Beat. 2, 3.—
    Bona Dea, etc., v. 6.—
    Optimus as a laudatory epithet.
    Vir optimus:

    per vos nobis, per optimos viros optimis civibus periculum inferre conantur,

    Cic. Sest. 1, 2:

    virum optimum et constantissimum M. Cispium,

    id. ib. 35, 76:

    fratrem meum, virum optimum, fortissimum,

    id. ib.:

    consolabor hos praesentes, viros optimos,

    id. Balb. 19, 44; id. Planc. 21, 51; 23, 55; id. Mil. 14, 38; id. Marcell. 4, 10; id. Att. 5, 1, 5; Hor. S. 1, 6, 53.—
    Femina bona, optima:

    tua conjunx bona femina,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 6, 16:

    hujus sanctissimae feminae atque optimae pater,

    id. ib. —
    Senex, pater, frater, etc.:

    optimus: parentes ejus, prudentissimi atque optimi senis,

    Cic. Planc. 41, 97:

    insuevit pater optimus hoc me,

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 105; 2, 1, 12:

    C. Marcelli, fratris optimi,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 7, 6; id. Q. Fr. 2, 6 (8), 2; 2, 4, 2.—
    With proper names ( poet.):

    optimus Vergilius,

    Hor. S. 1, 6, 54:

    Maecenas optimus,

    id. ib. 1, 5, 27:

    optime Quinti,

    id. Ep. 1, 16, 1.—
    Esp. as an epithet of the Roman emperors:

    quid tam civile, tam senatorium quam illud, additum a nobis Optimi cognomen?

    Plin. Pan. 2, 7:

    gratias, inquit, ago, optime Princeps!

    Sen. Tranq. 14. 4:

    ex epistula optimi imperatoris Antonini,

    Gai. Inst. 1, 102; cf.:

    bene te patriae pater optime Caesar,

    Ov. F. 2, 637:

    optime Romulae Custos gentis,

    Hor. C. 4, 5, 1.—
    Bonus and Bona, names of deities.
    Bona Dea, the goddess of Chastity, whose temple could not be entered by males (cf. Macr. S. 1, 12; Lact. 1, 22):

    Bonae Deae pulvinaribus,

    Cic. Pis. 39, 95; id. Mil. 31, 86; id. Fam. 1, 9, 15; cf.

    in mal. part.,

    Juv. 2, 86 sq.; 6, 314 sq.; 6, 335 sq.—
    Bonus Eventus, Varr. R. R. 1, 1 med.; Amm. 29, 6, 19; Inscr. Orell. 907; 1780 sq.—
    Bona Fortuna:

    si bona Fortuna veniat, ne intromiseris,

    Plaut. Aul. 1, 3, 22:

    Bonae Fortunae (signum),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 3, § 7:


    Inscr. Orell. 1743 sq. —
    Bona Spes:

    Spes Bona, obsecro, subventa mihi,

    Plaut. Rud. 1, 4, 12:


    Aug. Inscr. Grut. 1075, 1.—
    BONA MENS, Inscr. Orell. 1818 sqq.:

    Mens Bona, si qua dea es, tua me in sacraria dono,

    Prop. 3, 24, 19.
    With nouns denoting things.
    Things concrete, denoting excellence:

    navis bona dicitur non quae pretiosis coloribus picta est... sed stabilis et firma,

    Sen. Ep. 76, 13:

    gladium bonum dices, non cui auratus est balteus, etc., sed cui et ad secandum subtilis acies est, et, etc.,

    id. ib. 76, 14:

    id vinum erit lene et bono colore,

    Cato, R. R. 109; Lucr. 2, 418; Ov. Am. 2, 7, 9:

    tabulas... collocare in bono lumine,

    Cic. Brut. 75, 261: ex quavis olea oleum... bonum fieri potest. Cato, R. R. 3:

    per aestatem boves aquam bonam et liquidam bibant semper curato,

    id. ib. 73; cf.:

    bonae aquae, ironically compared to wine,

    Prop. 2, 33 (3, 31), 28:

    praedium bonum caelum habeat,

    good temperature, Cato, R. R. 1:

    bona tempestate,

    in good weather, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 2, 4:

    (praedium) solo bono valeat,

    by good soil, Cato, R. R. 1:

    bonae (aedes) cum curantur male,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 2, 24:

    villam bonam,

    Cic. Off. 3, 13, 55:

    bonus pons,

    Cat. 17, 5:

    scyphi optimi (= optime facti),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 14, § 32:

    perbona toreumata,

    id. ib. 2, 4, 18, §

    38: bona domicilia,

    comfortable residences, id. N. D. 2, 37, 95:

    agrum Meliorem nemo habet,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 12:

    fundum meliorem,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 31, 52: fundos optimos et fructuosissimos, id. Agr. 3, 4, 14:

    equus melior,

    id. Inv. 1, 31, 52:

    bona cena,

    Cat. 13, 3:

    boni nummi,

    good, not counterfeit, Plaut. As. 3, 3, 144; Cic. Off. 3, 23, 91:

    super omnia vultus accessere boni,

    good looks, Ov. M. 8, 678:

    mulier bona forma,

    of a fine form, Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 13:

    equus formae melioris,

    Hor. S. 2, 7, 52:

    tam bona cervix, simul ac jussero, demetur,

    fine, beautiful, Suet. Calig. 33:

    fruges bonae,

    Cat. 34, 19:

    ova suci melioris,

    of better flavor, Hor. S. 2, 4, 13.— Trop.:

    animus aequus optimum est aerumnae condimentum,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 3, 71: bona dextra, a lucky hand (cf.:

    bonum omen, 2. e.),

    Quint. 6, 3, 69:

    scio te bona esse voce, ne clama nimis,

    good, sound, loud voice, Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 43; so,

    bona firmaque vox,

    Quint. 11, 3, 13.—
    Things abstract.
    Of physical well-being:

    ut si qui neget sine bona valetudine posse bene vivi,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 51, 93; Sen. Vit. Beat. 22, 2; Lucr. 3, 102; Val. Max. 2, 5, 6; Quint. 10, 3, 26; 11, 2, 35 et saep.:

    non bonus somnus de prandio est,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 8:

    bona aetas,

    prime of life, Cic. Sen. 14, 48:

    optima aetate,

    id. Fam. 10, 3, 3.—Ironically:

    bona, inquis, aetate, etc.,

    Sen. Ep. 76, 1.—
    Of the mind and soul:

    meliore esse sensu,

    Cic. Sest. 21, 47:

    optima indoles,

    id. Fin. 5, 22, 61:

    bona conscientia,

    Quint. 6, 1, 33; 9, 2, 93; Sen. Vit. Beat. 20, 5:

    bono ingenio me esse ornatam quam auro multo mavolo,

    with a good heart, Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 91; id. Stich. 1, 21, 59; Sall. C. 10, 5:

    mens melior,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 78; Cic. Phil. 3, 5, 13; Liv. 39, 16, 5; Sen. Ben. 1, 11, 4; id. Ep. 10, 4; Pers. 2, 8; Petr. 61.—Personified, Prop. 3 (4), 24, 19; Ov. Am. 1, 2, 31:

    duos optimae indolis filios,

    Val. Max. 5, 7, 2; Sen. Ben. 6, 16, 6; Quint. 1, 2, 5:

    bonum consilium,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 6; id. Rud. 4, 3, 18; Cic. Off. 1, 33, 121:

    bona voluntas,

    a good purpose, Quint. 12, 11, 31:

    memoria bona,

    Cic. Att. 8, 4, 2:

    bona ratio cum perdita... confligit,

    id. Cat. 2, 11, 25:

    bonae rationes,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 50:

    pronuntiatio bona,

    Auct. Her. 3, 15, 27.—
    Of moral relations:

    ego si bonam famam mihi servasso, sat ero dives,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 71; Cic. Sest. 66, 139; Liv. 6, 11, 7; Hor. S. 1, 2, 61 (cf. Cic. Att. 7, 26, 1;

    v. e. infra): si ego in causa tam bona cessi tribuni plebis furori,

    Cic. Sest. 16, 36; id. Planc. 36, 87; Ov. M. 5, 220:

    fac, sis, bonae frugi sies,

    of good, regular habits, Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 35; id. Cas. 2, 4, 5; 2, 5, 19; id. Ps. 1, 5, 53; id. Truc. 1, 1, 13; id. Capt. 5, 2, 3 sq. (v. frux, II. B. 1. b.): vilicus disciplina bona utatur. Cato, R. R. 5:

    bona studia,

    moral pursuits, Auct. Her. 4, 17, 25:

    quidquid vita meliore parasti,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 15: ad spem mortis melioris, an honorable death; so as an epithet of religious exercises:

    Juppiter, te bonas preces precor,

    Cato, R. R. 134; 139.—
    Of external, artistic, and literary value and usefulness:

    bono usui estis nulli,

    Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 15:

    Optumo optume optumam operam das,

    id. Am. 1, 1, 122:

    bonam dedistis mihi operam,

    a valuable service to me, id. Poen. 2, 3, 70; 3, 6, 11; id. Pers. 4, 7, 11; id. Rud. 3, 6, 11 (in a different sense: me bona opera aut mala Tibi inventurum esse auxilium argentarium, by fair or unfair means, id. Ps. 1, 1, 102;

    v. e. infra): optima hereditas a patribus traditur liberis... gloria virtutis rerumque gestarum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 33, 121:

    bonum otium,

    valuable leisure, Sall. C. 4, 1:

    bonis versibus,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 23, 74:

    versus meliores,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 81:

    meliora poemata,

    Hor. A. P. 303:

    in illa pro Ctesiphonte oratione longe optima,

    Cic. Or. 8, 26:

    optimas fabulas,

    id. Off. 1, 31, 114:

    melius munus,

    id. Ac. 1, 2, 7.—
    Favorable, prosperous, lucky, fortunate:

    de Procilio rumores non boni,

    unfavorable rumors, Cic. Att. 4, 16, 5:

    bona de Domitio, praeclara de Afranio fama est,

    about their success in the war, id. ib. 7, 26, 1:

    si fuisset in discipulo comparando meliore fortuna,

    id. Pis. 29, 71; cf.

    fortuna optima esse,

    to be in the best pecuniary circumstances, id. ad Brut. 1, 1, 2:

    occasio tam bona,

    Plaut. Most. 2, 2, 9:

    senex est eo meliore condicione quam adulesoens cum, etc.,

    Cic. Sen. 19, 68; id. Fam. 4, 32:

    bona navigatio,

    id. N. D. 3, 34, 83;

    esp. in phrase bona spes.—Object.: ergo in iis adulescentibus bonam spem esse dicemus et magnam indolem quos, etc.,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 35, 117.—Subject.:

    ego sum spe bona,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 28, 3; id. Cat. 2, 11, 25; [p. 245] id. Att. 14, 1 a, 3; id. Q. Fr. 1, 2, 5, § 16:

    optima spe,

    id. Fam. 12, 11, 2.—Pregn., = spes bonarum rerum, Sall. C. 21, 1;

    v. C. 1. c. infra: meliora responsa,

    more favorable, Liv. 7, 21, 6:

    melior interpretatio,

    Tac. H. 3, 65:

    cum laude et bonis recordationibus,

    id. A. 4, 38:

    amnis Doctus iter melius,

    i. e. less injurious, Hor. A. P. 68:

    omen bonum,

    a good, lucky omen, Cic. Pis. 13, 31; cf.

    Liv. praef. § 13: melius omen,

    Ov. F. 1, 221;


    Cic. Fam. 3, 12, 2:

    bona scaeva,

    Plaut. Stich. 5, 2, 24:

    auspicio optumo,

    id. ib. 3, 2, 6; cf.:

    memini bene, sed meliore Tempore dicam = opportuniore tempore,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 68.—
    Of public affairs, si mihi bona re publica frui non licuerit, Cic. Mil. 34, 93:

    optima res publica,

    id. Or. 1, 1, 1; id. Phil. 1, 8, 19:

    minus bonis temporibus,

    id. Dom. 4, 8; so,

    optimis temporibus,

    id. Sest. 3, 6:

    nostrae res meliore loco videbantur,

    id. ad Brut. 1, 3, 1:

    lex optima,

    id. Pis. 16, 37; id. Sest. 64, 137; id. Phil, 1, 8, 19.—
    Good = large, considerable:

    bono atque amplo lucro,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 6:

    bona librorum copia,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 109; cf.:

    bona copia cornu,

    Ov. M. 9, 88; v. bona pars, C. 8. g.—
    Noble; with genus, good family, noble extraction, honorable birth: quali me arbitraris genere prognatum? Eu. Bono, Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 35; so id. Ep. 1, 2, 4; 2, 1, 3; id. Pers. 4, 4, 94:

    si bono genere natus sit,

    Auct. Her. 3, 7, 13.—
    Referring to good-will, kindness, faithfulness, in certain phrases.
    Bona venia or cum bona venia, with the kind permission of a person addressed, especially bona venia orare, expetere, etc.:

    primum abs te hoc bona venia expeto,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 3, 31:

    bona tua venia dixerim,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 15, 34:

    oravit bona venia Quirites, ne, etc.,

    Liv. 7, 41, 3:

    obsecro vos.. bona venia vestra liceat, etc.,

    id. 6, 40, 10:

    cum bona venia quaeso audiatis, etc.,

    id. 29, 17, 6; Arn. c. Gent. 1, p. 5; cf.

    . sed des veniam bonus oro = venia bona oro,

    Hor. S. 2, 4, 5.—
    Bona pax, without quarrelling:

    bona pax sit potius,

    let us have no quarrel about that, Plaut. Pers. 2, 2, 7;

    so especially cum bona pace, or bona pace: Hannibal ad Alpis cum bona pace incolentium... pervenit,

    without a difficulty with the inhabitants, Liv. 21, 32, 6; 21, 24, 5; 1, 24, 3; 28, 37, 4; 8, 15, 1; cf.: si bonam (pacem) dederitis, = a fair peace, under acceptable conditions, id. 8, 21, 4.—
    Amicitia bona = bona fide servata, faithful, undisturbed friendship:

    igitur amicitia Masinissae bona atque honesta nobis permansit,

    Sall. J. 5, 5.—
    Bona societas, alliance:

    Segestes, memoria bonae societatis, impavidus,

    Tac. A. 1, 58.
    In particular phrases.
    Bonae res.
    = Vitae commoda, comforts of life, abstract or concrete:

    concedatur bonis rebus homines morte privari,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 36, 87:

    optimis rebus usus est,

    he had every most desirable thing, Nep. Att. 18, 1.—
    = Res secundae, opp. res adversae, prosperity:

    bonis rebus tuis, meas irrides malas,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 45:

    in bonis rebus,

    Hor. C. 2, 3, 2. —
    Res bona = res familiaris bona, wealth ( poet.): in re bona esse, Laber. ap. Gell. 10, 17, 4.—Also an object of value:

    homines quibus mala abunde omnia erant, sed neque res neque spes bona ulla,

    who had no property, nor the hope of any, Sall. C. 21, 1. —
    Costly things, articles of luxury:

    capere urbem in Arabia plenam bonarum rerum,

    Plaut. Pers. 4, 3, 46; 4, 4, 82:

    nimium rei bonae,

    id. Stich. 2, 3, 55:

    ignorantia bonarum rerum,

    Nep. Ages. 8, 5 ' bonis rebus gaudere, Hor. S. 2, 6, 110:

    re bona copiosum esse,

    Gell. 16, 19, 7.—
    Moral, morally good:

    illi cum res non bonas tractent,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 33, 72:

    ut de virtutibus et vitiis, omninoque de bonis rebus et malis quaererent,

    id. ib. 1, 4, 15:

    quid habemus in rebus bonis et malis explorati?

    id. ib. 2, 42, 129; so id. Or. 1, 10, 42; id. Leg. 1, 22, 58:

    quae tamen omnia dulciora fuint et moribus bonis et artibus,

    id. Sen. 18, 65.—
    In literary composition, important or interesting matter, subjects, or questions:

    res bonas verbis electis dictas quis non legat?

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 8:

    studiis generorum, praesertim in re bona,

    Plaut. Am. 8, 26.—
    Bonae artes.
    A good, laudable way of dealing:

    qui praeclari facinoris aut artis bonae famam quaerit,

    Sall. C. 2, 9:

    huic bonae artes desunt, dolis atque fallaciis contendit,

    id. ib. 11, 2:

    quod is bonarum artium cupiens erat,

    Tac. A. 6, 46.—
    Liberal arts and sciences:

    litteris aut ulli bonae arti,

    Quint. 12, 1, 7:

    conservate civem bonarum artium, bonarum partium, bonorum virorum,

    Cic. Sest. 32, 77. —Esp.:

    optimae artes: optimarum artium scientia,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 3, 4; id. Ac. 2, 1, 1; id. Cael. 10, 24; id. Marcell. 1, 4.—
    Bona fides, or fides bona.
    Good faith, i. e. conscious honesty in acts or words: qui nummos fide bona solvit, who pays (the price of labor) in good faith, i. e. as it is honestly earned, Cato, R. R. 14:

    dic, bona fide, tu id aurum non subripuisti?

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 46; 4, 10, 47; id. Capt. 4, 2, 111; id. Most. 3, 1, 137; id. Poen. 1, 3, 30; id. Pers. 4, 3, 16; id. Ps. 4, 6, 33:

    si tibi optima fide omnia concessit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 49, 144; Quint. 10, 3, 23.—Hence, bonae fidei vir, a conscientious man, Quint. 10, 7, 1.—
    Jurid. t. t.
    Good faith in contracts and legal acts in general, opposed to dolus malus, honesty and fairness in dealing with another:

    ad fidem bonam statuit pertinere, notum esse emptori vitium quod nosset venditor,

    Cic. Off. 3, 16, 67.—Hence, alienam rem bona fide emere, to buy, believing the seller to be the rightful owner, Dig. 41, 3, 10; 41, 3, 13, § 1. bonae fidei possessor (also possessio), believing that he is the rightful owner, ib. 5, 3, 25, § 11; 5, 3, 22; 41, 3, 15, § 2;

    41, 3, 24: conventio contra bonam fidem et mores bonos,

    ib. 16, 31, § 7: bonam fidem praestare, to be responsible for one ' s good faith, ib. 17, 1, 10 prooem.—Hence,
    Bonae fidei actiones or judicia, actions in equity, i. e. certain classes of actions in which the strict civil law was set aside by the praetorian edict in favor of equity:

    actiones quaedam bonae fidei sunt, quaedam stricti juris. Bonae fidei sunt haec: exempto vendito, locato conducto, etc.,

    Just. Inst. 4, 6, 28, § 19.—In the republican time the praetor added in such actions to his formula for the judex the words ex fide bona, or, in full:

    quidquid dare facere oportet ex fide bona,

    Cic. Off. 3, 16, 66:

    iste dolus malus et legibus erat vindicatus, et sine lege, judiciis in quibus additur ex fide bona,

    id. ib. 3, 15, 61; cf. id. ib. 3, 17, 70.—
    Bona verba.
    Kind words:

    Bona verba quaeso,

    Ter. And. 1, 2, 33.—
    Words of good omen (v. omen):

    dicamus bona verba,

    Tib. 2, 2, 1:

    dicite suffuso ter bona verba mero,

    Ov. F. 2, 638.—
    Elegant or well-chosen expressions:

    quid est tam furiosum quam verborum vel optimorum atque ornatissimorum sonitus inanis,

    Cic. Or. 1, 12, 51:

    verborum bonorum cursu,

    id. Brut. 66, 233:

    omnia verba sunt alicubi optima,

    Quint. 10, 1, 9.—
    Moral sayings:

    non est quod contemnas bona verba et bonis cogitationibus plena praecordia,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 20, 1. —
    Bona dicta.
    Polite, courteous language:

    hoc petere me precario a vobis jussit leniter dictis bonis,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 25.—
    Witticisms ( bon-mots): flammam a sapiente facilius ore in ardente opprimi, quam bona dicta teneat, Enn. ap. Cic. Or. 2, 54, 222:

    dico unum ridiculum dictum de dictis melioribus quibus solebam menstruales epulas ante adipiscier,

    Plaut. Capt. 3, 1, 22:

    ibo intro ad libros ut discam de dictis melioribus,

    id. Stich. 2, 3, 75.—
    Bona facta.
    = bene facta (v. bene, I. B. 2. b.), laudable deeds:

    nobilitas ambobus et majorum bona facta (sc. erant),

    Tac. A. 3, 40.—
    Bonum factum est, colloq., = bene est, bene factum est (v. bene, I. B. 2. b.):

    bonum factum est, ut edicta servetis mea,

    Plaut. Poen. prol. 16:

    haec imperata quae sunt pro imperio histrico, bonum hercle factum (est) pro se quisque ut meminerit,

    id. ib. 45.— Hence,
    Elliptically, introducing commands which cannot be enforced, = if you will do so, it will be well:

    peregrinis in senatum allectis, libellus propositus est: bonum factum, ne quis senatori novo curiam monstrare velit,

    Suet. Caes. 80:

    et Chaldaeos edicere: bonum factum, ne Vitellius... usquam esset,

    id. Vit. 14:

    hac die Carthaginem vici: bonum factum, in Capitolium eamus, et deos supplicemus,

    Aur. Vict. 49; cf.:

    o edictum, cui adscribi non poterit bonum factum,

    Tert. Pud. 1.—
    Bona gratia.
    A friendly understanding:

    cur non videmus inter nos haec potius cum bona Ut componantur gratia quam cum mala?

    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 17; so,

    per gratiam bonam abire,

    to part with good feelings, Plaut. Mil. 4, 3, 33.—In jest: sine bona gratia abire, of things cast away, Plaut Truc. 2, 7, 15.—
    Pleon., in the phrase bonam gratiam habere, = gratiam habere, to thank (v. B. 2. k.), Plaut. Rud. 2, 5, 32; id. Bacch. 4, 8, 99.—
    Bona pars.
    The well-disposed part of a body of persons:

    ut plerumque fit, major pars (i. e. of the senate) meliorem vicit,

    Liv. 21, 4, 1:

    pars melior senatus ad meliora responsa trahere,

    id. 7, 21, 6.—
    The good party, i. e. the optimates (gen. in plur.):

    civem bonarum partium,

    Cic. Sest. 32, 77:

    (fuit) meliorum partium aliquando,

    id. Cael. 6, 13:

    qui sibi gratiam melioris partis velit quaesitam,

    Liv. 2, 44, 3.—Paronom.: (Roscius) semper partium in re publica tam quam in scaena optimarum, i. e. party and part in a drama, Cic. Sest. 56, 120.—
    Of things or persons, a considerable part (cf. a good deal):

    bonam partem ad te adtulit,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 43:

    bonam partem sermonis in hunc diem esse dilatam,

    Cic. Or. 2, 3, 14:

    bonam magnamque partem exercitus,

    Val. Max. 5, 2, ext. 4:

    bona pars noctium,

    Quint. 12, 11, 19:

    bona pars hominum,

    Hor. S. 1, 1, 61:

    meae vocis... bona pars,

    id. C. 4, 2, 46; so id. A. P. 297; Ov. P. 1, 8, 74:

    melior pars diei,

    Verg. A. 9, 156.—
    Rarely, and mostly eccl. Lat.: optima pars, the best part or lot:

    nostri melior pars animus est,

    Sen. Q. N. 1, prooem. § 14; cf.:

    quae pars optima est in homine,

    best, most valuable, Cic. Tusc. 5, 23, 67:

    major pars aetatis, certe melior reipublicae data sit,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 18, 1:

    Maria optimam partem elegit, quae non auferetur ab ea,

    Vulg. Luc. 10, 42.—

    bonam partem = ex magna parte,

    Lucr. 6, 1249.—
    Aliquem in optimam partem cognoscere, to know somebody from his most favorable side, Cic. Off. 2, 13, 46: aliquid in optimam partem accipere, to take something in good part, interpret it most favorably:

    Caesar mihi ignoscit quod non venerim, seseque in optimam partem id accipere dicit,

    id. Att. 10, 3 a, 2; id. ad Brut. 1, 2, 3:

    quaeso ut hoc in bonam partem accipias,

    id. Rosc. Am. 16, 45.—
    Dies bonus or bona.
    A day of good omen, a fortunate day (= dies laetus, faustus):

    tum tu igitur die bono, Aphrodisiis, addice, etc.,

    Plaut. Poen. 2, 49:

    nunc dicenda bona sunt bona verba die,

    Ov. F. 1, 72.—
    A beautiful, serene day, Sen. Vit. Beat. 22, 3.—
    Bonus mos.
    Boni mores, referring to individuals, good, decent, moral habits:

    nihil est amabilius quam morum similitudo bonorum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 17, 56:

    nam hic nimium morbus mores invasit bonos,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 6:

    domi militiaeque boni mores colebantur,

    Sall. C. 9, 1:

    propter ejus suavissimos et optimos mores,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 5, 13:

    cum per tot annos matronae optimis moribus vixerint,

    Liv. 34, 6, 9:

    mores meliores,

    Plaut. Aul. 3, 5, 18.—
    Bonus mos or boni mores, in the abstract, morality, the laws, rules of morality: ei vos morigerari mos bonu'st, it is a rule of morality that you should, etc., Plaut. Capt. 2, 1, 4:

    ex optimo more et sanctissima disciplina,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 28, 69:

    neglegentia boni moris,

    Sen. Ep. 97, 1.—Jurid. t. t.:

    conventio, mandatum contra bonos mores,

    in conflict with morality, Quint. 3, 1, 57; Dig. 16, 3, 1, § 7; Gai. Inst. 3, 157 et saep. —
    Adverbial phrases.
    Bono animo esse, or bonum animum habere.
    To be of good cheer or courage:

    bono animo es! Liberabit ille te homo,

    Plaut. Merc 3, 1, 33; so id. Aul. 4, 10, 61; id. Mil. 4, 8, 32; id. Rud. 3, 3, 17; Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 4; id. Heaut. 4, 6, 18; id. Ad. 2, 4, 20; 3, 5, 1; 4, 2, 4; 4, 5, 62; id. Phorm. 5, 8, 72:

    animo bono es,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 3, 103; id. Am. 2, 2, 48; 5, 2, 1:

    bono animo es, inquit Scrofa, et fiscinam expedi,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 26:

    bono animo sint et tui et mei familiares,

    Cic. Fam. 6, 18, 1; 6, 10, 29:

    bono animo esse jubere eam consul,

    Liv. 39, 13, 7:

    habe modo bonum animum,

    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 58; so id. Am. 1, 3, 47; id. Truc. 2, 6, 44; id. Aul. 2, 2, 15:

    habe animum bonum,

    id. Cas. 2, 6, 35; id. Ep. 2, 2, 1; 4, 2, 31:

    bonum animum habe,

    Liv. 45, 8, 5:

    clamor ortus ut bonum animum haberet,

    id. 8, 32, 1; so Sen. Ep. 87, 38.—
    Bono animo esse, or facere aliquid, to be of a good or friendly disposition, or to do with good, honest intentions:

    audire jubet vos imperator histricus, bonoque ut animo sedeant in subselliis qui, etc.,

    Plaut. Poen. prol. 5: sunt enim (consules) [p. 246] optimo animo, summo consilio, of the best disposition, Cic. Phil. 3, 1, 2:

    bono te animo tum populus Romanus... dicere existimavit ea quae sentiebatis, sed, etc.,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 19, 56:

    quod nondum bono animo in populum Romanum viderentur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6; Quint. 7, 4, 15.—
    Bonus animus, good temper, patience:

    bonus animus in mala re dimidium mali est,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 37:

    vos etiam hoc animo meliore feratis,

    Ov. M. 9, 433.—
    Bono modo.
    = placide, with composure, moderation:

    si quis quid deliquerit, pro noxa bono modo vindicet,

    Cato, R. R. 5:

    haec tibi tam sunt defendenda quam moenia, mihi autem bono modo, tantum quantum videbitur,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 44, 137.—
    In a decent manner:

    neu quisquam prohibeto filium quin amet... quod bono fiat modo,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 4, 62. —
    Jure optimo or optimo jure, with good, perfect right:

    te ipse jure optumo incuses licet,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 23; id. Rud. 2, 6, 53:

    ut jure optimo me deserere posses,

    Cic. Fam. 3, 8, 6; Sen. Ot. Sap. 2 (29), 2.—With pass. or intr. verb, deservedly:

    ne jure optimo irrideamur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 31, 111; cf. id. ib. 1, 42, 151; id. Marcell. 1, 4;

    similarly, optimo judicio,

    Val. Max. 2, 9, 2.
    As subst.
    bŏnus, boni, m.; of persons.
    In sing. or plur. orig. = bonus vir, boni viri; v. I. A. 1. a. b, supra, a morally good man.

    bonis quod bene fit haud perit,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 3, 2; id. Capt. 2, 2, 108; id. Trin. 2, 1, 55; id. Pers. 4, 5, 2:

    melius apud bonos quam apud fortunatos beneficium collocari puto,

    Cic. Off. 2, 20, 71:

    verum esse ut bonos boni diligant, quamobrem... bonis inter bonos quasi necessariam (esse) benevolentiam,

    id. Lael. 14, 50:

    diverso itinere malos a bonis loca taetra... habere,

    Sall. C. 52, 13; 7, 2; 52, 22:

    oderunt peccare boni virtutis amore,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 52:

    tam bonis quam malis conduntur urbes,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 28, 4; so id. Vit. Beat. 15, 6; Quint. 9, 2, 76.—Rarely bŏnae, arum, f., good women:

    quia omnes bonos bonasque adcurare addecet, etc.,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 41.—

    malus bonum malum esse volt ut sit sui similis,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 8:

    nec enim cuique bono mali quidquam evenire potest,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 41, 99; cf.:

    qui meliorem audax vocet in jus,

    Hor. S. 2, 5, 29.—
    Bonus, a man of honor.
    A brave man:

    pro qua (patria) quis bonus dubitet mortem oppetere si ei sit profuturus?

    Cic. Off. 1, 17, 57:

    libertatem quam nemo bonus nisi cum anima simul amittat,

    Sall. C. 33, 5:

    fortes creantur fortibus et bonis,

    Hor. C. 4, 4, 29 (opp. ignavi):

    fama impari boni atque ignavi erant,

    Sall. J. 57, 6; 53, 8; id. C. 11, 2. —
    A gentleman:

    quis enim umquam, qui paululum modo bonorum consuetudinem nosset, litteras ad se ab amico missas... in medium protulit?

    Cic. Phil. 2, 4, 7.—
    Boni, the better (i. e. higher) classes of society.
    In gen. (of political sentiments, = optimates, opp. populares, seditiosi, perditi cives, etc.;

    so usu. in Cic.): meam causam omnes boni proprie enixeque susceperant,

    Cic. Sest. 16, 38:

    audaces homines et perditi nutu impelluntur... boni, nescio quomodo, tardiores sunt, etc.,

    id. ib. 47, 100:

    ego Kal. Jan. senatum et bonos omnes legis agrariae... metu liberavi,

    id. Pis. 2, 4:

    etenim omnes boni, quantum in ipsis fuit, Caesarem occiderunt,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 29; id. Fam. 5, 2, 8; 5, 21, 2; id. Sest. 2, 5; 16, 36; 48, 103; id. Planc. 35, 86; id. Mil. 2, 5; id. Off. 2. 12, 43:

    maledictis increpat omnes bonos,

    Sall. C. 21, 4; 19, 2; 33, 3; Hirt. B. G. 8, 22; so,


    Cic. Leg. 3, 17, 37; and, ironically, boni identified with the rich:

    bonorum, id est lautorum et locupletum,

    id. Att. 8, 1, 3.—
    Without reference to political views;

    opp. vulgus (rare): nihil ego istos moror fatuos mores quibus boni dedecorant se,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 22:

    semper in civitate quibus opes nullae sunt bonis invident,

    Sall. C. 37, 3:

    elatus est sine ulla pompa funeris, comitantibus omnibus bonis, maxima vulgi frequentia,

    Nep. Att. 22, 2.—So, mĕlĭōres, um, m., one ' s betters:

    ut quaestui habeant male loqui melioribus,

    Plaut. Poen. 3, 3, 13:

    da locum melioribus,

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 2, 37.—
    Boni, bone, in addresses, as an expression of courtesy, Hor. S. 2, 2, 1; 2, 6, 51; 2, 6, 95; id. Ep. 2, 2, 37; ironice, id. S. 2, 3, 31.—
    Optimus quisque = quivis bonus, omnes boni.
    Referring to morality:

    esse aliquid natura pulcrum quod optimus quisque sequeretur,

    every good man, Cic. Sen. 13, 43:

    qui ita se gerebant ut sua consilia optimo cuique probarent, optimates habebantur,

    id. Sest. 45, 96; id. Off. 1, 43, 154; id. Fin. 1, 7, 24; id. Sest. 54, 115; and = even the best:

    quare deus optimum quemque mala valetudine adficit?

    Sen. Prov. 4, 8.—
    Of the educated classes:

    adhibenda est quaedam reverentia adversus homines, et optimi cujusque et reliquorum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 28, 99; cf. id. ib. 1, 25, 85:

    Catilina plerisque consularibus, praeterea optumo cuique, litteras mittit,

    Sall. C. 34, 2:

    optimo cuique infesta libertas,

    Sen. Ot. Sap. 8, 2 (32 fin.).—
    Honorable, brave:

    optumus quisque cadere et sauciari, ceteris metus augeri,

    Sall. J. 92, 8.—
    In gen., excellent:

    optimus quisque facere quam dicere... malebat,

    Sall. C. 8, 5.—

    ita imperium semper ad optumum quemque a minus bono transfertur,

    to the best man in each instance, Sall. C. 2, 6.—
    Referring to another superlative ( = quo quisque melior eo magis, etc.):

    hic aditus laudis qui semper optimo cuique maxime patuit,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 1, 1; so id. Lael. 4, 14; id. Inv. 2, 11, 36; Sen. Vit. Beat. 18, 1.—
    Attributively, with a noun:

    optimam quamque causam,

    Cic. Sest. 43, 93:

    optima quaeque dies,

    Verg. G. 3, 66.
    bŏnum, i, n., plur. bona; mĕlĭus, ōris, n.; optĭmum, i, n. (v. infra); of things in gen.
    Bonum, or plur. bona, a good, or goods in a moral and metaphysical sense, a moral good, a blessing: sunt autem hae de finibus defensae sententiae: nihil bonum nisi honestum, ut Stoici; nihil bonum nisi voluptatem, ut Epicurus;

    nihil bonum nisi vacuitatem doloris, ut Hieronymus... tria genera bonorum, maxima animi, secunda corporis, externa tertia, ut Peripatetici, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 30, 84 sq.:

    quid est igitur bonum? Si quid recte fit et honeste et cum virtute, id bene fieri vere dicitur, et quod rectum et honestum et cum virtute est, id solum opinor bonum,

    id. Par. 1, 1, 9:

    ut quis intellegat, quid sit illud simplex et verum bonum quod non possit ab honestate sejungi,

    id. Ac. 1, 2, 7:

    non-est igitur voluptas bonum,

    id. Fin. 1, 11, 39: finis bonorum et malorum (telos agathôn) = summa bona et mala:

    sunt nonnullae disciplinae quae, propositis bonorum et malorum finibus, officium omne pervertant. Nam qui summum bonum sic instituit ut, etc.,

    id. Off. 1, 2, 5; cf. id. Par. 1, 3, 14; id. Ac. 2, 9, 29; 2, 36, 114; 2, 42, 129; id. Fin. 1, 9, 29; 1, 12, 42; id. Tusc. 4, 31, 66; Sen. Vit. Beat. 24, 5; id. Ep. 117, 1 et saep.—
    Bonum, what is valuable, beneficial, estimable, favorable, pleasant, physically or mentally:

    quoi boni Tantum adfero quantum ipsus a diis optat,

    Plaut. Capt. 4, 1, 9:

    multa bona vobis volt facere,

    will do you much good, id. Poen. 5, 4, 60; id. Am. prol. 43, 49; id. Pers. 4, 8, 4; 2, 3, 14; id. Cas. 2, 8, 32:

    tum demum nostra intellegemus bona quom ea amisimus,

    id. Capt. 1, 2, 33:

    multa tibi di dent bona,

    id. Poen. 1, 1, 80; cf. id. ib. 3, 3, 54; 3, 3, 74; id. Mil. 3, 1, 120; id. Men. 3, 3, 34; id. Pers. 4, 3, 23; id. Truc. 1, 2, 23; id. Merc. 1, 2, 40; id. Most. 1, 1, 47:

    omnia Bona dicere,

    to speak in the highest terms of one, Ter. And. 1, 1, 70:

    sed ne vivus quidem bono caret, si eo non indiget,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 36, 88:

    cum quaecumque bona Peripateticis, eadem Stoicis commoda viderentur,

    id. ib. 5, 41, 120:

    nihil enim boni nosti,

    nothing that is good for any thing, id. Phil. 2, 7, 16:

    mala pro bonis legere dementia est,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 6, 1; Val. Max. 5, 3, ext. 3 fin.; Hor. S. 1, 2, 73:

    quia bonum sit valere,

    a good thing, Cic. Fin. 4, 23, 62 (cf. III. A. 5. infra):

    melius: quo quidem haud scio an... quidquam melius sit homini a dis immortalibus datum,

    id. Lael. 6, 20:

    meliora... Aristotelem de istis rebus scripsisse,

    id. Or. 1, 10, 43:

    optimum: difficillimum est formam exponere optimi,

    id. ib. 11, 36.— Here belongs the phrase boni consulere;

    v. consulo.—So after prepositions: in bonum vertere, v. under verto: in melius ire,

    to change for the better, Tac. A. 12, 68.—In the same sense: in melius aliquid referre, or reflectere ( poet.), Verg. A. 1, 281; 11, 426; 10, 632:

    ad melius transcurrere,

    to pass over to something better, Hor. S. 2, 2, 82.—
    Bonum or bona, prosperity:

    fortiter malum qui patitur, idem post patitur bonum,

    Plaut. As. 2, 2, 58:

    nulli est homini perpetuum bonum,

    id. Curc. 1, 3, 33:

    unā tecum bona, mala tolerabimus,

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 3, 23:

    quibus in bonis fuerint et nunc quibus in malis sint, ostenditur ( = in secundis, in adversis rebus),

    Cic. Inv. 1, 55, 107.—
    Good qualities, gifts:

    omnia adsunt bona, quem penes'st virtus,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 30:

    magnis illi et divinis bonis hanc licentiam adsequebantur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 41, 148:

    nisi qui se suā gravitate et castimoniā... tum etiam naturali quodam bono defenderet, etc.,

    id. Cael. 5, 11:

    hunc meā sententiā divinis quibusdam bonis instructum atque ornatum puto,

    id. ib. 17, 39:

    non intellego quod bonum cuiquam sit apud tales viros profuturum,

    id. Balb. 28, 63:

    gaude isto tuo tam excellenti bono,

    id. Marcell. 6, 19; so id. Imp. Pomp. 16, 49.—
    Advantage, benefit:

    si plus adipiscare, re explicatā, boni, quam addubitatā mali,

    Cic. Off. 1, 24, 83:

    saepe cogitavi bonine an mali plus adtulerit... eloquentiae studium,

    id. Inv. 1, 1, 1; 2, 35, 106; id. Off. 2, 2, 5; id. Sest. 10, 24:

    maximum bonum in celeritate ponebat,

    Sall. C. 43, 4; so, bono publico (abl.), for the public good:

    hoc ita si fit, publico fiat bono,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 183; Liv. 2, 44, 3; Dig. 41, 3, 1.—
    With aequum, what is fair and good, the fair ( thing), fairness, equity:

    si bonum aequomque oras,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 149; so id. Pers. 3, 1, 71; id. Rud. 1, 2, 94; id. Men. 4, 2, 11:

    si tu aliquam partem aequi bonique dixeris,

    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 32; id. Heaut. 4, 1, 29; id. Ad. 1, 1, 39:

    a quo vivo nec praesens nec absens quidquam aequi bonique impetravit,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 37, 94.—Hence, aequo et bono, or ex aequo et bono, in ( with) fairness, in equity, Ter. Ad. 5, 9, 30; Auct. Her. 2, 10, 14; 2, 12, 18; 2, 13, 20; Gai. Inst. 3, 137: aequi bonique, as gen. of value, with facere:

    istuc, Chreme, Aequi bonique facio,

    I place a fair and proper value on it, Ter. Heaut. 4, 5, 40.—
    Bona, one ' s property, fortunes, almost always denoting the whole of one's possessions.
    In gen.:

    paterna oportet reddi filio bona,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 2, 120:

    bona sua med habiturum omnia,

    id. Truc. 2, 4, 49; cf. id. ib. 2, 7, 6; 4, 2, 29; id. Rud. 2, 6, 22; id. Most. 1, 3, 77; id. Trin. 4, 4, 3; Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 4:

    bona mea diripiebantur atque ad consulem deferebantur,

    Cic. Sest. 24, 54:

    cum de capite, civis et de bonis proscriptio ferretur,

    id. ib. 30, 65:

    bona, fortunas, possessiones omnium,

    id. Caecin. 13, 38:

    at mulctantur bonis exsules,

    id. Tusc. 5, 37, 106; id. Off. 2, 23, 81; id. Par. 1, 1, 7; id. Sest. 19, 42; 43, 94; 52, 111; id. Phil. 2, 26, 64; Caes. B. G. 7, 3; Liv. 2, 3, 5; 2, 5, 5; 4, 15, 8; Tac. A. 2, 48; Quint. 6, 1, 19 et saep.—
    Bonorum possessio, the possession of one ' s property by another.
    Bonorum possessio in consequence of bonorum cessio, i. e. an assignment of one ' s property for the benefit of creditors, Dig. 42, tit. 3.—
    Bonorum possessio granted by the prætor against a contumacious or insolvent debtor (in bona mittere, in bona ire jubere, bona possidere jubere, etc.); cf. Dig. 42, tit. 4:

    postulat a Burrieno Naevius ut ex edicto bona possidere liceat,

    Cic. Quint. 6, 25, and the whole of c. 8:

    edixit... neu quis militis... bona possideret aut venderet,

    Liv. 2, 24, 6:

    bona proscribere,

    to offer the property thus transferred for sale, Cic. Quint. 6, 25.—
    Chiefly referring to the property of a defunct person (hereditas), where the prætor, till the heir had proved his right, granted a bonorum possessio secundum tabulas or contra tabulas, Dig. 37, tit. 4; 37, tit. 11.—
    In bonis esse;

    with reference to the older civil law, which distinguished between civil property (habere rem ex jure Quiritium) and natural property (rem in bonis habere, res in bonis est),

    Gai. Inst. 2, 40, 41; Dig. 40, 12, 38, § 2; 37, 6, 2, § 1; 37, 6, 3, § 2; ib. Fragm. 1, 16; Gai. Inst. 1, 22; 1, 35; 1, 222; 1, 167; Dig. 1, 8, 1; 27, 10, 10:

    neque bonorum possessorum, neque... res pleno jure fiunt, sed in bonis efficiuntur,

    ib. Fragm. 3, 80.—Hence, nullam omnino arbitrabamur de eā hereditate controversiam eum habiturum, et est hodie in bonis, i. e. [p. 247] the bonorum possessio has been granted to him, which did not give full ownership, but effected only that the hereditas was in bonis. Cic. Fam. 13, 30, 1.
    Predicative use.
    With nouns or pronouns as subjects.
    Bonum esse, to be morally good, honest:

    nunc mihi bonae necessum est esse ingratiis, Quamquam esse nolo,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 3, 82:

    bonam ego quam beatam me esse nimio dici mavolo,

    id. Poen. 1, 2, 93; so id. Capt. 2, 1, 44; id. Men. 4, 2, 6; id. Rud. prol. 29:

    itaque viros fortes magnanimos eosdem, bonos et simplices... esse volumus,

    Cic. Off. 1, 19, 63; cf. id. ib. 3, 21, 84; id. Att. 15, 6, 1:

    Cato esse quam videri bonus malebat,

    Sall. C. 54, 5:

    ut politiora, non ut meliora fiant ingenia,

    Val. Max. 5, 4, ext. 5 fin.
    To be beneficial, prosperous, advantageous, valuable, favorable, serviceable, correct, with reference to both persons and things as subjects, and in regard to physical and mental relations:

    jam istuc non bonumst,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 2, 29; Cato, R. R. 157:

    oleum viridius et melius fiet,

    id. ib. 3:

    vinum ut alvum bonam faciat,

    to correct the bowels, id. ib. 156:

    quid est homini salute melius?

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 127:

    non optuma haec sunt, verum meliora quam deterruma,

    id. Trin. 2, 3, 1:

    quid est quod huc possit quod melius sit accedere?

    Cic. Fin. 1, 12, 41; 1, 18, 57; id. Tusc. 1, 41, 99:

    in quo (vestitu), sicut in plerisque rebus, mediocritas optima est,

    id. Off. 1, 36, 130; 2, 17, 59; id. Inv. 1, 31, 51; id. Or. 2, 6; 11, 36:

    meliorem tamen militem... in futura proelia id certamen fecit,

    Liv. 2, 51, 3:

    parvus ut est cygni melior canor, ille gruum quam Clamor,

    Lucr. 4, 181; 4, 191:

    si meliora dies, ut vina, poemata reddit,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 34.—So in the optative formula:

    quod bonum, faustum, felixque sit,

    Liv. 1, 28, 7; 1, 17, 10; 39, 15, 1; 3, 54;

    3, 34.—Also, quod bonum atque fortunatum mihi sit,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 6, 50;

    and with a noun as subject: ut nobis haec habitatio Bona, fausta, felix, fortunataque evenat,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 3.—
    To be kind:

    bonus cum probis'st (erus), malus cum malis,

    Plaut. Most. 4, 1, 22:

    hic si vellet bonus ac benignus Esse,

    Hor. S. 1, 2, 52.—
    With reference to the gods:

    ecastor ambae (Fortuna et Salus sunt bonae,

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 129:

    Palladis aut oculos ausa negare bonos (esse),

    Prop. 3, 24, 12 (2, 28, 12).—
    Bonum est (very rare for the class. bene est; v. bene).
    Without a subject:

    bonum sit!

    may it be fortunate, favorable! Verg. E. 8, 106.—
    With subject inf.:

    nam et stulte facere, et stulte fabularier in aetate haud bonum est,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 61:

    bonum est pauxillum amare, insane non bonum est,

    id. Curc. 1, 3,20.—
    Melius est.
    With subject inf.:

    melius sanam est mentem sumere,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 2, 51:

    nihil sentire est melius quam tam prava sentire,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 40, 125; cf. id. Fin. 1, 19, 62; id. Off. 1, 43, 156; so,

    melius fuit, fuisset, or fuerat,

    it would have been better, id. N. D. 3, 33; id. Sen. 23, 82; id. Off. 3, 25, 94:

    proinde quiesse erit melius,

    Liv. 3, 48, 3; 3, 41, 3; Verg. A. 11, 303.—
    With subject inf.-clause:

    meliu'st te quae sunt mandata tibi praevortier,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 125; id. Men. 5, 9, 32.—
    With ut-clause:

    quid melius quam ut hinc intro abeam et me suspendam clanculum,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 145; so id. Ps. 4, 7, 18.—
    With subjectclause in the subjunctive:

    nunc quid mihi meliu'st quam ilico hic opperiar erum,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 2, 22.—
    Optimum est.
    With subject inf.:

    optimum visum est, captivos quam primum deportare,

    Liv. 23, 34, 8:

    si quis dicit optimum esse navigare,

    Sen. Ot. Sap. 8, 4 (32 fin.); so, optimum fuit, it would have been better, and optimum erat, it would be better, Quint. 6, prooem. 3; 11, 2, 33; Hor. S. 2, 1, 7.—
    With inf.-clause:

    constituerunt optimum esse, domum suam quemque reverti,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 10: optimum visum est, in fluctuantem aciem tradi equos, etc., Liv 6, 24, 10; 22, 27, 6.—
    With ut and subj:

    hoc vero optimum, ut is qui, etc., id ultimum bonorum, id ipsum quid et quale sit nesciat,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 3, 6.—
    With quod:

    illa vero optima (sunt) quod cum Haluntium venisset Archagathum vocari jussit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 23, § 51:

    optimum vero (est) quod dictaturae nomen in perpetuum de re publica sustulisti,

    id. Phil. 2, 36, 91.—
    With second sup., in the phrase optumum factu est (where factu is redundant):

    sed hoc mihi optumum factu arbitror,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 16:

    optimum factu esse duxerant frumento... nostros prohibere,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 30:

    optumum factu credens exercitum augere,

    Sall. C. 32, 1 (Kritz, factum); 57, 5 (Kritz, factum).
    Ellipt. use: di meliora, i. e. dent or velint, i. e. let the gods grant better things than what you say, etc.; God forbid! in full:

    di melius duint,

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 9, 16:

    di meliora velint!

    Ov. M. 7, 37.—Ellipt.:

    di meliora! inquit,

    Cic. Sen. 14, 47:

    id ubi mulier audivit, perturbata, dii meliora inquit, etc.,

    Liv. 39, 10, 2; 9, 9, 6; Verg. G. 3, 513;

    similarly, di melius, i. e. fecerunt,

    Val. Max. 6, 1, ext. 3.
    With object expressed,
    By dat.
    = good, useful, beneficial for:

    ambula, id lieni optumum est,

    Plaut. Curc. 2, 1, 25:

    quia vobis eadem quae mihi bona malaque esse intellexi,

    Sall. C. 20, 3:

    bona bello Cornus, jaculis, etc.,

    Verg. G. 2, 447.—
    = benignus or propitius, kind to:

    vicinis bonus esto,

    Cato, R. R. 4:

    bene merenti mala es, male merenti bona es,

    Plaut. As. 1, 2, 3:

    vos o mihi Manes, Este boni,

    Verg. A. 12, 647.—
    = idoneus, fit for, adapted to:

    qui locus vino optimus dicetur esse,

    Cato, R. R. 6:

    tum erit ei rei optumum tempus,

    id. ib. 26:

    terra cui putre solum, Optima frumentis,

    Verg. G. 2, 205; 2, 319; 1, 286.—
    With sum and dat., in the phrase alicui bono est, it is of service to one, profits him:

    accusant in quibus occidi patrem Sex. Roscii bono fuit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 5, 13:

    bono fuisse Romanis adventum eorum constabat,

    Liv. 7, 12, 4.—Hence, with rel. dat.: cui bono (est), for whose advantage it is:

    quod si quis usurpet illud Cassianum cui bono fuerit, etc.,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 14, 35:

    cui bono fuisset,

    id. Rosc. Am. 30, 84; id. Mil. 12, 32 Ascon. ad loc.; cf.

    ellipt. form cui bono?

    Prisc. p. 1208 P.—
    With dat. gerund:

    ager oleto conserundo qui in Favonium spectavit, aliis bonus nullus erit,

    Cato, R. R. 6; Varr. R. R. 1, 24:

    (mons) quia pecori bonus alendo erat,

    Liv. 29, 31; 9, 10.—
    By ad and acc.:

    refert et ad quam rem bona aut non bona sit,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 91:

    occasio quaeritur idoneane fuerit ad rem adoriendam, an alia melior,

    Auct. Her. 2, 4, 7:

    non campos modo militi Romano ad proelium bonos, etc.,

    Tac. A. 2, 14.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > optimum

  • 17 solutum

    solvo, solvi, solutum, 3, v. a. ( perf. soluit, trisyll., Cat. 2, 13:


    Tib. 4, 5, 16) [for se-luo; cf. socors for se-cords], to loosen an object from any thing, to release or to loose, remove any thing which binds or restrains another.
    To loose an object bound, to release, set free, disengage, dissolve, take apart.
    In a corporeal sense.
    Outwardly, to release.
    From fetters or custody, to free, set free, release; absol.:

    solvite istas,

    i. e. from fetters, Plaut. Truc. 4, 3, 64:

    solvite istum,

    id. Mil. 5, 32:

    numquam, nisi me orassis, solves,

    id. Ep. 5, 2, 62:

    jube solvi (eum),

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 52:

    ad palum adligati repente soluti sunt,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 5, § 11:

    ut vincti solvantur,

    id. ib. 2, 5, 6, §

    12: qui in compedibus corporis semper fuerunt, etiam cum soluti sunt, tardius ingrediuntur,

    id. Tusc. 1, 31, 75:

    ita nexi soluti (sunt),

    Liv. 8, 28, 9:

    solvite me, pueri,

    Verg. E. 6, 24:

    fore ut brevi solveretur,

    Suet. Vesp. 5; id. Tib. 65; id. Vit. 12.—With abl.:

    canis solutus catena,

    Phaedr. 3, 7, 20. — Transf., from the fetter of frost:

    solutis amnibus (i. e. frigoris vinculo),

    Stat. Th. 5, 15:

    terrae quem (florem) ferunt solutae,

    Hor. C. 1, 4, 10.—
    From reins, ties, bands, etc.: solve senescentem equum, from the rein, i. e. dismiss him from service, Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 8:

    solverat sol equos,

    unhitched, Stat. Th. 3, 407: currum solvere (i. e. ab equis, poet. for equos a curru), Sen. Thyest. 794: solvere epistulam, i. e. from the string by which it was tied (= to open), Nep. Hann. 11, 3:

    et tibi sollicita solvitur illa (epistula) manu,

    Ov. Tr. 5, 2, 2:

    et jacet in gremio charta soluta meo,

    id. H. 11, 4:

    praecepit suis ne sarcinas solverent, aut onera deponerent,

    Front. Strat. 1, 5, 3.—So of garments and sails, to unfurl, unfold: cum tunica soluta inambularet, Asin. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 32, 3; Front. Strat. 4, 1, 26:

    soluta toga,

    Quint. 11, 3, 147:

    vela solvere,

    Verg. A. 4, 574.—
    From any fastening (mostly poet. and post-Aug. prose), to detach from; constr. absol., or with ab or de, and abl.:

    Caucasia solvet de rupe Promethei bracchia,

    Prop. 2, 1, 69:

    fraxinus solvitur,

    from the ground, Stat. Th. 9, 498:

    ceciditque soluta pinus,

    id. ib. 9, 409; cf.:

    pinus radice soluta, deficit,

    id. S. 5, 1, 152:

    solutis radicibus arbusta procumbunt,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 27, 5:

    accepi epistulam quam, ut scribis, ancora soluta de phaselo dedisti, i. e. a litore,

    detached, Cic. Att. 1, 13, 1 B. and K. (al. sublata;

    but soluta is perh. an error of Cic. in the use of a technical term, v Orell. ad loc.).—In the same sense: solvere retinacula classis,

    Ov. M. 15, 696; 8, 102:

    querno solvunt de stipite funem,

    id. F. 4, 333:

    fune soluto Currit in immensum carina,

    id. Am. 2, 11, 23:

    curvo solves viscera cultro (i. e. de corpore ferarum),

    Sen. Hippol. 53.—Of rain disengaged from the clouds:

    imber caelesti nube solutus,

    Ov. A. A. 2, 237: (Lunam) imperfecta vi solvere tantum umorem, disengage only the moisture, i. e. from the earth:

    cum solis radii absumant,

    Plin. 2, 9, 6, § 45:

    solutum a latere pugionem,

    detached from his side, Suet. Vit. 15.—
    Esp., of ships: navem solvere, to free a ship from the land, i. e. to set sail, weigh anchor, leave land, depart.
    With acc. alone:

    eisce confectis navem solvimus,

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 1, 91:

    navim cupimus solvere,

    id. Mil. 4, 7, 17:

    naves solvit,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 36; 5, 8; id. B. C. 1, 28; 3, 14; 3, 26;

    3, 102: primis tenebris solvit navem,

    Liv. 45, 6:

    postero die solvere naves (jussi),

    id. 29, 25 fin.; Nep. Hann. 8, 2:

    classem solvere,

    Liv. 45, 41; Prop. 3, 7 (4, 6), 23.—
    With ab and abl.:

    navis a terra solverunt,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 101:

    quinto inde die quam ab Corintho solverit naves,

    Liv. 31, 7 med.:

    solvunt a litore puppes,

    Luc. 2, 649.—
    With ex and abl.:

    nam noctu hac soluta est navis nostra e portu Persico,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 259:

    interea e portu nostra navis solvitur,

    id. Bacch. 2, 3, 54.—
    With abl.:

    complures mercatores Alexandria solvisse,

    Cic. Off. 3, 12, 50:

    portu solventibus,

    id. Mur. 2, 4.—
    Absol. (sc. navem or naves):

    tertia fere vigilia solvit,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 23:

    nos eo die cenati solvimus,

    Cic. Fam. 16, 9, 2:

    altero die quam a Brundusio solvit,

    Liv. 31, 14 init.:

    qui inde solverant,

    Val. Max. 1, 7, 3:

    solvi mare languido,

    Sen. Ep. 53, 1:

    fortasse etiam ventis minantibus solves,

    id. Ben. 2, 35, 5:

    non eadem est his et illis causa solvendi,

    making sea-voyages, id. Q. N. 5, 18, 16.—
    With navis, etc., as subj., to leave the land (sc. se a litore):

    naves XVIII. ex superiore portu solverunt,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 28; and by another change of construction: solvimus oram, we freed the shore, i.e. from the ship, Quint. 4, 2, 41; id. Ep. ad Tryph. 3.—
    Poet. usages:

    de litore puppis solvit iter,

    clears the voyage, Stat. S. 5, 1, 243:

    nec tibi Tyrrhena solvatur funis harena,

    Prop. 1, 8, 11 (cf.: retinacula solvere, c. supra).—
    Of secretions from the body ( poet. and in post-Aug. prose):

    tempore eo quo menstrua solvit,

    Lucr. 6, 706:

    cruor solvitur,

    Stat. Th. 9, 530:

    lacrimas solvere,

    id. Achill. 2, 256:

    solutis lacrimis,

    Claud. Ruf. 2, 258; so,

    partus solvere,

    to bear, bring forth, be delivered of offspring, Ov. F. 3, 258; Stat. Th. 5, 461; Plin. 28, 3, 6, § 33; 32, 1, 1, § 6.—
    To loosen an object from that which holds it together, to break up, part, dissolve, disperse, divide, take apart, scatter.
    In gen.:

    omne colligatum solvi potest,

    Cic. Fin. 11.—
    Of structures ( poet. and in post-Aug. prose):

    solvere naves et rursus conjungere,

    Curt. 8, 10, 3:

    solvere quassatae parcite membra ratis,

    Ov. Tr. 1, 2, 2:

    dubitavit an solveret pontem,

    Curt. 4, 16, 8:

    solvere pontem,

    Tac. A. 1, 69:

    si pons solutus sit,

    Dig. 2, 11, 2, § 7:

    solutus pons tempestatibus,

    Just. 2, 13, 9:

    currum (solis) solutum,

    Manil. 1, 740.—
    Of woven stuff:

    solvens texta,

    Prop. 2, 9, 6.—
    Of mountains:

    utrimque montes solvit (Hercules),

    Sen. Herc. Fur. 237:

    tridente Neptunus montem solvit,

    id. Agam. 553.—
    Of the neck:

    soluta cervix silicis impulsu,

    broken, Sen. Troad. 1119.—
    Of a comet:

    momentum quo cometes solutus et in duas partes redactus est,

    Sen. Q. N. 7, 16, 3.—
    Of the hair, to loosen, untie, let fall:

    solve capillos,

    Ov. Am. 3, 9, 3:


    id. A. A. 3, 784; id. M. 11, 682; 13, 584; Prop. 2, 15 (3, 7), 46:

    comas casside,

    Ov. F. 3, 2; cf. id. ib. 4, 854.—
    Of the earth (so mostly P. a., q. v. infra;

    post-Aug.): ita in terrae corpore evenit ut partes ejus vetustate solvantur, solutae cadant,

    Sen. Q. N. 6, 10, 2:

    ubi montis latus nova ventis solvit hiems,

    Stat. Th. 7, 745. —
    To dissolve; pass., to be dissolved, changed, to pass over into ( poet. and postclass. for dissolvere, or transire in); constr. absol., or with in and acc.
    Of a change into air or gas:

    calor mobiliter solvens, differt primordia vini,

    dissolving, parts the molecules of the wine, Lucr. 6, 235:

    nam materiai copia ferretur per inane soluta,

    id. 1, 1018; so id. 1, 1103:

    ita fatus in aera rursus solvitur,

    Stat. Th. 5, 285;

    nec in aera solvi Passa, recentem animam caelestibus intulit astris,

    Ov. M. 15, 845.—
    Into a liquid, to melt:

    saepe terra in tabem solvitur,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 15, 7:

    terram quam diximus esse mutabilem et solvi in umorem,

    id. ib. 3, 29, 4:

    nullum tellus se solvit in amnem,

    Luc. 2, 408; ipsum in conubia terrae Aethera, cum pluviis rarescunt nubila, solvo, dissolve into the embrace of the earth, i. e. change into rain, Stat. S. 1, 2, 186:

    ex Aethiopiae jugis solutas nives ad Nilum decurrere,

    Sen. Q. N. 4, 2, 17; so,

    nivem solvere,

    id. ib. 4, 5, 2; Ov. Am. 3, 6, 93; Sen. Herc. Oet. 729:

    rigor auri solvitur aestu,

    Lucr. 1, 493:

    ferrum calidi solvant camini,

    Manil. 4, 250:

    cerae igne solutae,

    Ov. A. A. 2, 47:

    Iris cum vino triduo non solvitur,

    Plin. 21, 20, 83, § 142:

    (herba) quinto die solvitur,

    id. 26, 14, 88, § 148.—
    Of putrefaction:

    (vitulo) per integram solvuntur viscera pellem,

    Verg. G. 4, 302.—
    Of change in general:

    inque novas abiit massa soluta domos,

    Ov. F. 1, 108:

    repentino crementur incendio, atque ex tanta varietate solvantur atque eant in unum omnia (sc. all the heavenly bodies),

    Sen. Ben. 6, 22.—
    Of expansion by heat:

    (uva) cum modo frigoribus premitur, modo solvitur aestu,

    Ov. A. A. 2, 317.—
    Hence, solvere, absol., to rarefy:

    gravitas aeris solvitur,

    Sen. Q. N. 5, 5, 1.—
    Solvi in, to pass into, become:

    in cacumine (herbae) capitula purpurea quae solvantur in lanugines,

    Plin. 27, 8, 39, § 61.—Of a wave:

    donec in planitiem immotarum aquarum solvatur,

    disappears in, Sen. Q. N. 1, 2, 2:

    postremi (equi) solvuntur in aequora pisces (= solvuntur in pisces),

    Stat. Th. 2, 47: lumina in lacrimas solventur, stream with tears. —Hence, solvere, causative, to make pass over, to make vanish in: circulum in pulverem, in quo descriptus est, solvere, Sen. Ep. 74, 27: soluti agri, the boundaries of which are effaced, Sic. Fl. Cond. Agr. p. 3 Goes.—
    To consume, to destroy, dissolve:

    solvere orbes,

    Manil. 1, 497:

    ni calor et ventus... interemant sensum diductaque solvant (i.e. sensum),

    Lucr. 3, 287:

    (Cato) ferrei prope corporis animique, quem ne senectus quidem, quae solvit omnia, fregerit,

    Liv. 39, 40, 11:

    si (cometae) sunt purus ignis... nec illos conversio mundi solvit,

    Sen. Q. N. 7, 2, 2:

    (turbo) ab eo motu, qui universum trahit, solveretur,

    id. ib. 7, 9, 4:

    tabes solvit corpora,

    Luc. 6, 18; 7, 809:

    nec solum silvas, sed saxa ingentia solvit (ignis),

    id. 3, 506:

    ne tegat functos humus, ne solvat ignis,

    Sen. Thyest. 750.—So, vitam solvere, to extinguish life, esp. of gradual or easy death:

    solvas potius (vitam), quam abrumpas, dummodo, si alia solvendi ratio non erit, vel abrumpas,

    Sen. Ep. 22, 3:

    hanc mihi solvite vitam,

    Prop. 2, 9, 39.—
    To free, release, loose, emancipate, set free; constr. absol., with abl. or ab and abl.; rarely with gen.
    From the body, etc.:

    teque isto corpore solvo,

    Verg. A. 4, 703:

    soluta corpore anima,

    Quint. 5, 14, 13:

    qui solutas vinculis animas recipit,

    Sen. Cons. 28, 8: si animus somno relaxatus solute (i. e. free from the shackles of the body) moveatur ac libere, Cic. Div. 2, 48, 100:

    vocem solvere,

    to set free the voice, to speak, Stat. S. 3, 1; Sen. Thyest. 682; so, responsa solve (pregn. = utter and disclose), Sen. Oedip. 292:

    suspiria solvit,

    Stat. Th. 11, 604:

    solvat turba jocos,

    Sen. Med. 114:

    solutos Qui captat risus hominum (= quem juvat risus hominum solvere),

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 83:

    Ausonii... versibus incomptis ludunt risuque soluto,

    unrestrained, free, Verg. G. 2, 386.—
    Of members or parts of the body: linguam solvere, to unfetter the tongue (sc. vinculis oris), to give flow to words:

    linguam (Juno) ad jurgia solvit,

    Ov. M. 3, 261:

    lingua devincta nec in motus varios soluta,

    Sen. Ira, 1, 3, 7:

    ut quisque contemptissimus est, ita linguae solutissimae est,

    id. Const. 11, 3:

    (fama) innumeras solvit in praeconia linguas,

    Luc. 1, 472. —Solvere bracchia, poet., to unfetter the arms, i. e. to move them:

    magna difficili solventem bracchia motu,

    Stat. Achill. 1, 604; cf.

    of the free motions of animals: columbae soluto volatu multum velociores,

    unrestrained flight, Plin. 10, 36, 52, § 108.—
    From obligations and debts:

    solvit me debito,

    Sen. Ben. 6, 4, 1:

    an nos debito solverit,

    id. Ep. 81, 3:

    ut religione civitas solvatur,

    Cic. Caecin. 34, 98; Liv. 7, 3, 9:

    te decem tauri... Me tener solvet vitulus (sc. religione),

    Hor. C. 4, 2, 54.—So from a military oath:

    hoc si impetro, solvo vos jurejurando,

    Just. 14, 4, 7.—Sacramento or militia solvere, to dismiss a soldier from service:

    sacramento solvi,

    Tac. A. 16, 13:

    cum quis propter delictum sacramento solvitur,

    Dig. 49, 16, 13:

    militia solvere,

    Tac. A. 1, 44.— Munere (publico) solvere, to exempt from public duties:

    ut Ilienses publico munere solverentur,

    Tac. A. 12, 58.—With obj. inf.:

    ut manere solveretur,

    that he should be excused from the duty of remaining, Tac. A. 3, 29.—
    From guilt and sin, to acquit, absolve, cleanse (cf. absolvere, to acquit of crime):

    si ille huic (insidias fecerit), ut scelere solvamur,

    be held guiltless, Cic. Mil. 12, 31:

    atque hunc ille summus vir scelere solutum periculo liberavit,

    id. ib. 4, 9:

    sit capitis damno Roma soluta mei,

    Ov. F. 6, 452:

    ipsum quoque Pelea Phoci Caede per Haemonias solvit Acastus aquas,

    id. ib. 2, 40:

    Helenen ego crimine solvo,

    id. A. A. 2, 371:

    quid crimine solvis Germanum?

    Stat. Th. 11, 379:

    solutam caede Gradivus manum restituit armis,

    Sen. Herc. Fur. 1342. —
    From feelings, etc.:

    quae eos qui quaesissent cura et negotio solverent,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 18, 30:

    cum ego vos solvi curis ceteris,

    Ter. Hec. 2, 1, 33:

    senatus cura belli solutus,

    Plin. 22, 3, 4, § 7:

    pectus linquunt cura solutum,

    Lucr. 2, 45:

    his terroribus ab Epicuro soluti et in libertatem vindicati,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 20, 56:

    soluti metu,

    Liv. 41, 14 init.; 27, 51:

    solvent formidine terras,

    Verg. E. 4, 14:

    solve metu patriam,

    Prop. 4 (5), 6, 41:

    metu belli Scythas solvit,

    Just. 9, 2, 2; so id. 14, 2, 5:

    haec est Vita solutorum misera ambitione,

    Hor. S. 1, 6, 129:

    soluti a cupiditatibus,

    Cic. Agr. 1, 9, 27:

    his concitationibus quem vacuum, solutum, liberum videris,

    id. Tusc. 5, 15, 43: et tu solve me dementia, [p. 1726] Hor. Epod. 17, 43:

    longo luctu,

    Verg. A. 2, 26:

    tristem juventam solve (i. e. juventam tristitia),

    Sen. Hippol. 450:

    solvite tantis animum monstris, solvite, superi,

    id. Herc. Fur. 1063:

    Quis te solvere Thessalis Magus venenis poterit?

    Hor. C. 1, 27, 21. — Poet.:

    solvit animis miracula (for animos miraculis),

    the soul from superstition, Manil. 1, 103.—And of animals:

    rabie tigrim,

    Manil. 5, 707.— Absol.:

    ut ad praecepta quae damus possit ire animus, solvendus est (i. e. perturbationibus),

    Sen. Ep. 95, 38:

    calices, quem non fecere contracta in paupertate solutum?

    i. e. from cares, Hor. Ep. 1, 5, 20:

    solvite animos,

    Manil. 4, 12.—With in:

    vix haec in munera solvo animum,

    i. e. free it from passions and so make it fit for these duties, Stat. S. 5, 3, 33.—
    From sleep, very rare:

    ego somno solutus sum,

    awoke, Cic. Rep. 6, 26, 29 (cf.: somno solvi, to be overwhelmed by sleep, 2. b, g infra).—
    From labor, business, etc.:

    volucres videmus... solutas opere volitare,

    Cic. Or. 2, 6, 23:

    solutus onere regio, regni bonis fruor,

    Sen. Oedip. 685.— Poet.:

    Romulus excubias decrevit in otia solvi,

    to be relieved from guard and enjoy leisure, Prop. 4 (5), 4, 79.—
    From rigidity, austerity, stiffness, etc., to relax, smooth, unbend, quiet, soothe ( poet. and in post-Aug. prose):

    frontem solvere disce,

    Mart. 14, 183:

    saltem ora trucesque solve genas,

    Stat. Th. 11, 373:

    solvit feros tunc ipse rictus,

    Sen. Herc. Fur. 797.— Poet.:

    solvatur fronte senectus = frons senectute (i. e. rugis), solvatur,

    be cleared, Hor. Epod. 13, 5:

    vultum risu solvit,

    relieves, Val. Max. 4, 3, 5:

    risum judicis movendo, et illos tristes affectus solvit, et animum renovat,

    Quint. 6, 3, 1; so,

    solvere judicem,

    unbend, excite his laughter, id. 11, 3, 3:

    solvere qui (potui) Curios Fabriciosque graves (sc. risu),

    Mart. 9, 28 (29), 4:

    ut tamen arctum Solveret hospitiis animum,

    Hor. S. 2, 6, 83:

    cujus non contractum sollicitudine animum illius argutiae solvant?

    Sen. Cons. Helv. 18, 5.— Transf., pregn.:

    solventur risu tabulae,

    i. e. the austerity of the judge will be relaxed by laughter, and the complaint dismissed, Hor. S. 2, 1, 86.—Imitated:

    quia si aliquid omiserimus, cum risu quoque tota res solvitur,

    Quint. 5, 10, 67.—
    From any cause of restraint.
    To release from siege:

    Bassanitas obsidione solvere,

    Liv. 44, 30:

    patriam obsidione solvere,

    Val. Max. 3, 2, 2. —
    From moral restraints:

    hic palam cupiditates suas solvit,

    gave vent to, Curt. 6, 6, 1; v. also P. a., B. 7. infra.—
    From laws and rules: legibus solvere.
    To exempt from laws, i. e. by privilege:

    Vopiscus, qui ex aedilitate consulatum petit, solvatur legibus,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 5, 11:

    cur M. Brutus legibus est solutus, si, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 13, 31:

    ut interea magistratus reliquos, legibus omnibus soluti, petere possetis,

    id. Agr. 2, 36, 99:

    Lurco, tribunus plebis, solutus est (et lege Aelia et Furia),

    id. Att. 1, 16, 13:

    solvatne legibus Scipionem,

    Auct. Her. 3, 2, 2:

    petente Flacco ut legibus solverentur,

    Liv. 31, 50, 8:

    Scipio legibus solutus est,

    id. Epit. 56:

    Licet enim, inquiunt, legibus soluti sumus, attamen legibus vivimus,

    Just. Inst. 2, 17, 8; cf.:

    ut munere vigintiviratus solveretur,

    Tac. A. 3, 29.— Transf., of the laws of nature, etc.:

    (aestus) illo tempore, solutus legibus, sine modo fertur,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 28, 6:

    solus (sapiens) generis humani legibus solvitur,

    id. Brev. Vit. 15, 5:

    nec leti lege solutas,

    Lucr. 3, 687:

    nec solvo Rutulos (i. e. legibus fati),

    Verg. A. 10, 111.— With gen. (cf. libero), perh. only in phrase testamenti solvere, to release from a testamentary disposition:

    et is per aes et libram heredes testamenti solveret,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 20, 51; 2, 21, 53 (less prop. testamenti is taken as attribute of heredes); cf. Gai. Inst. 3, 175, and Hor. C. 3, 17, 16, P. a., B. 5. fin. infra.—
    Legibus solutus, not subject to, released from:

    reus Postumus est ea lege... solutus ac liber,

    i. e. the law does not apply to him, Cic. Rab. Post. 5, 12:

    soluti (lege Julia) huc convenistis, ne constricti discedatis cavete,

    id. ib. 7, 18.—Of other laws:

    solutus Legibus insanis,

    Hor. S. 2, 6, 68:

    quae sedes expectent animam solutam legibus servitutis humanae,

    Sen. Ep. 65, 20.— Transf., of things: soluta legibus scelera sunt, unrestrained by the laws, i. e. crimes are committed with impunity, Sen. Ben. 7, 27, 1.— Of the laws of versification: numerisque fertur Lege solutis, referring to dithyrambic measures, Hor. C. 4, 2, 12 (cf. P. a., B. 11. infra).—
    To dissolve, separate objects which are united, to break up, dismiss.
    Of troops, ranks, etc.:

    ubi ordines procursando solvissent,

    Liv. 42, 65, 8:

    incomposito agmine, solutis ordinibus,

    Curt. 8, 1, 5; so id. 8, 4, 6:

    agmina Diductis solvere choris,

    Verg. A. 5, 581:

    solvit maniplos,

    Juv. 8, 154:

    solvuntur laudata cohors,

    Stat. Achill. 2, 167.—Hence, to separate armies engaged in battle:

    commissas acies ego possum solvere,

    Prop. 4 (5), 4, 59.—
    Of banquets, assemblies, etc.:

    convivio soluto,

    Liv. 40, 14 fin.:

    convivium solvit,

    Curt. 8, 5, 24; 8, 6, 16:

    Quid cessas convivia solvere?

    Ov. F. 6, 675:

    coetuque soluto Discedunt,

    id. M. 13, 898.—Hence, urbem (Capuam) solutam ac debilitatam reliquerunt, disfranchised, Cic. Agr. 2, 33, 91.—
    Of the words in discourse, orationem or versum solvere, to break up a sentence or verse:

    (discant) versus primo solvere, mox mutatis verbis interpretari,

    Quint. 1, 9, 2:

    quod cuique visum erit vehementer, dulciter, speciose dictum, solvat ac turbet,

    id. 9, 4, 14:

    ut partes orationis sibi soluto versu desideret et pedum proprietates,

    id. 1, 8, 13:

    non, ut si solvas Postquam discordia tetra, etc., invenias etiam disjecti membra poetae,

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 60.—
    Implying a change for the worse.
    To relax, make effeminate, weaken, by ease, luxury, dissipation, etc. (post-Aug.):

    Hannibalem hiberna solverunt,

    Sen. Ep. 51, 5:

    usque eo nimio delicati animi languore solvuntur,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 12, 6:

    infantiam statim deliciis solvimus,

    Quint. 1, 2, 6:

    solutus luxu,

    id. 3, 8, 28; so Tac. A. 11, 31.—With in and acc.:

    soluti in luxum,

    Tac. H. 2, 99:

    in lasciviam,

    id. ib. 3, 38.— Transf.: versum solvere, to deprive a verse of its proper rhythm:

    si quinque continuos dactylos confundas solveris versum,

    Quint. 9, 4, 49.—
    To make torpid by removing sensation.
    To relax, benumb the limbs or body;

    as by narcotics, terror, sickness, exhaustion: multaque praeterea languentia membra per artus solvunt,

    Lucr. 6, 798:

    ima Solvuntur latera,

    Verg. G. 3, 523:

    solvi debilitate corporis,

    paralyzed, Val. Max. 1, 7, 4:

    ut soluto labitur moriens gradu,

    Sen. Hippol. 368.—In mal. part., Hor. Epod. 12, 8; cf. Verg. G. 3, 523.— Poet.:

    illum aget, penna metuente solvi, Fama superstes,

    Hor. C. 2, 2, 7.—Of the mind:

    segnitia (oratoris) solvit animos,

    wearies, Quint. 11, 3, 52:

    mentes solvere,

    to make insane, Plin. 25, 3, 7, § 25.—
    By frost ( poet.):

    solvuntur illi frigore membra,

    Verg. A. 12, 951; 1, 92.—
    By sleep ( poet. for sopio):

    homines volucresque ferasque Solverat alta quies,

    Ov. M. 7, 186:

    corpora somnus Solverat,

    id. ib. 10, 369:

    molli languore solutus,

    id. ib. 11, 648;

    11, 612: altoque sopore solutum,

    id. ib. 8, 817:

    somno vinoque solutos,

    id. F. 2, 333; Verg. A. 9, 236:

    ut membra solvit sopor,

    id. ib. 12, 867:

    non solvit pectora somnus,

    Sen. Agam. 76.—With in:

    solvitur in somnos,

    Verg. A. 4, 530.— Transf., of the sea:

    aequor longa ventorum pace solutum,

    lulled to sleep, Stat. Th. 3, 255.—
    By death: solvi, to die ( poet. and in post-Aug. prose):

    ipse deus, simulatque volam, me solvet,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 78:

    corporibus quae senectus solvit,

    Curt. 89, 32 (cf. A. 4. supra):

    (corpus) quam nullo negotio solvitur,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 27, 2:

    alius inter cenandum solutus est,

    id. Ep. 66, 43:

    ubicumque arietaveris, solveris,

    id. Cons. Marc. 11, 3:

    me fata maturo exitu facilique solvant,

    Sen. Troad. 605:

    solvi inedia,

    Petr. 111:

    sic morte quasi somno soluta est,

    Flor. 2, 21, 11.—Hence,
    Of logical dissolution, to refute:

    non tradit Epicurus quomodo captiosa solvantur,

    how fallacies are refuted, Cic. Fin. 1, 7, 22:

    argumentum solvere,

    Quint. 2, 17, 34:

    solutum scies quod nobis opponitur,

    Sen. Const. 12, 3.—
    To disperse, dispel, as of a cloud:

    deorum beneficia tempestiva ingentes minas interventu suo solventia,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 4, 2.
    To loose, remove, cancel that which binds any thing.
    In a corporeal sense.
    In gen., to loose (weaker than rumpo;

    post-Aug.): effringere quam aperire, rumpere quam solvere putant robustius,

    Quint. 2, 12, 1:

    qua convulsa tota operis colligatio solveretur,

    Val. Max. 8, 14, 6:

    supera compage soluta,

    Stat. Th. 8, 31.—
    To remove a fetter, bridle, etc.:

    nullo solvente catenas,

    Ov. M. 3, 700: vincla jugis boum, Tib. 2, 1, 7:

    solvere frenum,

    Phaedr. 1, 2, 3:

    loris solutis,

    Ov. A. A. 1, 41.— Transf., of prisons:

    qui, solutis ergastulis, exercitus numerum implevit,

    Liv. Ep. 56; Brut. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 10, 13; 11, 13, 2.—Of frost:

    gelu solvitur,

    it thaws, Tac. H. 1, 79:

    solvitur acris hiems,

    Hor. C. 1, 4, 1.—Of clouds:

    facit igitur ventum resoluta nubes, quae plurimis modis solvitur,

    Sen. Q. N. 5, 12, 5; 5, 12, 1.—Of the grasp of hands, fingers, etc.:

    Aeacides a corpore bracchia solvit,

    looses his hold, Ov. M. 11, 246:

    indigno non solvit bracchia collo,

    Stat. Th. 5, 217:

    digitis solutis abjecit jaculum,

    id. ib. 8, 585.—
    To untie a string, cord, necklace, etc., slacken or unlock an enclosure, open a box, trunk, etc.:

    solve vidulum ergo,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 98:

    eam solve cistulam,

    id. Am. 2, 2, 151:

    solve zonam,

    untie, id. Truc. 5, 62:

    solvisse jugalem ceston fertur,

    Stat. Th. 5, 62:

    animai nodos a corpore solvit,

    Lucr. 2, 950:

    nihil interest quomodo (nodi) solvantur,

    Curt. 3, 1, 18:

    quid boni est, nodos operose solvere, quos ipse ut solveres feceris?

    Sen. Ben. 5, 12, 2:

    solvere nodum,

    Stat. Th. 11, 646:

    laqueum quem nec solvere possis, nec abrumpere,

    Sen. Tranq. 10, 1:

    vix solvi duros a pectore nexus,

    Ov. M. 9, 58:

    fasciam solve,

    Sen. Ep. 80, 10:

    solutis fasciis,

    Curt. 7, 6, 5:

    solvi fasciculum,

    Cic. Att. 11, 9, 2:

    crinales vittas,

    Verg. A. 7, 403:

    Parmenion vinculum epistulae solvens,

    Curt. 7, 2, 25:

    equum empturus solvi jubes stratum,

    Sen. Ep. 80, 9:

    redimicula solvite collo,

    Ov. F. 4, 135:

    corollas de fronte,

    Prop. 1, 3, 21:

    solvere portas,

    Stat. Th. 3, 492:

    munimina valli,

    id. ib. 12, 10:

    ille pharetram Solvit,

    Ov. M. 5, 380.— Transf., of the veins as enclosures of the blood:

    solutis ac patefactis venis,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 15, 5:

    venam cultello solvere,

    Col. 6, 14; cf.

    also: lychnis alvum solvit,

    looses the bowels, Plin. 21, 26, 98, § 171; 21, 20, 83, § 140; Suet. Vesp. 24; Tac. A. 12, 67:


    Plin. 20, 8, 30, § 74.— Absol. (sc. alvum), Mart. 13, 29:

    stomachus solutus = venter solutus,

    loose bowels, Petr. 117; Scrib. Comp. 92.—
    Trop., to slacken or remove a bond.
    Solvere aliquid (aliquod vinculum; cf. I. B. 1. supra).
    Of the mouth, etc., to open:

    talibus ora solvit verbis,

    Ov. M. 15, 74; so id. ib. 1, 181; Tib. 4, 5, 14:

    ternis ululatibus ora Solvit,

    Ov. M. 7, 191; 9, 427; id. Tr. 3, 11, 20; Stat. Achill. 1, 525:

    vix ora solvi patitur etiamnum timor,

    Sen. Herc. Oet. 725; so,

    os promptius ac solutius,

    Val. Max. 8, 7, ext. 1.— Transf., of an abyss:

    hic ora solvit Ditis invisi domus,

    Sen. Herc. Fur. 664.—
    To remove, cancel; to destroy the force of a legal or moral obligation by expiration, death, etc.:

    si mors alterutrius interveniat, solvitur mandatum,

    Gai. Inst. 3, 160:

    cum aliquis renunciaverit societati, societas solvitur,

    id. ib. 3, 151; so id. ib. 3, 152:

    morte solvetur compromissum,

    Dig. 4, 8, 27:

    soluto matrimonio,

    ib. 24, 3, 2:

    solutum conjugium,

    Juv. 9, 79:

    qui... conjugalia solvit,

    Sen. Med. 144:

    nec conjugiale solutum Foedus in alitibus,

    Ov. M. 11, 743:

    (sapiens) invitus beneficium per compensationem injuriae solvet,

    cancel the obligation of a favor by the set-off of a wrong, Sen. Ep. 81, 17.—
    To efface guilt or wrong:

    magnis injuria poenis Solvitur,

    Ov. F. 5, 304:

    solve nefas, dixit: solvit et ille nefas,

    id. ib. 2, 44:

    culpa soluta mea est,

    id. Tr. 4, 4, 10:

    neque tu verbis solves unquam quod mi re male feceris (i. e. injuriam),

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 10.—
    Poenam solvere, to suffer punishment, i. e. to cancel the obligation of suffering, etc. (cf. 3. infra;

    less freq. than poenam persolvere, exsolvere): serae, sed justae tamen et debitae poenae solutae sunt,

    Cic. Mil. 31, 85:

    capite poenas solvit,

    Sall. J. 69, 4:

    meritas poenas solventem,

    Curt. 6, 3, 14:

    poenarum solvendi tempus,

    Lucr. 5, 1224:

    nunc solvo poenas,

    Sen. Phoen. 172:

    hac manu poenas tibi solvam,

    id. Hippol. 1177.—
    To remove, relieve, soothe affections, passions, etc.:

    atque animi curas e pectore solvat,

    Lucr. 4, 908:

    curam metumque juvat Dulci Lyaeo solvere,

    Hor. Epod. 9, 38:

    patrimonii cura solvatur,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, praef. §

    2: Pyrrhus impetus sui terrore soluto,

    Val. Max. 4, 3, 14:

    solvite corde metum,

    Verg. A. 1, 562; so id. ib. 9, 90:

    solve metus animo,

    Stat. Th. 2, 356:

    solvi pericula et metus narrant,

    Plin. 11, 37, 52, § 140: neque adhuc Stheneleius iras Solverat Eurystheus, [p. 1727] Ov. M. 9, 274:

    hoc uno solvitur ira modo,

    id. A. A. 2, 460:

    solvitque pudorem,

    Verg. A. 4, 55.—
    Of sleep:

    quasi clamore solutus Sit sopor,

    Ov. M. 3, 6, 30:

    nec verba, nec herbae audebunt longae somnum tibi solvere Lethes,

    Luc. 6, 768; cf.:

    lassitudinem solvere,

    Plin. 37, 10, 54, § 143. —
    Of any checks and barriers to motion, to remove.
    To raise a siege:

    solutam cernebat obsidionem,

    Liv. 36, 10, 14:

    soluta obsidione,

    id. 36, 31, 7:

    ad Locrorum solvendam obsidionem,

    id. 27, 28, 17; cf. id. 37, 7, 7; 38, 5, 6; 42, 56 init.; 44, 13, 7; Curt. 4, 4, 1; Tac. A. 4, 24; 4, 73; Just. 9, 2, 10.—
    Of passions, etc., to remove restraint:

    cujus si talis animus est, solvamus nos ejus vincula, et claustra (i. e. irae) refringamus,

    Liv. 36, 7, 13.—
    To overthrow, subvert a higher authority, etc.:

    quos (milites), soluto imperio, licentia corruperat,

    Sall. J. 39, 5:

    imperia solvit qui tacet, jussus loqui,

    Sen. Oedip. 525:

    sonipedes imperia solvunt,

    id. Hippol. 1084; cf.:

    sanctitas fori ludis solvitur,

    Quint. 11, 3, 58.—
    Of laws and customs, to abolish, violate:

    solvendarum legum id principium esse censebant (post-Aug. for dissolvendarum),

    Curt. 10, 2, 5:

    solutae a se legis monitus,

    Val. Max. 6, 5, ext. 4:

    cum plus quam ducentorum annorum morem solveremus,

    Liv. 8, 4, 7:

    (Tarquinius) morem de omnibus senatum consulendi solvit,

    id. 1, 49, 7:

    oportebat istum morem solvi,

    Curt. 8, 8, 18.—
    Esp. with acc. of the bond, etc. (taking the place of the constr. I. B. 1. 2. 3. supra, when the abl. of separation is not admissible).
    To subvert discipline:

    disciplinam militarem solvisti,

    Liv. 8, 7, 16:

    luxuria solutam disciplinam militarem esse,

    id. 40, 1, 4:

    quod cum, ne disciplina solveretur, fecisset,

    Front. Strat. 2, 12, 2.—
    Of strength, energy, attention, etc., to loosen, impair, weaken, scatter, disperse:

    nobilitas factione magis pollebat, plebis vis soluta atque dispersa,

    Sall. J. 41, 6:

    patrios nervos externarum deliciarum contagione solvi et hebetari noluerunt,

    Val. Max. 2, 6, 1:

    vires solvere,

    Quint. 9, 4, 7:

    vis illa dicendi solvitur, et frigescit affectus,

    Quint. 11, 3, 133.—
    Of affection, etc., to sever, dissolve, destroy:

    segnes nodum (amicitiae) solvere Gratiae,

    Hor. C. 3, 21, 22;

    similarly: solvit (ille deus) amicos,

    Prop. 2, 34 (3, 32), 5; so id. 2, 15 (3, 7), 26:

    hoc firmos solvit amores,

    Ov. A. A. 2, 385:

    amores cantibus et herbis solvere,

    Tib. 1, 2, 60.—
    Of sickness and hunger, to end, remove:

    vitex dicitur febres solvere,

    Plin. 24, 9, 38, § 60:

    solvit jejunia granis,

    Ov. F. 4, 607:

    quoniam jejunia virgo Solverat,

    id. M. 5, 535; cf. Luc. 3, 282; so,


    Sen. Thyest. 64.—
    To delay:

    hi classis moras hac morte solvi rentur,

    Sen. Troad. 1131.—
    Of darkness, to dispel:

    lux solverat umbras,

    Stat. Th. 10, 390.—
    Of war, strife, etc., to compose, settle:

    aut solve bellum, mater, aut prima excipe,

    Sen. Phoen. 406:

    electus formae certamina solvere pastor,

    Stat. Achill. 2, 337:

    jurgia solvere,

    Manil. 3, 115:

    contradictiones solvere,

    Quint. 7, 1, 38.—
    Of difficulties, riddles, questions, ambiguities, etc., to solve, explain, remove:

    quia quaestionem solvere non posset,

    Val. Max. 9, 12, ext. 3:


    Quint. 8, 6, 53:

    omnes solvere posse quaestiones,

    Suet. Gram. 11:

    haec ipsa, quae volvuntur ab illis, solvere malim et expandere,

    Sen. Ep. 82, 20; id. Q. N. 7, 14, 1:

    unum tantum hoc solvendum est,

    that one question, id. ib. 1, 7, 3:

    puta nunc me istuc non posse solvere,

    id. Ep. 48, 6:

    carmina non intellecta Solverat,

    Ov. M. 7, 760:

    triste carmen alitis solvi ferae,

    Sen. Oedip. 102:

    nodos juris,

    Juv. 8, 50:

    proponere aliquid quod solvat quaestionem,

    Quint. 5, 10, 96:

    plurimas quaestiones illis probationibus solvi solere,

    id. 1, 10, 49:

    quo solvitur quaestio supra tractata,

    id. 3, 7, 3:

    ambiguitatem or amphiboliam,

    id. 7, 2, 49; 7, 9, 10.—
    In partic., of obligations, to fulfil.
    To pay.
    Originally, rem solvere, to free one's property and person (rem familiarem) from debts (solutio per aes et libram), according to the ancient formula:

    quod ego tibi tot millibus condemnatus sum, me eo nomine... a te solvo liberoque hoc aere aeneaque libra,

    Gai. Inst. 3, 174 Huschke; cf.:

    inde rem creditori palam populo solvit (i. e. per aes et libram),

    Liv. 6, 14, 5:

    quas res dari, fieri, solvi oportuit,

    id. 1, 32, 11. —Hence, rem solvere, to pay; often with dat. of person:

    pro vectura rem solvit?

    paid the freight, Plaut. As. 2, 4, 27:

    ubi nugivendis res soluta'st omnibus,

    id. Aul. 3, 5, 51:

    tibi res soluta est recte,

    id. Curc. 4, 3, 21:

    ego quidem pro istac rem solvo ab tarpessita meo,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 20:

    rem solvo omnibus quibus dehibeo,

    id. ib. 5, 3, 45:

    dum te strenuas, res erit soluta,

    id. Ps. 2, 2, 35:

    res soluta'st, Gripe, ego habeo,

    id. Rud. 5, 3, 57.— Trop.: saepe edunt (aves);

    semel si captae sunt, rem solvont aucupi,

    they repay him, pay for his expenses, Plaut. As. 1, 3, 66.—And to pay by other things than money:

    si tergo res solvonda'st,

    by a whipping, Plaut. As. 2, 2, 54:

    habent hunc morem ut pugnis rem solvant si quis poscat clarius,

    id. Curc. 3, 9:

    tibi quidem copia'st, dum lingua vivet, qui rem solvas omnibus,

    id. Rud. 2, 6, 74.—Hence,
    Absol. (sc. rem), to pay; with or without dat. of person:

    cujus bona, quod populo non solvebat, publice venierunt,

    Cic. Fl. 18, 43:

    ei cum solveret, sumpsit a C. M. Fufiis,

    id. ib. 20, 46:

    misimus qui pro vectura solveret,

    id. Att. 1, 3, 2:

    qui nimis cito cupit solvere, invitus debet,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 40, 5:

    ut creditori solvat,

    Dig. 30, 1, 49, § 7.— Pass. impers.:

    si dare vis mihi, Magis solutum erit quam ipsi dederis,

    it will be a more valid payment, Plaut. Ps. 2, 2, 46:

    numquam vehementius actum est quam me consule, ne solveretur,

    to stop payments, Cic. Off. 2, 24, 84:

    fraudandi spe sublata solvendi necessitas consecuta est,

    id. ib. 2, 24, 84:

    cum eo ipso quod necesse erat solvi, facultas solvendi impediretur,

    Liv. 6, 34, 1.—Cf. in the two senses, to free from debt, and to pay, in the same sentence:

    non succurrere vis illi, sed solvere. Qui sic properat, ipse solvi vult, non solvere,

    Sen. Ben. 6, 27, 1.—
    With acc. of the debt, to discharge, to pay:

    postquam Fundanio debitum solutum esset,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 2, 3, § 10:

    hoc quod debeo peto a te ut... solutum relinquas,

    settled, id. Att. 16, 6, 3:

    solverat Castricio pecuniam jam diu debitam,

    id. Fl. 23, 54:

    ex qua (pensione) major pars est ei soluta,

    id. Att. 16, 2, 1:

    solvi aes alienum Pompejus ex suo fisco jussit,

    Val. Max. 6, 2, 11:

    aes alienum solvere,

    Sen. Ep. 36, 5:

    quae jactatio est, solvisse quod debebas?

    id. Ben. 4, 17, 1; so,

    debitum solvere,

    id. ib. 6, 30, 2:

    ne pecunias creditas solverent,

    Cic. Pis. 35, 86:

    ut creditae pecuniae solvantur,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 20; 3, 1:

    ex thensauris Gallicis creditum solvi posse,

    Liv. 6, 15, 5:

    ita bona veneant ut solidum suum cuique solvatur,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 17, 46.—And of moral debts:

    cum patriae quod debes solveris,

    Cic. Marcell. 9, 27:

    debet vero, solvitque praeclare,

    id. Phil. 13, 11, 25:

    aliter beneficium, aliter creditum solvitur,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 34, 1:

    qui grate beneficium accipit, primam ejus pensionem solvit,

    id. ib. 2, 22 fin.
    By a confusion of construction, solvere pecuniam, etc., to pay money, etc. (for pecunia rem or debitum solvere); constr. with dat. or absol.:

    emi: pecuniam solvi,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 20, § 43:

    pro frumento nihil solvit,

    id. ib. 2, 3, 72, §

    169: legatis pecuniam pro frumento solvit,

    Liv. 44, 16:

    hanc pecuniam cum solvere in praesenti non posset,

    Nep. Milt. 7, 6:

    nisi pecuniam solvisset,

    id. Cim. 1, 1:

    condiciones pacis dictae ut decem millia talentum argenti... solverent,

    Liv. 30, 37 med.:

    pro quo (frumento) pretium solveret populus Romanus,

    id. 36, 3, 1:

    pretium servorum ex aerario solutum est dominis,

    id. 32, 26, 14:

    pretium pro libris domino esse solvendum,

    id. 40, 39 fin.:

    meritam mercedem,

    id. 8, 22, 3; so id. 8, 11, 4: sorte creditum solvere, by paying the principal (i. e. without interest), id. 6, 36, 12:

    quae praemia senatus militibus ante constituit, ea solvantur,

    Cic. Phil. 14, 14, 38:


    Liv. 28, 32, 1:

    dotem mulieri,

    Dig. 24, 3, 2:

    litem aestimatam,

    the amount of a fine, Nep. Cim. 5, 18 fin.:

    arbitria funeris,

    the expenses of the funeral, Cic. Red. Sen. 7, 18:

    solvere dodrantem,

    to pay seventy-five per cent., Mart. 8, 9, 1:

    dona puer solvit,

    paid the promised gifts, Ov. M. 9, 794; so,


    id. ib. 11, 104.— Transf., of the dedication of a book, in return for favors:

    et exspectabo ea (munera) quae polliceris, et erunt mihi pergrata si solveris... Non solvam nisi prius a te cavero, etc.,

    Cic. Brut. 4, 17 sq. —Of the delivery of slaves:

    si quis duos homines promise rit et Stichum solverit,

    Dig. 46, 3, 67; 46, 3, 38, § 3.— Transf., poet.: dolorem solvisti, you have paid your grief, i. e. have duly mourned, Stat. S. 2, 6, 98.— Pass. with personal subject:

    si (actor) solutus fuisset,

    Dig. 12, 1, 31 (cf.: solvere militem, b supra). —
    Esp., in certain phrases, to pay:

    aliquid praesens solvere,

    to pay in cash, Cic. Att. 16, 2, 1; so,

    aliquid de praesentibus solvere,

    Sen. Ep. 97, 16:

    solvere grates (= referre gratiam muneribus): Sulla solvit grates Dianae,

    Vell. 2, 25:

    quas solvere grates sufficiam?

    Stat. S. 4, 2, 7: cum homo avarus, ut ea (beneficia) solveret sibi imperare non posset, etc., Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 12, 1; cf.: non dicimus reposuit beneficium aut solvit;

    nullum nobis placuit quod aeri alieno convenit verbum,

    Sen. Ep. 81, 9; but v. id. Ben. 2, 18, 5: in debitum solvere, to make a partial payment:

    unum haec epistula in debitum solvet,

    id. Ep. 7, 10: aliquid solvere ab aliquo (de aliqua re), to pay out of funds supplied by any one ( out of any fund):

    Quintus laborat ut tibi quod debet ab Egnatio solvat,

    Cic. Att. 7, 18, 4:

    homines dicere, se a me solvere,

    id. ib. 5, 21, 11:

    (summa) erat solvenda de meo,

    Plin. Ep. 2, 4, 2:

    operas solvere alicui,

    to work for somebody, Dig. 40, 7, 39: solvo operam Dianae, I work for Diana, i. e. offer a sacrifice to her, Afran. ap. Non. 12, 21: judicatum solvere, to pay the amount adjudged by the court, for which security (satisdatio) was required:

    stipulatio quae appellatur judicatum solvi,

    Gai. Inst. 4, 90:

    iste postulat ut procurator judicatum solvi satisdaret,

    Cic. Quint. 7, 29; so Dig. 3, 2, 28; 3, 3, 15; 2, 8, 8;

    2, 8, 14 et saep.: auctio solvendis nummis,

    a cash auction, Mart. 14, 35.— Gerund.: solvendo esse, to be solvent; jurid. t. t., to be able to pay, i. e. one's debts; cf.

    in full: nec tamen solvendo aeri alieno respublica esset,

    Liv. 31, 13:

    nemo dubitat solvendo esse eum qui defenditur,

    Dig. 50, 17, 105:

    qui modo solvendo sint,

    Gai. Inst. 1, 3, 121:

    si solvendo sint,

    Paul. Sent. 1, 20, 1:

    nec interest, solvendo sit, necne,

    Dig. 30, 1, 49, § 5; so ib. 46, 1, 10; 46, 1, 27, § 2; 46, 1, 51, §§ 1 and 4; 46, 1, 52, § 1; 46, 1, 28; 50, 17, 198 et saep.: non solvendo esse, to be insolvent:

    solvendo non erat,

    Cic. Att. 13, 10, 3:

    cum solvendo civitates non essent,

    id. Fam. 3, 8, 2:

    tu nec solvendo eras, nec, etc.,

    id. Phil. 2, 2, 4:

    ne videatur non fuisse solvendo,

    id. Off. 2, 22, 79;

    and very freq. in the jurists.—So, trop.: quid matri, quid flebili patriae dabis? Solvendo non es,

    Sen. Oedip. 941; cf.:

    *non esse ad solvendum (i. e. able to pay),

    Vitr. 10, 6 fin.
    To fulfil the duty of burial.
    Justa solvere; with dat. of the person:

    qui nondum omnia paterno funeri justa solvisset,

    who had not yet finished the burial ceremonies of his father, Cic. Rosc. Am. 8, 23:

    justis defunctorum corporibus solutis,

    Curt. 3, 12, 15:

    proinde corpori quam primum justa solvamus,

    id. 10, 6, 7:

    ut justa soluta Remo,

    Ov. F. 5, 452:

    nunc justa nato solve,

    Sen. Hippol. 1245.—
    Exsequias, inferias or suprema solvere:

    exsequiis rite solutis,

    Verg. A. 7, 5:

    cruor sancto solvit inferias viro,

    Sen. Hippol. 1198:

    solvere suprema militibus,

    Tac. A. 1, 61.—
    Votum solvere, to fulfil a vow to the gods.

    vota ea quae numquam solveret nuncupavit,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 4, 11:

    quod si factum esset, votum rite solvi non posse,

    Liv. 31, 9 fin.:

    liberare et se et rempublicam religione votis solvendis,

    id. 40, 44, 8:

    placatis diis votis rite solvendis,

    id. 36, 37 fin.:

    petiit ut votum sibi solvere liceret,

    id. 45, 44:

    animosius a mercatore quam a vectore solvitur votum,

    Sen. Ep. 73, 5:

    vota pro incolumitate solvebantur,

    Tac. A. 2, 69:

    vota pater solvit,

    Ov. M. 9, 707:

    ne votum solvat,

    Mart. 12, 91, 6; 8, 4, 2; Val. Max. 6, 9, 5 ext.; 1, 1, 8 ext. — Poet.:

    voti debita solvere,

    Ov. F. 5, 596; cf.

    the abbrev. formula V. S. L. M. (voTVM SOLVIT LIBENS MERITO),

    Inscr. Orell. 186; 1296 sq.:


    ib. 2022 et saep.:

    sacra solvere (=votum solvere),

    Manil. 1, 427.—
    With dat.:

    ait sese Veneri velle votum solvere,

    Plaut. Rud. prol. 60:

    vota Jovi solvo,

    Ov. M. 7, 652; 8, 153:

    sunt vota soluta deae,

    id. F. 6, 248:

    dis vota solvis,

    Sen. Ben. 5, 19, 4:

    libamenta Veneri solvere (=votum per libamenta),

    Just. 18, 5, 4.—
    Fidem solvere, to fulfil a promise (post-class. for fidem praestare, [p. 1728] exsolvere; cf.:

    fidem obligatam liberare,

    Suet. Claud. 9):

    illi, ut fidem solverent, clipeis obruere,

    Flor. 1, 1, 12;

    similarly: et voti solverat ille fidem (=votum solverat),

    Ov. F. 1, 642; but cf.: itane imprudens? tandem inventa'st causa: solvisti fidem, you have found a pretext to evade your promise (cf. II. A. 3.), Ter. And. 4, 1, 18: esset, quam dederas, morte soluta fides, by my death your promise to marry me would have been cancelled (cf. II. B. 1. 6.), Ov. H. 10, 78; similarly: suam fidem (i. e. quam Lepido habuerit) solutam esse, that his faith in Lepidus was broken, Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 21, 3.—With a different construction: se depositi fide solvere, to acquit one's self of the duty to return property intrusted to him (cf. I. B. 1. c.), Val. Max. 7, 3, 5 ext.: factique fide data munera solvit, he freed the gift already given from the obligation of an accomplished fact, i. e. he revoked the gifts, although already made, Ov. M. 11, 135.—
    Promissum solvere, to fulfil a promise (very rare):

    perinde quasi promissum solvens,

    Val. Max. 9, 6, 1:

    solvitur quod cuique promissum est,

    Sen. Cons. Marc. 20 fin.;

    similarly: solutum, quod juraverant, rebantur,

    what they had promised under oath, Liv. 24, 18, 5.—Hence, sŏlūtus, a, um, P. a., free, loose, at large, unfettered, unbandaged.
    (Acc. to I.A. 1. supra.) Pigeat nostrum erum si eximat aut solutos sinat, Plaut. Capt. 2, 1, 11:

    tibi moram facis quom ego solutus sto,

    id. Ep. 5, 2, 25:

    reus solutus causam dicis, testes vinctos attines,

    id. Truc. 4, 3, 63:

    cum eos vinciret quos secum habebat, te solutum Romam mittebat?

    Cic. Deiot. 7, 22:

    nec quisquam ante Marium solutus dicitur esse sectus,

    unbandaged, id. Tusc. 2, 22, 53:

    duos (captivos) solutos ire ad Hannibalem jussit,

    Liv. 27, 51:

    eum interdiu solutum custodes sequebantur, nocte clausum asservabant,

    id. 24, 45, 10:

    non efficiatis ut solutos verear quos alligatos adduxit,

    Val. Max. 6, 2, 3.—
    (Acc. to I. A. 2.) Of texture, etc.; esp. of soil, loose, friable (opp spissus;

    postAug.): quo solutior terra facilius pateat radicibus,

    Sen. Ep. 90, 21;

    ordeum nisi solutum et siccum locum non patitur,

    Col. 2, 9:

    soluta et facilis terra,

    id. 3, 14;

    solum solutum vel spissum,

    id. 2, 2 init.;

    seri vult raphanus terra soluta, umida,

    Plin. 19, 5, 26, § 83:

    hordeum seri non vult, nisi in sicca et soluta terra,

    id. 18, 7, 18, § 79:

    solutiores ripae,

    Front. Aquaed. 15.—Of plants:

    mas spissior, femina solutior,

    Plin. 25, 9, 57, § 103.—Hence, subst.: sŏlūtum, i, n., a state of looseness:

    dum vult describere, quem ad modum alia torqueantur fila, alia ex molli solutoque ducantur,

    Sen. Ep. 90, 20.—
    (Acc. to I. A. 3.) Rarefied, thin, diffused:

    turbo, quo celsior eo solutior laxiorque est, et ob hoc diffunditur,

    Sen. Q. N. 7, 9, 3:

    aer agitatus a sole calefactusque solutior est,

    id. ib. 1, 2, 10:

    debet aer nec tam spissus esse, nec tam tenuis et solutus, ut, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 2, 11.—
    (Acc. to I. B. 1.) Of speech, unfettered, fluent, ready:

    (orator) solutus in explicandis sententiis,

    Cic. Or. 47, 173:

    verbis solutus satis,

    id. ib. 47, 174:

    solutissimus in dicendo,

    id. ib. 48, 180.—
    Exempt, free from duties, obligations, etc.:

    quam ob rem viderer maximis beneficii vinculis obstrictus, cum liber essem et solutus?

    Cic. Planc. 30, 72:

    soluta (praedia) meliore in causa sunt quam obligata,

    unmortgaged, id. Agr. 3, 2, 9:

    si reddidi (debitum), solutus sum ac liber,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 18, 5;

    non ut gratus, sed ut solutus sim,

    id. ib. 4, 21, 3;

    solutus omni fenore,

    Hor. Epod. 2, 4;

    nam ea (religione) magister equitum solutus ac liber potuerit esse,

    Liv. 8, 32, 5:

    Mamertini soli in omni orbe terrarum vacui, expertes soluti ac liberi fuerunt ab omni sumptu, molestia, munere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 10, § 23.—
    Free from punishment, not punishable, not liable, etc.: qui mancipia vendunt, certiores faciunt emptores quis fugitivus sit, noxave solutus, Edict. Aedil. ap. Dig. 21, 1, 1, § 1; Gell. 4, 2, 1; cf.:

    quod aiunt aediles noxae solutus non sit sic intellegendum est... noxali judicio subjectum non esse,

    Dig. 21, 1, 17, § 17:

    apud quos libido etiam permissam habet et solutam licentiam,

    Cic. Rep. 4, 4, 4:

    omne illud tempus habeat per me solutum ac liberum,

    i. e. let the crimes then committed be unpunished, id. Verr. 2, 1, 12, § 33: antea vacuum id solutumque poena fuerat, Tac. A. 14, 28.—With subj. inf.:

    maxime solutum fuit, prodere de iis, etc.,

    Tac. A. 4, 35: solutum existimatur esse, alteri male dicere, Caecil. ap. Cic. Fam. 6, 7, 3.—
    Free from cares, undistracted:

    animo soluto liberoque,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 75, § 185:

    sed paulo solutiore tamen animo,

    id. ib. 2, 5, 31, § 82.—
    At leisure, free from labor, business, etc.:

    te rogo ut eum solutum, liberum, confectis ejus negotiis a te, quamprimum ad me remittas,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 63, 2:

    quo mea ratio facilior et solutior esse possit,

    id. ib. 3, 5, 1.—With gen.:

    Genium Curabis Cum famulis operum solutis,

    Hor. C. 3, 17, 16.—
    Unbound, relaxed, merry, jovial:

    quam homines soluti ridere non desinant, tristiores autem, etc.,

    Cic. Dom. 39, 104:

    an tu existimas quemquam soluto vultu et hilari oculo mortem contemnere?

    Sen. Ep. 23, 4:


    Stat. Th. 5, 355:

    (mores) naturam sequentium faciles sunt, soluti sunt,

    unembarrassed, Sen. Ep. 122, 17.—
    Free from the rule of others, uncontrolled, independent:

    cum videas civitatis voluntatem solutam, virtutem alligatam,

    Cic. Att. 2, 18, 1:

    ab omni imperio externo soluta in perpetuum Hispania,

    Liv. 29, 1 fin.:

    Masinissae ab imperio Romano solutam libertatem tribuit,

    Val. Max. 7, 2, 6:

    incerti, solutique, et magis sine domino quam in libertate, Vononem in regnum accipiunt,

    Tac. A. 2, 4:

    quorum (militum) libertas solutior erat,

    Just. 13, 2, 2.—Of animals:

    rectore solutos (solis) equos,

    Stat. Th. 1, 219.—
    Free from influence or restraint; hence, independent, unbiassed, unprejudiced:

    nec vero deus ipse alio modo intellegi potest, nisi mens soluta quaedam et libera,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 27, 66;

    cum animi sine ratione motu ipsi suo soluto ac libero incitarentur,

    id. Div. 1, 2, 4:

    judicio senatus soluto et libero,

    id. Phil. 5, 15, 41:

    sum enim ad dignitatem in re publica solutus,

    id. Att. 1, 13, 2:

    libero tempore cum soluta vobis est eligendi optio,

    id. Fin. 1, 10, 33:

    si omnia mihi essent solutissima, tamen in re publica non alius essem atque nunc sum,

    id. Fam. 1, 9, 21:

    liberi enim ad causas solutique veniebant,

    uncommitted, id. Verr. 2, 2, 78, § 192.—
    Free from moral restraint; hence, unbridled, insolent, loose:

    amores soluti et liberi,

    Cic. Rep. 4, 4, 4:


    id. ib. 4, 4, 4:

    populi quamvis soluti ecfrenatique sint,

    id. ib. 1, 34, 53:

    quis erat qui sibi solutam P. Clodii praeturam sine maximo metu proponeret? Solutam autem fore videbatis, nisi esset is consul qui eam auderet possetque constringere,

    id. Mil. 13, 34:

    quominus conspectus, eo solutior erat,

    Liv. 27, 31 fin.:

    adulescentes aliquot quorum, in regno, libido solutior fuerat,

    id. 2, 1, 2:

    solutioris vitae primos adulescentiae annos egisse fertur,

    a licentious life, Val. Max. 2, 6, 1:

    spectandi solutissimum morem corrigere,

    Suet. Aug. 44:

    mores soluti,

    licentious habits, Just. 3, 3, 10.—
    Regardless of rules, careless, loose:

    orator tam solutus et mollis in gestu,

    Cic. Brut. 62, 225:

    dicta factaque ejus solutiora, et quandam sui neglegentiam praeferentia,

    Tac. A. 16, 18.—
    Esp., of style, etc., free from rules of composition.
    Oratio soluta, verba soluta, a free style, conversational or epistolary style:

    est oratio aliqua vincta atque contexta, soluta alia, qualis in sermone et epistulis,

    Quint. 9, 4, 19; 9, 4, 20; 9, 4, 69; 9, 4, 77.—
    More freq.: verba soluta, oratio soluta, prose (opp. to verse);

    in full: scribere conabar verba soluta modis, Ov Tr. 4, 10, 24: quod (Isocrates) verbis solutis numeros primus adjunxerit,

    Cic. Or. 52, 174:

    mollis est enim oratio philosophorum... nec vincta numeris, sed soluta liberius,

    id. ib. 19, 64; 71, 234;

    68, 228: si omnes soluta oratione scripserunt,

    Varr. R. R. 4, 1; de heisce rebus treis libros ad te mittere institui;

    de oratione soluta duos, de poetica unum,

    id. L. L. 6, 11 fin.:

    ut in soluta oratione, sic in poemateis,

    id. ib. 7, 1:

    primus (Isocrates) intellexit. etiam in soluta oratione, dum versum effugeres modum et numerum quemdam debere servari,

    Cic. Brut. 8, 32:

    Aristoteles judicat heroum numerum grandiorem quam desideret soluta oratio,

    id. Or. 57, 192:

    et creticus et paeon quam commodissume putatur in solutam orationem illigari,

    id. ib. 64, 215:

    a modis quibusdam, cantu remoto, soluta esse videatur oratio,

    id. ib. 55, 183; 55, 184; id. de Or. 3, 48, 184: historia est quodammodo carmen solutum, Quint. 10, 1, 31.—
    Also in reference to a prose rhythm, loose, unrhythmical, inharmonious:

    ut verba neque inligata sint, quasi... versus, neque ita soluta ut vagentur,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 44, 176; 3, 48, 186:

    nec vero haec (Callidii verba) soluta nec diffluentia, sed astricta numeris,

    id. Brut. 79, 274:

    orator sic illigat sententiam verbis ut eam numero quodam complectatur et astricto et soluto,

    id. de Or. 3, 44, 175; but: verba soluta suis figuris, words freed from their proper meaning, i.e. metaphors, Manil. 1, 24.—
    Rarely with reference to the thought: soluta oratio, a fragmentary, disconnected style:

    soluta oratio, et e singulis non membris, sed frustis, collata, structura caret,

    Quint. 8, 5, 27; cf. id. 9, 4, 69:

    solutiora componere,

    id. 10, 4, 1; 9, 4, 15.—
    Effeminate, luxurious (acc. to I. B. 3.):

    sinum togae in dextrum umerum reicere, solutum ac delicatum est,

    Quint. 11, 3, 146.—
    Undisciplined, disorderly:

    omnia soluta apud hostes esse,

    Liv. 8, 30, 3:

    nihil temeritate solutum,

    Tac. A. 13, 40:

    apud Achaeos neglecta omnia ac soluta fuere,

    Just. 34, 2, 2.—
    Lax, remiss, weak:

    mea lenitas adhuc si cui solutior visa erat,

    Cic. Cat. 2, 12, 27:

    Ciceronem male audivisse, tamquam solutum et enervem,

    Tac. Or. 18:

    soluti ac fluentes,

    Quint. 1, 2, 8.—Hence:

    solutum genus orationis,

    a lifeless, dull style, Val. Max. 8, 10, 3:

    quanto longius abscederent, eo solutiore cura,

    laxer attention, Liv. 3, 8, 8.—
    (Acc. to II. B. 3. e supra.) Paid, discharged, only as subst.: sŏlūtum, i, n., that which is paid, a discharged debt, in certain phrases:

    aliquid in solutum dare,

    to give something in payment, Dig. 46, 3, 45; 46, 3, 46; 46, 3, 60: in solutum accipere, to accept in payment:

    qui voluntatem bonam in solutum accipit,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 16, 4:

    qui rem in solutum accipit,

    Dig. 42, 4, 15; 12, 1, 19;

    in solutum imputare,

    to charge as payment, Sen. Ep. 8, 10; aliquid pro soluto est, is considered as paid or cancelled:

    pro soluto id in quo creditor accipiendo moram fecit, oportet esse,

    Dig. 46, 3, 72: pro soluto usucapere, to acquire by prescription something given in payment by the debtor, but not belonging to him:

    pro soluto usucapit qui rem debiti causa recepit,

    Dig. 41, 3, 46.— Adv.: sŏlūtē.

    corpora diffusa solute,

    Lucr. 4, 53.—
    Of speech, fluently:

    non refert videre quid dicendum est, nisi id queas solute ac suaviter dicere,

    Cic. Brut. 29, 110:

    ita facile soluteque volvebat sententias,

    id. ib. 81, 280:

    quid ipse compositus alias, et velut eluctantium verborum, solutius promptiusque eloquebatur,

    Tac. A. 4, 31.—
    Irregularly, loosely:

    a fabris neglegentius solutiusque composita,

    Sen. Q. N. 6, 30, 4.—
    Freely, without restraint:

    generaliter puto judicem justum... solutius aequitatem sequi,

    i. e. without strictly regarding the letter of the law, Dig. 11, 7, 14, § 13.—
    Of style, without connection, loosely:


    Quint. 11, 2, 47.—
    Of manners and discipline, disorderly, negligently:

    praecipue sub imperio Cn. Manlii solute ac neglegenter habiti sunt (exercitus),

    Liv. 39, 1, 4:

    in stationibus solute ac neglegenter agentes,

    id. 23, 37, 6.—
    Weakly, tamely, without vigor:

    quod ille tam solute egisset, tam leniter, tam oscitanter,

    Cic. Brut. 80, 277.—
    Of morals, loosely, without restraint:

    ventitabat illuc Nero, quo solutius urbem extra lasciviret,

    Tac. A. 13, 47.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > solutum

  • 18 solvo

    solvo, solvi, solutum, 3, v. a. ( perf. soluit, trisyll., Cat. 2, 13:


    Tib. 4, 5, 16) [for se-luo; cf. socors for se-cords], to loosen an object from any thing, to release or to loose, remove any thing which binds or restrains another.
    To loose an object bound, to release, set free, disengage, dissolve, take apart.
    In a corporeal sense.
    Outwardly, to release.
    From fetters or custody, to free, set free, release; absol.:

    solvite istas,

    i. e. from fetters, Plaut. Truc. 4, 3, 64:

    solvite istum,

    id. Mil. 5, 32:

    numquam, nisi me orassis, solves,

    id. Ep. 5, 2, 62:

    jube solvi (eum),

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 52:

    ad palum adligati repente soluti sunt,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 5, § 11:

    ut vincti solvantur,

    id. ib. 2, 5, 6, §

    12: qui in compedibus corporis semper fuerunt, etiam cum soluti sunt, tardius ingrediuntur,

    id. Tusc. 1, 31, 75:

    ita nexi soluti (sunt),

    Liv. 8, 28, 9:

    solvite me, pueri,

    Verg. E. 6, 24:

    fore ut brevi solveretur,

    Suet. Vesp. 5; id. Tib. 65; id. Vit. 12.—With abl.:

    canis solutus catena,

    Phaedr. 3, 7, 20. — Transf., from the fetter of frost:

    solutis amnibus (i. e. frigoris vinculo),

    Stat. Th. 5, 15:

    terrae quem (florem) ferunt solutae,

    Hor. C. 1, 4, 10.—
    From reins, ties, bands, etc.: solve senescentem equum, from the rein, i. e. dismiss him from service, Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 8:

    solverat sol equos,

    unhitched, Stat. Th. 3, 407: currum solvere (i. e. ab equis, poet. for equos a curru), Sen. Thyest. 794: solvere epistulam, i. e. from the string by which it was tied (= to open), Nep. Hann. 11, 3:

    et tibi sollicita solvitur illa (epistula) manu,

    Ov. Tr. 5, 2, 2:

    et jacet in gremio charta soluta meo,

    id. H. 11, 4:

    praecepit suis ne sarcinas solverent, aut onera deponerent,

    Front. Strat. 1, 5, 3.—So of garments and sails, to unfurl, unfold: cum tunica soluta inambularet, Asin. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 32, 3; Front. Strat. 4, 1, 26:

    soluta toga,

    Quint. 11, 3, 147:

    vela solvere,

    Verg. A. 4, 574.—
    From any fastening (mostly poet. and post-Aug. prose), to detach from; constr. absol., or with ab or de, and abl.:

    Caucasia solvet de rupe Promethei bracchia,

    Prop. 2, 1, 69:

    fraxinus solvitur,

    from the ground, Stat. Th. 9, 498:

    ceciditque soluta pinus,

    id. ib. 9, 409; cf.:

    pinus radice soluta, deficit,

    id. S. 5, 1, 152:

    solutis radicibus arbusta procumbunt,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 27, 5:

    accepi epistulam quam, ut scribis, ancora soluta de phaselo dedisti, i. e. a litore,

    detached, Cic. Att. 1, 13, 1 B. and K. (al. sublata;

    but soluta is perh. an error of Cic. in the use of a technical term, v Orell. ad loc.).—In the same sense: solvere retinacula classis,

    Ov. M. 15, 696; 8, 102:

    querno solvunt de stipite funem,

    id. F. 4, 333:

    fune soluto Currit in immensum carina,

    id. Am. 2, 11, 23:

    curvo solves viscera cultro (i. e. de corpore ferarum),

    Sen. Hippol. 53.—Of rain disengaged from the clouds:

    imber caelesti nube solutus,

    Ov. A. A. 2, 237: (Lunam) imperfecta vi solvere tantum umorem, disengage only the moisture, i. e. from the earth:

    cum solis radii absumant,

    Plin. 2, 9, 6, § 45:

    solutum a latere pugionem,

    detached from his side, Suet. Vit. 15.—
    Esp., of ships: navem solvere, to free a ship from the land, i. e. to set sail, weigh anchor, leave land, depart.
    With acc. alone:

    eisce confectis navem solvimus,

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 1, 91:

    navim cupimus solvere,

    id. Mil. 4, 7, 17:

    naves solvit,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 36; 5, 8; id. B. C. 1, 28; 3, 14; 3, 26;

    3, 102: primis tenebris solvit navem,

    Liv. 45, 6:

    postero die solvere naves (jussi),

    id. 29, 25 fin.; Nep. Hann. 8, 2:

    classem solvere,

    Liv. 45, 41; Prop. 3, 7 (4, 6), 23.—
    With ab and abl.:

    navis a terra solverunt,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 101:

    quinto inde die quam ab Corintho solverit naves,

    Liv. 31, 7 med.:

    solvunt a litore puppes,

    Luc. 2, 649.—
    With ex and abl.:

    nam noctu hac soluta est navis nostra e portu Persico,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 259:

    interea e portu nostra navis solvitur,

    id. Bacch. 2, 3, 54.—
    With abl.:

    complures mercatores Alexandria solvisse,

    Cic. Off. 3, 12, 50:

    portu solventibus,

    id. Mur. 2, 4.—
    Absol. (sc. navem or naves):

    tertia fere vigilia solvit,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 23:

    nos eo die cenati solvimus,

    Cic. Fam. 16, 9, 2:

    altero die quam a Brundusio solvit,

    Liv. 31, 14 init.:

    qui inde solverant,

    Val. Max. 1, 7, 3:

    solvi mare languido,

    Sen. Ep. 53, 1:

    fortasse etiam ventis minantibus solves,

    id. Ben. 2, 35, 5:

    non eadem est his et illis causa solvendi,

    making sea-voyages, id. Q. N. 5, 18, 16.—
    With navis, etc., as subj., to leave the land (sc. se a litore):

    naves XVIII. ex superiore portu solverunt,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 28; and by another change of construction: solvimus oram, we freed the shore, i.e. from the ship, Quint. 4, 2, 41; id. Ep. ad Tryph. 3.—
    Poet. usages:

    de litore puppis solvit iter,

    clears the voyage, Stat. S. 5, 1, 243:

    nec tibi Tyrrhena solvatur funis harena,

    Prop. 1, 8, 11 (cf.: retinacula solvere, c. supra).—
    Of secretions from the body ( poet. and in post-Aug. prose):

    tempore eo quo menstrua solvit,

    Lucr. 6, 706:

    cruor solvitur,

    Stat. Th. 9, 530:

    lacrimas solvere,

    id. Achill. 2, 256:

    solutis lacrimis,

    Claud. Ruf. 2, 258; so,

    partus solvere,

    to bear, bring forth, be delivered of offspring, Ov. F. 3, 258; Stat. Th. 5, 461; Plin. 28, 3, 6, § 33; 32, 1, 1, § 6.—
    To loosen an object from that which holds it together, to break up, part, dissolve, disperse, divide, take apart, scatter.
    In gen.:

    omne colligatum solvi potest,

    Cic. Fin. 11.—
    Of structures ( poet. and in post-Aug. prose):

    solvere naves et rursus conjungere,

    Curt. 8, 10, 3:

    solvere quassatae parcite membra ratis,

    Ov. Tr. 1, 2, 2:

    dubitavit an solveret pontem,

    Curt. 4, 16, 8:

    solvere pontem,

    Tac. A. 1, 69:

    si pons solutus sit,

    Dig. 2, 11, 2, § 7:

    solutus pons tempestatibus,

    Just. 2, 13, 9:

    currum (solis) solutum,

    Manil. 1, 740.—
    Of woven stuff:

    solvens texta,

    Prop. 2, 9, 6.—
    Of mountains:

    utrimque montes solvit (Hercules),

    Sen. Herc. Fur. 237:

    tridente Neptunus montem solvit,

    id. Agam. 553.—
    Of the neck:

    soluta cervix silicis impulsu,

    broken, Sen. Troad. 1119.—
    Of a comet:

    momentum quo cometes solutus et in duas partes redactus est,

    Sen. Q. N. 7, 16, 3.—
    Of the hair, to loosen, untie, let fall:

    solve capillos,

    Ov. Am. 3, 9, 3:


    id. A. A. 3, 784; id. M. 11, 682; 13, 584; Prop. 2, 15 (3, 7), 46:

    comas casside,

    Ov. F. 3, 2; cf. id. ib. 4, 854.—
    Of the earth (so mostly P. a., q. v. infra;

    post-Aug.): ita in terrae corpore evenit ut partes ejus vetustate solvantur, solutae cadant,

    Sen. Q. N. 6, 10, 2:

    ubi montis latus nova ventis solvit hiems,

    Stat. Th. 7, 745. —
    To dissolve; pass., to be dissolved, changed, to pass over into ( poet. and postclass. for dissolvere, or transire in); constr. absol., or with in and acc.
    Of a change into air or gas:

    calor mobiliter solvens, differt primordia vini,

    dissolving, parts the molecules of the wine, Lucr. 6, 235:

    nam materiai copia ferretur per inane soluta,

    id. 1, 1018; so id. 1, 1103:

    ita fatus in aera rursus solvitur,

    Stat. Th. 5, 285;

    nec in aera solvi Passa, recentem animam caelestibus intulit astris,

    Ov. M. 15, 845.—
    Into a liquid, to melt:

    saepe terra in tabem solvitur,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 15, 7:

    terram quam diximus esse mutabilem et solvi in umorem,

    id. ib. 3, 29, 4:

    nullum tellus se solvit in amnem,

    Luc. 2, 408; ipsum in conubia terrae Aethera, cum pluviis rarescunt nubila, solvo, dissolve into the embrace of the earth, i. e. change into rain, Stat. S. 1, 2, 186:

    ex Aethiopiae jugis solutas nives ad Nilum decurrere,

    Sen. Q. N. 4, 2, 17; so,

    nivem solvere,

    id. ib. 4, 5, 2; Ov. Am. 3, 6, 93; Sen. Herc. Oet. 729:

    rigor auri solvitur aestu,

    Lucr. 1, 493:

    ferrum calidi solvant camini,

    Manil. 4, 250:

    cerae igne solutae,

    Ov. A. A. 2, 47:

    Iris cum vino triduo non solvitur,

    Plin. 21, 20, 83, § 142:

    (herba) quinto die solvitur,

    id. 26, 14, 88, § 148.—
    Of putrefaction:

    (vitulo) per integram solvuntur viscera pellem,

    Verg. G. 4, 302.—
    Of change in general:

    inque novas abiit massa soluta domos,

    Ov. F. 1, 108:

    repentino crementur incendio, atque ex tanta varietate solvantur atque eant in unum omnia (sc. all the heavenly bodies),

    Sen. Ben. 6, 22.—
    Of expansion by heat:

    (uva) cum modo frigoribus premitur, modo solvitur aestu,

    Ov. A. A. 2, 317.—
    Hence, solvere, absol., to rarefy:

    gravitas aeris solvitur,

    Sen. Q. N. 5, 5, 1.—
    Solvi in, to pass into, become:

    in cacumine (herbae) capitula purpurea quae solvantur in lanugines,

    Plin. 27, 8, 39, § 61.—Of a wave:

    donec in planitiem immotarum aquarum solvatur,

    disappears in, Sen. Q. N. 1, 2, 2:

    postremi (equi) solvuntur in aequora pisces (= solvuntur in pisces),

    Stat. Th. 2, 47: lumina in lacrimas solventur, stream with tears. —Hence, solvere, causative, to make pass over, to make vanish in: circulum in pulverem, in quo descriptus est, solvere, Sen. Ep. 74, 27: soluti agri, the boundaries of which are effaced, Sic. Fl. Cond. Agr. p. 3 Goes.—
    To consume, to destroy, dissolve:

    solvere orbes,

    Manil. 1, 497:

    ni calor et ventus... interemant sensum diductaque solvant (i.e. sensum),

    Lucr. 3, 287:

    (Cato) ferrei prope corporis animique, quem ne senectus quidem, quae solvit omnia, fregerit,

    Liv. 39, 40, 11:

    si (cometae) sunt purus ignis... nec illos conversio mundi solvit,

    Sen. Q. N. 7, 2, 2:

    (turbo) ab eo motu, qui universum trahit, solveretur,

    id. ib. 7, 9, 4:

    tabes solvit corpora,

    Luc. 6, 18; 7, 809:

    nec solum silvas, sed saxa ingentia solvit (ignis),

    id. 3, 506:

    ne tegat functos humus, ne solvat ignis,

    Sen. Thyest. 750.—So, vitam solvere, to extinguish life, esp. of gradual or easy death:

    solvas potius (vitam), quam abrumpas, dummodo, si alia solvendi ratio non erit, vel abrumpas,

    Sen. Ep. 22, 3:

    hanc mihi solvite vitam,

    Prop. 2, 9, 39.—
    To free, release, loose, emancipate, set free; constr. absol., with abl. or ab and abl.; rarely with gen.
    From the body, etc.:

    teque isto corpore solvo,

    Verg. A. 4, 703:

    soluta corpore anima,

    Quint. 5, 14, 13:

    qui solutas vinculis animas recipit,

    Sen. Cons. 28, 8: si animus somno relaxatus solute (i. e. free from the shackles of the body) moveatur ac libere, Cic. Div. 2, 48, 100:

    vocem solvere,

    to set free the voice, to speak, Stat. S. 3, 1; Sen. Thyest. 682; so, responsa solve (pregn. = utter and disclose), Sen. Oedip. 292:

    suspiria solvit,

    Stat. Th. 11, 604:

    solvat turba jocos,

    Sen. Med. 114:

    solutos Qui captat risus hominum (= quem juvat risus hominum solvere),

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 83:

    Ausonii... versibus incomptis ludunt risuque soluto,

    unrestrained, free, Verg. G. 2, 386.—
    Of members or parts of the body: linguam solvere, to unfetter the tongue (sc. vinculis oris), to give flow to words:

    linguam (Juno) ad jurgia solvit,

    Ov. M. 3, 261:

    lingua devincta nec in motus varios soluta,

    Sen. Ira, 1, 3, 7:

    ut quisque contemptissimus est, ita linguae solutissimae est,

    id. Const. 11, 3:

    (fama) innumeras solvit in praeconia linguas,

    Luc. 1, 472. —Solvere bracchia, poet., to unfetter the arms, i. e. to move them:

    magna difficili solventem bracchia motu,

    Stat. Achill. 1, 604; cf.

    of the free motions of animals: columbae soluto volatu multum velociores,

    unrestrained flight, Plin. 10, 36, 52, § 108.—
    From obligations and debts:

    solvit me debito,

    Sen. Ben. 6, 4, 1:

    an nos debito solverit,

    id. Ep. 81, 3:

    ut religione civitas solvatur,

    Cic. Caecin. 34, 98; Liv. 7, 3, 9:

    te decem tauri... Me tener solvet vitulus (sc. religione),

    Hor. C. 4, 2, 54.—So from a military oath:

    hoc si impetro, solvo vos jurejurando,

    Just. 14, 4, 7.—Sacramento or militia solvere, to dismiss a soldier from service:

    sacramento solvi,

    Tac. A. 16, 13:

    cum quis propter delictum sacramento solvitur,

    Dig. 49, 16, 13:

    militia solvere,

    Tac. A. 1, 44.— Munere (publico) solvere, to exempt from public duties:

    ut Ilienses publico munere solverentur,

    Tac. A. 12, 58.—With obj. inf.:

    ut manere solveretur,

    that he should be excused from the duty of remaining, Tac. A. 3, 29.—
    From guilt and sin, to acquit, absolve, cleanse (cf. absolvere, to acquit of crime):

    si ille huic (insidias fecerit), ut scelere solvamur,

    be held guiltless, Cic. Mil. 12, 31:

    atque hunc ille summus vir scelere solutum periculo liberavit,

    id. ib. 4, 9:

    sit capitis damno Roma soluta mei,

    Ov. F. 6, 452:

    ipsum quoque Pelea Phoci Caede per Haemonias solvit Acastus aquas,

    id. ib. 2, 40:

    Helenen ego crimine solvo,

    id. A. A. 2, 371:

    quid crimine solvis Germanum?

    Stat. Th. 11, 379:

    solutam caede Gradivus manum restituit armis,

    Sen. Herc. Fur. 1342. —
    From feelings, etc.:

    quae eos qui quaesissent cura et negotio solverent,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 18, 30:

    cum ego vos solvi curis ceteris,

    Ter. Hec. 2, 1, 33:

    senatus cura belli solutus,

    Plin. 22, 3, 4, § 7:

    pectus linquunt cura solutum,

    Lucr. 2, 45:

    his terroribus ab Epicuro soluti et in libertatem vindicati,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 20, 56:

    soluti metu,

    Liv. 41, 14 init.; 27, 51:

    solvent formidine terras,

    Verg. E. 4, 14:

    solve metu patriam,

    Prop. 4 (5), 6, 41:

    metu belli Scythas solvit,

    Just. 9, 2, 2; so id. 14, 2, 5:

    haec est Vita solutorum misera ambitione,

    Hor. S. 1, 6, 129:

    soluti a cupiditatibus,

    Cic. Agr. 1, 9, 27:

    his concitationibus quem vacuum, solutum, liberum videris,

    id. Tusc. 5, 15, 43: et tu solve me dementia, [p. 1726] Hor. Epod. 17, 43:

    longo luctu,

    Verg. A. 2, 26:

    tristem juventam solve (i. e. juventam tristitia),

    Sen. Hippol. 450:

    solvite tantis animum monstris, solvite, superi,

    id. Herc. Fur. 1063:

    Quis te solvere Thessalis Magus venenis poterit?

    Hor. C. 1, 27, 21. — Poet.:

    solvit animis miracula (for animos miraculis),

    the soul from superstition, Manil. 1, 103.—And of animals:

    rabie tigrim,

    Manil. 5, 707.— Absol.:

    ut ad praecepta quae damus possit ire animus, solvendus est (i. e. perturbationibus),

    Sen. Ep. 95, 38:

    calices, quem non fecere contracta in paupertate solutum?

    i. e. from cares, Hor. Ep. 1, 5, 20:

    solvite animos,

    Manil. 4, 12.—With in:

    vix haec in munera solvo animum,

    i. e. free it from passions and so make it fit for these duties, Stat. S. 5, 3, 33.—
    From sleep, very rare:

    ego somno solutus sum,

    awoke, Cic. Rep. 6, 26, 29 (cf.: somno solvi, to be overwhelmed by sleep, 2. b, g infra).—
    From labor, business, etc.:

    volucres videmus... solutas opere volitare,

    Cic. Or. 2, 6, 23:

    solutus onere regio, regni bonis fruor,

    Sen. Oedip. 685.— Poet.:

    Romulus excubias decrevit in otia solvi,

    to be relieved from guard and enjoy leisure, Prop. 4 (5), 4, 79.—
    From rigidity, austerity, stiffness, etc., to relax, smooth, unbend, quiet, soothe ( poet. and in post-Aug. prose):

    frontem solvere disce,

    Mart. 14, 183:

    saltem ora trucesque solve genas,

    Stat. Th. 11, 373:

    solvit feros tunc ipse rictus,

    Sen. Herc. Fur. 797.— Poet.:

    solvatur fronte senectus = frons senectute (i. e. rugis), solvatur,

    be cleared, Hor. Epod. 13, 5:

    vultum risu solvit,

    relieves, Val. Max. 4, 3, 5:

    risum judicis movendo, et illos tristes affectus solvit, et animum renovat,

    Quint. 6, 3, 1; so,

    solvere judicem,

    unbend, excite his laughter, id. 11, 3, 3:

    solvere qui (potui) Curios Fabriciosque graves (sc. risu),

    Mart. 9, 28 (29), 4:

    ut tamen arctum Solveret hospitiis animum,

    Hor. S. 2, 6, 83:

    cujus non contractum sollicitudine animum illius argutiae solvant?

    Sen. Cons. Helv. 18, 5.— Transf., pregn.:

    solventur risu tabulae,

    i. e. the austerity of the judge will be relaxed by laughter, and the complaint dismissed, Hor. S. 2, 1, 86.—Imitated:

    quia si aliquid omiserimus, cum risu quoque tota res solvitur,

    Quint. 5, 10, 67.—
    From any cause of restraint.
    To release from siege:

    Bassanitas obsidione solvere,

    Liv. 44, 30:

    patriam obsidione solvere,

    Val. Max. 3, 2, 2. —
    From moral restraints:

    hic palam cupiditates suas solvit,

    gave vent to, Curt. 6, 6, 1; v. also P. a., B. 7. infra.—
    From laws and rules: legibus solvere.
    To exempt from laws, i. e. by privilege:

    Vopiscus, qui ex aedilitate consulatum petit, solvatur legibus,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 5, 11:

    cur M. Brutus legibus est solutus, si, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 13, 31:

    ut interea magistratus reliquos, legibus omnibus soluti, petere possetis,

    id. Agr. 2, 36, 99:

    Lurco, tribunus plebis, solutus est (et lege Aelia et Furia),

    id. Att. 1, 16, 13:

    solvatne legibus Scipionem,

    Auct. Her. 3, 2, 2:

    petente Flacco ut legibus solverentur,

    Liv. 31, 50, 8:

    Scipio legibus solutus est,

    id. Epit. 56:

    Licet enim, inquiunt, legibus soluti sumus, attamen legibus vivimus,

    Just. Inst. 2, 17, 8; cf.:

    ut munere vigintiviratus solveretur,

    Tac. A. 3, 29.— Transf., of the laws of nature, etc.:

    (aestus) illo tempore, solutus legibus, sine modo fertur,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 28, 6:

    solus (sapiens) generis humani legibus solvitur,

    id. Brev. Vit. 15, 5:

    nec leti lege solutas,

    Lucr. 3, 687:

    nec solvo Rutulos (i. e. legibus fati),

    Verg. A. 10, 111.— With gen. (cf. libero), perh. only in phrase testamenti solvere, to release from a testamentary disposition:

    et is per aes et libram heredes testamenti solveret,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 20, 51; 2, 21, 53 (less prop. testamenti is taken as attribute of heredes); cf. Gai. Inst. 3, 175, and Hor. C. 3, 17, 16, P. a., B. 5. fin. infra.—
    Legibus solutus, not subject to, released from:

    reus Postumus est ea lege... solutus ac liber,

    i. e. the law does not apply to him, Cic. Rab. Post. 5, 12:

    soluti (lege Julia) huc convenistis, ne constricti discedatis cavete,

    id. ib. 7, 18.—Of other laws:

    solutus Legibus insanis,

    Hor. S. 2, 6, 68:

    quae sedes expectent animam solutam legibus servitutis humanae,

    Sen. Ep. 65, 20.— Transf., of things: soluta legibus scelera sunt, unrestrained by the laws, i. e. crimes are committed with impunity, Sen. Ben. 7, 27, 1.— Of the laws of versification: numerisque fertur Lege solutis, referring to dithyrambic measures, Hor. C. 4, 2, 12 (cf. P. a., B. 11. infra).—
    To dissolve, separate objects which are united, to break up, dismiss.
    Of troops, ranks, etc.:

    ubi ordines procursando solvissent,

    Liv. 42, 65, 8:

    incomposito agmine, solutis ordinibus,

    Curt. 8, 1, 5; so id. 8, 4, 6:

    agmina Diductis solvere choris,

    Verg. A. 5, 581:

    solvit maniplos,

    Juv. 8, 154:

    solvuntur laudata cohors,

    Stat. Achill. 2, 167.—Hence, to separate armies engaged in battle:

    commissas acies ego possum solvere,

    Prop. 4 (5), 4, 59.—
    Of banquets, assemblies, etc.:

    convivio soluto,

    Liv. 40, 14 fin.:

    convivium solvit,

    Curt. 8, 5, 24; 8, 6, 16:

    Quid cessas convivia solvere?

    Ov. F. 6, 675:

    coetuque soluto Discedunt,

    id. M. 13, 898.—Hence, urbem (Capuam) solutam ac debilitatam reliquerunt, disfranchised, Cic. Agr. 2, 33, 91.—
    Of the words in discourse, orationem or versum solvere, to break up a sentence or verse:

    (discant) versus primo solvere, mox mutatis verbis interpretari,

    Quint. 1, 9, 2:

    quod cuique visum erit vehementer, dulciter, speciose dictum, solvat ac turbet,

    id. 9, 4, 14:

    ut partes orationis sibi soluto versu desideret et pedum proprietates,

    id. 1, 8, 13:

    non, ut si solvas Postquam discordia tetra, etc., invenias etiam disjecti membra poetae,

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 60.—
    Implying a change for the worse.
    To relax, make effeminate, weaken, by ease, luxury, dissipation, etc. (post-Aug.):

    Hannibalem hiberna solverunt,

    Sen. Ep. 51, 5:

    usque eo nimio delicati animi languore solvuntur,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 12, 6:

    infantiam statim deliciis solvimus,

    Quint. 1, 2, 6:

    solutus luxu,

    id. 3, 8, 28; so Tac. A. 11, 31.—With in and acc.:

    soluti in luxum,

    Tac. H. 2, 99:

    in lasciviam,

    id. ib. 3, 38.— Transf.: versum solvere, to deprive a verse of its proper rhythm:

    si quinque continuos dactylos confundas solveris versum,

    Quint. 9, 4, 49.—
    To make torpid by removing sensation.
    To relax, benumb the limbs or body;

    as by narcotics, terror, sickness, exhaustion: multaque praeterea languentia membra per artus solvunt,

    Lucr. 6, 798:

    ima Solvuntur latera,

    Verg. G. 3, 523:

    solvi debilitate corporis,

    paralyzed, Val. Max. 1, 7, 4:

    ut soluto labitur moriens gradu,

    Sen. Hippol. 368.—In mal. part., Hor. Epod. 12, 8; cf. Verg. G. 3, 523.— Poet.:

    illum aget, penna metuente solvi, Fama superstes,

    Hor. C. 2, 2, 7.—Of the mind:

    segnitia (oratoris) solvit animos,

    wearies, Quint. 11, 3, 52:

    mentes solvere,

    to make insane, Plin. 25, 3, 7, § 25.—
    By frost ( poet.):

    solvuntur illi frigore membra,

    Verg. A. 12, 951; 1, 92.—
    By sleep ( poet. for sopio):

    homines volucresque ferasque Solverat alta quies,

    Ov. M. 7, 186:

    corpora somnus Solverat,

    id. ib. 10, 369:

    molli languore solutus,

    id. ib. 11, 648;

    11, 612: altoque sopore solutum,

    id. ib. 8, 817:

    somno vinoque solutos,

    id. F. 2, 333; Verg. A. 9, 236:

    ut membra solvit sopor,

    id. ib. 12, 867:

    non solvit pectora somnus,

    Sen. Agam. 76.—With in:

    solvitur in somnos,

    Verg. A. 4, 530.— Transf., of the sea:

    aequor longa ventorum pace solutum,

    lulled to sleep, Stat. Th. 3, 255.—
    By death: solvi, to die ( poet. and in post-Aug. prose):

    ipse deus, simulatque volam, me solvet,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 78:

    corporibus quae senectus solvit,

    Curt. 89, 32 (cf. A. 4. supra):

    (corpus) quam nullo negotio solvitur,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 27, 2:

    alius inter cenandum solutus est,

    id. Ep. 66, 43:

    ubicumque arietaveris, solveris,

    id. Cons. Marc. 11, 3:

    me fata maturo exitu facilique solvant,

    Sen. Troad. 605:

    solvi inedia,

    Petr. 111:

    sic morte quasi somno soluta est,

    Flor. 2, 21, 11.—Hence,
    Of logical dissolution, to refute:

    non tradit Epicurus quomodo captiosa solvantur,

    how fallacies are refuted, Cic. Fin. 1, 7, 22:

    argumentum solvere,

    Quint. 2, 17, 34:

    solutum scies quod nobis opponitur,

    Sen. Const. 12, 3.—
    To disperse, dispel, as of a cloud:

    deorum beneficia tempestiva ingentes minas interventu suo solventia,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 4, 2.
    To loose, remove, cancel that which binds any thing.
    In a corporeal sense.
    In gen., to loose (weaker than rumpo;

    post-Aug.): effringere quam aperire, rumpere quam solvere putant robustius,

    Quint. 2, 12, 1:

    qua convulsa tota operis colligatio solveretur,

    Val. Max. 8, 14, 6:

    supera compage soluta,

    Stat. Th. 8, 31.—
    To remove a fetter, bridle, etc.:

    nullo solvente catenas,

    Ov. M. 3, 700: vincla jugis boum, Tib. 2, 1, 7:

    solvere frenum,

    Phaedr. 1, 2, 3:

    loris solutis,

    Ov. A. A. 1, 41.— Transf., of prisons:

    qui, solutis ergastulis, exercitus numerum implevit,

    Liv. Ep. 56; Brut. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 10, 13; 11, 13, 2.—Of frost:

    gelu solvitur,

    it thaws, Tac. H. 1, 79:

    solvitur acris hiems,

    Hor. C. 1, 4, 1.—Of clouds:

    facit igitur ventum resoluta nubes, quae plurimis modis solvitur,

    Sen. Q. N. 5, 12, 5; 5, 12, 1.—Of the grasp of hands, fingers, etc.:

    Aeacides a corpore bracchia solvit,

    looses his hold, Ov. M. 11, 246:

    indigno non solvit bracchia collo,

    Stat. Th. 5, 217:

    digitis solutis abjecit jaculum,

    id. ib. 8, 585.—
    To untie a string, cord, necklace, etc., slacken or unlock an enclosure, open a box, trunk, etc.:

    solve vidulum ergo,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 98:

    eam solve cistulam,

    id. Am. 2, 2, 151:

    solve zonam,

    untie, id. Truc. 5, 62:

    solvisse jugalem ceston fertur,

    Stat. Th. 5, 62:

    animai nodos a corpore solvit,

    Lucr. 2, 950:

    nihil interest quomodo (nodi) solvantur,

    Curt. 3, 1, 18:

    quid boni est, nodos operose solvere, quos ipse ut solveres feceris?

    Sen. Ben. 5, 12, 2:

    solvere nodum,

    Stat. Th. 11, 646:

    laqueum quem nec solvere possis, nec abrumpere,

    Sen. Tranq. 10, 1:

    vix solvi duros a pectore nexus,

    Ov. M. 9, 58:

    fasciam solve,

    Sen. Ep. 80, 10:

    solutis fasciis,

    Curt. 7, 6, 5:

    solvi fasciculum,

    Cic. Att. 11, 9, 2:

    crinales vittas,

    Verg. A. 7, 403:

    Parmenion vinculum epistulae solvens,

    Curt. 7, 2, 25:

    equum empturus solvi jubes stratum,

    Sen. Ep. 80, 9:

    redimicula solvite collo,

    Ov. F. 4, 135:

    corollas de fronte,

    Prop. 1, 3, 21:

    solvere portas,

    Stat. Th. 3, 492:

    munimina valli,

    id. ib. 12, 10:

    ille pharetram Solvit,

    Ov. M. 5, 380.— Transf., of the veins as enclosures of the blood:

    solutis ac patefactis venis,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 15, 5:

    venam cultello solvere,

    Col. 6, 14; cf.

    also: lychnis alvum solvit,

    looses the bowels, Plin. 21, 26, 98, § 171; 21, 20, 83, § 140; Suet. Vesp. 24; Tac. A. 12, 67:


    Plin. 20, 8, 30, § 74.— Absol. (sc. alvum), Mart. 13, 29:

    stomachus solutus = venter solutus,

    loose bowels, Petr. 117; Scrib. Comp. 92.—
    Trop., to slacken or remove a bond.
    Solvere aliquid (aliquod vinculum; cf. I. B. 1. supra).
    Of the mouth, etc., to open:

    talibus ora solvit verbis,

    Ov. M. 15, 74; so id. ib. 1, 181; Tib. 4, 5, 14:

    ternis ululatibus ora Solvit,

    Ov. M. 7, 191; 9, 427; id. Tr. 3, 11, 20; Stat. Achill. 1, 525:

    vix ora solvi patitur etiamnum timor,

    Sen. Herc. Oet. 725; so,

    os promptius ac solutius,

    Val. Max. 8, 7, ext. 1.— Transf., of an abyss:

    hic ora solvit Ditis invisi domus,

    Sen. Herc. Fur. 664.—
    To remove, cancel; to destroy the force of a legal or moral obligation by expiration, death, etc.:

    si mors alterutrius interveniat, solvitur mandatum,

    Gai. Inst. 3, 160:

    cum aliquis renunciaverit societati, societas solvitur,

    id. ib. 3, 151; so id. ib. 3, 152:

    morte solvetur compromissum,

    Dig. 4, 8, 27:

    soluto matrimonio,

    ib. 24, 3, 2:

    solutum conjugium,

    Juv. 9, 79:

    qui... conjugalia solvit,

    Sen. Med. 144:

    nec conjugiale solutum Foedus in alitibus,

    Ov. M. 11, 743:

    (sapiens) invitus beneficium per compensationem injuriae solvet,

    cancel the obligation of a favor by the set-off of a wrong, Sen. Ep. 81, 17.—
    To efface guilt or wrong:

    magnis injuria poenis Solvitur,

    Ov. F. 5, 304:

    solve nefas, dixit: solvit et ille nefas,

    id. ib. 2, 44:

    culpa soluta mea est,

    id. Tr. 4, 4, 10:

    neque tu verbis solves unquam quod mi re male feceris (i. e. injuriam),

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 10.—
    Poenam solvere, to suffer punishment, i. e. to cancel the obligation of suffering, etc. (cf. 3. infra;

    less freq. than poenam persolvere, exsolvere): serae, sed justae tamen et debitae poenae solutae sunt,

    Cic. Mil. 31, 85:

    capite poenas solvit,

    Sall. J. 69, 4:

    meritas poenas solventem,

    Curt. 6, 3, 14:

    poenarum solvendi tempus,

    Lucr. 5, 1224:

    nunc solvo poenas,

    Sen. Phoen. 172:

    hac manu poenas tibi solvam,

    id. Hippol. 1177.—
    To remove, relieve, soothe affections, passions, etc.:

    atque animi curas e pectore solvat,

    Lucr. 4, 908:

    curam metumque juvat Dulci Lyaeo solvere,

    Hor. Epod. 9, 38:

    patrimonii cura solvatur,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, praef. §

    2: Pyrrhus impetus sui terrore soluto,

    Val. Max. 4, 3, 14:

    solvite corde metum,

    Verg. A. 1, 562; so id. ib. 9, 90:

    solve metus animo,

    Stat. Th. 2, 356:

    solvi pericula et metus narrant,

    Plin. 11, 37, 52, § 140: neque adhuc Stheneleius iras Solverat Eurystheus, [p. 1727] Ov. M. 9, 274:

    hoc uno solvitur ira modo,

    id. A. A. 2, 460:

    solvitque pudorem,

    Verg. A. 4, 55.—
    Of sleep:

    quasi clamore solutus Sit sopor,

    Ov. M. 3, 6, 30:

    nec verba, nec herbae audebunt longae somnum tibi solvere Lethes,

    Luc. 6, 768; cf.:

    lassitudinem solvere,

    Plin. 37, 10, 54, § 143. —
    Of any checks and barriers to motion, to remove.
    To raise a siege:

    solutam cernebat obsidionem,

    Liv. 36, 10, 14:

    soluta obsidione,

    id. 36, 31, 7:

    ad Locrorum solvendam obsidionem,

    id. 27, 28, 17; cf. id. 37, 7, 7; 38, 5, 6; 42, 56 init.; 44, 13, 7; Curt. 4, 4, 1; Tac. A. 4, 24; 4, 73; Just. 9, 2, 10.—
    Of passions, etc., to remove restraint:

    cujus si talis animus est, solvamus nos ejus vincula, et claustra (i. e. irae) refringamus,

    Liv. 36, 7, 13.—
    To overthrow, subvert a higher authority, etc.:

    quos (milites), soluto imperio, licentia corruperat,

    Sall. J. 39, 5:

    imperia solvit qui tacet, jussus loqui,

    Sen. Oedip. 525:

    sonipedes imperia solvunt,

    id. Hippol. 1084; cf.:

    sanctitas fori ludis solvitur,

    Quint. 11, 3, 58.—
    Of laws and customs, to abolish, violate:

    solvendarum legum id principium esse censebant (post-Aug. for dissolvendarum),

    Curt. 10, 2, 5:

    solutae a se legis monitus,

    Val. Max. 6, 5, ext. 4:

    cum plus quam ducentorum annorum morem solveremus,

    Liv. 8, 4, 7:

    (Tarquinius) morem de omnibus senatum consulendi solvit,

    id. 1, 49, 7:

    oportebat istum morem solvi,

    Curt. 8, 8, 18.—
    Esp. with acc. of the bond, etc. (taking the place of the constr. I. B. 1. 2. 3. supra, when the abl. of separation is not admissible).
    To subvert discipline:

    disciplinam militarem solvisti,

    Liv. 8, 7, 16:

    luxuria solutam disciplinam militarem esse,

    id. 40, 1, 4:

    quod cum, ne disciplina solveretur, fecisset,

    Front. Strat. 2, 12, 2.—
    Of strength, energy, attention, etc., to loosen, impair, weaken, scatter, disperse:

    nobilitas factione magis pollebat, plebis vis soluta atque dispersa,

    Sall. J. 41, 6:

    patrios nervos externarum deliciarum contagione solvi et hebetari noluerunt,

    Val. Max. 2, 6, 1:

    vires solvere,

    Quint. 9, 4, 7:

    vis illa dicendi solvitur, et frigescit affectus,

    Quint. 11, 3, 133.—
    Of affection, etc., to sever, dissolve, destroy:

    segnes nodum (amicitiae) solvere Gratiae,

    Hor. C. 3, 21, 22;

    similarly: solvit (ille deus) amicos,

    Prop. 2, 34 (3, 32), 5; so id. 2, 15 (3, 7), 26:

    hoc firmos solvit amores,

    Ov. A. A. 2, 385:

    amores cantibus et herbis solvere,

    Tib. 1, 2, 60.—
    Of sickness and hunger, to end, remove:

    vitex dicitur febres solvere,

    Plin. 24, 9, 38, § 60:

    solvit jejunia granis,

    Ov. F. 4, 607:

    quoniam jejunia virgo Solverat,

    id. M. 5, 535; cf. Luc. 3, 282; so,


    Sen. Thyest. 64.—
    To delay:

    hi classis moras hac morte solvi rentur,

    Sen. Troad. 1131.—
    Of darkness, to dispel:

    lux solverat umbras,

    Stat. Th. 10, 390.—
    Of war, strife, etc., to compose, settle:

    aut solve bellum, mater, aut prima excipe,

    Sen. Phoen. 406:

    electus formae certamina solvere pastor,

    Stat. Achill. 2, 337:

    jurgia solvere,

    Manil. 3, 115:

    contradictiones solvere,

    Quint. 7, 1, 38.—
    Of difficulties, riddles, questions, ambiguities, etc., to solve, explain, remove:

    quia quaestionem solvere non posset,

    Val. Max. 9, 12, ext. 3:


    Quint. 8, 6, 53:

    omnes solvere posse quaestiones,

    Suet. Gram. 11:

    haec ipsa, quae volvuntur ab illis, solvere malim et expandere,

    Sen. Ep. 82, 20; id. Q. N. 7, 14, 1:

    unum tantum hoc solvendum est,

    that one question, id. ib. 1, 7, 3:

    puta nunc me istuc non posse solvere,

    id. Ep. 48, 6:

    carmina non intellecta Solverat,

    Ov. M. 7, 760:

    triste carmen alitis solvi ferae,

    Sen. Oedip. 102:

    nodos juris,

    Juv. 8, 50:

    proponere aliquid quod solvat quaestionem,

    Quint. 5, 10, 96:

    plurimas quaestiones illis probationibus solvi solere,

    id. 1, 10, 49:

    quo solvitur quaestio supra tractata,

    id. 3, 7, 3:

    ambiguitatem or amphiboliam,

    id. 7, 2, 49; 7, 9, 10.—
    In partic., of obligations, to fulfil.
    To pay.
    Originally, rem solvere, to free one's property and person (rem familiarem) from debts (solutio per aes et libram), according to the ancient formula:

    quod ego tibi tot millibus condemnatus sum, me eo nomine... a te solvo liberoque hoc aere aeneaque libra,

    Gai. Inst. 3, 174 Huschke; cf.:

    inde rem creditori palam populo solvit (i. e. per aes et libram),

    Liv. 6, 14, 5:

    quas res dari, fieri, solvi oportuit,

    id. 1, 32, 11. —Hence, rem solvere, to pay; often with dat. of person:

    pro vectura rem solvit?

    paid the freight, Plaut. As. 2, 4, 27:

    ubi nugivendis res soluta'st omnibus,

    id. Aul. 3, 5, 51:

    tibi res soluta est recte,

    id. Curc. 4, 3, 21:

    ego quidem pro istac rem solvo ab tarpessita meo,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 20:

    rem solvo omnibus quibus dehibeo,

    id. ib. 5, 3, 45:

    dum te strenuas, res erit soluta,

    id. Ps. 2, 2, 35:

    res soluta'st, Gripe, ego habeo,

    id. Rud. 5, 3, 57.— Trop.: saepe edunt (aves);

    semel si captae sunt, rem solvont aucupi,

    they repay him, pay for his expenses, Plaut. As. 1, 3, 66.—And to pay by other things than money:

    si tergo res solvonda'st,

    by a whipping, Plaut. As. 2, 2, 54:

    habent hunc morem ut pugnis rem solvant si quis poscat clarius,

    id. Curc. 3, 9:

    tibi quidem copia'st, dum lingua vivet, qui rem solvas omnibus,

    id. Rud. 2, 6, 74.—Hence,
    Absol. (sc. rem), to pay; with or without dat. of person:

    cujus bona, quod populo non solvebat, publice venierunt,

    Cic. Fl. 18, 43:

    ei cum solveret, sumpsit a C. M. Fufiis,

    id. ib. 20, 46:

    misimus qui pro vectura solveret,

    id. Att. 1, 3, 2:

    qui nimis cito cupit solvere, invitus debet,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 40, 5:

    ut creditori solvat,

    Dig. 30, 1, 49, § 7.— Pass. impers.:

    si dare vis mihi, Magis solutum erit quam ipsi dederis,

    it will be a more valid payment, Plaut. Ps. 2, 2, 46:

    numquam vehementius actum est quam me consule, ne solveretur,

    to stop payments, Cic. Off. 2, 24, 84:

    fraudandi spe sublata solvendi necessitas consecuta est,

    id. ib. 2, 24, 84:

    cum eo ipso quod necesse erat solvi, facultas solvendi impediretur,

    Liv. 6, 34, 1.—Cf. in the two senses, to free from debt, and to pay, in the same sentence:

    non succurrere vis illi, sed solvere. Qui sic properat, ipse solvi vult, non solvere,

    Sen. Ben. 6, 27, 1.—
    With acc. of the debt, to discharge, to pay:

    postquam Fundanio debitum solutum esset,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 2, 3, § 10:

    hoc quod debeo peto a te ut... solutum relinquas,

    settled, id. Att. 16, 6, 3:

    solverat Castricio pecuniam jam diu debitam,

    id. Fl. 23, 54:

    ex qua (pensione) major pars est ei soluta,

    id. Att. 16, 2, 1:

    solvi aes alienum Pompejus ex suo fisco jussit,

    Val. Max. 6, 2, 11:

    aes alienum solvere,

    Sen. Ep. 36, 5:

    quae jactatio est, solvisse quod debebas?

    id. Ben. 4, 17, 1; so,

    debitum solvere,

    id. ib. 6, 30, 2:

    ne pecunias creditas solverent,

    Cic. Pis. 35, 86:

    ut creditae pecuniae solvantur,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 20; 3, 1:

    ex thensauris Gallicis creditum solvi posse,

    Liv. 6, 15, 5:

    ita bona veneant ut solidum suum cuique solvatur,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 17, 46.—And of moral debts:

    cum patriae quod debes solveris,

    Cic. Marcell. 9, 27:

    debet vero, solvitque praeclare,

    id. Phil. 13, 11, 25:

    aliter beneficium, aliter creditum solvitur,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 34, 1:

    qui grate beneficium accipit, primam ejus pensionem solvit,

    id. ib. 2, 22 fin.
    By a confusion of construction, solvere pecuniam, etc., to pay money, etc. (for pecunia rem or debitum solvere); constr. with dat. or absol.:

    emi: pecuniam solvi,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 20, § 43:

    pro frumento nihil solvit,

    id. ib. 2, 3, 72, §

    169: legatis pecuniam pro frumento solvit,

    Liv. 44, 16:

    hanc pecuniam cum solvere in praesenti non posset,

    Nep. Milt. 7, 6:

    nisi pecuniam solvisset,

    id. Cim. 1, 1:

    condiciones pacis dictae ut decem millia talentum argenti... solverent,

    Liv. 30, 37 med.:

    pro quo (frumento) pretium solveret populus Romanus,

    id. 36, 3, 1:

    pretium servorum ex aerario solutum est dominis,

    id. 32, 26, 14:

    pretium pro libris domino esse solvendum,

    id. 40, 39 fin.:

    meritam mercedem,

    id. 8, 22, 3; so id. 8, 11, 4: sorte creditum solvere, by paying the principal (i. e. without interest), id. 6, 36, 12:

    quae praemia senatus militibus ante constituit, ea solvantur,

    Cic. Phil. 14, 14, 38:


    Liv. 28, 32, 1:

    dotem mulieri,

    Dig. 24, 3, 2:

    litem aestimatam,

    the amount of a fine, Nep. Cim. 5, 18 fin.:

    arbitria funeris,

    the expenses of the funeral, Cic. Red. Sen. 7, 18:

    solvere dodrantem,

    to pay seventy-five per cent., Mart. 8, 9, 1:

    dona puer solvit,

    paid the promised gifts, Ov. M. 9, 794; so,


    id. ib. 11, 104.— Transf., of the dedication of a book, in return for favors:

    et exspectabo ea (munera) quae polliceris, et erunt mihi pergrata si solveris... Non solvam nisi prius a te cavero, etc.,

    Cic. Brut. 4, 17 sq. —Of the delivery of slaves:

    si quis duos homines promise rit et Stichum solverit,

    Dig. 46, 3, 67; 46, 3, 38, § 3.— Transf., poet.: dolorem solvisti, you have paid your grief, i. e. have duly mourned, Stat. S. 2, 6, 98.— Pass. with personal subject:

    si (actor) solutus fuisset,

    Dig. 12, 1, 31 (cf.: solvere militem, b supra). —
    Esp., in certain phrases, to pay:

    aliquid praesens solvere,

    to pay in cash, Cic. Att. 16, 2, 1; so,

    aliquid de praesentibus solvere,

    Sen. Ep. 97, 16:

    solvere grates (= referre gratiam muneribus): Sulla solvit grates Dianae,

    Vell. 2, 25:

    quas solvere grates sufficiam?

    Stat. S. 4, 2, 7: cum homo avarus, ut ea (beneficia) solveret sibi imperare non posset, etc., Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 12, 1; cf.: non dicimus reposuit beneficium aut solvit;

    nullum nobis placuit quod aeri alieno convenit verbum,

    Sen. Ep. 81, 9; but v. id. Ben. 2, 18, 5: in debitum solvere, to make a partial payment:

    unum haec epistula in debitum solvet,

    id. Ep. 7, 10: aliquid solvere ab aliquo (de aliqua re), to pay out of funds supplied by any one ( out of any fund):

    Quintus laborat ut tibi quod debet ab Egnatio solvat,

    Cic. Att. 7, 18, 4:

    homines dicere, se a me solvere,

    id. ib. 5, 21, 11:

    (summa) erat solvenda de meo,

    Plin. Ep. 2, 4, 2:

    operas solvere alicui,

    to work for somebody, Dig. 40, 7, 39: solvo operam Dianae, I work for Diana, i. e. offer a sacrifice to her, Afran. ap. Non. 12, 21: judicatum solvere, to pay the amount adjudged by the court, for which security (satisdatio) was required:

    stipulatio quae appellatur judicatum solvi,

    Gai. Inst. 4, 90:

    iste postulat ut procurator judicatum solvi satisdaret,

    Cic. Quint. 7, 29; so Dig. 3, 2, 28; 3, 3, 15; 2, 8, 8;

    2, 8, 14 et saep.: auctio solvendis nummis,

    a cash auction, Mart. 14, 35.— Gerund.: solvendo esse, to be solvent; jurid. t. t., to be able to pay, i. e. one's debts; cf.

    in full: nec tamen solvendo aeri alieno respublica esset,

    Liv. 31, 13:

    nemo dubitat solvendo esse eum qui defenditur,

    Dig. 50, 17, 105:

    qui modo solvendo sint,

    Gai. Inst. 1, 3, 121:

    si solvendo sint,

    Paul. Sent. 1, 20, 1:

    nec interest, solvendo sit, necne,

    Dig. 30, 1, 49, § 5; so ib. 46, 1, 10; 46, 1, 27, § 2; 46, 1, 51, §§ 1 and 4; 46, 1, 52, § 1; 46, 1, 28; 50, 17, 198 et saep.: non solvendo esse, to be insolvent:

    solvendo non erat,

    Cic. Att. 13, 10, 3:

    cum solvendo civitates non essent,

    id. Fam. 3, 8, 2:

    tu nec solvendo eras, nec, etc.,

    id. Phil. 2, 2, 4:

    ne videatur non fuisse solvendo,

    id. Off. 2, 22, 79;

    and very freq. in the jurists.—So, trop.: quid matri, quid flebili patriae dabis? Solvendo non es,

    Sen. Oedip. 941; cf.:

    *non esse ad solvendum (i. e. able to pay),

    Vitr. 10, 6 fin.
    To fulfil the duty of burial.
    Justa solvere; with dat. of the person:

    qui nondum omnia paterno funeri justa solvisset,

    who had not yet finished the burial ceremonies of his father, Cic. Rosc. Am. 8, 23:

    justis defunctorum corporibus solutis,

    Curt. 3, 12, 15:

    proinde corpori quam primum justa solvamus,

    id. 10, 6, 7:

    ut justa soluta Remo,

    Ov. F. 5, 452:

    nunc justa nato solve,

    Sen. Hippol. 1245.—
    Exsequias, inferias or suprema solvere:

    exsequiis rite solutis,

    Verg. A. 7, 5:

    cruor sancto solvit inferias viro,

    Sen. Hippol. 1198:

    solvere suprema militibus,

    Tac. A. 1, 61.—
    Votum solvere, to fulfil a vow to the gods.

    vota ea quae numquam solveret nuncupavit,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 4, 11:

    quod si factum esset, votum rite solvi non posse,

    Liv. 31, 9 fin.:

    liberare et se et rempublicam religione votis solvendis,

    id. 40, 44, 8:

    placatis diis votis rite solvendis,

    id. 36, 37 fin.:

    petiit ut votum sibi solvere liceret,

    id. 45, 44:

    animosius a mercatore quam a vectore solvitur votum,

    Sen. Ep. 73, 5:

    vota pro incolumitate solvebantur,

    Tac. A. 2, 69:

    vota pater solvit,

    Ov. M. 9, 707:

    ne votum solvat,

    Mart. 12, 91, 6; 8, 4, 2; Val. Max. 6, 9, 5 ext.; 1, 1, 8 ext. — Poet.:

    voti debita solvere,

    Ov. F. 5, 596; cf.

    the abbrev. formula V. S. L. M. (voTVM SOLVIT LIBENS MERITO),

    Inscr. Orell. 186; 1296 sq.:


    ib. 2022 et saep.:

    sacra solvere (=votum solvere),

    Manil. 1, 427.—
    With dat.:

    ait sese Veneri velle votum solvere,

    Plaut. Rud. prol. 60:

    vota Jovi solvo,

    Ov. M. 7, 652; 8, 153:

    sunt vota soluta deae,

    id. F. 6, 248:

    dis vota solvis,

    Sen. Ben. 5, 19, 4:

    libamenta Veneri solvere (=votum per libamenta),

    Just. 18, 5, 4.—
    Fidem solvere, to fulfil a promise (post-class. for fidem praestare, [p. 1728] exsolvere; cf.:

    fidem obligatam liberare,

    Suet. Claud. 9):

    illi, ut fidem solverent, clipeis obruere,

    Flor. 1, 1, 12;

    similarly: et voti solverat ille fidem (=votum solverat),

    Ov. F. 1, 642; but cf.: itane imprudens? tandem inventa'st causa: solvisti fidem, you have found a pretext to evade your promise (cf. II. A. 3.), Ter. And. 4, 1, 18: esset, quam dederas, morte soluta fides, by my death your promise to marry me would have been cancelled (cf. II. B. 1. 6.), Ov. H. 10, 78; similarly: suam fidem (i. e. quam Lepido habuerit) solutam esse, that his faith in Lepidus was broken, Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 21, 3.—With a different construction: se depositi fide solvere, to acquit one's self of the duty to return property intrusted to him (cf. I. B. 1. c.), Val. Max. 7, 3, 5 ext.: factique fide data munera solvit, he freed the gift already given from the obligation of an accomplished fact, i. e. he revoked the gifts, although already made, Ov. M. 11, 135.—
    Promissum solvere, to fulfil a promise (very rare):

    perinde quasi promissum solvens,

    Val. Max. 9, 6, 1:

    solvitur quod cuique promissum est,

    Sen. Cons. Marc. 20 fin.;

    similarly: solutum, quod juraverant, rebantur,

    what they had promised under oath, Liv. 24, 18, 5.—Hence, sŏlūtus, a, um, P. a., free, loose, at large, unfettered, unbandaged.
    (Acc. to I.A. 1. supra.) Pigeat nostrum erum si eximat aut solutos sinat, Plaut. Capt. 2, 1, 11:

    tibi moram facis quom ego solutus sto,

    id. Ep. 5, 2, 25:

    reus solutus causam dicis, testes vinctos attines,

    id. Truc. 4, 3, 63:

    cum eos vinciret quos secum habebat, te solutum Romam mittebat?

    Cic. Deiot. 7, 22:

    nec quisquam ante Marium solutus dicitur esse sectus,

    unbandaged, id. Tusc. 2, 22, 53:

    duos (captivos) solutos ire ad Hannibalem jussit,

    Liv. 27, 51:

    eum interdiu solutum custodes sequebantur, nocte clausum asservabant,

    id. 24, 45, 10:

    non efficiatis ut solutos verear quos alligatos adduxit,

    Val. Max. 6, 2, 3.—
    (Acc. to I. A. 2.) Of texture, etc.; esp. of soil, loose, friable (opp spissus;

    postAug.): quo solutior terra facilius pateat radicibus,

    Sen. Ep. 90, 21;

    ordeum nisi solutum et siccum locum non patitur,

    Col. 2, 9:

    soluta et facilis terra,

    id. 3, 14;

    solum solutum vel spissum,

    id. 2, 2 init.;

    seri vult raphanus terra soluta, umida,

    Plin. 19, 5, 26, § 83:

    hordeum seri non vult, nisi in sicca et soluta terra,

    id. 18, 7, 18, § 79:

    solutiores ripae,

    Front. Aquaed. 15.—Of plants:

    mas spissior, femina solutior,

    Plin. 25, 9, 57, § 103.—Hence, subst.: sŏlūtum, i, n., a state of looseness:

    dum vult describere, quem ad modum alia torqueantur fila, alia ex molli solutoque ducantur,

    Sen. Ep. 90, 20.—
    (Acc. to I. A. 3.) Rarefied, thin, diffused:

    turbo, quo celsior eo solutior laxiorque est, et ob hoc diffunditur,

    Sen. Q. N. 7, 9, 3:

    aer agitatus a sole calefactusque solutior est,

    id. ib. 1, 2, 10:

    debet aer nec tam spissus esse, nec tam tenuis et solutus, ut, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 2, 11.—
    (Acc. to I. B. 1.) Of speech, unfettered, fluent, ready:

    (orator) solutus in explicandis sententiis,

    Cic. Or. 47, 173:

    verbis solutus satis,

    id. ib. 47, 174:

    solutissimus in dicendo,

    id. ib. 48, 180.—
    Exempt, free from duties, obligations, etc.:

    quam ob rem viderer maximis beneficii vinculis obstrictus, cum liber essem et solutus?

    Cic. Planc. 30, 72:

    soluta (praedia) meliore in causa sunt quam obligata,

    unmortgaged, id. Agr. 3, 2, 9:

    si reddidi (debitum), solutus sum ac liber,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 18, 5;

    non ut gratus, sed ut solutus sim,

    id. ib. 4, 21, 3;

    solutus omni fenore,

    Hor. Epod. 2, 4;

    nam ea (religione) magister equitum solutus ac liber potuerit esse,

    Liv. 8, 32, 5:

    Mamertini soli in omni orbe terrarum vacui, expertes soluti ac liberi fuerunt ab omni sumptu, molestia, munere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 10, § 23.—
    Free from punishment, not punishable, not liable, etc.: qui mancipia vendunt, certiores faciunt emptores quis fugitivus sit, noxave solutus, Edict. Aedil. ap. Dig. 21, 1, 1, § 1; Gell. 4, 2, 1; cf.:

    quod aiunt aediles noxae solutus non sit sic intellegendum est... noxali judicio subjectum non esse,

    Dig. 21, 1, 17, § 17:

    apud quos libido etiam permissam habet et solutam licentiam,

    Cic. Rep. 4, 4, 4:

    omne illud tempus habeat per me solutum ac liberum,

    i. e. let the crimes then committed be unpunished, id. Verr. 2, 1, 12, § 33: antea vacuum id solutumque poena fuerat, Tac. A. 14, 28.—With subj. inf.:

    maxime solutum fuit, prodere de iis, etc.,

    Tac. A. 4, 35: solutum existimatur esse, alteri male dicere, Caecil. ap. Cic. Fam. 6, 7, 3.—
    Free from cares, undistracted:

    animo soluto liberoque,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 75, § 185:

    sed paulo solutiore tamen animo,

    id. ib. 2, 5, 31, § 82.—
    At leisure, free from labor, business, etc.:

    te rogo ut eum solutum, liberum, confectis ejus negotiis a te, quamprimum ad me remittas,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 63, 2:

    quo mea ratio facilior et solutior esse possit,

    id. ib. 3, 5, 1.—With gen.:

    Genium Curabis Cum famulis operum solutis,

    Hor. C. 3, 17, 16.—
    Unbound, relaxed, merry, jovial:

    quam homines soluti ridere non desinant, tristiores autem, etc.,

    Cic. Dom. 39, 104:

    an tu existimas quemquam soluto vultu et hilari oculo mortem contemnere?

    Sen. Ep. 23, 4:


    Stat. Th. 5, 355:

    (mores) naturam sequentium faciles sunt, soluti sunt,

    unembarrassed, Sen. Ep. 122, 17.—
    Free from the rule of others, uncontrolled, independent:

    cum videas civitatis voluntatem solutam, virtutem alligatam,

    Cic. Att. 2, 18, 1:

    ab omni imperio externo soluta in perpetuum Hispania,

    Liv. 29, 1 fin.:

    Masinissae ab imperio Romano solutam libertatem tribuit,

    Val. Max. 7, 2, 6:

    incerti, solutique, et magis sine domino quam in libertate, Vononem in regnum accipiunt,

    Tac. A. 2, 4:

    quorum (militum) libertas solutior erat,

    Just. 13, 2, 2.—Of animals:

    rectore solutos (solis) equos,

    Stat. Th. 1, 219.—
    Free from influence or restraint; hence, independent, unbiassed, unprejudiced:

    nec vero deus ipse alio modo intellegi potest, nisi mens soluta quaedam et libera,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 27, 66;

    cum animi sine ratione motu ipsi suo soluto ac libero incitarentur,

    id. Div. 1, 2, 4:

    judicio senatus soluto et libero,

    id. Phil. 5, 15, 41:

    sum enim ad dignitatem in re publica solutus,

    id. Att. 1, 13, 2:

    libero tempore cum soluta vobis est eligendi optio,

    id. Fin. 1, 10, 33:

    si omnia mihi essent solutissima, tamen in re publica non alius essem atque nunc sum,

    id. Fam. 1, 9, 21:

    liberi enim ad causas solutique veniebant,

    uncommitted, id. Verr. 2, 2, 78, § 192.—
    Free from moral restraint; hence, unbridled, insolent, loose:

    amores soluti et liberi,

    Cic. Rep. 4, 4, 4:


    id. ib. 4, 4, 4:

    populi quamvis soluti ecfrenatique sint,

    id. ib. 1, 34, 53:

    quis erat qui sibi solutam P. Clodii praeturam sine maximo metu proponeret? Solutam autem fore videbatis, nisi esset is consul qui eam auderet possetque constringere,

    id. Mil. 13, 34:

    quominus conspectus, eo solutior erat,

    Liv. 27, 31 fin.:

    adulescentes aliquot quorum, in regno, libido solutior fuerat,

    id. 2, 1, 2:

    solutioris vitae primos adulescentiae annos egisse fertur,

    a licentious life, Val. Max. 2, 6, 1:

    spectandi solutissimum morem corrigere,

    Suet. Aug. 44:

    mores soluti,

    licentious habits, Just. 3, 3, 10.—
    Regardless of rules, careless, loose:

    orator tam solutus et mollis in gestu,

    Cic. Brut. 62, 225:

    dicta factaque ejus solutiora, et quandam sui neglegentiam praeferentia,

    Tac. A. 16, 18.—
    Esp., of style, etc., free from rules of composition.
    Oratio soluta, verba soluta, a free style, conversational or epistolary style:

    est oratio aliqua vincta atque contexta, soluta alia, qualis in sermone et epistulis,

    Quint. 9, 4, 19; 9, 4, 20; 9, 4, 69; 9, 4, 77.—
    More freq.: verba soluta, oratio soluta, prose (opp. to verse);

    in full: scribere conabar verba soluta modis, Ov Tr. 4, 10, 24: quod (Isocrates) verbis solutis numeros primus adjunxerit,

    Cic. Or. 52, 174:

    mollis est enim oratio philosophorum... nec vincta numeris, sed soluta liberius,

    id. ib. 19, 64; 71, 234;

    68, 228: si omnes soluta oratione scripserunt,

    Varr. R. R. 4, 1; de heisce rebus treis libros ad te mittere institui;

    de oratione soluta duos, de poetica unum,

    id. L. L. 6, 11 fin.:

    ut in soluta oratione, sic in poemateis,

    id. ib. 7, 1:

    primus (Isocrates) intellexit. etiam in soluta oratione, dum versum effugeres modum et numerum quemdam debere servari,

    Cic. Brut. 8, 32:

    Aristoteles judicat heroum numerum grandiorem quam desideret soluta oratio,

    id. Or. 57, 192:

    et creticus et paeon quam commodissume putatur in solutam orationem illigari,

    id. ib. 64, 215:

    a modis quibusdam, cantu remoto, soluta esse videatur oratio,

    id. ib. 55, 183; 55, 184; id. de Or. 3, 48, 184: historia est quodammodo carmen solutum, Quint. 10, 1, 31.—
    Also in reference to a prose rhythm, loose, unrhythmical, inharmonious:

    ut verba neque inligata sint, quasi... versus, neque ita soluta ut vagentur,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 44, 176; 3, 48, 186:

    nec vero haec (Callidii verba) soluta nec diffluentia, sed astricta numeris,

    id. Brut. 79, 274:

    orator sic illigat sententiam verbis ut eam numero quodam complectatur et astricto et soluto,

    id. de Or. 3, 44, 175; but: verba soluta suis figuris, words freed from their proper meaning, i.e. metaphors, Manil. 1, 24.—
    Rarely with reference to the thought: soluta oratio, a fragmentary, disconnected style:

    soluta oratio, et e singulis non membris, sed frustis, collata, structura caret,

    Quint. 8, 5, 27; cf. id. 9, 4, 69:

    solutiora componere,

    id. 10, 4, 1; 9, 4, 15.—
    Effeminate, luxurious (acc. to I. B. 3.):

    sinum togae in dextrum umerum reicere, solutum ac delicatum est,

    Quint. 11, 3, 146.—
    Undisciplined, disorderly:

    omnia soluta apud hostes esse,

    Liv. 8, 30, 3:

    nihil temeritate solutum,

    Tac. A. 13, 40:

    apud Achaeos neglecta omnia ac soluta fuere,

    Just. 34, 2, 2.—
    Lax, remiss, weak:

    mea lenitas adhuc si cui solutior visa erat,

    Cic. Cat. 2, 12, 27:

    Ciceronem male audivisse, tamquam solutum et enervem,

    Tac. Or. 18:

    soluti ac fluentes,

    Quint. 1, 2, 8.—Hence:

    solutum genus orationis,

    a lifeless, dull style, Val. Max. 8, 10, 3:

    quanto longius abscederent, eo solutiore cura,

    laxer attention, Liv. 3, 8, 8.—
    (Acc. to II. B. 3. e supra.) Paid, discharged, only as subst.: sŏlūtum, i, n., that which is paid, a discharged debt, in certain phrases:

    aliquid in solutum dare,

    to give something in payment, Dig. 46, 3, 45; 46, 3, 46; 46, 3, 60: in solutum accipere, to accept in payment:

    qui voluntatem bonam in solutum accipit,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 16, 4:

    qui rem in solutum accipit,

    Dig. 42, 4, 15; 12, 1, 19;

    in solutum imputare,

    to charge as payment, Sen. Ep. 8, 10; aliquid pro soluto est, is considered as paid or cancelled:

    pro soluto id in quo creditor accipiendo moram fecit, oportet esse,

    Dig. 46, 3, 72: pro soluto usucapere, to acquire by prescription something given in payment by the debtor, but not belonging to him:

    pro soluto usucapit qui rem debiti causa recepit,

    Dig. 41, 3, 46.— Adv.: sŏlūtē.

    corpora diffusa solute,

    Lucr. 4, 53.—
    Of speech, fluently:

    non refert videre quid dicendum est, nisi id queas solute ac suaviter dicere,

    Cic. Brut. 29, 110:

    ita facile soluteque volvebat sententias,

    id. ib. 81, 280:

    quid ipse compositus alias, et velut eluctantium verborum, solutius promptiusque eloquebatur,

    Tac. A. 4, 31.—
    Irregularly, loosely:

    a fabris neglegentius solutiusque composita,

    Sen. Q. N. 6, 30, 4.—
    Freely, without restraint:

    generaliter puto judicem justum... solutius aequitatem sequi,

    i. e. without strictly regarding the letter of the law, Dig. 11, 7, 14, § 13.—
    Of style, without connection, loosely:


    Quint. 11, 2, 47.—
    Of manners and discipline, disorderly, negligently:

    praecipue sub imperio Cn. Manlii solute ac neglegenter habiti sunt (exercitus),

    Liv. 39, 1, 4:

    in stationibus solute ac neglegenter agentes,

    id. 23, 37, 6.—
    Weakly, tamely, without vigor:

    quod ille tam solute egisset, tam leniter, tam oscitanter,

    Cic. Brut. 80, 277.—
    Of morals, loosely, without restraint:

    ventitabat illuc Nero, quo solutius urbem extra lasciviret,

    Tac. A. 13, 47.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > solvo

  • 19 domus

    dŏmus, ūs and i, 2d and 4th decl., f. [Sanscr. damas, house; Gr. root dem-ô, to build, whence domos, des-potês for demspotês; cf. Germ. Zimmer; Eng. timber, etc.], a house, home (for syn. cf. aedes, casa, domicilium, habitatio; mansio, sedes, tectum, tugurium; aedificium, moles). —Forms of the cases.


    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 206; id. Bacch. 3, 1, 6 al.; Ter. And. 5, 3, 20; id. Eun. 5, 9, 8 al.; Cic. Lael. 27, 103; id. Rep. 1, 43; 3, 9 et saep.—
    Gen., in the comic poets only the ante-class. form domi:

    haud quod tui me neque domi distaedeat,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 5:

    commeminit domi,

    id. Trin. 4, 3, 20; cf.:

    domi focique fac vicissim ut memineris,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 45:

    domi cupio (i.q. cupidus sum),

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 1, 22; acc. to Don. Ter. l. l.: decora domi, Caecil. ap. Don. l. l.: conviva domi, Afran. ap. Non. 337, 23. But since Varro (except as infra, 2.):


    Varr. L. L. 5, § 162 Müll. (twice); Cat. 64, 246; Verg. G. 4, 209; id. A. 1, 356; 4, 318; 645; 6, 27; 53; 81; Hor. C. 4, 12, 6; id. S. 2, 5, 108; Ov. M. 2, 737; Stat. S. 5, 2, 77; Suet. Caes. 81 et saep. The uncontr. form domuis, Varr. ap. Non. 491, 22; and Nigidius, acc. to Gell. 4, 16, 1; the form domos, used by Augustus exclusively, acc. to Suet. Aug. 87 (or domuos, acc. to Ritschl; v. Neue Formenl. 1, 362; cf. SENATVOS from senatus in the S. C. de Bacan.).—


    Cato R. R. 134, 2; 139; 141, 2; Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 13 (ex conj. Lachm.; also Lucr. 5, 1267);

    much more freq. domui,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 112, 8; Quint. 1, 10, 32; 7, 1, 53 Spald. and Zumpt N. cr.; Tac. H. 4, 68; Ov. M. 4, 66; id. Tr. 1, 2, 101; 3, 12, 50; id. Pont. 1, 2, 108; 3, 1, 75.—


    Plaut. Aul. prol. 3; id. Bacch. 3, 3, 54; Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 90; Cic. Rep. 1, 39; 2, 5; 6, 19; 23; 26 et saep.—Apoc. form do = dô (for dôma): endo suam do, Enn. ap. Diom. p. 436 P.; and ap. Aus. Idyll. 12, 18 (Ann. v. 563 ed. Vahl.).—
    Voc.: domus, Enn. ap. Cic. Off. 1, 39, 139; id. ap. Cic. de Or. 3, 26, 102; 3, 58, 217; Nov. ap. Non. 510; Verg. A. 2, 241.—
    Abl., usually domo, Plaut. Aul. 1, 2, 27; id. Curc. 1, 3, 53 et saep.; Ter. Eun. 5, 5, 18; Cic. Rep. 2, 4; id. Off. 1, 39, 139 (four times) et saep.:


    Plaut. Mil. 2, 1, 48; Cic. Phil. 2, 18, 45; id. Verr. 2, 5, 49, § 128; Inscr. Grut. 599, 8; cf. Quint. 1, 6, 5.—
    Nom., only domus, Verg. G. 4, 481; Liv. 3, 32, 2; 42, 1, 10; Suet. Ner. 38.—
    Gen.: domorum ( poet.), Lucr. 1, 354; 489 saep.; Verg. G. 4, 159; id. A. 2, 445;

    usually domuum,

    Plin. 36, 13, 19, § 88; 8, 57, 82, § 221; Tac. A. 3, 24; 6, 45; Juv. 3, 72; Sen. Ep. 122, 9; Dig. 33, 2, 32, § 2 et saep.—
    Dat. and abl., only domibus, Varr. L. L. 5, § 160 Müll.; Caes. B. G. 6, 11, 2; id. B. C. 3, 42 fin.; Quint. 9, 4, 4; Tac. A. 3, 6; id. H. 1, 4; id. G. 46; Verg. G. 2, 443; Hor. C. 1, 22, 22; id. S. 2, 6, 71 et saep.—
    Acc. usually domos, Plaut. Poen. 3, 6, 19; Lucr. 1, 18; 6, 241; Cic. Rep. 1, 13 (twice); Caes. B. G. 1, 30, 3; id. B. C. 3, 82, 4; Sall. C. 12, 3 and 4; Verg. G. 1, 182 et saep. The MSS. often vary between domos and domus; cf. Beier Cic. Off. 2, 18, 64; Drak. Liv. 3, 29, 5; Oud. Suet. Claud. 25; so Verg. A. 1, 140; id. G 4, 446 al. The form domus is certain, Att. ap. Gell. 14, 1, 34; Quadrig. ib. 17, 2, 5; so Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 4, § 7; Liv. 45, 1, 10.—
    Adverbial forms.
    Domi (also domui in good MSS. of Cic. Cat. 2, 6, 13; id. Tusc. 1, 22, 51; id. Mil. 7, 16; id. Att. 12, 25, 1; id. Off. 3, 26, 99; and Auct. Her. 4, 30, 41; 4, 54, 67;

    v. Neue, Formenl. 1, 540),

    at home, in the house, Plaut. Am. 2, 1, 12 et saep; Ter. And. 3, 2, 34 et saep.; Cic. Lael. 1, 2; id. Rep. 1, 13; id. Fin. 5, 15, 42 et saep.; Verg. E. 3, 33; Hor. S. 1, 1, 67; id. Ep. 1, 5, 3 et saep.; cf.

    opp. foris,

    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 33; id. Merc. 3, 4, 2 (twice); Cic. Phil. 2, 11, 26; Sall. C. 52, 21 et saep.:

    meae domi,

    Plaut. Aul. 3, 2, 18; id. Most. 1, 3, 34; id. Mil. 2, 2, 3; Ter. Hec. 2, 2, 15; and in the order domi meae, Cato ap. Charis. p. 101 P.; Plaut. Ep. 4, 1, 36; [p. 610] Cic. Fam. 10, 25 fin.:

    tuae domi,

    id. ib. 4, 7, 4:

    suae domi,

    Plaut. Pers. 4, 3, 43;

    and in the order domi suae,

    Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 50; Cic. Mil. 7; id. Caecin. 4, 10; Quint. 1, 1, 22 al.:

    nostrae domi,

    Plaut. Men. 2, 3, 9; id. Poen. 4, 2, 16; Cic. Tusc. 5, 39;

    and in the order domi nostrae,

    Plaut. Most. 4, 1, 18; Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 2:

    alienae domi,

    id. Tusc. 1, 22, 51; id. Fam. 4, 7, 4; id. Dom. 40, 105:

    domi Caesaris,

    id. Att. 1, 12, 3; 2, 7, 3 Orell. N. cr.:

    istius domi (educatus),

    id. Quint. 5, 21; cf.:

    domi illius (fuisti),

    id. Div. in Caecil. 18, 58; id. Cluent. 60, 165:

    cujus domi fueras,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 42: id. Phil. 2, 14, 35; 2, 19, 48; id. Fam. 9, 3 fin.
    Domum, home, homewards, to the house, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 40 et saep.; Ter. And. 1, 5, 20 et saep.; Cic. Lael. 3, 12; id. Verr. 1, 9, 25; id. Ac. 1, 3 et saep.; Verg. E. 1, 36; 10, 77 et saep.:

    domum meam,

    Cic. Att. 1, 1, 3; id. Fam. 9, 19:

    domum suam,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 31; Cic. Rep. 1, 14; 2, 9; id. Rosc. Am. 18 fin.; Caes. B. G. 2, 10, 4 al.:

    domum regiam (comportant),

    Sall. J. 76 fin.:

    Pomponii domum (venisse),

    Cic. Off. 3, 31, 112:

    domum Roscii,

    id. Rosc. Com. 9, 26:

    cujusdam hominis nobilis domum,

    id. Or. in Toga Cand. p. 521 ed. Orell.:

    domum reditio,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 5:

    domum concursus,

    id. B. C. 1, 53.—When more persons than one are spoken of, the plur. is freq. used:


    Liv. 3, 5; 27, 51; 28, 2; Curt. 9, 8, 1 al.:

    domos nostras,

    Plaut. Poen. 3, 6, 19:

    domos suas,

    Sall. J. 66, 3; and: suas domos, Liv 2, 7; but the sing. also:

    Suebi domum reverti coeperunt,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 54.—Sometimes also with in and acc.:

    rex in domum se recepit,

    Liv. 44, 45:

    in domos atque in tecta refugere,

    id. 26, 10:

    cur non introeo in nostram domum?

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 253; id. Capt. 4, 4, 3:

    venisse in M. Laecae domum,

    Cic. Cat. 1, 4; cf. Caes. B. C. 2, 18, 2; and Suet. Vesp. 5.—
    From home, out of the house, Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 4; id. Stich. 1, 1, 29; id. Trin. 4, 3, 3; id. Mil. 4, 2, 7 et saep.; Ter. Eun. 4, 3, 19; id. Phorm. 4, 1, 20; Cic. Rep. 1, 12; id. Fl. 6, 14; id. Or. 26, 89 et saep.—
    For domi, at home, in the house (rare):

    domo sibi quaerere remedium,

    Cic. Clu. 9, 27:

    haec ubi domo nascuntur,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 8, 2:

    domo se tenere,

    Nep. Epam. 10, 3:

    domo abditus,

    Suet. Caes. 20 tabulae domo asservantur, App. Apol. p. 541.—With in:

    in domo furtum factum ab eo, qui domi fuit,

    Quint. 5, 10, 16:

    rem quam e villa mea surripuit, in domo mea ponat,

    Sen. Const. Sap. 7 med.:

    in domo sua facere mysteria,

    Nep. Alcib. 3 fin.:

    quid illuc clamoris obsecro in nostra domo est?

    Plaut. Cas. 3, 4, 29; id. Ps. 1, 1, 82; Sen. Cons. ad Marc. 26:

    educatus in domo Pericli,

    Nep. Alcib. 2; so,

    in domo ejus,

    id. Lys. 3, 5; Tac. A. 4, 21.—
    In colloq. lang.: domi habere aliquid, to have a thing at home, i. e. to have it about one, to have in abundance, to be provided with it, to have or know it one's self:

    domi habet animum falsiloquum... Domi dolos, domi delenifica facta, domi fallacias,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 36 sq.:

    domi habuit unde disceret,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 59 Ruhnk. In a like sense:

    id quidem domi est,

    Cic. Att. 10, 14, 2; cf. Plaut. Truc. 2, 5, 4: sed quid ego nunc haec ad te, cujus domi nascuntur? glauk eis Athênas, Cic. Fam. 9, 3 fin.
    Poet. transf., any sort of building or abode. So of the labyrinth, Verg. A. 6, 27;

    of a sacred grotto,

    id. ib. 6, 81;

    of the abode of the gods,

    id. ib. 10, 1; 101; Ov. M. 4, 736; 6, 269 al.;

    of the winds,

    Verg. G. 1, 371; Ov. M. 1, 279;

    of animals,

    Verg. G. 2, 209; id. A. 5, 214; Stat. Th. 1, 367;

    of birds,

    Verg. A. 8, 235;

    of Danaë's prison,

    Prop. 2, 20, 12 (3, 13, 12 M.);

    of the tomb: marmorea,

    Tib. 3, 2, 22;

    the same, DOMVS AETERNA,

    Inscr. Orell. 1174; 4525 sq.:


    ib. 4518 (cf. in Heb. for the grave, Eccl. 12, 5); and:


    ib. 4850;

    of the body, as the dwelling of the soul,

    Ov. M. 15, 159; 458 et saep.
    In a wider sense, one's native place, country, home. M. Su. Siculus sum Syracusanus. M. So. Ea domus et patria est mihi, Plaut. Men. 5, 9, 10;

    so (with patria),

    id. Merc. 3, 4, 68; Verg. A. 7, 122; also with patria as an adjective, Plaut. Merc. 5, 1, 2; Ov. M. 11, 269; cf. also Plaut. Mil. 2, 5, 41; Verg. A. 5, 638; Ov. M. 13, 227 al.: domi aetatem agere, opp. patriă procul, Enn. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 6; cf. Plaut. Ps. 4, 7, 75; id. Capt. 2, 1, 3; id. Poen. 5, 2, 6; Caes. B. G. 1, 18, 6; 1, 20, 2; Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 17; id. Q. Fr. 2, 14 fin.; Sall. C. 17, 4; id. J. 8, 1 et saep.:

    legiones reveniunt domum,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 33; so id. ib. 52; Cic. Fam. 7, 5; Caes. B. C. 1, 34, 3; Liv. 23, 20 al.:

    ut (Galli) domo emigrent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 31, 14:

    qui genus? unde domo?

    Verg. A. 8, 114; 10, 183.—Hence, the phrases belli domique, and domi militiaeque, in war and peace, v. bellum and militia;

    and cf.: noster populus in pace et domi imperat... in bello sic paret, ut, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 40.—
    A household, family, race (cf. the Gr. oikos, and the Heb., v. Gesen. Lex. s. h. v. 7):

    domus te nostra tota salutat,

    Cic. Att. 4, 12; id. Fam. 13, 46; Liv. 3, 32; Quint. 7, 1, 53 (twice); Tac. A. 3, 55; id. Agr. 19; Suet. Aug. 25; Verg. A. 1, 284; 3, 97:

    tota domus duo sunt,

    Ov. M. 8, 636; id. F. 4, 544; Hor. C. 1, 6, 8; 3, 6, 26; Vulg. Matt. 10, 6 et saep.—Hence,
    In philos lang., a philosophical school, sect, Cic. Ac. 1, 4; Sen. Ep. 29 fin.; id. Ben. 5, 15.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > domus

  • 20 irredeemable

    1 formal use irremediable
    2 SMALLFINANCE/SMALL irredimible, no amortizable
    irredeemable [.ɪrɪ'di:məbəl] adj
    1) : irredimible (dícese de un bono)
    2) hopeless: irremediable, irreparable
    irredimible adj.
    a) <loss/error> irremediable, irreparable
    b) ( Relig) <sinner/soul> irredimible
    2) ( Fin) <bond/debenture> no amortizable
    ADJ irredimible; (Econ) perpetuo, no amortizable
    * * *
    a) <loss/error> irremediable, irreparable
    b) ( Relig) <sinner/soul> irredimible
    2) ( Fin) <bond/debenture> no amortizable

    English-spanish dictionary > irredeemable

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